Sold To Mr President

Chapter 15 Doctor Collins

Ruby Whitney Helen laid on the floor still

thinking that she was already dead. She has never been terrified in her entire life like the way she is right now. It sulks to know that such a thing had happened to her, and even though she didn’t feel any pain, the shock that she had knock her head on the ground, and also the fact that she didn’t want anything to with whosoever that was responsible, Ruby just felt like closing her eyes so hard.

When Collins had walked up to her a few minutes ago, she had felt his presence, but lacked the courage to open her eyes. It is just so weird to know that someone cared about her and wanted to see her face to.

Sighing, she patiently waited for the person to leave. When she head Colluns stand, her heartbeat stopped beating as she knew that the person was about to leave, but then, that was not the plan, she half expected anyone to help her.

As if on command, Collins who placed his one knee on the gravel road and his other leg in stretching behind as he prepares to wake up. Collins checked Ruby’s face once more and judged himself, he kept tormenting his mind that he is the fault why the lady is unconscious, and as he held her cheeks once more, he pushed Ruby’s fave from one direction to another, checking if he was bruised or not.

Well, she wasn’t bruised but then, she opened her eyes. At that moment, time seemed to stop ticking and all they had to do was to stare at one another.

If anyone is to say that Collins didn’t enjoy the look on Ruby’s face, then, ae is lying, in fact, he would be termed a liar because because he thought that he had met all the pretty ladies in the world, but then, that is a lie, in fact, she has been secretly lying to herself, and that is something that is a bit understandable, he acknowledges the fact that, the lady in front of him was an angel.

As Ruby’s beautiful eyes flashed through Collins’ face, he could not resist it other than muttering the words out,

“Wow!” he said.

Well, truth be told, Collins is not the only one who was caught aback with Ruby’s beauty, the moment she had felt someone’s soft palms caress her cheek, she knew at once that she had to open her eyes. Of course, she did, and honestly, she was astonished with the handsome man he met in front of her.

At first, she didn’t know how how she could possible explain this thing, only the joy of seeing man like Collins in front of her, surpassed the one she saw in front of her, it was kind of difficult to explain how handsome the man was, so she stopped trying it, and instead of doing so, she kind of braced her mind away from his handsome face. There is no doubt that Collins is handsome, but repeating that stuff over and over to herself could make her regret the fact that she was being linked to Ethan for the rest of her life.

This sulks, such truth should not even be reminded, it can make someone grow knots, and she knows exactly the person that will grow knots if case be needed. That is, her.

Suddenly, Ruby couldn’t feel her entire body, and the fact that she was lying on the ground, her body was rigid, and kind of plastered to the ground. Just putting all these things in her mind made her have a negative reflection about it. It is kind of bizarre, she can’t possible think about it.

“Am I in heaven? please tell me, what kind of angel are you, I want to know about that please,” Ruby spat innocently.

Her weird questioned caused a weird ourburst of laughter to fill her entire body, it is like nothing she had ever felt before, it was weird.

Collins had the urge to burst into laughter, but thought it wise not to do so, even if he had the urge to laugh, making fun of the beautiful lady in her presence is something ae didn’t want to risk his head for. Shaking his head, he decided to reply positively, saying the truth to her.

“You are not in heaven, Ms. You are on

Earth, I am sorry I ran over you, find a place in your heart to forgive me please,” Collins begged.

He was so damn serious about what he said, and as he looked at her, ge expected her to reply.

Hearing that she is not in Heaven, Runy decided to wake up from the ground with immediate effect. The moment she started, she found it difficult, the young man in front of her had made it clear that he is not in heaven, it is kind of a good thing to k ow that she is not death. But then, she was on the floor. As she struggled to be on her feet, it was I difficult that Collins immediately understood what she wanted to so and jumped into it, holding herself and helo her to sit.

“Remain sitted for now, please I understand that you were been terrified, but please, it is over now, huh?” he spat put helping her to sit.

The cold floor was annoying but there is nothing she could do about it, especially as she wanted to regain her confindence to continue her journey home. Well, for now, she can’t even think much, it is kind of awkward, she wouldn’t even allow such things to skip out of her mind, the fact that the man in front of him was handsome.

