Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 59

chapter 59

The next few days passed in a blur. It was now Wednesday, and Tobias and Theo had been

stressed about some document that was supposed to arrive at the house and never did. Sitting up in

bed I stretched out, only to find Theo and Tobias were no longer in bed, I could hear the shower

running and feel arousal through the bond making my heart rate quicken. Getting up I swing my legs

over the side of the bed and stand up. I start walking toward the bathroom door where I can hear This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Tobias groaning, a lazy smile turning my lips up. I know what they are doing. Reaching for the handle I

turn it slowly, opening the door as quietly as I can which must have worked because neither of them

heard or looked in my direction, as I leant on the door frame watching them.

Tobias had his back pressed against the tiled wall in the shower, his eyes closed and lips parted

slightly. His hand in Theo’s hair. Theo was on his knees in front Tobias. The water running down his

back, one of his hands gripped Tobias’s hip. The other braced on the wall beside him.

I watched Tobias’s grip get tighter on Theo’s hair earning a growl from Theo that vibrated through

me. Making me cross my legs as arousal flooded into me from the bond. I watched as Tobias thrust into

Theo’s mouth before stilling and I knew he had just finished. Theo rose from the ground pressing

himself into Tobias and kissing him while Tobias’s hand went to his hip pulling him closer.

I cleared my throat. Both of them turned to look at me where I was leaning on the door frame with

my arms folded across my chest. Tobias had a huge grin on his face and Theo turned and opened the

shower door.

“We knew you were there, could smell your arousal the moment you opened the door,” he said

reaching out and grabbing the front of his shirt, I was wearing and pulling me into the shower. I

shrieked at how cold the water was. It was barely lukewarm. My shirt becoming drenched as he pulled

me under the stream of water, the shirt sticking to me. Tobias adjusted the temperature and I relaxed

under the hot stream. Theo peeled the shirt off that was now acting as a second skin.

He tossed the shirt over the shower screen before gripping my hips and lifting me, my arms

wrapping around his neck as he pressed me against the shower wall. Which was fucking freezing

earning another yelp from me as my back came in contact with the cold tiles. I heard them both

chuckle, Theo moved before pressing me against Tobias chest which was always unnaturally warm.

Tobias grunted at the impact of Theo pushing me against him.

“Better?” Tobias whispered into the crook of my neck. I leant my head back on his shoulder and

kissed the bottom of his jaw.

“Much better” Theo’s lips moved to my collar bone nipping at the skin, as he slowly made his way

up to my throat then to my chin, moving slightly I lifted my head off Tobias’s shoulder and kissed Theo.

He growled as he bit down on my bottom lip hard enough that I could taste the metallic taste of my own

blood in my mouth, his tongue soothing his bite. I moaned against his lips and my legs tightened

around his waist. Tobias’s hands gripped my hips. When I suddenly felt a different urge through the

bond, one that definitely wasn’t mine. The need for blood and overwhelming urge to feed. I felt Tobias

tense slightly. His arms going between Theo and me and wrapping around my stomach.

“Theo, careful” I heard Tobias growl out. Theo froze as I felt his fangs graze my shoulder making

me shiver and desire run through me. Desire that wasn’t completely mine, I knew the arousal was but

the desire to feed definitely was all Theo. Theo stopped and looked up, his eyes were no longer their

beautiful green but a demonic red. I watch him shake his head slightly trying to get his bearings and

control back. I moved my hand running it under the black veins under eyes that were twitching and

rippling beneath his skin, his lips parted, and I could see just how sharp his fangs were, my legs

tightened around his waist. I couldn’t even remember the last time I saw Theo have blood. I was pretty

certain it was when he hurt me. The memory sent a shiver up my spine remembering how painful it


I knew he was trying hurt me then but the other times it never hurt. Theo watched me for a few

seconds his eyes still crimson, but I could tell he looked uncertain. I moved my hair that had fallen over

my shoulder and offered him my neck. He hesitated and looked up at Tobias.

“You don’t have to,” Tobias said behind me his grip around my stomach becoming tighter.

“I want to” I told Theo. He looked uncertain still and didn’t move, his hands running up my thighs

before stepping closer. I felt his breath on my neck which made me shiver and he stopped and kissed

my jaw instead before pulling my face to his. I could feel his erection underneath me, but also feel his

fear of hurting me come through the bond. I wriggled my hips and he pushed up, his cock burying itself

in me making me moan out. I felt Tobias lips go to shoulder and I moved my hips as Theo pulled out

before ramming back in. I turned my head offering my neck again to Theo, this time he didn’t hesitate,

and I felt a sharp pain of his fangs breaking my skin before he thrust in harder making me relax, I

moaned, and his initial bite no longer hurt instead turning to euphoria as he drank from me. I could feel

his tongue lapping against my skin while he sucked on it, he bit down again harder making my blood

rush into his mouth, I felt a trickle run down my shoulder and over breast making my nipples harden.

The high of his bite making me flood with arousal as I moved my hips against him. Theo gripped

my hips moving them faster against him as I felt my orgasm build before I was shoved over the edge,

my walls clenching around his hard length that was buried deeply inside me. I felt him go still as I rode

out my orgasm obviously finding his own. I slumped against Tobias and felt him kiss the side of my

face, Theo pulled his mouth away from neck his fangs slowly retracting. I smiled lazily at him and he

kissed my lips softly, I could taste my own blood on his lips when he pulled away, his cock slipping from

my body, but he didn’t let go of my hips, instead pulled me against him, so my head was resting on his

shoulder my arms draped heavily over his. I felt Tobias move behind me and open the door hopping out

of the shower. I see him grab a towel wrapping it around his hips.

