Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

My Defenseless Wolf

Sofia’s POV

I don’t feel good…This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I’m drowning in a pool of blood and the stench of blood is suffocating me and I keep struggling to find my way out of the pool, but there is no way out, in mater how hard I struggle to swim to the surface, I just kept falling back into the pool, and I kept sinking deeper and deeper into the pool.

I could feel a sharp pain all over my body, it feels like I was being stabbed over and over again, making it seem like I was drowning in my own blood. The pain and fear was pushing me to fight back, urging me to fight back and kill everyone so I don’t drown in my own blood.

I could hear voices around me, it sounds so vague and familiar, but I do not appreciate their presence, I don’t need them here. Their presence around me was making me more uncomfortable and angry. It felt like they were the cause of my problems, and something within me was telling me that killing them is the only solution to my problem. I can already see myself swimming in an ocean of blood, and this time it is their blood and I wasn’t drowning in the river, rather, I enjoyed swimming in their blood, it felt exhilarating.

A huge part of me was telling me that this is all wrong, but there is a small part of me that knew that I shouldn’t be thinking about killing anyone. I could remember that Damien had told me that there is something wrong with me, but I don’t remember his exact words, I have no fucking idea what could be wrong with me. My only hope of survival is to get rid of these annoying thoughts that is making me have these murderous thoughts.

First, I thought about Damien. My Alpha, my mate. I know we haven’t spent so much time together but there is no denying the fact that we had a deep love for each other, and at the end of the day, he is not my true mate. He only dated and agreed to settle down with that bitch because he couldn’t find his true mate, he couldn’t find me on time. That is why I’m feeling, this hurt and miserable, it only happens to anyone that separated from his true mate. It’s making me wonder where he is right now and why the hell am I missing him this much?

Or maybe he has left me once more. He could have gone to spend time with his stupid mistress, just the way he had done the other day. He had left me all alone in the room, even when I begged him to make love to me, he refused to satisfy me. Instead, he went to his stupid mistress and he was banging her in the woods like a sex starved teenager. If I ever find out that he is cheating on me with that stupid whore again, I would fucking kill him. The thought of him screwing that bitch was making me furious once more. I tried thinking about the good times we spent together, I even tried thinking about his two beautiful sisters who treated me like family. But it doesn’t seem to work, no matter how hard I try to get myself to calm down, I just couldn’t do it. It could almost feel like I am fighting a force that is greater than me. I had to shift my line of thoughts from Damien and his family to my own family. I know that no matter how angry I get, thoughts of my family would always make me feel better.

And I was right. It worked like magic and before I knew it, I was smiling to myself, smiling like a fucking idiot. Well, it has to be because of my deepest Love for my parents and my brother, I miss them so much and I’m so lonely and alone. It’s been a few months and my life has been so sad and miserable without them. The only happy moments I have are when I hang out with the girls or when Damien makes out time to be with me. I have no contact with my people, I couldn’t get through to my brother with the phone Damien gave to me when I arrived.

I could remember when I First got here, The first few days was a nightmare! I couldn’t sleep, I kept tossing and turning on my bed, thinking of the different ways I could kill that bastard that ruined my life. And that is exactly what I had thought, I thought he had ruined my life, I thought he was a monster. I keep hearing the screams of my mom when he came to pick me from our mansion. But I soon realized that he can be loving and caring as well, and he is not a monster, No. He is my mate… Mine.


I heard this piercing scream in my head and the picture changed immediately. But the picture I am seeing now is way different from what had happened that day. This picture makes him out to be a monster, I could see my family and friends in the pack as Alpha Damien and his warriors pillaged and raided our house. All my friends were there, including my friends from school and my friends in the pack. Damien gathered everyone together in our house and he killed them all. He slaughtered and killed them all in my presence, taunting me and forcing me to avenge my family if I can. I could hear his evil laughter as he pushed his sword through my father’s heart, my mind kept conjuring different mental images, showing me different ways that he could have killed my family.

