Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Too Late

Stacy’s POV

I know that I have Damien exactly where I want him to be. He won’t dare to provoke me anymore and he would exactly what I say without question or argument. His precious little girlfriend’s life is in my hands, I can choose to end her life if I want to. All I have to do is to go to the elders and tell them that we have a demon wolf in our midst. That would get them to act fast and get rid of her before she hurts anyone. I could make it a little bit more interesting, I could come up with evidence to prove that she has been lurking around the pack’s boundaries for a long time. It would be so easy to provide enough evidence to prove that she had been the cause of all the mysterious deaths that were connected to the rogues. When I killed those stupid bitches that tried to seduce my man and steal him from me, I hid every evidence that could suggest that they were murdered by one of us, and I made it look like a rogue attack. And that is how it had been all these years, they never found out the truth because all the evidence they could find at the crime scene suggested that it was a rogue attack.

What if I manipulate some of the real evidence that I hid in the woods, I could make it look like an attack from a demon wolf and they will have no choice but to believe me because the evidence would be indisputable. The difference between a rogue and a demon wolf is their ability to shift back to their normal human selves. The rogues are stuck as wild animals, that is why they do not live amongst us. They are forced to live in isolation because they have no control over their behavior and they go on a killing spree killing randomly. But the demo wolves are way wiser than the rogues. They can shift back to their normal human selves, and they can live amongst us undetected. And if they shift into their beast, they will be ten times bigger than an average wolf and their strength is out of this world, they are so strong and violent, and they kill anyone that crosses their paths. It would be so easy to frame her for the death of all those girls that I killed.

I know she was not yet in the pack when some of those girls were killed, but the fact remains that Damien had no idea where she had been all her life. He may be the Alpha, but there is absolutely no way that he can ignore the decision of the elders if they decide to kill her or send her out of the pack. I’m sure that Damien does not know much about her, I mean, he just found her a couple of weeks ago and claims that she is his mate. He cannot defend her in front of the elders because he has no idea where she had been all her life, he would never be able to prove that she is not the killer. I can win this round effortlessly, I only need to come up with some pretty convincing evidence that the elders would believe. If I can convince the elders beyond every reasonable doubt that Sofia is a demon wolf and she has been lurking around our boundaries, killing any easy prey that she can find around. If I can convince the elders, then I don’t need to worry about Damien because the council will make sure that no demon wolf lives amongst us. He may be the Alpha, but he still has to answer for his actions, he still listens to the council.

I was still trying to figure out my next course of action when I noticed that Damien is up to something. I still need him, I need him to make me his Luna, that is the only way that I can become the Alpha and take control of all his businesses when he dies. That was why I turned her into a demon wolf, I wanted him to listen to me and obey my commands. He is supposed to do everything I say so I can help him get the formula for the potion that I used on her. If he gives me what I want, then I would help him heal his precious little girlfriend and everybody lives happily ever after. Everybody, except him because am going to kill him and turn his precious little whore into my slave. He is not fit to be the Alpha, he is too weak and lenient. I still can’t believe that he chose a pathetic human over me, it’s so damn annoying.

Men are so stupid!

So damn stupid and annoying!

He is an over-entitled bastard, If fact, all men are. The world is unfair to women, we are never allowed to lead, we can’t be Alphas, we can’t lead the Mafia, and we can’t do anything we want to do because we are considered to be lesser beings. But I won’t let that go on forever, I’ll prove to everyone that a woman can lead better than any man alive. I am a born leader and I will fulfill my destiny, I will be a better Alpha, a better leader than Damien ever was. His nasty little sisters would kneel before means his boys would serve me and do my bidding. Every drug lord would shiver at the mention of my name, I would be the mafia Lord and no one will dare to challenge me. When they see me take out the Mafia Lord Damien and his only rival Alfredo, they would know that I am not a rival that can be challenged. It could have been so perfect, with me leading everyone and Sofia serving me like a good girl and Lucas, yeah, Lucas would be here as well. He would be my sex slave, I would turn him into a werewolf and he would be my beta. I have it all figured out, I would have spared his family and his girlfriend, but he screwed up one more time. He chose to do this on his own, he chose to find solutions without me so he could get rid of me. He is so damn stupid and he is going to pay for his stupidity.

