Start With An Unexpected Affair

Shocks And Surprises

Veronica halt the car abruptly almost bumping her forehead on the wheels and jerk back dangerously, she swear angrily under her breathe as another car hit her from behind

The loud sound from her phone remember her the reason she almost get herself injured and she pick the phone up again and Conrad’s voice came up again

“Veronica! are you alright?” his voice shoot up sounding worried

“it’s really him” veronica thought blocking the receiver with her palms

A hard knock came on the window cutting her off the phone again and she wind down with an upset face

“shouldn’t you come out to check on the person you almost killed with your careless driving?”

“My apology is that you don’t have to fix my car”

“whose fault is it that I bumped into your car and hit my head? are you going to pay for my hospital bill?”

The mid-fifties woman yell at her showing her injured skin which got Veronica irate, she open the door to come down but stop as her left feet touch the ground she thought otherwise

If she get down now, she will get into unreasonable argument and end up waiting a lot of her precious time, she withdraw back and reach for her purse instead

“Just call this number, he will compensate you” she throw a card at her and drive away ignoring completely the loud yells after her.


There is already a lot going on now and the least she need is another issue binging itself, Conrad was her past which she has put way behind her

She was sure Kyler sent him to a far remote country and make sure he is unable to come back to the states again, getting his call came unexpected and she was definitely shock to hear from him

How he was able to get her new line? why he contacted her? Veronica isn’t sure about but she know sure he has arrived back in the states because he send a message after wanting to meet at one of their usual places

Veronica thought to ignore him and maybe tell Kyler about it so he can help deal with it but thinking about the possibility of him really having another woman

It might not be best to tell him about Conrad, she will just deal with him alone, without letting Kyler find out she will have to send him back fast.


Conrad wipe his hands over his trouser as he pace the room waiting for a knock to come on the door

He has barely managed to escape into the country and have limited time before he’s found out by Kyler’s men

He paid a lot of money to get smuggled back into the country by some men who also help him find Veronica’s contact

He has been worried about her, what Kyler would do to her and about his baby inside of her.

All the time he was in Oymyakon, he could not get his mind off her and his baby worried the kind of life they would have now

If Kyler has thrown them out and reveal everything about his relationship with Veronica

But it seems like that did not happen based on the information he got from the men who brought him into the country

The knock finally came on the door and he rush to it opening it wide open and pull Veronica into a tight hug

“Are you okay? What did he do to you? And my baby?” He question looking her all over

“Calm down” she told him but he was too worried to and keep examining her until she hit him on the face

~This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Has been in some bizarre country affect his brains?” Veronica wonder surprise at his approach

She has expected him to come at her for maybe a sort of revenge or blackmail her into getting money and helping him stay back in the country

What’s with all these care and questions? And what on earth is he talking about, asking her about some dead baby

“How did you manage to get into the country?”

“That’s not important…”

“What then is?” She cut him short

“If Kyler finds out you’re in the states and with me, do you have any idea what he would do?”

“That bastard! I’ve suffered four terrible weeks because of him”

“But not to worry, I’m back now Veronica we can live a new life in a better place where Kyler won’t be able to find us…”

The words trail off in Veronica’s ears as she refuse to let them in, she felt confused for few seconds

Has Conrad misunderstood the situation here? He thought Kyler had abandoned her too and he’s worried for her

Poor thing! She has actually abandoned him just for her happiness with Kyler, he is a fool to think she would lose out so easily

“I think I need to clarify you on some things here Conrad” she said sounding soften

“Kyler did not abandon me, he would never” she said with surety

“The only person that lose out here is you Conrad and you’ll have to deal with it alone”

“I’m with Kyler now, I don’t want anything to do with you anymore”


Conrad blinks his eyes to digest what she had just said and it took him more than a minute

She was never abandoned? All these while he has been worried about how she is fairing being thrown out of Kyler’s house

He thought she didn’t have the chance to and have no idea where he is which is why she hasn’t contacted him yet but she might have known but just abandoned him

“What about my baby?” He asked in a sudden panicked

“Why would I keep such a burden? I got rid of it” she said and Conrad felt raged.

