Taken by the Alpha’s Son

Chapter 13


I should have insisted he mark me. Maybe they wouldn’t want me then. I am shaking when I open that door. I insisted that Ethan lock the door behind me. I am not sacrificing myself to let them just get him. I am rushed as I step out on the porch. Two men I have never seen before in my life come up on each side, grabbing me. “Not sure why you are so important, but you sure are a pretty thing.” I cringe. This guy has bad breath, crooked teeth and greasy hair. I swear he is the grossest guy I have ever met.

“Hey, the second said to take her untouched.” The second guy hisses. At least he is better looking. Not that I care, but he doesn’t look like he just escaped from prison. He’s at least clean.

They both drag me off. Literally my feet don’t touch the ground. I try to reach my hand into my hoodie pocket but they have a firm grip on both my arms. Eventually the greasy one lets me go to lead the way. I am able to drop my first clue. I start to leave my blood trail. The woods start to thin, and I see a waiting SUV. I don’t know how long we have been walking but it has been a while. I still have strips though.

My hopes are dashed when we reach the truck, they could take me anywhere from here. It will be so much harder to track. I mean the phone between my legs shouldn’t make it too difficult but if they have a jammer wherever they are taking me then it will mean nothing.

Only when we reach the truck I am shoved in the back and I am shoved into someone’s lap. I try to catch my balance, but fumble and am sprawled. I hear a chuckle from the male who is currently under my hands. Not a good position. “You know I expected you to be thrilled, but this might be a little over excited.”

I know that voice. That’s not possible. He’s dead. I am frozen in shock. I finally managed to look up into his face. Oh, my Goddess. No, this is impossible. It explains why they wanted me instead of him. “Connor?”

“I am so glad I found you Mads.”

“Connor, what are you doing here? You were supposed to be dead.”

“Do you want me to be dead?” He chuckles a little. He knows I don’t want him to be dead. “I am bringing you back to your pack.”

“Connor, what is going on?”

“We have a new Alpha. Those of us that managed to escape the tyrant that took over our pack. When the Alpha’s son took off with what was left of our pack, we ran into another wolf who was stronger. He challenged the Alpha’s son and took us over. We are with him now. A new Alpha who wants to get us our land back.”

“He isn’t a tyrant. I met him. He isn’t that bad a guy. Our old Alpha was a stupid ass that challenged an Alpha that was way stronger than him.”

I have managed to sit up and the truck is now moving down the road.

“Really, that’s why I found you in a remote cabin locked in with his son, like some slave?”

“I am not a slave. I could have left at any time. Ethan was not holding me prisoner.” Ok, so at first he was. I’m not counting that, because I wanted to be there.

“OH, Ethan is it? Did you like sleeping with him?” Anger is radiating from him. I can feel it.Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

“Connor, why are you doing this?”

“I told you, I am taking you where you belong. That fucker better have enjoyed his good time, because he is never touching my mate again.”

“Connor, I am not your mate.”

“Mads, don’t argue with me. I am on edge enough as it is right now. All I smell is him all over you. Your only saving grace is that you thought I was dead.”

“How are you not dead?”

“I left with the Alpha’s son. Then we were presented with a new Alpha, we have no lands as of yet, but that is going to change real soon.”

“Do you hear yourself? If you are planning on attacking Alpha Thomas then you are insane. They destroyed us when we were at our top. They would kill everyone left if you attack now. Not that he would want to, he really is a good man. You have to listen to me Connor.”

His gaze hardens on me. “You would defend them? What the hell happened to you while I was gone?”

“Nothing. Connor, this isn’t going to fix anything. It’s going to make it worse.”

He grabs the back of my head, gripping my hair. “Did you fuck him?”

I don’t know who this person is, it’s not Connor. Not my friend, he would never hurt me. “Connor, it’s me. Stop.”

His grip tightens. “Did you fuck him?” He growls the question.

I whimper in pain. “Yes.”

He pushes me back. “Fuck Mad. What happened to waiting for your mate? That’s why you made me wait.”

I look away from him. “I have decided to let him be my chosen mate.”

He grabs my hair again, pulling me back to him. “Over my dead body. You are my mate.”

“Connor, what happened to you? This isn’t you.”

His face comes closer to mine. “My mate was just fucking someone else, how the fuck do you think I feel?”

“I am not your mate Connor.”

His grip on my hair gets tighter. “Yes, you are. If you utter those words again I will kill your lover. Is that understood?”

“Yes,” the words come out as a whimper. I don’t know who this guy is, but it isn’t Connor. Connor wouldn’t hurt me, he wouldn’t kill anyone, not if he had a choice.

He kisses my cheek. “Good girl. You will have a chance to fix this little mistake of yours. As soon as we get to camp you are going to wash that disgusting scent off you. Then you are going to sleep for a little while. You look exhausted.” His hand lessened his grip but he pulled my head to his chest. Holding me close. “Everything is going to be fine now. I’m going to fix us. Fix all this. No matter what it takes.”

