Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

My Father

Still Sofia’s POV

He kept to his words, he told me everything, I mean everything that he has been hiding from me. Now I’m wishing that he had kept it all from me, keeping me in the dark forever. I wish I can get it all out of my head, it’s so disturbing to think about it, coupled with the fact that every little thing tends to set me down the rail, getting me more upset by the minute. Now I understand the reason why this island was abandoned by humans several years ago. It wasn’t the werewolves that were killing them, it was the demon wolf that took over the place and killed everyone in their path. I don’t know if the government is aware of the problem, I’m not even sure that anyone would believe that supernatural creatures exist, but Damien’s father and some of the other Alphas had come together and found a way to put an end to the problem they were facing. They got rid of all the demon wolves and they took back their lands. They ended the terrible attacks and they have lived in peace for so many years until someone decided to turn me into a demon wolf and make me the enemy of every werewolf alive.


That fucking bitch!!!

She doesn’t need a potion or black magic to be a demon, she is a demon already, an evil demon that wants to ruin my life. She did this to me, she turned me into a time bomb, a volcano waiting to erupt. If you ask me, I think it’s still his fault, it’s all Damien’s fault. If only he had been open with me from the very beginning, all these traumas would have been averted. Yes, I love the fact that he was only trying to protect me, but he could have told me about the threats, I would have had an idea about it, I could have helped him solve the problem if only he had told me about it. I’m not some child that should be pampered and cuddled to bed, I’m a grown woman, I can fucking take care of myself. But he chose to be a fucking hero, he chose to keep it all from me, and now I’m a fucking demon wolf and my life is in danger. And it’s not just me, everyone around me is in danger as well, everyone around me may be infected with this stupid anger serum and it’s going to be my fault. No, not my fault, it’s going to be his fault because he is the cause of it all, it’s all his fucking fault.

“Sofia, your eyes are red again, you are letting the anger take control, you are going to get us all killed. Please, my love, you have to hold on a little longer, give me some time to sought it out. I would die if anything happens to you, I can’t let you die, my love, I can’t leave you. Just hold on for me, please.” He pleaded guiltily, before leaning forward to peck me softly on my lips. I had to turn away when his lips touched mine, it felt so hot and it burned my lips, making me feel the urge to rip his heart right out of his chest. Gosh, this demon wolf is so powerful. Now I can see just how manipulative it is. It finds my vulnerable spot and it turns it into anger, putting many evil ideas in my head.

“I can’t go on like this Damien. I need to get rid of this thing inside of me. I can feel it getting stronger, what if I’m not able to control it, what if I hurt someone, what if I kill someone, Damien. I can’t live this way, I’m so scared.” I sobbed.

“You will control it, I trust you and I know you can control it. I also got you this.” He let out with a smile, handing me a gold necklace that looks like a slave collar.

“What the hell is this, Damien, how will this ugly necklace help me, are you trying to make fun of me?” I asked him angrily, hitting the necklace from his hand. I felt myself getting angrier when I saw him struggling to catch the necklace, stopping it from hitting the floor. I had to shut my eyes firmly, willing the anger to go away before I completely lose it and attack them again

“It is not just a necklace my love, it is enchanted.” He explained calmly while rubbing my brows gently, trying to help me to stay calm as he explained the origin of the enchanted necklace.

“Several years ago, when the demon wolves were still in control of these islands, we caught one of the evil sorcerers that created the poisonous potion that turned them into demon wolves. He had made a terrible mistake during one of their hunts for werewolves to use for their stupid experiments. He got his only son infected, turning him into a demon wolf. He started searching for a way to bring his son back, and that was how he made this necklace. It keeps the demon wolf at bay and locks away its evil powers. You just have to wear it around your neck always. No matter what happens, keep it around your neck, don’t take it off for any reason at all, it must never leave your neck, even when you are bathing.” He warned me sternly, making me smile warmly as he put the necklace around my neck. The smile disappeared from my face immediately after he clasped the lock of the necklace, I screamed in pain as it burned my neck, making it hard for me to breadth properly. I wanted to yank it off and fling it out of the window, but he didn’t let me. Before I could even begin to struggle, the guards were on me already, holding me down.

“My love, I’m so sorry but you have to stay calm, please. I know that it is hurting you, but it is going to stop, I promise. It is only going to hurt for a few minutes, but after that, it won’t hurt you anymore.” He said calmly, as he stood right next to me, forcing me to look into his eyes while his guards held me down.

