Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


Before long, she felt herself relaxing, and nodded, both men slowly starting to fuck her.

“That’s… ooo… that’s nice,” she said. Glancing over, she saw Duncan leaving the room, smiling as she figured that he was heading to get a blowjob from Mystery Girl. She’d have to tell him about the big step she took later on.



He sighed in mild irritation, taking the steps and heading past Ed getting his cock sucked at the gloryhole, and getting some water from the bar.

Kelly had had anal sex and hadn’t even let him know that she was thinking about it! He didn’t know what was going on with her lately, but now it was clear that he should definitely talk to her. Anal wasn’t something he’d ever even attempted to ask her for, figuring that with his girth and her tiny frame it was just out of the question.

Still, he hadn’t expected to look over after Heidi had climbed off of him and see his wife getting her ass fucked by one of his longtime friends while another was in her pussy. He was shocked but forced himself to conceal it and even gave Heidi a kiss before he stood and left.

It wasn’t that he was mad, it was just… odd. Maybe things were getting too out of control.

He sighed, shaking his head as he realized what he was doing.

“No,” he said quietly. He wasn’t going to ruin his night by overthinking things. Turning, he saw Ed gently groaning and thrusting against the door to the gloryhole. Grabbing another bottle of water, he walked over and Ed looked over at him weakly.

“She’s a fuckin’ succubus,” he groaned.

There was an emphatic but muffled moan of pleasure from inside the room and Duncan couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Good?” he asked.

“God… this is the best blowjob I’ve ever had by a goddamn mile,” Ed groaned. “I came really quickly when you guys went downstairs, and she just hasn’t fucking stopped. She’s about to make me cum the second time,” he groaned, gently banging his head on the door. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop letting her suck my dick.”

Duncan grinned, eager to give the Mystery Girl a try.

“Well damn, Ed, don’t let her kill you,” Duncan chuckled, and he heard another emphatic moan from inside the room.

“Jesus,” Ed groaned. “There…” he said, his eyes rolling back in his head and his mouth opening wide. “GUH!” he cried out loudly. “FUCK!”

Between Ed’s loud cries of pleasure, Duncan could hear the sounds of Mystery Girl enjoying herself, emphatic moans follow by thick sounding swallows.

“UHH… MAH… GUH…” Ed croaked out, still thrusting weakly against the door.

Mystery Girl’s moans of pleasure slowed, and he staggered back, his cock looking clean as it withdrew from the slot. Duncan caught him by the shoulder, and Ed swayed for a second, collecting himself before he stumbled downstairs.

The last thing he heard before the door to the red room closed was Ed calling out, “Good lord, boys.”

Duncan chuckled. “Hey, Mystery Girl,” he said. A delicate hand emerged from the slot and waved.

“I brought an extra bottle of water if you need it,” he said, and heard a single knock for “yes” from the girl.

Her hand emerged again and took the bottle, then a few seconds later emerged a third time after he’d heard her take a long swallow and gave him a thumbs up. The thumbs up then turned into an upturned palm, a single finger beckoned, indicating that she wanted him to come there.

He smiled, sliding over and lifting his mostly flaccid cock up to let it fall through the slot. Her hands immediately closed over it as her lips kissed along the outside. Seconds later, her lips enveloped the head and sucked hard, her hands starting to stroke. In no time at all, he was erect, finding the prospect of getting a matchless blowjob from her highly arousing.

“I was wondering if you were going to show up,” a familiar voice said from the hole. “Are you going to keep my secret?” she asked.

Duncan grinned. “Definitely,” he replied, having suspected who it was in the closet when Kara had announced her existence. “Sam.”

She giggled from within, and he sighed in happiness as she took his cock back into her mouth, her magical lips and tongue already working miracles of pleasure along the tortured flesh of his cock. This… was going to be incredible.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.


Saturday night…

Mystery-Girl’s warm, wet throat enclosed around the majority of his lengthy shaft sent shivers down his entire body as he groaned and beat his head weakly against the door. The head of his cock was buried deep inside her mouth as it sprayed its gooey contents again and again. Incredibly, it seemed like her lips plunged deeper with each convulsive explosion of cum she swallowed. Her wet throat muscles constricted around the rock-hard flesh of his cock, her encouraging, emphatic moans punctuating the unbelievable orgasm she was inflicting on him.

Finally, her moans grew more hurried, and his cock was suddenly free from the confines of her throat. Gingerly withdrawing his spent cock, he steadied himself for a moment before kneeling and looking in through the slot.

The gorgeous blonde he knew as Sam, though she was “Mystery-Girl” to the others, was leaning back and to the side on the chair she had in the room with her. Her hand was between her legs, her face contorted in pleasure as she rode the wave of her orgasm. He could see her tongue working the remnants of his load from her lips, pulling it into her mouth as she grunted several times in a low tone.

Watching in appreciation of the incredibly sexy sight, he watched as she finished having her orgasm. Shaking her head and taking a deep breath, her eyes briefly went wide, and she leaned back up quickly to the hole.

“You okay?” he asked, smiling in through the small opening at her.

Flashing him a pretty smile and nodding, she winked and held her finger to her lips playfully. Then, she licked her lips, drawing more of the remnant cum into her mouth and moaning in pleasure as she swallowed it down.

She looked back at him. “Got another for me?” she asked and flashed him a wickedly arousing grin.

Laughing, he sighed before looking back in at her. “You have no idea how much I want to take you up on that.”

