Sold to Mr. Giordano

Chapter 6


Downstairs, there is an eerie silence except for a few estranged sobs coming from Antonio’s cousins. I look around, my eyes catch my future husband, he raises his drink to me and takes a sip. He places the glass down and walks away looking royally pissed. I gulp, but no one looks angrier than my father and Luca.

“Seems we’re going to be in-laws,” Rocco says beside me, an alcoholic beverage in his hands.

“You know?”

He snorts. “Of course I know. You know I was hoping I might’ve received the honor of marrying you,” he bitehis bottom lip seductively.

My heart pounds out of his chest. “Well, my father wants the best possible union and that would be with the new Capo.”

Rocco takes a sip of his drink and offers it to me.

“I’m not legal,” I shake my head. Father forbid me to touch alcohol that wasn’t the wine we always have at dinner.

“That’s right,” Rocco chuckles. “Tell me, Arielle, you are still a virgin? Right?”

A blush creeps over my cheeks. “That is a very inappropriate question.”

“Well seeing as my father isn’t here to interrogate you and see if you are right for my brother-”

“Seeing if I’m right? You just mean if I still have my virtue!” I clench my fists.

“Correct,” a sly grin spreads across his face. “Or should I check to see if you’re lying.”

“You will do no such thing!” My face couldn’t be any more beat red.

Rocco tips his head back and laughs. He was only joking. I want to leave, I want to go back to New York. I never thought I would come to hate Chicago.


“No,” Father picks out the most revealing dress I brought with me. “You will wear this, leave your hair long and curly. Have your mother help you with your makeup. Oh, and wear your tallest heels.”

I feel like a rich prostitute, the clothes are expensive, but make me feel cheap. My breasts are pushed up and hanging out of my low cut crimson red dress. Mother used too much mascara, too dark of eyeshadow, and too red of lipstick. The black heels are barely walkable in, they give me at least four inches making me only average height. Father always tells me men like tall girls with long legs-even with heels I can’t be a tall girl, only average.

And average doesn’t make you stick out.

“You look beautiful,” Mother claps her hands together and starts to cry again for the third time since doing my makeup.

Looking in the mirror, aside from cheap, I feel beautiful. My honey blonde hair is in curls and looks soft and thick. My blue eyes look so pale they’re the color of icebergs. The red dress looks good in contrast to the color of my skin and hair.

“We’re leaving right after the party. Angelo will look out for you and Antonio will have his bodyguard here. You’ll be safe, call when you can.” Mother kisses my temple.

“Take care of yourself, Mom.” I give her a quick hug.

“I didn’t thought Marco would’ve sold you to Antonio Giordano and most importantly he was working with us for years just to sneak in our plans.” She stated after pulling away. I give her a simple nod, literally I can’t change anything. My life is being controlled and at this moment I’m sold to my husband to be.

Father and my brothers are dressed in their best dark navy suits all with different color ties. Father always wore a blue tie that matches his eyes. Luca, wore red, and Angelo, purple. Mother wore a light pink dress that Father would scold for her later-pink always makes her look flush and he always said how ugly she looks in it. Even though it is her favorite color.

My hands sweat the entire ride to the mansion, Antonio’s other aunt decided her home is big enough for such a festivity and she is right. It is almost as big as the mansion we have in New York City-the one I won’t live in ever again. Angelo discreetly takes my hand in his and rubs his thumb over my knuckles silently telling me everything is going to be okay. But it won’t. I’m marrying a man I do not love nor know.

The Giordano family greets us in the foyer, we’re fashionably late, so guests have already arrived and have begun to mingle amongst each other.

Antonio’s Aunt Cordelia hugs me and looks me over, “A pretty one she is. Very pretty indeed.”

I feel like a piece of meat they’re inspecting.

“Sister-in-law,” Rocco pulls me into a hug. “You look ravishing,” he whispers in my ear.

In heels I only come up to his chest, he’s maybe 6 foot two, and Antonio definitely has two inches on his little brother. They both look so similar, both have dark brown hair and dark eyes, Rocco is more round in the face where his brother has more sharp features. Rocco also has a light birthmark on his chin where Antonio has a scar on his cheek. Both brothers endearingly handsome, but both scare the ever-loving crap out of me. Well, Rocco not so much, he’s seems like a jokester, but I don’t know him well enough to say he’s harmless. I mean, he is a Made Man and consigliere of the Outfit.