He holds me like that as we travel over back roads. I decided to try to get information, that way I know what I am getting into. “How did you find the cabin?”

“A spy had put a tracker on his truck last night when he went to the pack house. We just had to wait for him to be alone. Turns out he wasn’t even living at the pack house. Now we know why. He wanted to keep you all to himself.”

“Who is this new Alpha?”

“You’ll meet him when we get there. I already linked him. I had to make a call when I found your scent at that cabin. Thankfully I didn’t piss him off. He seemed pleased with the call.”

“So you are a lap dog?”

“Watch your mouth Mads. I am not too happy with you at the moment.”


“Don’t be sorry Mads. We are going to fix this.”

“Do you have a lot of spies?”

“No, just a few. It paid off last night that is for sure. Now the Alpha’s son can’t hide from our forces. That cabin can keep us off for a while, but not long. I am sure he is going to be headed to the pack house now.”

“I am sure he is. At least that is what I told him to do.”

He looks down at me. “Don’t tell me that you feel for that dick.”

“No.” I am lying and he knows it, but I can tell that he doesn’t want to hear the truth.

He pulls me closer. “I missed you, Mads. I thought it was going to take longer to find you. I am so glad that the goddess led me to you.”

“I did miss you too Connor.” That is the truth. I did miss him. Not this guy, but him.

“We will never be separated again.”

I kept quiet for a while. I didn’t know what else to ask. I can’t get too into details because then he will know I am fishing.

When the SUV comes to a stop I stiffen. I don’t know what the hell I am walking into. Connor pulls me out his door. He keeps my arm tight in his grip. I’m not sure if he is worried that I am going to run or if he is trying to affirm that he is in charge of me. That I am in his custody.

However when we move to the front of the SUV I know that I am screwed. “Justin.” I glare at him.

He smiles at me. “Hey there Madison. He didn’t seem to get around to marking you. It seems it is my lucky day.”

Connor pulls me closer. “I told you that she was my mate.”

Justin just laughs. “It would seem that sentiment is going around. I was told the same thing last night. Only it was Ethan that said it. How is Ethan by the way? I assume he was left well.”

“We left him.” Connor grumbles.

“Good, I know losing this little vixen will drive him a little insane. Now, Connor put her in my cabin.”

Connor growls. “No. She goes to my cabin.”

Justin waves him off. “Don’t be silly, you have other duties. How are you going to watch her? I can keep an eye on her better. Put her in my cabin.”

Connor growls again. “All due respect Alpha, but I don’t think so. I don’t like the way you talk about my mate.”

I grit my teeth. “How about you two just fight it out? Or better yet, I seem to be causing a division. I could just leave.”

Justin laughs. “You are funny. I like this side of you. Last night you were all docile and political. I like this fire. You should show it off more often.”

“Oh, you have no idea.” I glare at him.

He looks at Connor. “As your Alpha, I command you to put the prisoner in my cabin.”

Connor turns and bares his neck. “Yes, Alpha.”

I can’t believe I just heard that. Connor is going to hand me over to this psycho. He starts dragging me towards the back of the camp. I am assuming it is Justin’s cabin. That is absolutely the last place I want to be. “Connor, what the hell? This is your Alpha. What the hell are you thinking? He is crazy.”

“Shut up Mads. You just remember who you belong to. I will mark you the first chance that I get. I will keep you safe. You have my word.”

That is not comforting. My wolf is on edge. Trying to find a way to fight our way out of this. But as I look around, I see way too many guards for me to fight through alone. So even though I fight it, I know I am going in that cabin. Two other men help Connor pull me inside. It is a one room thing. Not much to see. A bed, a table with a couple of chairs, a dresser and a bathroom. That is it. Ethan’s cabin is a hundred times better.

“Tie her down.” Justin’s voice calls from the doorway. “To the pillar. Standing. She needs to be weakened.”

Connor growls. “No she doesn’t. She needs to be claimed. As soon as I claim her, she will follow directions. Just let me take her back to my cabin.”

Justin finally growls back. “Don’t defy me again Connor. Follow orders. This wolf has to be broken. You don’t have the heart for it. Now tie her down.”

I can feel the tears starting to slide from my eyes. Connor may think he is doing the right thing, but he is doing the absolute worst thing in the world for me. One of the guards that brought me in started tying my hands around this pillar that is at the end of the bed. Another ties my legs as well. I am forced to stand. The pillar is wide enough that my grip is tight and my face has to rest against the wood.

“Now leave us.”

I can sense that Connor hesitates, but the other guards follow with no problem. Connor leaves after a minute. I am sure he is contemplating if he did the right thing, he isn’t.

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