Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


She smiled. “I’m okay,” she assured him. “I’m not calling you anything else from now on, either. It’s too kinky, like the ‘Daddy’ thing. I told you that you remind me of my teacher that I wanted to fuck.”

Danielle giggled beside her, obviously amused by the prospect of more pet names for him.

“Well, I wish I could stay right here with you two little slutty schoolgirls, but I’ve got to get to work.”

“Speaking of,” Kelly said, coming around and joining the two to stand in front of him. “We had an idea.”

“Oh lord,” he replied with a weak groan.

She giggled but continued. “With Kara getting pregnant soon, you’ll be out of a helper at the office. You should totally hire an intern.”

He raised a single eyebrow at her.

“Stacy could take her place for a little while, and…” Kelly began.

“And then my mouth could accidentally find its way to your cock every five minutes,” Stacy said with a seductive wink.

He laughed, shaking his head and extricating himself from the three to go and pour himself some coffee.

“You don’t like that idea?” another voice said, from behind where he’d been standing. He lifted the cup to his mouth and glanced over, seeing Kara standing there, mostly dressed for work.

“Huh? No, it’s fine,” he said. “I didn’t know you guys were serious.”

Kara nodded. “I’m going to be quitting at Double D’s, and at some point I’ll be needing to take leave at the office.”

He nodded. “I know.” Scratching his head, he thought about it, but couldn’t think of a reason to shoot it down outright. “Yeah, we can work something out, I’m sure.”

Stacy grinned, hugging Kelly quickly, then Danielle.


After eating breakfast, Kara and Duncan headed out to work, Danielle and Stacy left for school, and Kelly went about doing… whatever she was going to be doing that day.

Duncan’s workday was about normal, he and Kara keeping busy throughout, even ordering in lunch and sharing it together. Later that evening the four of them shared a meal and relaxed. Kelly had gotten a message earlier from Camille saying that she had a spot open up for a video shoot. She’d quickly agreed and was only now telling Kara and Duncan about it after their meal.

“Sorry,” she said, looking over. “I forgot to ask if that was okay with you guys.”

Kara simply giggled as if it were obvious that it was fine, and Duncan gave her a smile. “I’m okay with it honey. Who are you shooting with?”

“She didn’t say,” Kelly said.

He laughed, drawing a look from her.

“What?” she asked eventually.

Mirthfully, he looked over and studied her expression for a moment, trying to gauge if she didn’t realize the oddity of the situation.

“I was just musing that in the past, you wouldn’t have been so quick to agree. It would have been ‘Oh, I don’t know, maybe, we’ll drop by and see what happens,’ or something like that,” he said.

She snickered, then shrugged. “You turned me into a bit of a slut, honey,” she said, wincing playfully.

“It’s true, you did,” Kara agreed.

“Did Danielle tell you that she’s thinking about doing one?” Kelly asked.

Duncan looked over from his spot on the couch toward their young house guest. “Yeah?”

She grinned impishly. “I’m thinking that I might like to try it. What do you think?”

He chuckled. “I think with all you’ve done at The Mess Around, you’ll do great.”

She seemed extremely happy with his approval, and went off to tell Camille that she’d be available to come in.

Suddenly remembering about Kelly’s college boyfriend and his girlfriend wanting to get together, he snapped his fingers and glanced over at her. She was somewhat focused on painting Kara’s toenails, but he figured she was still good to talk.

“Hey, Kel,” he said, looking over, “have you heard from Cooper? I thought they were coming up or something.”

She frowned and glanced back at him. “Actually no. Thank you for reminding me. Kara, can you snag my phone for me.”

Kara looked up, then nodded and grabbed Kelly’s phone beside her. He was amused to see that she already knew Kelly’s passcode, figuring that the two women had shared more than he realized.

“What do you want to say?” Kara asked, clicking the phone a few times, then glancing up.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Just ask him what the plan is for this weekend.”

Kara nodded, and tapped away, then set the phone down. A few minutes later it buzzed, and she grabbed it and looked at the response. Clearing her throat, she read it aloud.

“He says, ‘Was just about to text you and let you know that we won’t be able to make it for a few weeks. Daph isn’t feeling so good and some stuff has come up for work, so I’m having to work over the weekend. Sorry if this ruins any plans or anything.'”

Kelly frowned, but then shrugged. “I’m sure we’ll see them soon. Tell him that it’s okay and to contact us soon.”

Kara did so and set the phone back down. The odd little family spent the rest of the evening relaxing together.



