Tales Of Love

Chapter 86

Grey drove away with Mira trailing behind. They took several turns and stopped at the foot of a rock. Grey stepped out of the car and turned to circle the rock. But when Mira followed, what she saw was an orchard.

Grey walked in slowly knowing that Mira was behind. There were seats there indicating that people visit there often. He sat and crossed his legs and Mira took the seat beside him.

“This was one of Aurora’s favorite places. She comes here whenever she feels depressed” Grey said as if he was talking to himself.

When they were younger, Aurora and Julian Brabra usually visited the place. This was a quiet, solitary place where lovers can easily meet to spend time together, alone all by themselves.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

But it seems Aurora didn’t come here often before she went to jail. Infact, after her heart break from Julian Brabra she never visits the orchard again. The orchard was owned by an old friend of his mother.

“You want to know where Aurora is, right?” Grey asked without throwing a glancing at Mira. Without waiting to hear her answer, he continued:

“Did you know what happened? Why did Aurora do what you assumed she did and went to prison?” Grey’s voice was becoming hoarse. The pain of Aurora’s horrible experience sent a chill down his spine.

Mira was observing him from her split vision. Grey seems emotionally down, she can tell from his voice. She hoped she hadn’t asked him a question that she will regret later.

“Everything that happened at your grandfather’s birthday party that year was orchestrated by someone you know.

Mum and I were kidnapped and our lives were used to threaten Aurora. At the kidnapper’s instruction, Aurora did what she was told to do in exchange for our release. She went to jail and Suffered torture from the prison warders at your brother’s instruction.

She was then pregnant with your Nephew and niece. Despite mum’s efforts, she couldn’t get to meet your brother to explain to him and we were not allowed to see her.

Days later, we all heard that Aurora had escaped. But no, she didn’t escape, she was rescued. Rescued by her uncle, she got reunited with her family, her biological family” Grey summarized it all for Mira and paused.

He sighed, because that was the beginning of him and Aurora living apart, separated by thousands of kilometers.

Living without Aurora around was a bit difficult for him, but he stilled his heart and had now got used to it.

Mira was in a daze. She didn’t know what to say or think. They already know that Aurora did not poison her mother and Larry Tom’s body was not found which could mean he might not have really died. But knowing that Grey and his mother were kidnapped and Aurora threatened made her palm sweating.

The weather seems extremely cold to her skin all of a Sudden. She remembered she had slapped Aurora several times that day in annoyance that she poisoned her mother.

And to know that she did not have an abortion, those medical reports were merely scam. Grey said she was pregnant with her nephew and niece, meaning Aurora later gave birth to twins?

“I am sorry Grey, I didn’t know all these facts before. We all have misjudged and mistrusted Aurora, especially my brother” Mira pleaded. Her eyes became moist and before she could say ‘Robin’, the tears were running down her cheeks.

Grey glanced at her and saw her tears. He felt his heart soften. Hardly would anyone hear about Aurora’s Suffering and will not shed some tears or be emotionally affected.

“Aurora is not in this country. She’s now Aurora Rowan, the granddaughter of Luke Rowan, ex-president of St Petersburg” Grey explained further.

Mira sprang to her feet hastily;

Grey dropped Mira off at the old manor. Despite his cuddling, Mira hadn’t stopped crying and pleading with him to ask Aurora to forgive her.

When Mira stepped into the manor, it was already dark. Her mother and grandfather were restless. They had tried calling her but she switched the phone off.

Not until Grey called one of the bodyguards at the manor and told him to pick Mira’s Car with the excuse that he was dropping her home personally.

Her eyes were red and swollen. She couldn’t stop crying. Her mother held her and sat her down on the cushion cupping her face in her hands she asked “Mira, why are you crying, what happened to you?

Did that poor thing hurt or bully you? I told you he’s not in your class but you claimed to love him. I will make his life…” Palmer was going to threaten to deal with Grey before Mira interrupted her.

“No mum, is not Grey. It’s Aurora!” Mira declared.

“Aurora? How?, where is she? Has she Suddenly re -appeared just like she disappeared?” Palmer asked, totally Surprised at her daughter’s words. But old man Axel listened intently to his granddaughter without saying anything.

Cleaningher tears, she sniffled before saying “Aurora is in St Petersburg mum, she’s the elegant CEO of the Starlight holding and the granddaughter of the ex-president”.

Palmer had a feeling of inches in her hair and neck all of a Sudden. She doesn’t understand what Mira was saying.

Her grandfather knitted his brow and stared at Mira hoping she would explain in detail.

“You mean the same Aurora Logan that escaped the prison?” Palmer asked her daughter.

How can it be the same Aurora, that poor trash from the orphanage. She can’t possibly have escaped from prison and Suddenly become the CEO of the largest group ever known!.

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