Seducing My Heartless Husband

57. Regret it

The boys walked down the beach dressed in summer shorts and shirtless. The ladies basking under the hot sun in their towels, looked over at the young men walking along the beach with a smile. They looked good and they knew it. They strutted their stuff in a cocky way that was charming to the women watching.

” Is this a good idea? Are you sure we won’t have a problem with the girls?” Dimitri asked, worried that their plan might get them in more trouble. He could already imagine the look on Martina’s face and honestly, it scared him.

” Shut up , will ya? If we don’t do this, those ladies won’t realize their mistakes. I didn’t come all the way here to stay with you dicks.” Ronald reprimanded him.

Lucas didn’t say a word. He would do anything to get his woman’s attention back. They had just made peace and became a real couple, how could she ignore him and choose her twin sister and friend over him. If he knew this would happen, he’d rather have stayed at country A with his wife. At least then, he could have her all to himself.

“Look at them, ” Ronald said, pointing to the three ladies happily swimming and playing by the beach without any care in the world. ” They seem so happy, like they don’t need us. Let’s see if they’ll remain nonchalant and ignore us.” He said.

Dimitri clicked in annoyance. ” I was feeling guilty but Just looking at them makes my blood boil in anger. Let’s show them what we’ve got. Dimitri declared.

Ronald and Lucas nodded their head.

The three young men walked towards the girls, ignoring the stares from the women who were ogling them. They had one mission on their minds and nothing could distract them from achieving their goals.

The three walked past their women without even saying a word.

After walking for a few meters, they set up their volleyball net. It was a simple volleyball net, made for three. One person had to be the referee while the other two played the game.

The three young men took turns as they played the game.

Soon enough, girls flooded the area, Young and old. Some came to cheer at the boys but from the drools coming from the Young ladies’ mouths, you could tell that they were there to ogle at the well packed muscles and abs of the young men.

The girls giggled as the men playfully tossed the ball to each other, showing off their muscular chest, their arms and even their legs.

Meters away, Martina was the first one to notice the commotion.

” What’s going on there?” She asked no one in particular.

The girls turned and looked to where Martina was staring at. Their jaws dropped.

“Is that not Dimitri and Lucas playing?” Terry chipped in.

” Look, Ronald is the referee. ” Marina noted.

” What are they doing playing half naked? And why are those women surrounding them like hungry wolves? ” Martina asked with displeasure.

” Why are they playing here, didn’t they say they were going to go for a walk?” She added, obviously not pleased with what she was seeing.

” I am not going to sit and watch this!” Terry declared possessively, making her way to where her Man stood.

She looked around and saw the girls standing around the guys. It was obvious that they were checking them out. She could only imagine what was running through their minds.

” Hey, Baby. ” Terry called out to her man.

Ronald turned around and smiled when he saw his girl.

” I am busy right now, let’s talk later. You can go back swimming with the girls. We are having fun here.” Ronald answered ruthlessly, the message in his words clear.

Terry stood still, surprised.

Ronald had never spoken to her in that manner, not since she started dating him.

” Are you saying that playing is more important than me? ” Terry asked, glaring at the man.

” And why are you not wearing a shirt? Can’t you see others are checking you out? ” She asked, her voice raised.

” Well, it’s hot out here. Don’t tell me that you’re jealous. Besides, those people can do whatever they want. What’s the problem, aren’t I yours?” Ronald teased, giving her a wicked smile.

” That’s not funny, Ron. Let’s go and get a drink.” Terry ordered.

” No, we are not going anywhere. Go back to the water, we are having fun here. ” Ronald declared, turning his back on his angry girlfriend.

Terry stared at him for a while, before walking away. Her anger could not be hidden.

The two other girls witnessed the exchange between the two.

” What are you all staring at? Scram!” Marina’s angry voice sounded, her eyes glaring daggers at all the ladies ogling at the three men.

” And you? You better be fine with me right now or be divorce papers will be waiting for you at night!” Martina threatened and Dimitri’s face turned White with fear.

The ladies didn’t stay behind.

” Did you see that?” Marina asked, shocked at her friend’s actions.

” I did. And did you see what happened earlier? They really are doing it on purpose. They are ignoring us to teach us a lesson. Those jerks! ” Martina replied angrily.

” How dare he ignore me and talk to me that way. This is what I get for loving him.” Terry said angrily, tears glistening in her eyes.

