“She is here,” Derrick announced to Aziz who was sitting beside Lexi’s bed in the ward. He nodded his head to let him know he heard, placed down Lexi’s hand and walked out.

The doctor had assured him that she would be alright before tomorrow, she was just in shock and being strangled drained all her energy, that is why she slumped.

He stopped in front of the door and face Kira who had her gaze trained on the floor, her heart pounding so fast as she refused to look at the man before her.

Did she think Vincenzo was beautiful, this man look like the sun. His beauty was so blinding that she had to keep her gaze down.

“Mr Aziz, she stuttered, words refusing to form themselves in her head as she fiddled with her fingers. “Y-you sent for me?”

“I did,” Aziz pushed his hands into his pant pocket and leaned on the wall behind him. “You are Kira right?” He stared at her.

“How did you know?” She looked puzzled.

“Lexi told me all about you, she still couldn’t get over the fact that the only friend she had betrayed her that she cried herself to sleep,” he cringed as he recalled that night.

He had just finished making her cry out his name and pull her over his chest, he asked her about her life in England and she couldn’t talk about a day without having to mention Kira’s name, she even showed him a picture. That was how he was able to recognize her at once.

“She loved you like a sister,” he looked up to see Kira in tears, her body shaking as she tried to stop the waterworks.

“I am so sorry, I was blinded by jealousy and rage that I didn’t see what was in front of me,” she cried harder, and Aziz had to comfort her for the sake of Lexi.

His baby loved this lady in front of him so much that she worries herself to death, not knowing what was happening to her or if she was getting by each day broke her.

“It’s okay, I guess she would be happy to know it was her friend who saved her from dying,” he tried to assure her, even though he knew nothing could erase the memory of almost being raped from one’s mind.

If he hadn’t been attracted to her that night and kept trailing her around with his eyes, he wouldn’t have known she had been drugged and she would have lost her dignity in the most brutal way.

The fact that she escaped and nothing happened to her, in the end, should be enough reason for Lexi to forgive her friend and the fact that she risked her life to save Lexi. If Kira had delayed or panicked a lot that she was unable to fire that shot, the man would have killed her and ended up killing Lexi again.

Kira finally stopped crying and moved out of Aziz’s arm, she wiped her cheek and sniffed.

“I am sorry for that,” she looked down shyly.

“I can see why you are both best friends,” he looked down at his wristwatch and glanced at her again. “I wanted to thank you for saving her life and also to ask a favour from you.”

“What is it?” Kira sniffed and stared at him.

“How well can you fight?” He tilt his head to the side and studied her before looking away.

“Huh?” Kira wasn’t expecting that, she had a black belt in karate and she vowed to only use it when necessary.

“I know who must have sent that man after Lexi, she is a woman and I don’t beat up a woman unless it is–”

Kira burst into laughter, she placed her hands on her waist and laughed for so long before suddenly stopping, her face hardened and it was void of emotions as she stared at Aziz.

“Tell me who the hell she is,” Kira sneered and Aziz smiled.


Aziz placed guards around Lexi’s ward since she was on the topmost floor and the only one occupying the Mustafa’s wing, he told his guard not to let even the tiniest insect get in.

They are to search the doctors that come in and out of her ward in case, someone is posted as a doctor and is there to harm her.

He pulled up in front of the hotel where Lena lodge, he didn’t bother to park in the allotted space for cars before getting out of the car with Kira who looked as if she would murder anyone in sight.

Being the son of a powerful man in California, there was no one to stop him as he bound up to Lena’s room, he knocked on the door, and waited for a few seconds before she threw the door open with a smile on her face.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What a lovely surprise Aziz! To what do I owe—” Aziz grabbed her by the throat and pushed her to the ground.

Lena squealed, she tried to get up from the floor but Kira pounced on her and peppered her face with punches.

“You bitch! You dare to touch my baby girl?” She yelled and continue punching her until Aziz told her to stop.

She spat on her face, crawled away from her and kicked her rib before stepping aside. Aziz crouched beside her, he gripped her chin and held her gaze.

“I sent a doctor here to take your son’s blood sample and hair, but you insist that he was too sick for a strand of his hair to be removed when he looked perfectly healthy when I saw him sleeping yesterday.

“I purposely sent the doctor to you as soon as I left your room, knowing the kind of liar you are, I knew you would run away before I get any information from you and that was enough proof that this was all a setup.”

He dropped her chin and grabbed her hair instead. “Since no DNA is needed to prove you are a fraud, and I know you can’t just waltz in here without someone backing you up, I want you to tell me who sent you here?”

Lena smirked, then started laughing like a maniac. “You should know me better Aziz, I am too independent to work for someone.”

Aziz dropped her hair and moved away from her, he signalled to Kira and stepped back.

“You are right Lena, I know you are dependent on people and you don’t have the liver to do things like this on your own, so I’ll give you a choice,” he paused when Kira grabbed her by the hair and pull her up with it.

“You either tell me who sent you, or I’ll make sure you never see your son again,” Aziz smirked as fear crossed her features and she swallowed hard.

But Lena being who she is and being a greedy bitch, smirked and opened her mouth to say something when Kira moved with the speed of lightning. Before he could process what was happening, she slammed Lena’s head against the wall.

“I have no qualms with killing you off, so spare me the stress and start talking or I’ll send you to hell,” Kira yelled over Lena’s screams and Aziz smiled.

He moved closer to Lena and leaned forward until their face are inches apart.

“Who sent you after me?”

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