“Your fiancé is in the other room,” Rocco whispers and lightly pushes me in the direction of Antonio.This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

When I step into the living area, everyone stops talking to stare at me. The girls look bitterly jealous, and the men’s jaws have dropped. I look at Antonio feeling incredibly nervous. He’s wearing a black suit with a red tie-is it coincidence that we’re matching? His jaw ticks as his eyes rack over my body. He approaches me and I begin to feel meek. I have to crane my head to look up at his face. He’s extremely tall and muscular, I begin to picture what he looks like shirtless.

No. Stop.

I stare down at his shined black shoes. “Good afternoon, Mr. Giordano.”

“Come. I have something to show you.”

Please don’t be anything sexual.

He drags me along upstairs until we can no longer hear the crowd talking. He opens up his suit jacket and reaches in the pocket. I flinch, but what he pulls out is a black velvet box. He opens it and reveals a large diamond ring, the way it shined told me it was stupidly expensive.

“You shouldn’t have,” I say with my breath caught in my throat.

“You are my fiancée and my fiancée needs a ring.”

“But not one so expensive,” I am afraid to touch it.

He shakes his head. “Only the best.”

“But why, you don’t even know me. This is too kind.”

Antonio chuckles lowly. “I am not kind. This ring is to prove worth, that I am rich, and powerful. Do not mistake me for a good man, Arielle.” He grabs my left hand and shoves the ring on my finger.

It looks so beautiful. I always thought this moment would be me crying tears of joy while I jump into my fiancé’s arms and kiss him.

Kiss him. I am engaged and still have never had my first kiss!

“Now, are you ready to make our announcement to our guests.”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I breath heavily in a panic.

Antonio simply takes my hands and escorts me downstairs where our guests are surprised by our hand holding.

“Welcome everyone, thank you for your attendance I’m sure you’ve been waiting to hear the news. As you all know I have taken my father’s spot as Capo of the Outfit, we are strong, but have lost most of my father’s best soldiers and my father himself. New York has been kind to us and with my gratitude and honor, I am marrying Arielle Mia Ricci,” he raises my hand slightly to show off the engagement ring. The women gawk and I know in their minds they wish they were me. I wish it too. “I know it’s short notice, but the wedding will be in a week. Invitations should be delivered to all of you by tomorrow. We hope to see you in attendance.” Antonio bows his head and turns to me while the crowd claps and talks loudly amongst themselves. The truth is he bought me from my father. I’m purchased by the Capo.

“Have you gone wedding dress shopping?”


“My cousin, Arabella, will take you tomorrow.”

“Okay but-”

“Your bodyguard, one of my best and most trusted soldier, Carmelo, will be watching you until our wedding night. I trust your mother has also told you what’s expected of you.”

“You mean our marriage night?”


While I feel embarrassed and tinge of trepidation, Antonio looks stoic and cold. He doesn’t seem to have any interest in talking to me on a personal level. It’s all business. He doesn’t seem to be the Alexander I knew who was working for my father this Antonio is different. That’s mean he was never interested on me, he was just on his mission.

“I think so, but we don’t… we don’t have to. Right?” Hope fills my eyes.

He shakes his head. “It’s tradition. If you need anything, Carmelo will get it for you.” Just like that Antonio is gone and Carmelo replaces him but keeps his distance.

Alone in the middle of the foyer, I never felt so defeated. My life is no longer my own and I will be a slave to the new Capo of the Outfit. Forced to live in misery-just like my mom.

When I was six-years-old I cried to my mother asking why Father hated me and her simple reply stuck with me all these years.

It’s not that he hates you, he is Capo, he is unable to love in the business. It’s weakness, loving you would put him in danger.

My father never loved my mother either-if he did, she would be used as a means to hurt my father. Now I am destined to live a life married to a man incapable of loving anyone or anything but the business. My duty as his wife will be to spread my legs and produce him an heir and a spare.

God forbid me from conceiving a daughter so she never has to live like how I am forced to.

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