She raised an eyebrow and slowly leaned forward, opening her mouth as it got close to the hole.

“Well now I just have to put it in there,” he said, eliciting a chuckle as he stood.

“I think we both know you’ll enjoy what happens to it in here,” the lips in the gloryhole told him.

Moving back into position, he pushed his now semi-erect cock through the hole, her mouth instantly encasing it in a warm, wet tomb. Her tongue swirled around the head and he thrust gently forward, eliciting a giggle as she sucked and took a healthy bit of his considerable length inside.

“God, you’re so good at that,” he sighed.

She didn’t respond though, and he knew then that it was because she truly loved giving blowjobs. It was easy to see that she was good at it, but it wasn’t every day that you found a woman that actually loved doing it.

He could see that it wasn’t going to happen for him anytime soon, but that didn’t stop him from enjoying the unmatched feeling of her lips, tongue, and throat caressing the flesh of his cock. Tossing a brief nod to Mike as he passed by on his way to the bathroom, Duncan silently wished he could coax her out of the box and down to where it was more comfortable. After several long minutes, he gently slid his cock free of her seemingly insatiable mouth and knelt again, peering into the hole.

“I’d love to stay here and just keep your mouth filled with my dick all night, but I better get back down there to check on my wife and girlfriend.”

She frowned. “I certainly wouldn’t mind you keeping it here,” she said provocatively, a single finger sliding between her lips, her teeth biting down gently on the tip as her lips curled up in a playful smile. Backing up a bit from the hole, she giggled and tossed her hair. Running a hand through it, she looked back up at him with a slight blush caressing her cheeks.

A thought occurred to him then, and he looked in again. “Do you want me to put a note up here for guys to clean their equipment before putting it in the hole? I don’t know if you prefer them to be clean or even if you care…”

“If they still have your wife’s pussy on them?” she finished provocatively.

He grinned and nodded. “Exactly. I figure that you’re here because you love sucking dick and didn’t expect to have… well… the pussy flavored variety.”

She giggled and shrugged. “Actually, it doesn’t bother me. Though, if you think about it, it’s really pretty kinky. I mean, doesn’t it turn you on to think of sweet, innocent, naive little ole me sucking a cock and then being surprised that it tastes like pussy?”

Duncan groaned again, leaning his head to the door and having to take a moment.

“Gotta load for me yet?” she asked with a laugh.

“I imagine I’ll have to come back if those other women don’t drain me dry down there,” he said, looking back through the hole again.

“I guess if you have to take it away from me, I’ll let you. Don’t forget about me if you feel the need, though.”

“‘Mystery-Girl’… I don’t think I could forget you if I tried,” he said with a wink. “You need anything before I let someone else up here to have a turn?”

She shook her head, a content smile on her face. “Another load from you maybe?”

He laughed, but then heard Mike leaving the bathroom and grinned. “Next customer,” he said quietly, then stood and stepped back as she slid the panel back in place.

“Hey man,” Mike said. “Ed said that the rest of us have got to give this ‘Mystery-Girl’ a go. How is it?”

“Best damn blowjob I’ve ever had,” Duncan said with a grin. He heard the giggle from “Mystery-Girl”, sitting in the gloryhole closet, and gestured for Mike to step up to have a turn as he stepped back a bit.

“So… just knock?” Mike asked, getting a nod from Duncan in response.

He smirked and did so, gently rapping two knuckles on the door. The panel slid aside immediately, and Mystery-Girl’s delicate hand appeared, her fingers wiggling for Mike to bring her what she wanted. Offering Duncan a cautious smile, he stepped up and lifted his mostly flaccid cock into the cushioned whole before stepping up snugly.

Duncan watched for several seconds as nothing happened, but then Mike’s eyes widened in shock as he felt her incredible skill.

“Ho… ly… shit…” Mike grunted. Duncan turned after patting him on the back.

“Ho… my God,” Mike called out. “I’m gonna fuckin’ take you home!”

Quietly leaving him to his fun and Mystery Girl to hers, Duncan descended the stairs and peered into the Red Room.

Sliding in quietly, he moved over to a free space on one of the couches to watch. He saw his wife was sitting by Mark and Drake and an image filled his mind of her being fucked in the ass. The dull blade of jealousy slammed into his stomach and he had to take a moment to shake the feeling off.

Focusing on the others around the room, he saw that Amy was done with sucking off Steve and had moved to the floor with Danielle and Kimber, the three locked in a writhing mass of sapphic bliss.

Marie was on her knees and butt, her feet splayed out away from her thighs as Steve held her head in place and pumped his cock deep into her throat and back out again. She was looking up at him like she wanted nothing else but to let him use her face in that moment. As he watched, the young man groaned and slid his cock deep into Marie’s throat, then held it there while he shivered.

After a few seconds, he let her go and she briefly coughed before laughing and slapping him good-naturedly on the leg. A few seconds of breath-catching followed before she leaned back in and started slurping the remnant cum from his cock.

Glancing back at his wife, he saw her laughing with his friends, then watched as she smacked Mark in the chest for something he’d said. She glanced over at him for a moment, then winked and blew him a kiss.

“Alright, next,” Steve said with a wide grin. He looked from Molly over to Kelly and then back again.

“Me!” Kelly said excitedly, offering Duncan another wink before smacking Drake and Mark both in the chest and sliding to her knees on the mattresses in front of them.

Steve grinned and said something Duncan couldn’t hear, Kelly’s reaction consisting of a shrug before she leaned in and took the young man into her mouth.

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