Start With An Unexpected Affair

Trying Hard To Let Go

Soon all the hard work would yield results and Yasmin could not wait for it

The past days she has spend them burying herself into work and doing nothing else

After finishing the big project with Black corporation she plan to go spend a week vacation at Paris with her foster parents, it’s been so long since she has visited home.

Adjusting to working in ARON wasn’t as easy as she thought too, it is very different from Black where they are the ones who issued out contract and check the eligibility of companies to work with and assign contracts to

But here in ARON they have to send out applications and work hard to get contracts and it is a big responsibility having to satisfy and fulfil the contracts terms and conditions.

At first it was a bit hard to adjust but after much efforts she is finally able to get used to work there

A knock came on her door and she look up to see who it is and Linda open the door with a smile on her face

“Do you want some coffee? You’ve been working all day”

“Maybe when I’m done with this”

Linda walk inside the office and take a look at the works on her table, there are still many documents she need to tend to

“I could help you with those” she offered

“It’s nothing i just need to check and edit few things before sending them to Mr. Bays’ office” she explained and Linda nod her head but did not leave

“Is there something else?”

“We are really worried about you Ma’am, for days now you hardly go home and spend all day in the office working”

Yasmin sighs seeing the concerned look on her face, she know her behavior mist have been noticed by everyone in the office but she didn’t expect to worry others.

“I assure you I’m fine, it’s because I need to finish all these before I could get a week vacation” she said and smile

“Ahh, so it is to get your vacation early?”

Yasmin nod her head and she smile back at her then walk out of the office to let her continue with work.

She give a deep inhale as the door closes and drop her pen relaxing her head on the chair rest.

Two days more! Just forty eight hours left before the celebration party for the success of the new business project between Black corporation and ARON

It has been nineteen days after her supposed breakup with him and she has forced herself not to think about it or let it affect her daily life

The affair is now a past she doesn’t want to relate too ever again, now after a long time the thought of having to see him again worries her

She has tried convincing herself that she doesn’t have feelings for him anymore and seeing him now that she is just overcoming any left feelings might only trigger her pain and hurts

If only she hasn’t worked so hard to secure another contract one that she can’t leave but have to solve before leaving for any vacation

As long as she finishes these documents and sort them between today and tomorrow, she will be able to get out of the party and travel home

Yasmin push back from the chair sitting down properly and pick up her pen and mouse again, she continue with the file in front of her as she checks time.


The car has been parked at a spot for so long now without it planning to move away soon

Kyler sits comfortably in it looking at the ARON company building without blinking his gaze away

He has been there for more than hour waiting for her to come out of the building, this has been his daily routine after the incident that happened with his wife

Although he claim to put it all behind him and try to fix his already broken love with Veronica he still can’t keep his heart from thinking about her

What she is doing? How she’s fairing? Was she hurt a lot? Who she is meets with? Where she goes? And everything else seems to bother him as he wants to know all about her

He has made a spot five metres away from the company his usual place to park and watch her go to work and leave for home

But in the past ten days he has been watching her, she hardly leave work early and only leaves at midnight

“Should I go get you something to eat?” Alex asked looking at him from the rear mirror

He didn’t answer but maintain his gaze at the building and ignore whatever else, Alex check his watch to see how long they have to stay

It’s past eight now which means they are going to be there for as long as possible, probably four hours or more

But luckily this time when the door opens from a distance the person they didn’t expect came out of it and stood just few steps away from the door

She bend down for a while and stand up after looking left and right like she is waiting for someone

Kyler move his body after being stiff for a long hour and try to see her clearly but the distance isn’t close enough

“Drive close” he told Alex who already was on it

When they got close enough Alex stop the car and look at him to know if it’s close enough and he nod slightly to affirm then completely focus his eyes on her

It has been so long since he had the opportunity to watch her this close, two days after he started the little stalking business he had brought a brand new car just to disguise

She literally would recognize all his old cars since they have his names on them expect this one

“Let’s go” he suddenly said and Alex turn to look at him not sure he heard right

Kyler close his eyes and inhale sharply while falling his head down to rest on the seat, he probably shouldn’t have seen her today and just wait like every other days

Getting the message Alex drive away immediately and take him back home.


The room was filled with dim light which is coming from the moonlight that shines across the room through the open window

Kyler ignore the darkness and go on to undress before going into the shower for a quick bath and go to bed after

He lay beside Veronica who seem to be asleep and draw the cover up to his waist the close his eyes for the night rest

“How was work today?”

