Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


“God, what happened to sweet, innocent little Danielle?” Miyu asked. “Swearing and fornicating? What would your Aunt and Uncle think?”

“Sweet, little innocent Danielle got her brains fucked out and has been replaced by this wanton harlot,” she said, “And she couldn’t care less what those fuckers think.”

The girls smiled widely at her, before Kelly spoke again. “Slut,” she said, looking directly at her.

Danielle’s attention snapped over to her. “Yes Mistress?” she asked. Stacy and Miyu both suppressed a smirk and a giggle.

“Go tell Duncan that it’s getting close to being time to go to the shoot,” she said.

Danielle immediately turned and went to get some flip-flops on as Miyu and Kelly disappeared to go get ready.



Danielle retrieved him and he immediately went inside and got cleaned up. After a quick shower and putting on the clothes that Kelly had lain out for him, Duncan, Kelly, Danielle, and her friend Miyu, all climbed into Duncan’s truck.

“Stacy and Steve aren’t coming?” he asked.

Miyu shook her head. “She’s needing some alone time,” she said.

He smirked and the foursome engaged in light conversation until they arrived at the location that they were filming at. It was a nice, large house not too far from Mark’s place, actually. Once they all went inside, Kelly went to find Camille while Duncan and the other two lingered out front.

Camille came out and greeted Duncan. “You can come on inside,” she said.

“We just wanted to make sure that Danielle and her friend would be able to watch with me,” he said. “We didn’t want to be a distraction.”

Camille smiled. “The two men that Kelly is working with are consummate professionals, and other than that, it’s just Frank and I. Your friends are welcome to stay or go as they like. Just try to be as quiet as possible,” she said to Miyu and Danielle.

Both smiled widely at Camille and nodded.

She turned and headed back down a hallway and led Duncan and the two girls back to a cavernous bedroom. Kelly was talking to two young men over near a very large bed.

Kelly turned, smiling and waved Duncan over.

“Sweetie, this is Eric and Paul,” she said.

Duncan nodded, shaking each man’s hand as it was offered. Eric was the taller of the two, a little taller than Duncan and a little more well-defined. Duncan didn’t feel intimidated by that fact though, the young man’s entire job was to look good. He had a genuine smile and his handshake was firm.

Paul was a little shorter than him, but not by much. He was well-defined, but not so much as Eric. He had chiseled features and Duncan could tell that women found him very attractive.

“Good to meet you,” Paul said. “I was just telling your lovely wife how gorgeous she looks today.”

“Thank you,” Duncan said, nodding.

“Kelly,” Camille said. “Let’s go get you ready.”

“What’s the schedule?” Paul asked, turning.

“We’ll do the still shots first,” Camille said. “Then we’ll choreograph the scene itself. That okay with everyone?”

Kelly, Paul, and Eric all nodded their assent. Kelly was scooped up by Camille then and headed off to get dressed and her makeup touched up. Danielle and Miyu followed quietly behind them.

“So you guys work for Camille a lot?” Duncan asked.

Eric nodded. “Yeah, a bit. Depends on who we work with, you know? With Camille, we’re mostly just props for the girls to pose on, or to give massages to and receive them. Mostly we just stand or lay there with a hard dick and get rubbed on.”

Duncan nodded.

“Yeah, it’s a fuckin’ hard job,” Paul said sarcastically. “Still, it’s fun and we get to fool around with incredibly gorgeous women.”

Chuckling, Duncan nodded.

“It’s not all just fun and games though,” Eric said. “I mean, we have to hold these women in particular poses for a pretty good length of time. We have to stay in shape and have to maintain an erection for longer than normal without a lot of physical stimulation.”

Duncan nodded, genuinely interested.

“I like to think of myself as an actor,” Paul said, “but I think we all know how good porn actors are at acting.”

Duncan laughed at that.

“So is this the first married woman you’ve worked with?” he asked.

Paul shook his head immediately, as did Eric.

“Really?” Duncan asked.

They both nodded. “I’d say about half are married,” Paul said. “I’m married myself,” he said. “It kind of comes with the territory.”

“It’s probably easier to get a date with someone after I’ve had sex with them,” Eric joked.

Duncan laughed easily. He liked these two guys. He’d been wanting to get to know the two men before they started fooling around with his wife, realizing how weird that sounded. He hadn’t been worried, or jealous, though. It was more of just a desire to see what type of man was going to be with his wife in that way.

