Seed of Possession

Chapter 52: The other child

Dr. Kriza angrily runs out of the room and walks straight into the garden of the mansion. She is extremely mad right now because she knows that no matter what happens, she will be blamed for what happened earlier. Dr. Krizza grits her teeth as she harshly combs her hair using her fingers out of frustration. She feels really irritated by what happened earlier, and right now she needs to forcefully calm herself down. She is going to close her eyes to make herself calm when a familiar man barges in.

“What are you doing here?” Dr. Krizza dryly asks while looking at her soon-to-be ex-husband.

“I just wanted to check on you,” Rolando said, which made Dr. Krizza chuckle.

“I’m fine, I’m good, and I’m great!”

“Look, Krizza, I am just here if something like this happens again-”

“Call you? Be there for me? Am I hearing correctly?” Rolando slowly walks towards Krizza as he tries to hold her to make her calm down.

“Krizza, calm down,” Rolando calmly said as he reached Dr. Krizza and gently soothes her down. “It’s not good for you to be stressed and angry,” he continued.

“I hate that woman, I hate this family, and I HATE YOU!” Dr. Krizza blurts out as she pushes Rolando away from her.

“Krizza, please… calm down. You need to calm down; it can be harmful to the baby,” Rolando said to her, making Krizza grit her teeth out of annoyance that she feels towards this man in front of her.

“Shut your f*cking mouth!” Dr. Krizza said. She feels aggrieved at this moment as she feels that she isn’t being treated fairly. Although she followed Xander’s command before because he helped her to make Rolando her husband, it’s different now because the man in front of her is just a stranger as they have both decided to separate from each other. Having just a remnant of him is enough for her to have the chance to let him go. Rolando is stunned because of the attitude and behavior that Krizza showed him. As if she deeply loathes him from the core of her soul. In this situation, he doesn’t know how to handle this woman.

“I should not do this anymore! I only followed his command just to be with you!” Krizza said as her face slowly turns red out of anger.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“Krizza, your emotions are controlling you.” “I know what I’m saying, Rolando! That man who is blood-related to me is such a f*cking bastard who always makes my life miserable just because he helped me once in my life.” She stops as she looks straight into his eyes.”I’m doing all of that sh*t because of you,” she said blankly as she sheds a tear in her right eye.

“Because I want to be with you, but you always push me away as if I’m going to give you some sort of disease.” She suddenly laughs and wipes her tears.

“You know what, I shouldn’t have forced myself on you in the first place. It is partly my fault. Because even though I know that you are loyal to your role as the butler of this family, I still love you and want you to be part of my life until I die.”

Rolando just watches Dr. Krizza say what she wants to say to him. He knows that what she needs right now is to let out all her frustrations.

“But you are also at fault in this, Rolando,” she stops as she takes a deep breath. “You didn’t try to love me.

” The pain is visible in Krizza’s eyes as she speaks those words. She feels a heavy burden lifted from her chest. She feels relief and sadness at the same time. Rolando wants to speak about what Krizza thinks, that he didn’t try to love her. He did try to love her, but there is something stopping him, and that is the status of their life. Because he knows that no matter what happened, he is not the right one for Krizza. As he is only a butler of her family that he is serving.

“Having just a little piece of you is enough for me. That is the reason why I accepted the offer of that b*tch. Just like what I did to Xander, I went to work for her.” Rolando’s face turns to shock as his eyes widen because of what he learned.

“What do you mean? What do you mean you are working for her?” Rolando asks as he feels a disturbance from what he heard from her. “I work for her, in exchange for the idea she gave to me,” Krizza said as she clasps her hands together.

“I watch her daughter who lives in the orphanage in San Alfonso.” Rolando’s eyes widen because Dr. Krizza shouldn’t have learned this information. “She said that to you?” Rolando asks in a serious tone because it’s not good if someone heard this. It will be a big problem for Xander.

“Why so serious, Rolando? She didn’t tell me about her daughter. She only asked me to watch a girl from the orphanage, and the day that I saw that little child, I realized that child is her daughter. And to make sure, I got a DNA test,” Dr. Krizza said as she clasps her hands together.

“What will happen if Grandfather learns that our genius and mighty Xander married a woman who is not just a slut but also a mother of a 7-year-old child?” She chuckles as she tilts her head a little.

“I’m not some dumb servant of that couple. I also have the character of being a Monteverde. I guess being crazy just runs in our blood,” Dr. Krizza said as she shows her last smile before she turns away from Rolando. Rolando just watches Dr. Krizza walk away as he doesn’t know what to do in their situation. Rolando is ready to leave when he hears noises in the bushes to his right, near the statue. His eyes immediately sharpen as he walks slowly towards the bushes, where someone is trying to hide their presence from him.

“What are you doing here?” Rolando asks in his deepest baritone voice. The person hiding in the bushes is none other than Flora, the middle child of Lorenzo and Chantal. “I’m just playing with my sister,” Chantal answers in a shaky voice as she looks down on the ground. The kid is scared in front of the presence of Rolando. Because in Flora’s eyes, Rolando is a monster, a bad monster due to his stern facial expression and dim aura that Flora sensitively feels.

“Did you hear something?” Rolando asks, to which Flora immediately answers by shaking her head.

“Hide somewhere and forget what happened here,” Rolando said in a warned tone. Flora quickly stands up and runs away from Rolando. Rolando just watches Flora run away from him as he knows that the kid is not a threat to them, as he knows her personality. A timid one who doesn’t have any strength and courage to tell what’s on her mind.

MAXINE hides herself behind the man statue in the garden as she tries to hide her presence more. Because she knows that she will be in trouble once Rolando knows that she was there and heard all the conversation that they had with her Aunt Krizza. When Rolando leaves, that is the time when Maxine lets out a deep breath as she was holding her breath while hiding earlier. She calms herself down because she felt nervous throughout her little body. Maxine quickly leaves the garden as she runs to her room. She heard it all. She heard the secret of her Aunt Giselle and Uncle Xander, and it’s not just a small secret but a big one that can put the family upside down.

“What should I do?” She asks herself under her breath as she locks her door and weakly goes to her bed and throws herself onto it. She buries her face in her pillow because it helps her think clearly. Maxine is thinking if she should keep it to herself and act like she didn’t hear everything or tell her father because she knows that the information she has is a great weapon for her family against Uncle Xander. But the thing is she might get in trouble once they know that she is the one who told her parents what she heard in the garden. Especially from her Uncle Xander’s butler, Rolando. The scary man who always looks at them with a scary face. Maxine lifts up her head away from her pillows as she tosses her body to look at the ceiling of her room.

“Should I do that?” Maxine murmurs as she just remembers her little sister Flora, who was at that scene also and the one that the butler Rolando saw.

“I know what to do,” she whispers as a wicked smile forms on her face.

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