“Focus on me Sofia, think about all the times we spent together, think about our future, and imagine yourself sitting beside me as Luna.” He said calmly, making me roll my eyes at him.

“Just shut up already Damien, it’s not helping at all. Just tell me one thing, please. Was the sorcerer able to save his son, did he find a cure?” I asked him through gritted teeth as I still struggled to overcome the pain that just won’t stop. I need to hear something nice right now, I need to hear something that would give me hope because I need to know that all this pain and discomfort would end soon. I looked up at him, eagerly waiting for his answer, but the sad look on his face says it all, there is no hope for me.

“I’m so sorry my love, I know you want to hear something good, but I can’t bring myself to lie to you again. I want to be completely honest with you, I will never lie to you again, no matter how hard it may be, I will definitely tell you the truth. And that is a promise, my love.” He said with a smile. That is all it took, it is exactly what I wanted to hear right now. I smiled back at him as I felt the pain disappear completely, then he leaned down and kissed my lips softly. This time, I felt no burning pain, all I feel is that tingling sensation that proves that our bond still exists. My smile grew bigger as I kissed him back, kissing him so passionately as we both giggled excitedly.

“The sorcerer could not save his son because his friends betrayed him. They knew that if he makes the cure, then all their efforts would be lost because the Alphas would seize the cure and save the other demon wolves. They locked him up and fled with everything leaving nothing behind. Without the original potion, the sorcerer could not make a cure. Before the Alphas would find him, the others have already destroyed everything and that ruined his chances of ever finding a cure. His son was killed along with the rest of the demon wolves. But in your case, I won’t let it go so easily, I’ll find the sorcerer and I will get that cure. I just need you to promote me that you will be fine, I need to know that you won’t try to take off this necklace while I’m away, can you do that for me, my love?” he asked me, sounding so sad and looking so guilty as well. I know how he must be feeling right now, it will be so difficult to carry so much guilt and heartache within you. He had been carrying all this guilt for a very long time, that is why he didn’t tell me about the emails that he had been getting, that is why he didn’t tell me all this while that my life was in danger. I didn’t see it clearly when I was still angry but now that I’m a little bit calm, I can see the depression and guilt all over his face. I wish I could let him know that I do t blame him anymore, I wish I could make him feel better. He is such a wonderful man, he doesn’t deserve all this trouble and heartache, he deserves better, way better.

“I think I have an idea of who my stalker is,” I let out softly, making him squint his eyes as he gazes at me curiously.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I just told you about it a few minutes ago, how on earth would you know who your stalker is?” he asked.

“Well, if only you had told me about it when it all started, then we would have figured it out together and we would have put an end to it before it get out of hand.” I told him sternly, making him sigh frustratedly.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I already apologized for that, and I promise never to lie to you ever again. So tell me who he is and how did you figure it out. Is he someone I know, have I met him before, how do you even know this person?” He asked me impatiently, making me chuckle softly as I wondered where I would begin to answer all his numerous questions.

“I didn’t say I know who it is, I said I have an idea. I could be wrong about this, but my hunch is telling me that it is him because there is no other person that could be so interested in getting me away from you.” I told him.

“Enough with the suspect already, tell me who it is, I want to know.”

“Well, you said the stalking started the day you took me away from home and you mentioned that the stalker has an interest in being the Mafia Lord. There is only one person I can think of that has an interest in being the Mafia Lord, you even stole the title from him, remember?” I asked him sarcastically. He thought about it for a while, trying to figure out who I was referring to. I knew the exact moment when he got the answer, his eyes grew wide in shock as he realized that I was right.

“He is so fucking dead, I’m so gonna kill him. I warned him not to fucking mess with me.” He let out angrily.

“You won’t kill my father Damien. We still don’t know if he is the one sending those threatening messages, he doesn’t have that kind of money, does he?” I asked him curiously because last I remember, my father was completely broke.

“Yeah, he didn’t have the money, not until I paid him for you. He practically sold you off to me and now he is using my own money to fight me, what kind of an idiot does something like that?” he let out furiously.

“Enough with the name-calling already, he is still my father Damien and I won’t sit here and watch you insulting him. If you say one more thing about my father, I’ll be so furious with you. You don’t want to get me furious, do you?” I asked him teasingly, making his eyes go wide. I almost giggled when stopped talking immediately. He definitely doesn’t want to get me angry, not when I’m still battling with the demon wolf inside of me. This is gonna be so much fun, it’s so damn hilarious.

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