Eric seemed a little arrogant, but it wasn’t too pronounced. He was like your loudmouthed buddy that kept telling everyone in the bar that he was the greatest motherfucker in there, when in reality he was a pretty solid friend.

Paul was nice, and easy to talk to, and Duncan could easily see the two of them becoming friends. It felt like he’d already known him for years.

“Are you married too?” he asked, looking at Eric.

The young man smiled and shook his head. “Ain’t no woman gonna tie me down,” he said, grinning.

Duncan laughed, seeing his joke.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

“Nah, I just ain’t ready to settle down,” he clarified. “I’ve got a girlfriend though.”

Nodding, Duncan looked at the set.

“Any idea what the scene is?” he asked, looking around.

“Camille said something about a husband catching his wife in the act,” Paul said. “She comes up with all the kinky shit,” he added.

Duncan nodded.

“So will this be the first time you watch your wife with another man?” Eric asked.

Duncan smiled and shook his head. “No, we’re swingers,” he said. “We’re still pretty new at it, but we’re getting pretty comfortable in the Lifestyle.”

Eric smiled. “Awesome,” he said. “There’s always that worry that you’ll cause some undo strife in some poor dude’s marriage that really thought he wanted this for his wife or girlfriend.

Paul was nodding. “Yeah, it can get ugly sometimes,” he said. “Still, I’ve never been punched or anything.”

“Kelly has been with…” Duncan paused, counting up the guys. “Mark… Drake… Ed… no not Ed, Derrek, her two bosses, Zeke…” he fell silent, trying to think of any others, “six other men now.” he finished.

“Nice,” Paul said, nodding appreciatively. “And I’m assuming that you get to have the same privileges that she does?”

Duncan smiled. “I’ve been with more women than she has men, but we try to keep it as even and fair as possible. We communicate and keep it open between us.”

“Good,” Paul said. “That’s really important. Well, I for one, am really excited to get to work with your wife. She seems like she’s going to be really fun.”

Duncan smiled. “She is. Enjoy her,” he said with a smile.

Eric chuckled. “Thanks for allowing us to share her,” he said, looking at him and smiling genuinely. “I promise that we’ll stay within the boundaries of the scene and won’t hurt her.”

Duncan chuckled. “If she’s in the right mood, she might like it a little rough.”

“I can’t wait to get a dick in her,” Eric said, grinning widely.

Duncan laughed loudly and playfully shoved him. The younger man laughed in response.

Eric and Paul both laughed. “You’re a good man, Duncan,” Eric said, smiling.

They conversed idly for a few minutes before the girls came back. Kelly came out wearing a nice set of green lingerie and a robe around her.

“So what we’re going for today,” Camille started to explain, “is the wife being caught by her husband. In typical porno fashion, she convinces her husband to stay and they have a threesome.”

Kelly and her two male companions nodded.

Duncan retreated back and found a large couch against one wall of the huge bedroom, and was joined by Miyu and Danielle.

“Let’s have… Eric… be the boyfriend,” Camille said. “Paul, you look more like a husband to me.”

He smirked. “I don’t know if I should be offended by that,” he said, grinning.

Camille, all business, ignored the comment.

“Okay, so we’ll have to get some establishing shots first. We’ll need Kelly and Paul in the bathroom,” Camille said.

He watched as Camille got a couple of shots of Kelly kissing Paul goodbye for the day, a few of her standing in the hallway watching as he walked to the garage and then Kelly getting her phone and pretending to call Eric. She got a few shots of Kelly looking wistful, telling her that she needed to look like she couldn’t wait for her lover to get there. Kelly did her best and Camille seemed pleased. Next, she got a couple of still shots of Eric at the door, Kelly rushing up to him to greet him, and the two kissing and heading to the bedroom.

“Okay,” Camille said. “Now we’ll start the actual filming. We’ll pause the action throughout and get some more still shots, but for the most part, just go with the flow.”

The actors and actress nodded.

“Let’s start back with Kelly and Paul saying goodbye for the day and then we’ll proceed the same way as before,” she said.

Frank gave a thumbs-up, showing that he was ready and had the camera ready to go.

“Quiet on set!” Camille said loudly, drawing a smile from Duncan. “Action Kelly.”

Duncan smiled, watching. He was aware of Miyu next to him, leaning into him slightly. Danielle was laying practically halfway on top of him, idly stroking his chest.

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