Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 69

chapter 69

Theo’s POV

The moment she stepped into our building looking for a job, I smelt her innocence. Not in the

sense of her virginity, no that was gone long before we got to her. She was experienced in that area

and very open-minded. But a purity it was near impossible to explain. It wasn’t just the way she looked;

it was more a sense. Everything about her pure, her thoughts were pure and no malice, despite her

pain, her intentions, the way she carried herself. She had this aura around her following her, leaving

pieces of herself everywhere she went. Her heart truly had no limits for ever giving, not asking for an

anything in return. Imogen was the sort of person who would give until she had nothing left, give herself

over completely if she thought it was in another’s best interest, she trusted blindly, yet when betrayed

fought wildly almost irrationally in her anger, only to continue to forgive and let others take from her

even when it was killing her slowly piece by piece. But I doubt the girl has ever held a grudge in her life

longer than five seconds it wasn’t in her nature, she could forgive and forget like it was a flick of a

switch, always choosing to give another chance, no matter how much we wronged her. I did fear that

would be what got her killed, though.

I know we have taken from her, taken her choice, taken that innocence from her. But what we

found after taking everything from her. Was everything she was capable of, the girl had flare and fire

deep within her she kept hidden away, never trusting of her own emotions never letting them show

even when we knew she was breaking, she had the ultimate control within herself and what she felt,

yet in her thoughts she felt out of control. Sure, we had seen her anger, but with it came her

forgiveness. It was like she wasn’t satisfied unless she had nothing left. Like she was more

comfortable, having nothing, like she thought she was undeserving.

When I left that morning, leaving Imogen, something pulled at me. This overwhelming sense of

longing, even though she was right in front of me. Walking out of the house, I felt like I’m losing

everything I loved about her, yet I knew by the look in her eye that she had found an additional reason

for life. Her eyes held hope even in impending doom. She no longer feared her death, and I wondered

why she suddenly had the light back in her eyes. I almost wondered who else she had to fight for.

Same as last night when she woke, I had this immense feeling she was saying goodbye, the way she

touched me, the way she said my name was almost like she was afraid it would be the last time she

would speak it.

Getting in the car and driving to work with Tobias, I knew he felt the shift to, something had

changed. I just couldn’t put my finger on it, something deep was nagging trying to pull me back to her.

The pull she had over us was always there, yet right now we truly had to fight against her pull, just to

stop ourselves from turning back and going home again. Neither of us saying a word, both trapped in

our own heads. When we pulled up to work, we both stood silently waiting for the elevator, both

watching the numbers go down.

“You feel it, right?” Tobias asked, glancing in my direction before looking at the stainless-steel

doors. I nodded my head.

“Something has changed, I can feel it in every part of me. What if we broke her?” he asked. Worry

laced his words. I had never seen Tobias like this, he was always so concealed in the way he felt. Even

after centuries being by each other’s side he always kept those walls up, never letting slip how he truly

felt, kept himself guarded not giving anyone the chance to hurt him, not even me. Yet Imogen had

softened him. It used to bother me, jealousy could be a cruel thing sometimes, we had known her for a

year yet her impact on him, had him opening up letting both Imogen and myself in. I hadn’t had that

effect on him, and we had been together for centuries. Yet she broke down that wall the moment he

marked her. Tobias had always been the dominant one, the one that needed control and I let him have

it, but with her came a sort of possessiveness that both of us weren’t prepared for. I loved Tobias yet if I

had to choose. I would choose her and knew Tobias would choose the same. Both sharing the same

desires for her that we had for each other, yet she was different neither of us could live without her. She

was light in our darkness. I worried the darkest parts of us were tainting her and would be her undoing.

We had already condemned her, took her idea of life away from her selfishly, all because we couldn’t

live without her.

“We haven’t broken her. I don’t know I could even taste it in her blood something was different like

something was coming alive in her, then there was also something else.”

“Something else?” Tobias asked, pressing the button to our floor.

“She tasted like a werewolf. I could literally taste you in her blood.” Tobias glanced at me and I

could feel his head racing trying to think of why. When I suddenly felt a light click on inside him.