Tuesday, Kelly spent the day cleaning and doing chores around the house. She went and had lunch with Kara and Duncan, got a fresh STD and blood test from Ed, then came back home and cleaned herself up. She’d let Camille know that she could be there at any time that day, so her scene was scheduled for early afternoon. Camille’s increase in the number of scenes she was filming meant that it hadn’t been a long message, so Kelly didn’t have many details. She didn’t expect anything too crazy and trusted that Camille wouldn’t sign her up for anything she wouldn’t be ready for.

After getting ready, she sent a quick text to her husband and girlfriend letting them both know that she was about to leave to go film her scene. They wished her luck and sent her their love, and she realized then that this was the first time she was going to do this by herself. Duncan had been there each time except this one.

She took a moment to make sure that she didn’t have any unrealized apprehension about filming without him and was happy to find that she didn’t. After locking up, she hopped in her car and drove to Camille’s studio.

There were lots of vehicles in the parking lot, but it was in the middle of the day, so didn’t think too much of it and assumed that they were part of the surrounding businesses. Once inside, however, she was surprised at the number of folks that were there. Normally, it was just Camille, her husband and the stars of the scene.

Stepping in, she saw several people standing quietly, the lights dimmed save for those lighting a scene that was currently being filmed.

Camille came over, and Kelly was surprised to see that she wasn’t taking pictures or filming.

“Hey,” Kelly said. “What’s going on with all these folks?”

“Hey Kel,” Camille said. “It was a business opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. Vincent, one of the Italians from Sunday, just got back in town today. He’d told me before he left, that he really wanted to work with you, and to let him know when you’d be available. I told him that you might be up for it this week, and he said that wouldn’t be a problem.”

“And all the others?”

“I’m getting to that,” Camille replied with a grin. “Vincent and Paolo had a few scenes to shoot in California and neither was going to be able to come back together. So, Vincent and Paolo came to an agreement; Paolo would take over filming Vincent’s scenes and Vincent would come back here and film with us again. The other folks here are all part of the other studio. You see, Vincent is due to start filming an actual porn movie back in Italy as part of an inter-studio deal. The film crew is from California and are flying to Italy for the movie. They were going to film some scenes once there, but since Vincent was coming back here and then heading back to Italy, they went ahead and came with him a few days early.”

Kelly thought that she understood what was going on. “So, Vincent is here and shooting a scene, and the others are the other studio?”

“For the most part. There are a few other actors that are scheduled to be in the movie that are taking the opportunity to make an extra few bucks and film some scenes here with some of my talent pool.”

“And I assume that I’m one of those?” Kelly asked with a knowing grin.

Camille turned and gave her a wink. “You got it gorgeous. This should be a fun experience. These folks are a professional crew. If you’ve got it in you, you might get requested to do multiple scenes. But don’t worry. They have to follow the same STD and testing regulations that we do, and they are nothing if not professional. There’s no pressure if you aren’t up to it.”

Fascinated by the prospect, Kelly smiled and shrugged. “If the films are still only going to be on your website, then we can see.”

“Good deal,” Camille said. “You’ll be filming with Vincent today, if that’s good with you.”

Kelly couldn’t hide her smile and nodded, a knowing grin coming to Camille’s face.

“He’s fun to work with,” she said. “Come on, I’ll introduce you around.”

Kelly followed Camille and stood close as they went over to where the scene was currently filming. There was a porn actor that she hadn’t seen before having sex with a short brunette in one of Camille’s little set pieces. An office had been setup in the small, open room, and the brunette was bent over a desk and being thrust into from behind. The two looked like they were really enjoying themselves.

Another man raised his hand and stopped the action, the two immediately ceasing their carrying on and looking over at him. He gave them some more instructions and they moved around just a bit before the action resumed. After a few more changes and five more minutes of intercourse, he paused the action a bit and called for the “pop shot.” The actress got on her knees and filming resumed, the two starting to carry on again. A few minutes later, and the actor came, coating the young woman’s face and chest. The man backed up and took a towel from one of the people surrounding them, wiping his face and then himself off. The girl, however, sat there for a few more minutes while the still photographer took dozens of shots. Eventually, she was given a towel and the scene was over.

The lights came up, and Camille took Kelly’s hand and walked her over to the director. “Gene,” she said, getting his attention. He turned and looked at Camille, then saw Kelly and smiled. “This is Ariel, the star of my site. Ariel,” Camille said, looking at Kelly, “This is Gene, the director.”

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