I kept lurking around the pack house, watching as he made arrangements to move her out of the pack’s territory. I would have told Alfredo about his movement, but I don’t want to give him the chance to kill Dominic, at least not yet. I know for a fact that his boys would never share any information with me, so I didn’t bother asking them about it, simply left them to their plans while I also went away to put my plans in order. I tried to get through to Lucas, at least I trust him more than I trust Alfredo and I need a smart guy by my side if my plans are ever going to work. So I chose to use him until I find someone better than him. Dominic can go to hell, I don’t really care, besides, I don’t need any distraction right now, and that is exactly what a mate will be to me, a distraction. I tried to get through to Lucas, but it seems like someone is jamming all networks in this vicinity. It’s going to be that idiot called Dwain. He is too smart for his own good, I think he did something to disrupt the cell tower linked to this pack’s territory. He must be trying to stop me from calling for help. Too bad they haven’t found my secret hideout in the woods where I keep the evidence that could tie me to the murder of those girls. I also have a few useful weapons there, like a burner phone that I can use to reach Alfredo Black. I don’t want him here yet, but I don’t have a choice, do I?

If Damien is planning something, then I need to be ready as well. I won’t let him take me unaware. I waited for him to leave, I had an omega in place and her duty is to inform me when Damien leaves the pack house so I can head to the woods and commence preparation for my counterattack. I couldn’t make any move when he is still around, for all I know, it could all be a big setup. He could be playing pranks on me to get me to make a move so he would know what I’m planning, but this time, I’ll let him know that I am not the Stacy that he used to know, I am not an enemy he can defeat easily. It is either he plays this game my way or I destroy everything and everyone he ever cares about. I waited for the report from my mole, and when she informed me that he has gone, I went to my hiding spot in the woods and fetched my weapons, including all the evidence that I would be needing. Damien placed a guard on me to make sure I don’t try to escape, I guess he still doesn’t know what I’m capable of. He is greatly underestimating me, that is his biggest mistake. I did not break a sweat when I took out the idiot, trust me, he did not see it coming. Damien won’t know what hit him, I’ll make him regret choosing that bitch over me, he would never get away with it. I’ll show him that I am way smarter than he’ll ever be.

When I gathered everything I needed, I stayed back a few minutes and dialed Alfredo Black. I briefed him on the situation of things here and I asked for backup, but he declined my request claiming that he doesn’t trust me anymore. I have not reported back to him since I came back here and now he doesn’t trust me anymore. He thinks that I want to betray him, he thinks I am trying to ambush him so he can be caught by Damien. I tried to convince him that I was on his side, I told him about my experience with Damien, and I told him that I was under strict observation and that was why I couldn’t reach him. But he still refused to come down here to help. After much pleading and explanations, he decided to send a few guys to help me. I have no choice but to accept the little help he can offer. Alfredo is just a coward, a fucking bastard. I would enjoy sniffing the life out of him because he is of no use to me. I need leverage against Damien, and since he has taken Sofia away, I had to settle for less, I had to use his sister, Sonia, and Tonia. I know he cares about them, he won’t let me hurt them as well. Having three demon wolves in the pack would be too much for him to handle, he won’t have any choice but to bend to my rules.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I kept communicating with the guys coming to help me, they are so damn incompetent. If I didn’t need them so badly, I would have had them shot in the head for their gross incompetence. I had to do everything myself. First, I planted the evidence that would prove that Sofia is the demon wolf. I planted the evidence in her room, hiding it among her belongings. I wonder who would buy this story, I mean, who commits a murder and keeps evidence of that crime lying around. If there was no mention of the demon wolf, I’m pretty sure that nobody would believe me. But the elders would not think too much about it, as long as it involves the demon wolf, they would believe every cock and bull story that I feed them with.

