Sold To The Wicked Him

Chapter 12

I still can’t believe in what he said… what does he mean by saying that to me?? I was lucky that he didn’t doubt the relationship between me and Aiden, just like what Aiden wants to happen but…

Frowning my face in the part where the man beside me can’t see, is the world going to end? Why is he saying that Aiden cares for me? There… is… no possible reason why he would care for me. He even left me in the hospital and didn’t even dare wait for my discharge. Why is he saying that his son does care for me?

For me that his son’s slave?

Slightly shaking my head, I brush away those thoughts as I want to think that he was just joking. But… his smiling face is blinding that I have no will to say that he was just joking.

If it would be fine for him then I guess it would be alright for him to think like that…

As soon as we arrived in the garden, just like what magic was, everything was settled. As if they already prepared it in advanced. Looking at the look alike of Aiden, it was scary to think how he already prepared this place. So… he really has no intention in not letting me join him for a tea. What does he want for me by the way?

Offering me a seat as he did what a gentleman does, I just sat on the chair that he offered.

“The sun was set up high yet the climate is not that hurtful in the skin. Even the breeze says how comfortable it would be to have some little talk in the garden”

Smiling at me, is there something that I need to say? I think I just have to agree in whatever he was saying.

“Yes, it really is”Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“How was you day? It seems like you have been busy ever since you arrive in this mansion after you married my son”

“Yes, I have been busy all this while. But there is no need to worry. I handle it with great care and absolutely finish my works right on time”

Indeed, I had been very busy all this while. And there is no possible way I can sit idly and not do my works. I have to finish those right on time because it is the matter of life and death!! How can I possibly calm myself in wasting my time and not doing those files? If I surely wants to be hungry and die of starvation, maybe I should stop doing the job that Aiden pushed to me.

“You seem so hardworking. But you should also remember how to have some time for yourself” sipping a cup of tea, he seems to remember some memories.

I bet it was related to his wife. Just like in our first meeting, he does shows how he cares for his wife. But… judging the tone and the information I learned, Aiden’s mother is no longer here on earth.

“I am sure that if Claudia was ever here, she would surely say the same thing. On how you should take good care of yourself. If ever you overwork or exhausted yourself in your own accords, I will not be surprised if she ended up showing in front of your sight”

Giggling as if he was joking about that, it was as if he also did that kind of thing to make her show up in his dreams.

“Yes, I will surely put that in mind”

Taking the cup that was offered to me, I take a sip in the tea. The aroma and the taste are all nice and great. I would not be shocked if I learned that this are high quality products. After all, with their wealth… they can buy almost anything…

Making a sad face, I wasn’t aware that I unconsciously think about Granma Lorma. If only I am wealthy back then… if only I have enough money… then… she would surely be alive till now.

Lost in my thoughts, some of my tea fell on my clothes as a hand suddenly grab my arm.

“I’m home”

Aiden boredly said as he glares at the man that was having a cup of tea with me.

“W-welcome home…”

Hesitating with my words, I look at any possible tissue or handkerchief that I may use to wipe my clothes that got a bit wet but failed to find any. With Mr. Menandro offering me one,

“Here, use this”

“She doesn’t need that”

That is what Aiden said as he offered me the one that he had with him. So, are they going to fight again? Remembering how I failed to follow the order of Aiden to not be associated with his father, I halt from me wiping my clothes. Looking at Aiden, he surely is in no good condition. What have I done…




“Didn’t I told you that loud and clear?”

Oh no… this is bad… this is really really really bad.

He is mad… he will surely cut my dinner today. I haven’t had a chance to eat much a while ago… I should just decline his father’s offer to have a tea. Ahh if only I know he would… ahhh Lea, what did you do you idiot… Although I might be rude for him… there is no possible way I can last the day with just that.

Not saying any words, I am well aware by the fact that it was the only thing that I can do in order to not let him be mad any further. Although I will not be surprised if ever, I receive a mountain of work as punishment.

Waiting for another rant he would say, it seems like he was exhausted that he just chooses to stop with his nagging. Although, before he can even say any other words, he was interrupted with a call from his phone.

“What? No, that can’t be accepted. Rewrite the script by the end of the day. Don’t waste my time”

Closing his phone, he seems annoyed. And that fact alone makes me more nervous.

“What are you looking at? Don’t you have any works to finish?”

Glaring at me, what should I say? Where should I even start?

“I already finished everything that needs to be finished”

Do I sound like… I am boasting about how free I am? But that is not what I mean to… hah… what should I do…

Looking at his dejected face, does he really have that much of work to finished?

I gulp as soon as I read what really is happening. Poor him… no, why am I giving him a pity when all he does is rant his anger in me? Not because he is full in his works will he have the authority to do it to others! Although… he does really have the authority to do so… but… that was unfair!

Aiden let out a sigh and went straight to his chair. Acting as if I wasn’t here, did he really forget how he was just talking to me just now? Or maybe he just has no time to even tell me to get out of his office.

Taking a small step backward, I thought that I can just silently get out of his office but… that doesn’t seem to be the case.

“Stay… right… there”

He mumbled while his fingertips hit the keys of his laptop. I gulp.

So… he really does notice me. I thought… he…

With me not having any other option, I sat on the sofa near me. What does he want me to do? Stare at him while he was working? Although that would be much better than me having my head cut off…

“You, I need your opinion about this matter”

He muttered.

Wait, is he talking to me?

“Me?” I said pointing my finger at myself. Does he really mean me? But there is no other person in here so… it must be me…

“Yes you, who else?”

So it really is… but why?

Standing up, I went straight to where he is, while handing me the piece of paper he was holding, I was confused why he needs my opinion. And as I read about it, I understand.

“It would be the end if this matter isn’t fixed…” I mumbled as I feel bad for whoever the owner of this company is. Just when I was thinking about that, I look at Aiden… no way…

“This company… is… yours?”

I gulp…

“Yes… that seems to be the case”

No way… this… this is really his… his company??!

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