Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 29

chapter 29

Going outside, I sit on the wooden chair next to the stairs. After a few minutes Theo and Tobias

walk out. Theo has a bag on his back, he sits on the steps and puts on a pair of hiking boots. Tobias

does the same. “So where are we going?” I ask. I really hope not hiking, me and hiking don’t mix, and I

don’t even have shoes only heels which I am not wearing.

“You will see when we get there, come here,” Tobias says holding his hand out to me.

“No, you just dropped me off the second floor, I am not going near you” I cross my arms defiantly.

“I can take her,” Theo says trying to break up our standoff.

“No, she can come with me,” he says. Theo shrugs and Tobias holds out his hand expectantly.

“Now Imogen,” I hate when he says my name like that, sounds like he is scolding a child.

I shuffle closer but refuse to take his hand. Tobias grabs me around the waist, forcing my legs

around his hips. “You’re going to want to hang on,” he says and starts running. I hear him laugh when

my arms quickly wrap around his neck. Tobias skin is warm and stops the chill from the wind, I close

my eyes, so I don’t get dizzy, but the motion of him running doesn’t help as my stomach does backflips.

After a few minutes we have stopped, but Tobias doesn’t put me down. I look around and see that

we are beside some river edge. Tobias walks along the river before stopping. I turn to look and see that

we are on the edge of the small cliff; I look down and see a waterfall next to us and lagoon looking area

below. Looking ahead, all I see are trees for kilometres they almost look like they never end. “Ready?”

asks Tobias. I stare at him confused.

“Ready for what?” But instead of answering, he jumps. I squeal and clutch tighter to Tobias. I can

hear him laughing before I feel water rushing past me and as we are plunged into the water. Tobias lets

go as soon as we go under, and I frantically swim upwards to the surface. Once I catch my breath, I

look around. The drop wasn’t as big as it looked from up the top. Tobias surfaces next to me, wrapping

his arms around me and pulling me to him. I don’t argue and let him.

“Where is Theo?” Tobias points to the top and I watch Theo drop the bag off the edge over the cliff,

it lands on the dirt just outside of the water. Theo then dives off the top landing in the water. I look

around for him, but he doesn’t surface. Then I am tugged under water by my feet, slipping out of Tobias

arms as I am dragged underneath the water. I make my way back to surface to see Theo smiling at me.

I dunk his head back under the water before swimming away. “You like it?” Theo calls out when he


“It’s beautiful here,” I call back before floating on my back, looking up at the sky which can only just

be seen through all the tree’s that make a sort of canopy above the lagoon. Tobias and Theo swim over

to where I’m floating.

“It’s peaceful here,” Tobias says.

“of course, it is, we are in the middle of nowhere,” I tell him.

“Not true, we are only half an hour out of the city.” I stand up and look at him.

“You’re lying. I trekked through this forest for hours the other day and never found a road.”

“Well, it would help if you were going in the right direction. You were moving further out not closer,”

Tobias says. I ponder for a second. Well in that case maybe I will be able to leave. I don’t let that slip

though; they have given me a little too much information on our whereabouts.

“How come there is no cell service out here then, if we aren’t that far out?”

“The mountains,” Theo says. Before dunking me under water. I come up coughing and spluttering,

having had my mouth open when he dunked me. I splash him before darting back under the water and

swimming away towards a giant rock on the water edge. Climbing up, I sit on the rock, my feet dangling

in the water. I can hear the insects in the trees chirping loudly. But yet still notice no animals around or Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

birds. I find it strange.

Tobias and Theo follow but remain in the water near my legs. Lifting my legs, I put them on Tobias

shoulders and shove him back under the water. He grips my ankles and yanks me back in the water,

pressing me against the rock.

I wrap my legs around his waist. I can feel his erection through his shorts pressing on my core.

Tobias kisses and grinds his erection against me. I moan into his mouth at the sudden friction. I feel his

hands go to my pants as he undoes the drawstring. I unwrap my legs and pull them off before wrapping

them back around him.

“Hmm someone is eager,” Tobias says against my lips, his hands gripping my ass as he rubs my

crotch on his rock-hard cock. I kiss him and feel him chuckle against my lips. I use his shoulders to lift

myself up, trying to get him to slid in my now throbbing core, but he holds my hips in place.

“You want this,” he says rubbing himself against me. I groan at the feel of his cock rubbing against

my clit. “Hmm” My lips going to his neck. “Words Imogen.” I grind myself against him. Before he moves

me off the rock and I feel Theo slip behind me. I feel Theo’s cool lips on my shoulder.

“You want Tobias to fuck you, Imogen?” he says against my shoulder.

“Yes.” My voice comes out in more of a gasp, as I feel Theo’s hand go under my shirt to my nipples

that had pebbled from the cool water. My head rolling back onto Theo’s chest. Tobias shoves inside

me. His lips on my collarbone, his teeth grazing and teasing my skin. I push against him, meeting his

thrusts, loving the feel of his hard cock stretching and pushing against my walls, his cock hitting my G-

spot making me clench around him. Theo moves away and retrieves the bag before coming back and

retaking his position behind me, his hands rubbing my arse cheeks under the water. Tobias hands

wrapped tightly around my waist, his lips going to my breast before he sucks my nipple into his mouth.

He bites down on it hard, and I gasp before his tongue soothes the sting. He moves to my other nipple,

just as he bites down, I feel something hard push between my ass cheeks and inside me, I flinch at the

sudden burning pain. When Tobias stills for a second.

“Breathe Imogen, it’s only a vibrator, not Theo.” Theo’s hand moves between us and I feel him step

closer behind me, his fingers going to my clit and rubbing in a circular motion. My body starts to relax,

and I find myself lost in the feel of his fingers. I start grinding against his fingers and riding Tobias cock

at the same time.

“That’s our girl,” says Tobias as he thrusts into me his hands on my hips guiding my movements.

Theo’s fingers playing with my clit, his lips against my neck, sucking on Tobias’s mark sending thrills all

through me. His other hand pushes the vibrator in and out me. I feel my stomach tighten, my body

feeling overly full and sensitive to everything. Everything feels overstimulated and almost too much.

My head goes forward, landing on Tobias’ shoulder as my body spasms. As my body suffers the

most mind-blowing orgasm, my walls clenched tightly around Tobias. I felt him thrust in harder before

stilling, as I rode out my orgasm that just kept going in waves, my legs trembling as I feel Theo slide the

vibrator out of me and Tobias finds his own release. My body going completely limp as I slump against

Tobias shoulder, my eyes fluttering closed and I am completely out of breath. I feel the water getting

lower and know Tobias is getting us out of the water.

“You can sleep, Imogen,” Theo says as he wraps a towel around me before taking me from Tobias.

I relax into his hold, absolutely exhausted. I couldn’t sleep even if I wanted to, the winds chill and

Theo’s cold skin kept me awake and alert, my body continuously shivering, goosebumps spreading all

over my body. When we stop, Theo puts me down. “Sorry I forget you feel the cold worse than us. I

should have let Tobias bring you back,” he says. Tobias walks over and throws an arm over my

shoulder, pulling me into him. I instantly put my hands on his chest as that seems to be the hottest part

of him. He flinches a little at my cold hands before pulling me tighter against him.

“Come on let’s have a hot shower.” Theo races ahead of us and I hear the water running as we

walk up the stairs.

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