Conrad grab her roughly and toss her angrily at the door, she let out a painful yell not expecting the attack

“You bitch!” He cuss angrily at her

He was really a fool to believe she loved him, all she wanted from him was to get satisfied n bed and nothing more

How could she get rid of their baby? That was like a connection between them, something to always remember him with


Veronica quickly whip out her phone and dial a number but before she place it on her ear, he caught her and grab it away

He smash the phone on the floor and stomp on it with his shoes breaking it into pieces

“I need you to send me some money” he told her

“You’ve just smashed my phone” she yell back

He immediately grab her purse away too and pour the content on the floor

Veronica watch him pick her credit card and few cash

“Don’t you dare to block the card or tell Kyler about me, if you do I will make your story the top news across the country”

“Remember I have evidence, of both you and Kyler’s affair” he warned and walk out the door shoving her away from it.

“The video!” Veronica remembered and sigh heavily

She has totally forgotten about the video she make just to get a divorce with Kyler and his money

Because she could not bear to watch her husband having sex with another woman, she has asked Conrad to keep the video instead

Big mistake! But what did he mean by evidence of her own affair? Did he also keep videos of them having sex? That prick!

Veronica get out of the hotel and head back home completely forgetting about the reason why she had left the house in the first place


“I think this is too much” Alex said to Kyler after asking the lawyers to finalize the divorce alimony

“No it’s not” he replied signing the papers

“Why would you give her so much?”

“Because I broke my promises to her and hurt her”

“She also had a relationship with another man, your cousin”

“That’s because I cheated on her first” he replied back again and silent ensued

“Well this is ridiculous” Alex said not taking his eyes off the papers


Veronica drive into the house and notice he’s back, she wonder why he came back so early today

He hasn’t been keeping the early times and she bet it is because of the seductress lurking around him

She enter into the house and notice an usual quietness, the house seems empty with nobody inside

Veronica hurry upstairs and find Kyler there sitting at the edge of the bed, she sigh relief to see him and go for a hug

To her surprise, Kyler didn’t push her off or try to move away which gladden her heart as she let her hands wrap around him

“Let’s get divorce”

Veronica’s brain a loud alarming bell and her heart sink down her throat thumping hard against her breathe

She slowly let go of her hold on him and raise her chin up to meet his eyes

“What?” She manage to let out really low and multiple questions flash through her head at the same time

What is going on? Why will he say that dreadful word? Divorce! Why on earth do he want to divorce her now? Did Conrad contact him too? And show him the video! Did he tell him everything? From the beginning to the end!

Veronica try to guess what he is thinking through his gaze but could not it seem rather cold and expressionless but not angry

“Why did you say that?” She asked again

Coincidentally, her eyes went beside him and he notice the papers on the bed, immediately panic sets in

“Did Conrad contact you? Please do not believe whatever he said they are all lies” she blurt out

“Conrad? He contacted you?” He asked with a big frown

Veronica swallow down hard and realize she has just made it worst, she can tell he know nothing about Conrad being back in the country.

“Nothing happened” she quickly added

“He just needed money and he…. he threatened me to come then rob me of my purse and he hit me after then warn me not to tell you about it or else he would release news about my relationship with him…”

“I’m sorry Kyler”

He sigh and don’t look the slight angry about Conrad, the red light alert flashes through Veronica’s brain and she become hyper


“That’s not it Veronica” Kyler stop her, he wanted to make this as easy as possible

“What then?”

“Is it because of her? The slut you’ve been sleeping with”

Kyler face turn up in a surprise frown to know she knows about Yasmin, he want to defend her and stop Veronica from calling her a slut because she is not one but stop himself

There is no way to convince one’s wife about the other woman, no matter what she will always be the villain

“How’d you find out?”

“I asked someone to trail you and her, are you really choosing…”

“Stop Veronica!” He yell not really wanting to get into the shit

“This marriage is already died and you know it! We’ve just been pretending everything is fine when it’s obviously not”

“We can’t keep staying in a false marriage and…”

“I don’t want to hurt you anymore” he said meaning every word

“You’re hurting me now Kyler! Divorcing me is hurting me, I love you Kyler I don’t want you to leave me ever, so please”

She grab his cloth breaking down into tears and he hug her to console her

“I’m sorry Veronica, let’s just end this”


Veronica flare up and move away from him angrily, she made for the papers

“I am not divorcing you Kyler Black” she said aloud and tear off the papers into pieces scattering them to his face.

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