Start With An Unexpected Affair

She Is Two Timing

Veronica open her eyes and see herself being wrapped in Conrad’s arms, a kiss landed on her forehead and she look up to see him awake too

“I think you should go now” he told her seeing the time is far spent.

“Your husband might be going nut with worry” he added with a smirk

Veronica ignore his words and pull in for a kiss, she kiss his lower lips and give his lips a lick before pulling back a bit

“I’m sure he’s too busy to care” she said nonchalantly

“What do you mean?” Conrad ask and push her head in for another kiss

Veronica respond and they have their tongues pleasuring each other for a minute before she answers

“What do you say if I divorce Kyler like I planned?” She asked and watch a shock look appear on Conrad’s face.

She have her mouth catch his lips again and have a long go at it before he pull out

“Did Kyler suggest it himself?”

“No, I just did… now” she replied without fluttering and look impassive

“I thought you don’t want to after what happened”

“Well maybe I want to now, Kyler isn’t the guy I want anymore”

“Okay… so you want me now?” He asked and Veronica nodded

“You should know am not ready for a commitment, it freaks me out”

“I’m not asking you to marry me” Veronica raised her voice a bit getting upset

He was the one who talked her into trapping Kyler by setting him up with another lady to accuse him of cheating on her and get a divorce after and huge fortune of Black corporation as compensation for her hurt.

But now that she wants to divorce him, he’s trying to pull out or what, after promising to live his life with her after everything gets settled.

“Then what are you saying?”

“Kyler knows you also had an affair with some man, how will you divorce him without losing everything?”

“I don’t know Conrad” she answered frustrated

“He has changed from the man I use to know, the Kyler i know will never let me cry or suffer like this”

Conrad sigh and pull her into a hug to console her, she sniff back her tears and bury her face in his embrace

“I just don’t want you to rush things” he said to her

“We can figure out something… somehow” she replied pulling from the hug

Conrad nod his head accepting her words to avoid any further disagreement

Looks like he might need to pull out soon before things get too complicated for him to handle.

He went in for another steamy kiss and go for another round of sex before finally releasing her to go home for the day.


Kyler battles with different thoughts holding the phone in his hand, the voices before him seems to be silent as all his concentration is on something else

His troubled heart made it so hard to concentrate all morning, he told Alex to cancel all meetings except the brief on the start of the new business

“Send me a documented report instead” he suddenly said and end the meeting

Everyone nod their head and walk out immediately leaving only Alex who chose to stay behind

“Is there something I should worry about?” He asked him

Kyler look up to see he has not left and give a long sigh before standing up from his seat and go to sit down on the armchair

Alex follow suit and sit beside him with his gaze on him like he’s observing and trying to read him

“Is this about Veronica?” He asked taking a guess

“Yes” Kyler reluctantly answered

“She called the other day to know if you’re in office” he told him

“What did you tell her?”

“The truth, that you went out for some business outside the building” he replied putting a little emphasis on his last three words

“Thank you”

“I don’t think she believed me”

“I know” he answered and bury his face in his palms

“What is going on? You usually have everything in control” Alex asked looking worried

“It’s seems a little difficult, i can’t sort out my feelings” he confess

“So you don’t know who to choose between the other woman and your wife?” Alex asked thoughtfully

Kyler look up abruptly surprise to hear he knows without telling him, is he being obvious? He wondered

“Yes” Alex answered his thought with a nod.


After a long while Yasmin finally resume work at ARON as the Strategic planning team manager, she make sure to dress up and prepare good enough for the first day and meetings.

She walk carefully and observantly into the building, trying to pick every useful information in order to blend in

When she gets to her office on the fifth floor, everyone was gathered together to welcome her with big friendly smiles.

Yasmin is surprise to see the kind of welcome she gets and smile back in gratitude as she is introduced to everyone by her new assistant

“This is your office, we specially decorated it for you ma’am” he said still in the friendly tone

“Please call me Yasmin”

“Ok Yasmin, would you like to have a meeting with everyone?”

“Yes please Harvey, in the next ten minutes” she said and watch him walk out while she take a seat and gaze around the room in satisfaction.


“So she’s the Boss’s Lady?” Alisa asked going to meet Harvey who just step out of her office

“Yes” he answered

Everyone gathered around in amusement as they steal glances at the office

“She’s beautiful, no wonder Mr. Bays chose her”

“You sound jealous Rebecca” one of them teased

“No way I don’t want to be with a creep like him” she spited.

Everyone have a good laugh at the disgust face and tone in which Rebecca commented

“But why did she agree to be his toy? I’ve seen many ladies like her and they don’t end up well” Alisa said a little worried

“I don’t think she’s that foolish” Linda said standing from her seat just now

“When I saw her I feel her face looks a bit familiar but now I remember” she said grabbing everyone’s attention

“My boyfriend and I saw her with some man”


“So she’s two timing? Dating both men? Wow!” Alisa state excited at the news.

“Mr. Bays wouldn’t love that”

The office door crack open and they all hurry back to their seat maintaining silence like nothing is going on

Yasmin came out of the office and ask everyone to gather for a brief meeting to discuss few important things


The day for Kyler was spent in a much despair as he still coming wrap his head around things, there are just but few options which he does not want to choose from.

After struggling to keep his head straight and attended only to important matters leaving the others to be dealt with later or handled over to Alex he decide to get off work

Working this late has been to avoid going back home since he doesn’t have the pleasing answers for Veronica yet

Her sad face haunt his heart like a dream and Yasmin’s gaze, lips and scents filled with consciousness disrupting whatever decision he makes.

There is no way for him to keep the two women and keep the happy at the same time, he will have to hurt one for another

Yet he can’t bear to hurt them or lose them either, breaking his vows to Veronica will made him a total jerk just like his father

But then he can’t simply forget Veronica’s infidelity to their marriage, something which he’s also doing, breaking his marriage vows and falling in love with another woman other than his wife.

A knock came on the door and he force his lips to utter the word ‘come in’

Talia came in holding a pad in her hands and walk carefully not to make much noise with her heels

“What is it Talia ?”

“It’s about the schedules you asked to be rescheduled”

“Your schedules for the week is mostly full and there is barely enough room for the cancelled ones” she explained

“How many is left?” He asked with a sigh

“Eight more”

“Cancel my break time and fill them with those schedules and cancel the unnecessary ones”

“Okay Sir” she said and nod.

Talia look straight at him now and feel hesitant not sure whether to do it or not but before she could make her decision he did for her

“Just say it” he encouraged

“It’s about Yasmin Cassidy…. are you really going to do this?”

“It will end up having to hurt one of them or even the two of them” she said forgoing courtesy

“I know what I’m doing” he lied and inhale silently

“This is exactly what dad thought when he did the same to my mother and yours”

Talia stare at him to be sure he’s giving his attention to her words and she was sure he is when the expression on his face turn sour

“Yasmin is my friend and Veronica is like a sister to me, and am sure they both mean much more to you”

“Please don’t make the same wrong decision that man did” she heartily pleaded and sighs before she walk out of the office leaving him to ponder alone.NôvelDrama.Org content.

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