“Good” he answered without opening his eyes

“Have you eaten?”

“Huh” he said and turn his back to her


Veronica sighs already expecting him to do that, it has been the normal conversations between them these days

All they talk about is the same line like an old movie and then he dismissed her by turning his back to her

She also turn her back at him and gaze at the open window with yet another sigh

Everything is her fault after all, she can’t blame him or anyone for her misery

After what happened she can’t expect him not to grow cold and distance himself no sane man who would want a cheating and lying wife back

She was even more shock when he not only let her affair go without harming her or divorcing her afterContent is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Veronica was not sure if she actually means that much to him or he really had a devastating childhood but whichever one it is, she was glad they did not divorce

Of course it was her choice when she married him two years ago but also her parents wish too.

Although she is a conglomerate heir but she has an illegitimate brother who the world isn’t aware of his existence with Giuliana family

When Kyler told her he has forgiven all she has done, she did not believe him and try getting out of the marriage

But when she asked her mother for help she gets a shocker

The woman who her Father had an affair with and the mother of her half-brother moved into the house months back

Her mother was almost thrown out of the house and have her inheritance taken away from her but Kyler has step forward and threatened her father

He told him if he ever think of divorcing and sending her mother out of the Giuliana’s house, he would terminate all relationship and connection Black corporation has with him.

While she was busy with another man behind him, he was busy protecting her family from tearing apart and protect her mother from getting kicked out

Yet he didn’t tell her anything about it till now, she has visited home nine days back and saw the second woman

She is sure a venom who has come to steal everything away for herself and her son, the young boy who she haven’t seen as a threat before now feels and look like one.

After everything Kyler has done for her, Veronica can’t help the great guilt she feels cheating on him and also setting him up in an affair just to get his money

She determine in her heart to make it up to him now and earn his love back, right now all she want is to go back to how things were when they first got married

The love and care he always shower her with, the way she had let her do whatever she wanted and always leave work early just to spend time with her

If only she realize earlier how much she wanted him then she wouldn’t have make the great mistake she did.

Now they only say few words to each other and he comes back do late every day without giving her an explanation about where he had been

It feels like she is losing him even when he is sleeping right next to her.

Veronica turn to face him and inhale slowly as she move close to him, she courageously bring her hand up and let it rest on his waist

She waited and he didn’t move his body or give any signs that he doesn’t want to be touched, happy Veronica push closer and rest her face on his back closing her eyes slowly

She misses being close to him, having to relax on his hard back and savoring his body scent.


“Come on!” Talia drag her hands to pull her into the snack food shop

Yasmin look around not really wanting to be here, she really shouldn’t have listen to Talia and come here

It is one of the places she has visited with him, that night she was about to eat and decide to call him to know if he has had dinner yet

“No, I was busy”

“Do you wanna eat out with me?” She asked looking at the plate of disaster meal in front of her

She happily abandoned her food and dressed up to meet him, they visited this place because it was the closest and still open at late hours

Yasmin could still remember his surprise face when she had brought him here and force him to taste the snack foods

He ended up eating a lot than she thought he will and he drove her home after the dinner.


Sitting here now Yasmin couldn’t help the memories coming back to her

She has been trying hard for about three weeks now to forget about him like he wanted her to and coming here makes it worse

“What did you want to eat?” Talia asked already ordering her own food

“I don’t want to be here” she said not able to calm her emotions

“Why? Come on I brought you here so you can have a nice time together and take your mind off him”

“I can’t here… I’m trying hard to forget him but those stupid memories just keep coming back”

“Do you come here with him?”

Yasmin nod her head to answer and immediately bury her face on the table to escape the tears coming from being seen

“I am so sorry Yasmin, I just want… you haven’t been feeding well these days and it’s telling on your body”

“Let’s just leave” she said and Talia nod her head

They walk out of the place and Talia offer to take her home not able to bear leaving her to go alone.

In less than fifteen minutes they get to her apartment and Yasmin told her to go now and don’t worry anymore

“Are you sure?”

“I could stay if you want”

“I’m fine, don’t worry” she said and give her a brief hug

She close the door behind her after she sees Talia entered into a cab and switch on the lights to a messy house

“I’m definitely not fine” she told herself and walk to her room to sleep.

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