“Are you hungry?” he asked, trying to change the topic. “I noticed we didn’t have anything to warm up in the fridge and we’re out of a lot of things. I wanted to go shopping but I got stuck at work. I can do that tomorrow, but what matters is now. Do you want to go out and grab something to eat? I know it’s a bit late but maybe if we look around we might find a place that’s still open”

“No” came Christina’s curt reply.

Evan nodded his head. “Okay,” he said, dragging the word. “Should I go get something for the both of us then? I can be fast so we can have dinner together before we go to bed”

“I said no!” Christina said, this time her voice was harsh. “I just told you no. What part of ‘no’ do you not understand? If you wanna go out, then please just do so and go away. I want to be alone”

She pushed the clothes on her lap onto the bed and stood up, murmuring some words he couldn’t understand. She brushed past him towards her wardrobe, withdrew a suitcase which she took back to the bed, then began to fold the tiny clothes neatly into the suitcase, completely ignoring him.

Evan had had enough. He lifted a hand and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, then without any warning, he grabbed her by the arm and spun her around to face him. She screamed in surprise and involuntarily dropped the tiny dress she was holding.

“What do you think you are doing, Evan?” she asked with a terrified look on her face. In all the years she had known him, she had never seen him look or act that way. His fingers dug into her soft flesh and she winced in pain. Evan hated himself for being the reason why she looked like that. He released his hold on her a bit, but didn’t let her go. Instead, he crushed her small body against his and she tried to wriggle herself free, which only made him hold her tighter until she stopped squirming.

“Let me go Evan” she said when she saw that her efforts to free herself were futile.

“Why do you insist on being this way?” he yelled and she flinched. “Do you have any idea how I feel when you act this way? Have you ever stopped for a minute to ask yourself how I feel about this whole thing? You act as if I am to blame for what happened… Like I did something wrong. Are you willing to let our marriage go to hell over this? What the fuck is the matter with you?”

She was quiet now. Looking so fragile and staring at him with wide blue eyes filled with tears that soon started to fall freely down her cheeks. Evan released her slowly, even if what he wanted to do at the moment was to wrap his arms around her and assure her that he loved her and that everything was going to be fine. But he had tried that so many times and she had refused his touch everytime. She refused to get professional help too, and now he didn’t even know what to do or try anymore.

“I lost the baby too, you know” he said softly this time with his head bowed regretfully. “It was my baby too, and I wanted it just as much as you did. You act like you are the only one grieving but you are not. You are my wife…. we are supposed to go through tough times like this together…. And I just don’t understand how you can’t see that what you are doing is wrong. It’s almost like you are willing to give up our marriage along with the baby…. Instead of sticking together so we can find a way to get through this…. It was my baby too, Tina. I just hope you think about that”

Christina was crying harder now. She covered her face with her palms and her shoulders shook uncontrollably. Evan watched her for a few seconds before he finally reached for her, but as usual she wouldn’t let him.

“Tina…” he began, but she moved away from his touch.

“Go away” she said, her voice muffled by her hands covering her mouth, her sobs getting louder. “Please… Just go away and leave me alone”

Evan let his hand drop, then he turned around and walked out of the room.


Chloe stared at her phone which was ringing for the second time that evening and sighed. She knew who was calling. It was Matthew Willis, and for some reason, she didn’t want to talk to him. Not today… Not now when her head was filled with thoughts of Timothy.

Chloe had met Matthew three years ago at a fundraiser. The fund raiser was supposed to be more pleasure than business, but business was uppermost on the minds of her competition. Matthew worked for Luther Corp and her agency had wanted the company’s account, but unfortunately they didn’t get it. Felix Greene had, and Evan had not taken it lightly. Matthew on the other hand, had taken a liking to Chloe and as a way of making it up to her after they lost Luther corp, he introduced her to the legendary Bryce Collins.

Her relationship with Matthew had been purely professional and business-like until he had asked her out months ago. Chloe had agreed to go out on a date with him. A date that had gone well and ended with a kiss when he dropped her off at her apartment.

They had gone on a few more dates, and now Matthew wanted more. He wanted them to make their relationship official and exclusive, but Chloe had insisted that they put it on hold until she was through with this business with Packard Enterprises. She honestly didn’t want any distractions at the moment, but to be honest, she had requested that they put it on hold because she wasn’t sure if she really wanted a serious relationship with Mathew and she just needed some time to figure out what she wanted.

She wasn’t even sure why she was hesitating. Matthew was an attractive man. With perfect blond hair and light brown eyes. He was tall and handsome. He was nice and he was financially stable,.. Not that she was after his money or anyone else’s for that matter. But he had all the qualities which made women attracted to him, and she didn’t quite understand why she wasn’t as attracted as the other ladies were.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

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