Taken by the Alpha’s Son

Chapter 2

After a few minutes he looks over at me. “Calm down baby. This isn’t the end of the world.”

I scoff. “You mean the end of your world. I am pretty sure I am not making it back from wherever you are taking me.”

He looks away from the road again with a quizzical look on his face. “Really, you think I am going to kill you?”

I’m scared shitless and panicking, still no wolf. “What the hell else am I supposed to think?”

He laughs. Why is he laughing? “I suppose it does look like that doesn’t it?”

I look at where he is heading, he is leaving town. Not that it is a very big town, he could just be headed to the pack house. Although now that I think about it, the pack house is the other direction. “Where are you taking me then?”

He gives me a wink. “Now if I told you then it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

“Is that what this is, some surprise for new pack members? Like hazing or something?” I can handle hazing, throw your best at me, I can take it. It’s not like my old pack held back when doing the same crap. As long as I’m not on my way to my death, I can take it.

“No, this is special just for you.” His voice deepens, almost like he is lost in hunger. It seems his wolf is showing himself a little bit.

I get quiet. I don’t like the way his wolf is talking to me. This whole situation is fucked up. I don’t know where he is taking me, why he’s taking me, or if I will even make it back. I stay silent trying to watch the roads for any signs as to where I am going. After about five minutes he pulls to the side of the road. I look around and I see nothing. Is he just leaving me in the middle of nowhere? I guess that would make sense. Although I could just shift and run back.

He shifts the truck into park and then reaches into the backseat. He rummages for a couple of minutes then comes back with a thick black cloth. Shit he is prepared. “I am going to put this over your eyes. I don’t want you seeing where we are going and then running back too soon, that would ruin all the fun.” He wiggles his eyebrows and grins at me. That is the last sight I see as he covers my eyes with the cloth, tying it behind my head. Now everything is dark. I can’t see shit.

I try to use my other senses. I sniff the air to see if I can tell that way where we are. The bastard turns the A/C on so my sense of smell is pretty useless with the windows rolled up. He starts moving the truck again. I try to feel the way the truck moves to tell where we are going, but it is difficult, he doesn’t take many big turns.

“It’s too quiet, let’s play a game.” He really is crazy. He is kidnapping me and he thinks I want to play a game.

“What kind of game? I am pretty limited. Please don’t say we are going to play I spy because I am afraid you are going to win.” I am a smart ass. I can’t help it.

“Don’t be silly. We are going to play a game of truth. We will take turns asking each other questions, and we both have to answer honestly. Easy peasy. If you don’t answer though, there are consequences.”

“What kind of consequences?”

His voice definitely has a tone of amusement. “I am going to kiss you for every question that you don’t answer.”

“Why the hell would you want to do that? Plus it would be very dangerous while you are driving.” I can tell he is distracting me, if he keeps talking to me it distracts from my other senses.

“Then I guess you better answer the questions. Alright first question, how many people have you kissed?” Yeah, he thinks it is so damn funny.

“None, happy now.” I scoff.

“I don’t believe you. No way you have never kissed anyone at nineteen. I think I am going to have to kiss you for that answer.” Then I feel his lips on mine. It is quick and not that big of a deal, but still I don’t like it. Or maybe I do and it’s pissing me off. I haven’t decided yet.

“I told the truth. You are breaking the rules. Your rules I might add.”

“My bad. Your turn.” He is definitely amused.

“Do you kidnap people often?” I speak in my most sarcastic voice I can muster.

“Oh, no, you are special.” He chuckles a little.

“Yeah, I don’t believe you. You have a hook in your center console, a blind fold in the backseat of your truck, and zip ties in the glove box. You were definitely prepared.”

His voice turns serious. “Actually all logical explanations. The hook is for my dog’s leash. He likes to jump around when I drive. The zip ties are from a project I was doing for my dad. The blind fold is actually one of my shirts. I am just the Macgyver of kidnapping.”

“You have a dog?” This doesn’t sound right. Wolves don’t keep dogs.

“Yeah, I know it’s not typical but I like him. I found him one day out in the woods. He was an abandoned puppy. The rest of his litter was killed off, I guess I felt bad and took him in. He’s a good dog, doesn’t give me trouble. Now my question. How long until you turn twenty?” Why does he want to know?

“Two months. Does it really matter?” I mutter that last part.

“Of course it matters. I need to know how long before your mate comes sniffing around for you. So technically that was your question.”

“You’re just making up these rules as you go aren’t you?” I can’t even glare at him because I am blind folded.

“Maybe, Ok, so my question. Why do you wear those clothes?” I can hear the distaste for my clothes in his voice.

“Whatever do you mean? What is wrong with my clothes?” I put on my sweet innocent voice. Completely fake. It’s not the first time that someone has brought up my clothes.

“They look like crap. They don’t fit you for one. Nothing on your body is visible. You just don’t look good.” There is a little bit of contempt in his voice.

