Skyler’s Revenge


#Skylar’s P. O. V


I make my way to English class and when I arrive the teacher isn’t there.

I took a seat at the far back of the class and after few minutes the class starts to get full. Then the teacher makes her grand, supreme entrance. She starts to talk about Shakespeare and the tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet I didn’t listen because I know all this things.

A little while later I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look to my right and saw a guy with blonde hair, he has light blue eyes and sharp features and a dark skin color. I know he’s Chase, one of the ‘populars’, so why is he talking to me?Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“What do you want?” I said harshly, but I don’t think he got that I didn’t want to talk to him because he just smiled flirtatiously at me.

“Someone better call God, because I think he lost an Angel.” he smirks at me. I give him a straight face.

That’s the worst pick up line ever.

“No someone better call the devil because I escaped from hell.”

I said sarcastically

“Hey baby girl what’s your code.”he asked

“Do not enter.”I snapped

“You know beauty starts with you.”he said

“Too bad ugly starts with u.”I rolled my yes

“Baby, your body is a wonderland.”he said

“That’s funny because yours is a waste land.”I beamed

“You know, your the woman of my dreams.”

“Keep sleeping.”

He thinks for a moment then smirks, “I seemed to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?”he asks

“Yeah, sure, its 0-810-FUCK-YOURSELF.”

He starts to think and just when I think he gave up…

“Are you wearing space pants, because your ass is out of this world.”

“No, I’m wearing baseball shorts because my ass is out of your league.”

“If I could rearrange the alphabet I’d put U and I together.”

“Well I think N and O are already in the right place.”

He starts to think and is about to say something when…

“Ms. Daniels why are you talking while I’m teaching?” Mrs Carmela questions in her horrible voice. How can someone be married to her gosh?

“No Mrs Carmela, why are you teaching while I’m talking?” I ask her looking at her from my seat.

“Well since you know so much about Shakespeare care to tell us what you think of Romeo and Juliet?”

I would have given her a smart reply but I didn’t want another detention.

“I think Romeo and Juliet is one of the most heart breaking plays because of all it talks of a true love that couldn’t be because of they’re families refusal to let them be. It talks of a forbidden love that failed a love so pure that it destroyed those that felt it.” I tell her my voice heavy with emotions. I wish I could feel that kind of love.

An eternal love.

She turns back to teaching and Chase finally stops tapping me after a while of me not responding. Lost in my thoughts of how that love would feel like.



******OUTSIDE SCHOOL******


The rest of the school day went on uneventful. It was finally the end of the school day and I was walking towards my car when I saw a crowd formed around my baby..

Note: she calls her car baby

I made my way to my car and when people saw me they made way for me and standing by my car was none other than the famous Blake Smith.

Blake is the typical golden boy dating the cheerleader. All girls want him and all boys want to be him which I don’t get cause his such a jerk and a man-whore and also he was one of my tormentors and is dating Jessica.

I know this because she’s besides him with a bruised face. I want to laugh at how she looks her make up is smeared all over her face.

“Excuse me you’re standing near my car.” I say earning everyone’s attention.

Blake looks at me up and down slowly which annoys me.

“Umm can you stop eye raping me and get the f*ck away from my car?” I hiss at him annoyed. He looks at me and smirks.

“So the nerd is now hot.” he says smirking at me and I notice the look of disbelief Jessica gives him and the glare she sends me.

“Hey don’t hate me because I’m hot. Hate me because your boyfriend thinks so too.” I raise my hands up in mock surrender.

“So are you single?” I roll my eyes at the stupid smirk he has.

“No I’m plural.” I reply back.

“I mean are you free this Friday?” Blake asks me still eye raping me.

“No I’m expensive.” I reply making everyone laugh.

“Babe, why are you asking her out?” Jessica screeches. I just make my way to my baby not feeling up to all this drama. I entered my car and zoomed out of hell driving back home.



I make my way into the house.

“Mom I’m home!!” I yell at the top of my lungs and get no answer.


I entered the kitchen and find a piece of paper attached to the fridge I took it and read:


I went to the shop’s to buy some groceries clean your room and get ready because tonight we have some visitors.

Why the fuck do I have to clean my room its not like we’re gonna eat in there.

I make myself a sandwich and eat it after I’m done with that I get my lazy ass on the couch and watch some Netflix..



2 hours later


“Skylar!” a feminine voice yells. I ignore the voice that’s trying to wake me up from my perfect sleep hoping it will leave me alone. A few minutes pass and I hear ,”Skylar get your ass off that couch and clean your room!” my mom’s voice screams.

I bolt of the couch in shock because I wasn’t expecting that. I take a few moments to compose myself and get off the couch to the kitchen where I find my mom on the stove stirring different pots of food.

“Why do I have to clean it … are we eating in my room?” I question lazily.

“You have to clean it because it looks like a dump.” my mom says stopping what she’s doing and looking at me.

“But I’m too lazy.” I whine like a seven year old. She rolls her eyes at my childish behavior and I huff and head to my room.

Finally after 1 hour of cleaning my room its finally presentable.

“Skylar, get ready our guests will be arriving any moment now.” my mom peaks her head from my door. I nod and start getting ready.

After my quick shower I put on a dark red strapless dress that hugs my upper body and flows down my waist then stops a little above my knees. I also put on my red heels my ginger hair is in waves down my back as for make-up I just put on some eyeliner and red lipstick and head downstairs.

The moment I just arrive downstairs the doorbell rings.

“Honey, can you please get the door for me?” my mom yells from the dinning room.

I open the door with a smile on my face which instantly drops the moment I see who it is. There at the door is Jessica with her annoying, just as fake mother, Cassidy, you can see a little bit of the bruises I gave her under all her makeup.

“Wow! Skylar, what happened to the fat and ugly girl we once knew?” she asked making my jaw tick.

“She grew up, now please come in and sit in the living room. We will be with you soon.” I put on a fake smile and gesturing for them to come in.

“Okey dokey, dear!” she chirps with her annoying voice.

“Mom, why the heck would you invite those two?!” I whisper/yell the moment I enter the dinning room where my mother is now setting the plates for us.

“Well Jessica’s mother told me you two had a fight, so I thought why not invite them for dinner so you two can get along.” my mother says, clearly unfazed by my angry voice……


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