After planting all the evidence, I went to search for the girls in their rooms, but I couldn’t find them. I searched every fucking hangout spot but I couldn’t find them anywhere, if I didn’t know better, I would say that they have left this pack long before I showed up here. I would have believed that but I am pretty sure that no one was allowed to leave the pack without the Alpha’s approval, besides they couldn’t have known about my plans because I haven’t shared my plans with anyone, I made sure nobody knew that I was coming. I made sure my attack was a secret. No one knew I was coming to look for them, so there is no way they could have escaped this pack’s territory. Besides, there are guys around our borders, they would have reported back to the Alpha’s father if someone had tried to escape. In the absence of Damien, his father handles the affairs in the pack, but I haven’t seen any guard come in here to deliver any message to him so I’m sure they are somewhere in this pack, and I’m going to find them. As I went around the pack, searching every house, I realized that the people were not being honest with me, It’s obvious that they know exactly where they are, or at least, they have an idea of where they could have gone, but they are hiding their location from me because of their loyalty to their Alpha, a misplaced loyalty if you ask me. I’m going to be the Alpha soon, so they should have more respect for me because their loyalty and allegiance belong to me, only me.

After walking around in circles, and begging for information like a lunatic, I finally found out from an omega that Damien had taken them along on this stupid trip. He must be trying to protect his family from the impending doom, that is why he took her away. I hate that guy, I fucking hate him. He is so selfish and annoying. Can you believe that he only took his mate and his sisters away?

He left the rest of the pack to their fate because he doesn’t really care about them, he only cares about himself and his family. I need to find out where he had gone, I need to find out what he is planning. It seems like he is trying to outsmart me this time and I just can’t let him do that. I couldn’t ask the guards or anyone else for information because they won’t tell me what is going on. They hate me, they think I am the enemy. But I’ll make them fear me, I will have their respect and admiration very soon.

But for now, my top priority is to find out where Dominic had gone to and what he is planning. The head omega is my best chance to find out exactly what is going on here. There is a rumor that says that nothing slips past her watchful eyes and no information escapes her sharp ears. If I really want to know his whereabouts, she is my best bet, and that is exactly where I am heading to. But this time, I’m not going to ask nicely, I’m done being nice to them. I’m done trying to play the nice girl, there is so much at stake here. I’ve invested everything I have in this war, I’ve practically invested my life in this war. I can’t bear the fact that Damien is trying to outsmart me, I need to be at the top of this game, I need to know everything he is planning.

I sneaked into the servant’s quarters and went straight to her room. I pushed the door open and went right in, ignoring her frightened scream when I went in. It looks like she was just coming from his bedroom, and I lost all rational thought as I lunged forward and punched her hard in the face, sending her flying in the other direction. She hit the wall on the other end of the room and I followed her right there, toppling on top of her as I dealt her several blows to her face, punching her so hard as I kept yelling at her in both anger and frustration, “I’m done being nice to you fools! Where the fuck is she right now, where is she? I’ll fucking kill her, and I’ll kill you too. Where is she?” I yelled continuously, punching her as I screamed like a fucking lunatic.

“Tell me where she is or I swear I’m gonna fucking rip out your heart from your chest. Where is the Alphas mate and where are his sisters?” I asked angrily.

“Where the fuck is she?” I yelled once more when she wouldn’t say anything. She did not even try to fight back and defend herself, she just lay there and let me hit her as much as I want to. She had a smirk on her face that tells me that she knows way more than she is letting on. And it seems like she is happy to see me this frustrated. She burst into a fit of hysterical laughter, getting me even more pissed as she mocked me with her hysterical laughter,

“You are too late, Stacy. He is already back, he has come back for you.” She let out mockingly, making me squint my eyes as I tried to understand what she was talking about. It was when I stayed calm that I heard the sound of cars driving in through the gate and I realized that I was too late. He is here already. I have to switch to plan B.

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