I had felt something strange right before he killed my father, it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I struggled to get that picture out of my head, but no matter how hard I try, I couldn’t get rid of it. My heart aches for my dad, I feel his pain and I know that his heart is calling for me but I couldn’t do anything to save him or my mom and my friends. I’m a weak wolf who ran away from home, I don’t deserve to be the Luna, I don’t even deserve to be called a leader. I am serving my punishment by being turned into a demon wolf, I deserve what I’m getting, I deserve it all because I’m a weak wolf. The only way for me to be strong is for me to accept my date and become the demon wolf. I need to stop fighting it, I need to fully accept it. It is my destiny to be a demon wolf, that is what I can be. I deserve it, I deserve everything that is happening to me. I am not a Luna, I am a demon wolf.

“What the hell is wrong with you Sofia, how long will you keep being stupid and stubborn?

Stop fighting it!!!

Accept your destiny and become a demon wolf. You can be strong and powerful and you can save your family and your friends. You just have to stop fighting it. Think of all the people that have ever hurt you, think of everyone that caused you pain. You can get Justice, you can avenge your family. Just stop fighting it and accept you fate.” My mom scolded me, trying to break free and assume the form of a demon wolf. I was still thinking about all she had said and I was trying to understand how she got to know about the demon wolf, hell, I don’t even know how she knows about werewolves generally. I’ve never communicated with my family and I have no idea how she got to know about everything happening to me in Damien’s house. It all sounded so strange and mysterious. I wanted to ask her what was happening here, I wanted to know how she got here and how she got to know all this, but I didn’t get a chance to say anything because she stretch her hand towards me and tightened her hand around my neck, smiling evilly at me as her eyes shined brightly. I struggled to breath, struggling to untangle her hand from my neck. Then she threw me down furiously, throwing me hard on the floor, making me Yelp in pain.

I managed to lift my body up from the floor, and that was when I noticed what was really happening around us, it was war. I could see my mom clad in a black outfit, giving her a deadly and dangerous personality. She was having a heated battle with a beast, a white beast. No, wait, it’s not a beast. It is a wolf, a huge white wolf that looks so pure and innocent. I could feel every punch that my mom dealt on the white wolf, it felt like I was that white wolf that was fighting with my mom. It felt like…

“Wait, is that my wolf?”

I thought within me as I thrashed and struggled to stand up from the floor and go over there. It felt like something strong and powerful was holding me down, I tried so hard to get up but I couldn’t make any move, I just stayed there and watched as they both fought ruthlessly, hurting each other as they punched and hit each other continuously. The white wolf was getting weaker by the minute, but my mom did not show any sign of tiredness, if anything, she seems to be getting stronger by the minute. It took me quite a while before I realized that my mom is the demon wolf. The tricky demon wolf must have known that I care so much about my mom, so it took her form just to try and deceive me. That white wolf is my wolf, and it is fighting for me, trying to save me from getting possessed by the demon wolf. But the demon wolf is too powerful, it’s hurting my wolf so much and I can feel it right here.

“Leave her alone!!!” I called out in pains as the demon wolf kept hitting my wolf repeatedly.

“You can’t save her, Sofia, it’s too late already. You no longer have a wolf, so there is nothing holding you back anymore. You belong to me… you are mine!” she called out angrily as she kept hitting my wolf repeatedly, making me scream out in pain. She was doing it on purpose, trying to get me to stop fighting it and accept the demon wolf.

For a moment there, I nearly gave in to the demon wolf, I just want it to stop hurting me and my wolf. But when I recalled that the demon wolf wants to kill everyone around me, including my mom and my mate, I am forced to endure her torture. I just have to hold on a little longer, Damien had said that he would find a solution to this and I believe him. I just have to hold on…

I need Damien…

My wolf is lying on the floor, whispering in pain, yet the demon wolf kept causing her more pain. I was getting weak as well, the pain was becoming unbearable. I think that is exactly what the demon wolf is trying to do, it wants to get me weak and angry. Then it will be able to dominate me and take control…

I can’t let it win…

If it wins, that means Stacy has won, and I would lose everything. I would lose my family, I would lose my mate and I will lose my position in the pack. I can’t let her win, I can’t be weak. But how can I be strong when I am dealing with a demon wolf that is so merciless and ruthless. How can I defeat a demon wolf when my wolf is lying on the floor, weak and defenseless. How do I win this?

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