Surrender To Me

Chapter 12

I give a quick shake of my head, and even manage to give Carmen a smile. I like her a lot more now that I know Luc isn’t interested in her. She smiles back, even if it doesn’t reach her eyes, and leaves to go and prepare our meals.

We sit around the table, and I’m expecting cafeteria-style food, but Carmen sets down three plates that look absolutely mouthwatering. My steak is cooked to perfection, and I’ve also been given a baked potato and a mix of steamed vegetables. She tops off our sodas and sets a glass of red wine down in front of Luc.

“Wow,” I say after my first bite. “This is delicious.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Luc says, cutting into his own steak.

His manners are impeccable, and I can’t help staring a bit at how gracefully he cuts his steak and brings the fork to his mouth. He has full, kissable lips, and I want to lick the steak juice right off them. What the hell is the matter with me? I know I’m horny. Hell, I’m busting at the seams with lust, but this is getting downright absurd. I’m starting to fear for his safety. What if I reach the point where I just can’t control myself and I jump him? Most importantly, why in the fuck didn’t I take the time to get myself off before they arrived to pick me up? I’d been so busy packing, but cumming would have certainly taken the edge off things.

I focus all my energy on the food and end up eating every damn thing.

Luc eyes my empty plate with a grin on his face. “Dessert?”

Annette answers before I can. “Yes! Did you remember the chocolate mousse?”

He laughs and says, “Of course. How could I ever forget?”

Turning to me, he gestures toward Annette with his wine glass. “When she was little, all she wanted to eat was chocolate mousse. I forgot to make sure it was on the flight.” He lets out another deep chuckle. “I swear she cried the whole damn way.”

“I did not!” Annette says, laughing.

“Oh, I think you did. I should know, I’m the one who held you and tried to console you for eight straight hours.” He looks at me, and his eyes are bright with laughter. “Needless to say, I’ve never forgotten the mousse again.”

“Mousse does sound good,” I admit, still trying to sate my sexual desire with food.

As if on cue, Carmen comes out and clears our table before setting our desserts down. The mousse is served in pretty glasses with whipped cream and extra chocolate drizzled on top. I swallow a big spoonful of it and can’t help but moan in appreciation. I sense Luc’s body still beside me and see his grip tighten on his spoon.

Maybe all my hormones have finally gone to my head, but something comes over me. I want to know if his reaction is because of me. Could my moan have done that to him? With Annette sidetracked by something on her phone, I let out another moan as I wrap my lips around the spoon, slowly pulling it out before turning to look at him. The heat in his eyes almost makes me drop my spoon. There’s no denying it, not when I’m looking at the proof of it just a few inches away from me. His eyes lock on my lips as I lick them clean, and as if I’ve been possessed by some bold, lusty demoness, I bring my hand under the table and rest it on his thigh.

His eyes widen, but he doesn’t say anything, and, most importantly, he doesn’t push my hand away. I’m fully aware that I have no idea what the hell I’m doing, but I know I don’t want to stop. Taking another bite so I don’t look too suspicious to Annette, I very slowly slide my hand up his thigh, and when my hand hits something very big and very hard, my spoon drops, landing on the table with a loud rattle. Swallowing the mousse too quickly, I start coughing and want to just slide under the table and disappear.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I jerk my hand away, feeling my face heat up as Luc’s deep laugh rolls over me. Annette looks up to see what all the fuss is about, but I just give her a sheepish smile and pick my spoon back up, coughing a few more times before I get it under control.

“Are you okay?” Luc asks, his voice is low and sexy and not helping me to calm down at all. “Was that a bigger mouthful than you were expecting?”

“Yes, way bigger,” I admit because, fuck yes, it is. I had no idea dicks could even get that big!

His deep laugh at my answer is like a jolt straight to my pussy. My god, how in the hell am I going to survive this trip? I manage to not make another scene and finish my dessert with my hands on the table, safely away from Luc’s enormous cock.

I’m feeling pretty proud of my restraint when Annette stretches and says, “Do you guys mind if I take the bed? I can never get comfortable on these chairs, and you know how grumpy I am if I don’t get my sleep.”

I laugh because grumpy is putting it nicely. It’s not until she grabs her bag and heads off to the bedroom, firmly shutting the door behind her, that I realize what this means. I’m going to be sleeping mere inches from Luc. To hide my embarrassment, I grab my bag and slip into the bathroom.

The bathroom on this jet is nicer than any hotel bathroom I’ve ever been in, so I take my time. I shower, marveling at the fact that I’m showering while lifted thousands of feet above the earth. When I’m done, I decide to sleep in yoga pants and an old graphic tee. Not too revealing, but form fitting enough to still give him something to look at. If he wants to look, that is. I’m still not sure exactly what he’s thinking. Just because he was hard doesn’t mean he’s in love with me, I remind myself as I brush my teeth.

I walk back out to my seat and see Luc sitting in the same one he was in earlier, the one connected to mine. He’s relaxed with one ankle propped over his knee, a book in one hand and a small, round glass filled with amber liquid in the other. He gives me a warm smile when he sees me before running his eyes over my body. My nipples immediately harden under his gaze, and I watch as his hand tightens around his glass when he notices.

Sinking down into my chair, I smile when he sets his book aside and grabs the blanket he’s already gotten for me from one of the other seats and hands it to me.

“Thank you,” I say, making myself cozy.

“Try and get some sleep.” He takes a drink of the amber liquid and gives me a smile that has my nice clean panties already soaked. “I hope you have pleasant dreams.”

I recline the chair a bit and cuddle up on my side so I can fall asleep looking at him. I smile when he adjusts my blanket so I’m more fully covered and gives my knee a pat. When he starts to take his hand away, I say a quick, “No,” without thinking.

He lifts a dark eyebrow at me but doesn’t move his hand.

“Can you just keep it there while I fall asleep, please?”

I can’t stand the idea of him not touching some part of me. The idea of it is like a physical ache. I know it’s crazy, and I know I’ve no right to ask, but I need this contact, even if it is over a blanket.

“Of course,” he finally says, giving my leg a gentle squeeze.

“Goodnight, Natalie.”

“Goodnight, Luc,” I say, my eyes already growing heavy.

I want to stay awake just so I can watch him and because I don’t want to miss a minute of being with him, but I’m so exhausted, and I can’t fight it any longer. I fall into a deep sleep filled with the most vivid sex dream of my life.

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