Sold to my crush

All games no hurt

Alexander’s POV

In this world that we live in, there are so many people with different personalities and attributes. Every one of us with our own different values, beliefs and ways we get things done.

In as much as we all claim to be perfect, we are far from it. Most people claim to be completely righteous and perfect, thereby lying and deceiving themselves.

But some of us know who we are deep inside and we accept it.

Some of us are bloody liars, some of us are killers, some are thieves, some are monsters and we know it.

The difference between these two set of people is that the people who know and accept exactly what they do not deceive themselves and do not pretend to be something that they’re not. But the ones who pretend and claim to be perfect are demons and the worst people that you can ever encounter on this earth.

Take my self for an example, I know I’m a heartless and terrible person. A monster even but I don’t pretend or hide it. Anyone who has come across me knows that.

But in another case we see for example Chase, someone who could commit assault and battering on his own sister but pretends to be someone else.

What else could we describe him as other than a cold, ruthless and soulless demon.

He doesn’t deserve anything good in this life after all he has done to my Lily. I would have easily gotten him arrested and charged for rape and that would have resulted to a sentences to life imprisonment.

He doesn’t deserve that and I feel that it would be luxury for him compared to what I have planned for him.

By the time I’m done with him, he would regret the exact moment he found his own sister sexually attractive and he would beg me to throw him in prison or just hang him to die.

I walked into the cell to find Chase tied up with chains. His hands were pulled to each side and his legs were tied in a way that he could stand.

He was unconscious and he looked battered. I can only assume that my men had done a number on him already.

“Wake him up”. I ordered my men. Mitch who was present, picked up a bucket of water and forced Chase’s head in it, drowning him. That did the trick as Chase regained consciousness struggling to breathe.

“Enough!”. I barked out to Mitch to stop the torture as he had gained consciousness . I did not need Chase to die just yet.

“Glad you could finally join us.” I said with a sinister chuckle as I walked casually towards him with my hands in my pocket.

He coughed uncontrollably and squinted his eyes to see clearly. “What the fuck!!”. He screamed out as he struggled to get free from the chains.

I laughed at his antics. “Don’t bother yourself with that. You’re not leaving this place anytime soon”.

“Why the hell am I here Alex. What the fuck is going on?”. He screamed at me like a crazy man that he is.

“Well why don’t we play a game?”. I asked cocking an eyebrow at him.

“A fucking game?”. He screamed out irritated.

“Yes Chase and it’s not like you have the luxury to decide not to partake in this game or else I’ll kill you. The choice is yours.” I laughed mockingly.

“Fuck you!!, you’re fucking crazy”. He spat at.

I ignored him and continued talking. “I’ll take that as a yes so all you have to do is to guess the reason why you’re here but for every wrong answer you loose a finger”. I said with a wide grin.

On the table were different weapons and instruments that I could use, from a gun to a sword or a hammer. Whatever it is that befits me. I like to come to situations like this prepared.

“Eni mini mani moo”. I said in a playful tone before I picked up a sharp knife from the table.

He stared at me wide eyed and yanked on the chains repeatedly in an attempt to set himself free.

“Alex what the hell is this?”. Chase screamed frantically as he stared at me wide eyed.

“The game starts now. Why do you think you’re here?”. I asked in a stone cold expression.

“Alex let me go right now. I w..”.

“Wrong answer”. I cut him off and a melodic scream came from him as his left thumb came off.

Fortunately for him, this place was sound proof so it would save him the embarrassment of people hearing him scream like a little girl.

“Guess again”. I taunted playfully as I continued swinging the knife back and forth.

“I don’t fucking know!!!.” He screamed out.

“Another wrong answer”. I smiled in satisfaction as the strong smell of blood filled the room as I cut off his middle finger on his right hand.

He screamed and wailed in pained as blood tickled down his hand.

“This game is getting boring now don’t you think so?”. I asked him and nodded his head frantically as a yes.

I chuckled. “I’m going to ask for the last time. Why the hell did I bring you here?!” I barked out.

“I’m sorry please for whatever I’ve done. Please let me go. I’m not sure..”

“Fucking wrong again!”. I roared. I grabbed his right hand with the intention to cut off his remaining fingers but I decided to show him mercy by leaving is pinky finger for him. Am i not so merciful?.

I would like to think I am, seeing that his arm is still attached to his body. Well for now.

“Fuck you!!”. He screamed out in pain.

“Shut the hell up!!.” I screamed angrily as I threw a punch at him, breaking his jaw.

Blood tickled down his jaw and he cried out in pain. “Please Alex, let me go. I’m sorry please.” He heaved and struggled to talk.

“I’m sorry but I can’t let you go. You touched what belongs to me.” I said darkly.

“I didn’t touch any of your property. Please Alex, this must be a mistake or a misunderstanding.” He pleaded with tears streaming down his eyes.

“Are you calling me liar?!”. I asked fuming with anger.

“No no no, I’m not calling you a liar. I just think we should sit down and talk everything through like civil men”. He cried out shakily.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Civil men?”. I asked cocking a brow at him.

“Yes Alex”. He said in a shaky tone as more tears streamed down his eyes.

“Civil men?”. I asked again moving closer to him to which he responded with a rapid nod. “Were you being civil when you forced yourself upon my wife, your own sister countless time”. He look at me wide eyed and before he could say anything I stabbed him on this left thigh.

I repeatedly stabbed him on the same spot and his screams were my reward.

“Did you behave civil with her then?”. I asked when I pulled the knife out of his thigh.

He couldn’t respond as he tried to recover from the pain. He continued shaking uncontrollably while blood gushed out from his leg.

“Answer me!!”. I charged at him, hitting him all over his body, breaking his ribs but I wasn’t satisfied.

“Please Alex”. He cried out.

“I would like to think that you listened to your sister when she begged you to stop. Now did you?”.

I asked tauntingly.

He did not respond to me, only heaving and crying louder than ever. It was hilarious to watch.

I continued hitting him and making cuts wherever I could find on his body and his screams encouraged me. I carried on until Chase could no longer scream and passed out from the pain.

I guess i would have to continue some other time cause he has to be conscious to feel every single thing that I would do to him.

“Get Mrs Jones to fix him and let me know when he’s awake.” I ordered my men. My plan was to beat him up and inflict as much pain as I can to him and then get my doctor to fix him up only to reopen those wounds again. Wouldn’t that be so fun?. I’m so excited.

“And no water nor food until I say so”. With that I walked out of the cell.

Chase had absolutely no idea what he had gotten himself into.

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