“No, can’t be. I saw that she is on the pill. I noticed them in her bag,” I answered his thoughts.

“I haven’t seen her take them though, have you?” I tried to think, yet I came to the same

conclusion: the only pills I had seen her take were pain meds.

“She can’t be, can she?” I asked.

“Ring the council and get her blood test results. Surely, they looked for everything,” Tobias said.

The door binged opened, and my eyes instantly darted to her desk even though I knew I wouldn’t find

her there. Walking to my office, I pulled my phone from my pocket, deciding to call Tarina. If anyone

had seen her blood test result, it was her, and I knew she would answer with honesty.

The phone rang for a few minutes and I tapped my foot impatiently. Sighing when I heard her

chirpy voice.

“Little unexpected Theo, what are you calling me for? I know it wouldn’t be for a friendly chat” She

asked, not even hiding her shock. Besides going to the council, I never spoke to her. Yet I knew I could

trust her.

“You know me to well, I am actually calling about Imogen’s blood results.”

“Oh, your mother picked those up yesterday for you, I can check her file though.”

“Yes, please Tarina.” I could hear her typing away on her computer, before I heard her make a

weird noise before rapidly typing again. I could hear her fingers moving fast over the keyboard


“Her file has been deleted, completely wiped,” she murmured.

“Give me a sec Theo let me check the other computer” I waited, but the same result.

“It’s gone Theo, I think someone has tampered with her files and wiped them clean her name

doesn’t even appear in the database at all” My heart started hammering when Tobias walked in the

room. I hung up the phone, not even saying goodbye.

“What?” Tobias asked, alarmed.

“She said mum took her physical file, yet when they checked her digital file was gone as well.”

“What would your mother want with it?” Tobias asked, his voice not even hiding his anger.

“Ring her now,” he hissed at me. His eyes changing to that of his wolf. I dialled her number, and it

went straight to voicemail. Then suddenly fear came through the bond and it wasn’t either of us. We

had nothing to fear yet, the feeling it vanished as quick as it appeared.

“I know you felt that,” I stated looking to Tobias. He nodded.

“Yes, but maybe, she startled herself. She feels calm again. Or maybe your mother is with her,”

Tobias said, making me relax slightly. The morning passed by quickly, I tried to ring my mother a few

times, I always got the voicemail. Yet I knew if she was with Imogen, she would have no service. So, I

let it pass and knew I would be able to ask Imogen for her results once we got home. Knowing my

mother would have told her, yet nothing came from the bond and after an hour of feeling nothing

coming from Imogen, worry set in. I pulled on my teether to our bond, pulling on the link that joined us,

but when I felt nothing, I walked into Tobias’s office.

“What Theo?” he asked as I stepped in the room. It still pissed him off that my mother took her

files. I was almost nervous to ask him. Sensing my nervousness, he looked up, his eyes softening


“I’m sorry, I’m just stressed,” he said, running his hands through his hair. I watched him; God, I

loved this man no matter how infuriating he could be.

“I can help with the stress,” I said, my eyes darkening as my dick twitched in my pants.

“Tempting, but first what’s wrong?” I completely forgot the reason I originally came in for, suddenly

feeling guilty for distracting myself.

“Can you feel her through the link?” I watched his eyes glaze over, searching for her. The pull we

always fought so hard against.

He stood up abruptly knocking over his chair, his beast enraged flinging the table into the wall. I

stepped back. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, but I knew his beast didn’t enjoy coming up empty. The fact

he had come forward at all was proof enough at what Tobias found. His entire being shook with anger,

yet also panic.

The ringing of the phone that lay on the floor pulling him to his senses, distracting that primal side

of him long enough for Tobias to regain control of his emotions. He walked over trying to pick up the

phone, his claws impeding it, as they slashed through the carpet. I quickly walked over, picking it up.

“Hello?” My father’s worried voice coming through the phone.

“Have you spoken to your mother today?” That’s when I knew something was definitely wrong. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Something that included not only my mother, but our mate. This was no coincidence.

“You there, Son? Did you hear me? I can’t feel your mother like she just vanished leaving no trace

no pull to her.” My father was almost frantic.

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