“Then they are doing their job. They cover my body and I don’t have to worry about pervs trying to check me out every thirty seconds. I see nothing wrong with my clothes.” Again I try to focus on the road, it seems like we are just going straight. This is so irritating. Hell for all I know he parked and is just trying to make me think that we are moving. If it wasn’t for the fact that I didn’t hear the gear shifter shift into park or the feeling of inertia, I would have thought that was what happened.

“I don’t get that at all. Alright, baby your question.” There is still that humor.

“Why are you a jackass?” I try to keep my anger in check, but I am being kidnapped so it doesn’t really stay in check.

“It would seem you are the only one that thinks I am one. So I guess you just brought it out of me.” I can hear him smirking. Damn cocky asshole.

“Well, I think the fact that you kidnapped me was kind of a deciding factor in that. Maybe if you didn’t we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

“Wouldn’t that be a shame. I feel like we are really bonding.” He chuckles. “Next question. What do you look for in a man?” God please kill me now.

“I don’t look for men, so there is nothing to look for in a man.” I wish I could at least look out the window. This game is so stupid.

“I don’t think that is true. You know what that means.” His lips touch mine again. I pull away as soon as they make contact. “Now, that is not how this works. You have to let me kiss you.” He grumbles a little.

“I told the truth, you don’t get a kiss for that.” I stand my ground. “Plus you shouldn’t be kissing anyone while you are driving, that is a distraction. We could die.”

“I doubt it. Besides that’s the consequences. You have to pay up.”

“I told the truth.” I counter.

“I don’t think you did.” He is enjoying this way too much.

“How is that something that I can prove I am telling the truth?”

“Are you gay?”

“No, I am not gay.”

“Then you have a type of man. What is it?”

“You are such a pain in the ass. Fine, light hair, dark eyes.” I just answered the exact opposite of him.

“You are lying.” I feel the truck pull to the side of the road and hear the wheels hit gravel. Then the truck is shifted into park. “So, you know what that means.” It’s a statement not a question.

“You don’t believe me when I tell the truth, and you don’t believe me when I lie. What do you believe?” I feel his hands grab the sides of my face, I am assuming so I can’t move. Then his lips meet mine. This isn’t as short a kiss as last time. He lingers. I feel a zing coming from him. Maybe because it feels like my first real kiss, but I kind of enjoy it. Then there is the part that hates being forced into this.

“That’s a good girl.” He purrs. Soon his hands are gone and the only thing that is left is the cold, the absence of his body heat on my face. “Now to answer your question.” He shifts back into the drive and I feel the truck go back onto the road. “I believe in a great deal of things. I just find it hard to believe that a woman as attractive as you and in your prime wouldn’t have kissed before, or that you don’t want a man. Maybe not right now, but I am sure you have someone in mind. Every wolf I have ever met has some qualities in mind that they would like their mate to have. So you have to have something.”

“I gave you something and you didn’t believe me.” I counter.

“Yeah, because you just said the exact opposite of me. I am not dumb you know.” He laughs. “So you want to answer the question?”

“Fine, I like blue eyes. Happy now?” It’s true. I like green eyes too, but I figure he only needs one thing.

“Maybe a little. Go ahead and ask the next question.”

“When will we get there? I am done with this game.” I huff in anger.

“We will get there when we get there. And we are not done with the game.” He says in a singsong voice. He is having way too much fun.

“That really isn’t an answer to my question.” I point out.

Then the truck pulls off the road again. I hear it shift into park again. “You’re right. I didn’t answer. I guess that means I have to face the consequences.” He is smirking again. I can just hear it in his smug voice.

“You’re going to let me go.” I brighten. We really didn’t discuss what the consequences were if he didn’t answer.

“No, now I have to let you kiss me. Don’t be ridiculous.”

“But I don’t want to kiss you.” I counter. How is that a consequence? It is just the same thing. He is still kissing me.

“Oh, well, I guess I will have to suffer through.” His hands are on my face again. I feel the heat from his breath on my face. “I want you to open up for me this time, can you do that baby?” I shake my head. There is no way I am doing that. “You’re going to do it at some point, might as well get it over with.” I shake my head again. Not happening. “Baby, do it for me.” This voice gives a command.C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

“I can’t.” I shake my head again.

His left hand caresses my cheek. “Sure you can, baby. Really kiss me, I want a full kiss.”

“W-why?” I stammer out.

“Why not?” He whispers against my lips. Lightly brushing his lips against mine. Shit he knows what he is doing. On instinct I open my lips. He takes his chance and smashes his lips with mine. His tongue quickly slid into my mouth. I hear a moan, it takes me a second to realize that it is mine. He deepens the kiss. Removing his right hand from my face I feel it glide along my waist, pulling me closer. As close as he can while I am still buckled.

This is bad, very bad. What the hell am I doing? This is the future Alpha for crying out loud. He kidnapped me. Why isn’t my wolf protesting? Why am I not protesting? When he pulls away from me, I find myself wanting more. There is something wrong with me.

“That’s a good girl.” He whispers. Then his hands leave my body. “Well, I better get us there. Should probably hold off on the game for a bit. Or we will never get there.” He chuckles. At least someone found humor in this.

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