Theo let me slide down his body, but he kept a good grip on me as I was hit with vertigo. His hand

around my waist the only thing keeping me upright, as I leant my head on his chest. I felt him start

washing me rubbing the loofa softly over my skin.

“It will settle, I think I fed longer than I should have,” he said softly. I could feel his worry through

the bond. The room was already starting to right itself as the dizziness subsided. My legs no longer

feeling like jelly.

“I’m okay, it’s fine, Theo,” I said looking up and running my fingers through his chest hair. His

hypnotic eyes staring down at me. He kissed my nose.

“I will feel better once you eat. Come on let’s hop out,” he said pulling me out of the shower. Theo

grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me before grabbing his own. He put his hands on my shoulders

to make sure I was still steady, as I stepped into the bedroom. Tobias was putting his suit on and I

knew they had to go back to work today.

“She looks a little pale Theo,” Tobias said angrily.

“I’m fine I promise.”

“I will go make her something to eat,” he said storming out of the room.

“Really I’m fine” I told Theo. I walked over and sat on the bed. Tobias had pulled one of my blouses

out and black slacks. I looked at them before looking at Theo.

“I can come to work?” Theo nodded before bending down and kissing my lips softly.

“Yes, Tobias and I were talking last night. We are giving you your freedom back. Just please don’t

run off or go too far away from us.” I nodded. I didn’t care as long as I could leave the house.

“Tobias has also organised someone to come out today to put in a landline and internet. Should be

on when we get home” Finally internet. God only knows how much I missed my reading platforms. I

quickly got dressed and then walked into the bathroom. Theo was still lingering making sure I wasn’t

about to drop dead on them. I quickly did my make-up and was surprised when Theo picked up my hair

straightener that was plugged in next to me. He clicked the tongs together while I was doing my

eyeliner. I raised an eyebrow at him. I went to take it off him.

“Let me try,” he said pulling them away from me. I stood straight while he picked up the brush and

used it to pick up some of my hair before clamping the hair straightener on to it.

“Don’t burn my hair off” I warned him, I heard him snicker behind. Before I felt him do the next

piece, when I realised, he wasn’t gonna set my hair on fire, I started doing the rest of my make up.

Theo had finished doing my hair and was inspecting his handy work. I nodded at him in approval, and I

see him kiss my shoulder in the mirror.

Walking downstairs, I could smell the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee. I sat at the bench

and Tobias placed a plate of pancakes in front of me covered in different sorts of berries and syrup. My

stomach rumbled just from the sight of it. I dug in suddenly feeling ravenous.

When we finished eating, Tobias grabbed my handbag and phone from upstairs and we walked

toward the garage. I hopped in the passenger side and Theo hopped in the back. We drove to work

and pulled up in the carpark. I noticed Tom waiting for us as we got out of the car next to the elevator.

He waved upon seeing me a grin lighting up his face. I was so relieved to see him, and that Tobias kept

his word and hadn’t killed him. I walked up and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a hug. Tom

wore a suit instead of cleaning scrubs and looked quite professional. I heard Theo and Tobias walk up

behind us and Tom nodded to both of them.

“Did any documents get dropped off while we were off?” asked Theo.

“No, are you talking about the…” Theo cut him off with a growl. I thought it was strange but

whatever Tom was about to say died on his lips.

“No documents have been dropped in,” he said, looking at Theo. My eyebrows furrowed and I

wondered what the documents were that clearly, Tobias and Theo didn’t want me to know about.

“What documents? Maybe they have been emailed. I can check when we get upstairs” I asked.

“No, these would have to be personally dropped off,” Tobias said tugging me towards the entrance.

Theo shot Tom a look.

“I might go check the emails just in case,” Theo said taking off up the stairs next to the elevator.

“I could have checked when we got upstairs, what’s so important about these documents

anyway?” I asked Tobias.

“Nothing that concerns you, but they were supposed to have been dropped to the house by now” I

wondered what the documents were, but him mentioning them did remind me that Tomorrow, I was

supposed to go to the council and have some tests run and meet the people that were going to decide

my future. I suddenly felt nervous. Tobias pressed the button in the elevator to our floor before looking

down at me. “What’s wrong Love?” he asked, staring at me while I chewed my nail. It was a terrible

nervous habit. Tobias pulled my thumb away from my lips.

“What’s wrong?” he asked again.

“Nothing, I just realised I have to meet the council tomorrow.” He pulled me against him wrapping

his arms around my shoulder.

“You will be fine, no one will hurt you. I promise”

When we stepped out the elevator, I was shocked to see Theo’s mother Caroline waiting in the

foyer talking to Theo.

“What are you doing here, ma,” Tobias asked as he stepped out of the elevator.

“Good morning Imogen, son. We have a slight problem the council want to meet today. We need to

leave after lunch.”

“Where’s dad?” Tobias asked looking around. Josiah wasn’t here, only Caroline.

“He is sorting out your other issue, they are being quite difficult.”

I heard both Theo and Tobias growl lowly, Theo’s eyes darkened.

“When do we leave?” Tobias asked.

“We have to meet them at two.” Tobias nodded, while I stood there shaking, fear consuming me

and something else. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I felt like something was slightly amiss. I just had a

feeling something was going to happen, and I wasn’t going to like it.

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