” Come here, baby. You know I was just teasing.” Ronald said, hugging his girlfriend.

” Teasing me? Do you think I don’t dare break up with you?” Terry threatened but the tears rolling down her cheeks said otherwise.

” Come on, Babe. Don’t say that. I was just teasing.” Ronald said softly.

” That wasn’t funny. ” Terry said, wiping her tears.

” Now you Know how it feels to be ignored. You don’t want to be ignored yet you don’t mind doing it to us? That’s unfair. ” Ronald complained.

” Wait a minute? Are you saying that you all did that to punish us? ” Marina asked, turning to look at Lucas with disbelief.

” What did you think we would do? Sit down and watch as you ignore us? Did you expect us to stay indoors and do nothing while we are supposed to be on vacation? ” Lucas asked, his brows frowning.

” You should have said so, you didn’t have to go ahead and do what you did. ” Terry pointed out.

” You girls left us with no choice. ” Dimitri said, earning a glare from Martina.

” That was a low move. You are not a kid, stop acting like one. ” Martina scolded her husband.

” But I thought I was your baby? ” Dimitri asked with a pout. Martina rolled her eyes at his antics.

” Well, since everything is cleared, let’s have lunch. Let’s take advantage of the fact that we are here and eat some seafood.” Marina proposed.

” Good idea, let’s do that.” The girls agreed.

They spent the rest of the day enjoying the beautiful scenery, the delicious seafood and each other’s company.

When evening came, the three pair of lovebirds decided to take a stroll at the nearby market.

The ladies were responsible for spotting anything they liked and their men would get it for them.

They had a good time browsing the goods sold at the stalls.

They were having so much fun that they forgot the time.

” I think we should head back home.” Martina proposed and the others agreed.

The market wasn’t far from the hotel so they walked back home.

They had only walked for five minutes passing through an alley when a group of ten men stood before them.

One look at them and you could tell they had evil intentions from the crooked smiles on their faces.

” Seems like we have to exercise.” Marina said, rubbing her knuckles together.

The others nodded their heads and got ready for the fight.

Just as they were about to attack the group, a group of five more men appeared behind them, blocking their way.

” This is interesting.” Dimitri commented.

” What a good exercise. It’s been a long time since I kicked someone’s ass.” Lucas declared.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

” It seems you are new here? ” A brawny man asked, stepping forward.

” What do you want from us? We are just passing by and don’t intend to cause any trouble. ” Terry spoke. She was not ready to watch people fight and risk seeing bloodshed.

” You want to pass? Then it’s simple, hand over everything you have and we will let you pass.” The brawny man threatened.

” Are you sure you want to do that? Lucas asked, his voice cold than the northern pole ice.

” If we weren’t sure, why would we be here in the first place? Young man, I suggest you listen to the big boys and don’t seek trouble.” Another man from the group threatened.

” Then you leave us with no choice.” Ronald declared.

” What are you talking about?” Martina asked, staring at the boys.

” Girls, you should stand back. It’s too dangerous.” Lucas advised, not taking his eyes off the thugs.

” Girls my ass! Tonight, I must teach someone a lesson.” Marina replied.

” Terry, close your eyes. Don’t open them unless I say so. Marina added before charging to the brawny man, landing a punch on his face.

” Damn! ” The brawny man cursed as his men ran to help him.

” Who told you that you can punch me, bitch. I will make you regret it. ” The man cursed.

” Too much talk and no action, show me what you’ve got! ” Marina answered arrogantly.

” You’ve just signed your death warrant, bitch!” The brawny man cursed, pulling a knife from his waistband.

The others also pulled out their weapons.

Marina smirked, dodging a punch.

” That was a little disappointing, are you sure you are the leader of this gang?” Marina taunted, earning herself another curse from the man.

Seeing this, the others joined in the fight..

One side fought relying on force while Marina’s group had the skills.

In less than three minutes, the fifteen men were already down with broken bones, dislocated jaws and blue eyes.

Marina sneered seeing their miserable conditions.

” Next time you mess with us, just wait for death. ” She declared before turning and leaving.

The rest of the group followed behind, leaving the fifteen men lying on the ground.

Martina burst out laughing.

” That was interesting and fun. It’s been a long time Since I had so much fun.” She giggled.

” Why did you ask Terry to close her eyes? ” Ronald asked, a frown on his face.

” She is your woman, how about you ask her yourself! ” Marina sneered.

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