Shackled (The Lord Series) by Carlos

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Shackled (The Lord Series)

73. Reyes

After I finished my training as an assassin I was sent to the same college as Alekos to guard his as s

since he always got into trouble, Alekos was no fool and knew From the moment we met who I was

and who sent me. And we became friends.

As for 5

Stefan, he is also an assassin but a hacker as well. He and I are from the same city, three hours away

from Veros City, and belonged to the same Blond Lodge, but we never talked, net until he, too, became

friends with Alekos, When Alekos finally cominced the Elders to let him live his life before his training

as a future leader of the Lords, he asked Stefan and I to become his blood-brothers-one of the special

assassin groups that do all the dirty work for the Elder. Since then, we have becse inseparable.

Our task has always been simple-develop new weapons and ways to eliminate the Dukes, Alines Tech

Company-the biggest tech company in the country and our base of operations. Alekos mind is brilliant,

coming up with all sorts of innuations not only for wrapons but for day-to-day gadgets as well, while

Stefan is always looking for new ways to improve cene security. As for me, I like to make knives and

use them on the entity, as well as any weapon Alekos creates. The havement of his house is my

playground, and I have another within the company, Killing slowly and painfully is more than a job, by a Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

way to ensure that what happened to Aler, Call, and others like them won’t happen again,

“We f ucked things up with her, and we broke the bond, but we are trying to fix it. Iakon’t care how long

it takes, I will fix it. She doesn’t love us, not yet, at least. Not that I blame her, not after what we did to

her, but I wish she would not pull away from us, I feel like we lose her more and more each day, and I

don’t know what to do.” Being an absolute psychopath to her does not help, but I still like to run my

knives over her skin from time to time. Maybe that’s why she is mad at me?

I look up at the sky. Twilight is approaching fast, and I need to return home. Between taking care

in a young Wing-a low-ranked Duke warrior.


Giselle, taking her to the Blood Lodge, and testing a new poison

“I am sorry for not bringing the guitar today and playing your Everite song. She broke it. After I locked

her in an isolation room. You should have seen her, she was magnificent as she smashed the guitar on

the floor.” 1 chuckle. “I wanted to kill her at that moment. Glad I didn’t. I will bring the guitar next year. If

1 is it” I pause for a moment. “Do you think Dad would be mad about the guitar? After all, he was the

one to get it out of the facility when be saved…me.

Why did I have to try and play the hero that day? Maybe because I learned it from Alec

“I have to go.”

I turn on my heels and take a few steps before seeing him-Ander. My father. He had been the one to

save me from Azael. I was teen when my father Enally found the facility. After getting inside it and

locating Alec and I, my father explained his plan. It was relatively simple and risky-use the back door to

escape. Alec Gred it would not work, but our father reassured him all would be well. After all, he

entered that way-after he killed the guards and hid their bodies-and no one tried to stop him. Not when

he was wearing the clothes of one of the guards he killed.

The plan would have worked if not for me. But when I saw a girl with sad chocolate eyes passing by me

as she was led to one of the examination rooms, I wanted to save her. I knew what Azael would do to

her there. I haven’t thought of her in years, but I hope she, too, escaped that place.

I went after her and was about to grab her hand when Alec stopped me. It was enough to draw the

attention of a few doctors. Alec shoved me toward our father while the doctors took hold of him. My

father pulled out a handgun with a silencer en the harrel, and after grabbing my hand and dragging me

away, he fired the gun, billing one of the doctors. Alec punched the other in the face, trying to free

himself, when Azael stepped out of a room. Without saying a word, Azael took out a syringe with a

purple liquid from his pocket. I knew what that purple liquid was-poison.

Stabbing the needle into Alec’s dem, Azael injected all the liquid into Alec’s blood system. I have seen

Azael use that poison before-it took seconds to kill someone.

My father and I were out the door just as Alec dropped to the floor, dead. It was then that I became

obsessed with poisons and started developing my own, like the one I used on Angel. I don’t aim to kill

with them but to inflict so much pain, my victims will beg to be put out of his misery. The wish will be

granted, eventually.

My father blames me for Alec’s death. And rightfully so. Even so, he took care of me and trained me as

an assassin. The day I finished the training was the last time he spoke to me. When we meet by

chance, he pretends he doesn’t know me.

Today is no exception. Not that it bothered me. There is nothing left to be said between us.

I return to my car, eager to return to Angel. I’ve spent so much time f ucking her in the past five days; I

feel strange not being with her now.

Love can be both a curse and a blessing. It can destroy a life in seconds or make another the happiest

person un Earth. Angel holds that much power over me.

I take out my phone from the glove compartment and unlock

An e-mail from Rin and his team popped on the screen. I have been waiting for it for quite some time. It

contains information about Carlos and his whereabouts for the past seven days. And also a report

about’Angel’s father. It is not only important to keep an eye on Carlos and know what he is planning but

also to learn why Luis approved of Angel marrying Carlos. The email doesn’t contain anything that i find

useful. The last three days have been very quiet on Carlos” part, spending most of his time inside his

house. It didn’t sit well with me. What is he planning?

73. Reyes

And then there is Luis. He is clean. Too clean for a man who supplies the Dulins with weapons and

smuggles in drap from Mecios.

If not for the broken bond, Stefan and I would clready be tracking and following Carles every

movement. Not that in a great assassin, but disappearance a few weeks after Alec’s death, he hasn’t

been the same. At least, that’s what I heard. Alekos is the one who knows kin better than

I am about to put the phone in my pocket when I notice the photos Stefan sent me. A smile appears on

my face as I start to understand the appeal of Stefan’s leish -Angel wearing only thigh-high stockings is

the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. And when I get home. I will have her put them on, and then I

will bend her over the couch and f uck her hard. Or maybe I will have her lie down on the bed and take

her while staring into ber eyes. How I love

A picture of Angel pleasuring herself made my di ck hard as steel. How did I get so lucky to have her as

my mate? As my other

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