Slapping herself immediately, her mind suddenly drifted to Ethan’s side, he was handsome to, but then, his bad attitude wouldn’t allow his natural part of him to be portrayed, it is aching that he didn’t even allow that shit to happen, it was enough drama to him, so much that she couldn’t even figure it out.

Lifting her head to face the young man who knelt in front of her, Ruby murmured gently, more to herself, but a little but audible so that the man beside her could hear her

“I want to go home,” she spat.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Hearing this, Collins nodded his head positively, but lacked the courage to talk to him. Like seriously, it is kind of terrible that the young lady wants to go after opening her eyes from acquiring such a deadly shot, it was weird, so he felt like stopping her for a minute will do her justice especially helping his mood to be calm, she needed that more than anything on earth and Collins Is going to make sure that Ruby is alright before he lives.

“Oh! you want to go home? that’s all right, just tell me where you live, and before you know it, I will drop you at your front porch, but then, if you don’t mind me asking, do you feel pain anywhere? let me take you to the hospital for check up, please, on case you feel pain on any part of your body,” Collins informed her with bright eyes.

Hearing this, Ruby thought that she was injured so she quickly jumped to her feet, checking herself thoroughly. Realising that she is okay, and nothing had crashed on her body, she heaved a sigh that seemed to be clutched terribly in her throat.

The same time that she said this and did the happy movements, Collins rose to his feetz with excitement filled in his eyes as he saw that he was alright.

“You can see, Sir, I am fine, and I am ao happy that you don’t gave any external damage, but what about the interior? many people die this day because of internal damages like blood clothing In the head and that is very dangerous because it kills faster than anything” Collins muttered.

Ruby widened her eyes as she heard what Collins had said, and it terrified her. She noticed that she had a mild headache, but that was it, she didn’t feel anything else, and hearing this man in front of her say this right now, she creased her mind in pain.

“Please, don’t tell me you are a doctor, how on earth do you do all these things and for crying out loud, I have a mild headache which feels like several people are on my head thumping it so powerfully,” Ruby confessed.

Hearing all these things suddenly excite Collins, he doesn’t always want to brag about his profession, but then, that is the truth of who he is, and hiding it will never do any justice to him or to the profession in which he adheres to. By the way, if he succeeds to make this pretty creature’s eyes to widen this much, it means that he has priked her mind so much that It hurts, and so far, he is proud of it, more than anything on earth.

“Alright, you have gotten this right, I am a doctor, but then, that is it, nothing more, nothing less, and besides, I am not a doctor in this town so you can be rest assured that it is not me that is gojng to attend to you,” he explained.

The moment the words sank in Her mind, she felt embarrassed so much that a light pink color rested on her cheeks. Well, she had not expected him to be a doctor, neither had she expected him to be this kind to her. But if he had chose to be polite to her, that was a first because most of the times, no one has never been so good to her, in fact, she always thought that she is the problem to herself, most at times, she didn’t want to show herself to Ethan because she knew that she was related to the beast, and no one will ever want to see someone as ugly as her, no! they will always run away from her, and that is th worst thing that she can even think about.

Sighing, Ruby quickly declined what the man had said, it was kind of awkward, she didn’t even want to think about such. things, it was awkward, more than the word itself, and as she creased her mind in pain, she found it difficult to Maintain a honest stare with the young man in front of her. Partying her lips lightly, she decided to speak the truth out, well, it was just the part that will make sure she is safe, she didn’t want to mentions Ethan’s name unto it because it wasn’t necessary, in fact, she already dreaded the fact that she will have so many problems in future especially when it has to do with Ethan.

At first, the solid number of slaps a that Ruby had received from Ethan was still a reminder to her that he would do more if she tries to misbehave or run away, it is so awkward, in fact, she can’t even think about anything possible, it is kind of weird, and even though she knows that deep down in her, if she ever tries to run away from Ethan, she is sure to die.

This is not a doubt, in fact, Ruby doesn’t even need to think about it to be afraid because it is a possibility, and then tonight, just because a handsome young man has opted that he takes her to the hospital for check up, the fear she has fo Ethan should quickly stand as a police in her mynd to stop her from doing soch a mistake as following this man to the hospital because like seriously, he is surely going to do something that Ruby will have never have the guts to expain it to someone else.

She was deep in thoughts that when Collins touched her arm lightly trying to bring her to consciousness, she jumped in fear.

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