Scarred Alphas

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Chapter 81


“Yeah, late.” Ezra holds an invitation up. The same one all the other Alphas had.

“How dare you set foot

here?!” I shout unable to

contain my temper.

“I got an invitation just like

everyone else.” He

nonchalantly says.

“Don’t bullshit me! You know

this was all you, you f**ker!”

Colt holds me all this time

because I have been trying to

get to him. All I can think of

is ripping his head from his


“Let me go, Colt!”

“No, this is exactly it. This is what he wants…what he is up to.” He says.

Victor nods as he rushes to

1. me. “This is how he’ll gain the support of all the other packs. If you attack him, it

will be considered a violation

of the protection seal. They

will all band together against


then I will have to take

control here. Take a deep

breath, girl, and be the Alpha we need right now.”

My eyes dart to him with


He nods. “His time will

come. Bide your time right now and watch him closely.”

“It seems there is a problem?” Oliver speaks.

Warrick stares at me to try

and get my answer.

Grinding my teeth, I speak. “No, no problem at all.” I

look at him. “Sit. Enjoy the


Warrick relaxes and Colt lets

me go.

Warrick then addresses

Victor. “Victor, the borders?”

“I have not received any update of anything out of the ordinary.”

I continue speaking to the guests. “As I was saying…” My words are tense. “I want to

thank you all for coming. It is quite a surprise that you all

made it. As stated in the

invitation, this will be a

neutral feast. A safe festivity

even if there is conflict

between us. You may talk

freely but also remember

that you are my guests, I will not tolerate misbehavior.” To

be able to say all of this, I have to force myself not to

look at Ezra and Oliver. I feel

like if I do, I’d fly over to them and rip them apart.

I give a hand gesture telling

them all to sit and then the

feast commences.

People start speaking with

each other. Ezra and Oliver

sit in one of the other tables

far from us but all I can do is

keep my eyes on him.

I have him so close and yet I can’t do anything.

Excruciating frustration.

All sorts of ideas run through my head.

I could command one of the

maids that is serving us to kill him for me. But my

conscious hates the idea.

Killing is not an easy thing to

do and I would ruin the

maid’s life. She’d be executed

by the neutral law.

All I can do is imagine

myself getting up and

plunging my stake knife right through his eye. I don’t

think I will ever be able to be in peace as long as he lives. I

want him dead.

To my displeasure, Ezra starts speaking. “Oh dear

Bryn and Miles. How I miss

you. It saddens me that you

were not able to be there for

Mother’s death. It was

agonizing for her. She

screamed your names

searching for you but you

weren’t there. Alas, I am the

only one she had for comfort

in her last moments of


Bryn is paralyzed with fear

while Miles frantically looks everywhere he can except at


“Leave them alone.” Colt

says, in a calm tone.

Ezra gives him an angry look

he can’t hide.

“All mighty Colt, always to the rescue. Little brats can’t

take care of themselves.”

“And you don’t change.

Always a bully to the very


“And what end is that,

brother? Are you saying that

I will die soon?

“If you do, it is because you

made your own bed.”

“That sounds like a treat to


“So? As long as I don’t act on it, I am not breaking any

rules, right.” Colt smirks.

Ezra is pissed and shaken

while Colt remains calm and

unbothered. I love it.

“So tell us, Alpha, why have

we been invited here.” Alpha

Holmes asks me.

That is a damn good

question. I have no idea of

what to tell them.

I take a long sip of my drink as I think of what to say.

“I can’t wait to hear this.” I

hear Oliver utter.

My hands tighten around the glass, cracking it. I set the

glass on the table making a

loud noise.

“I’ll be completely honest, I didn’t invite you all here.”

The room grows silent and they all glance at each other

with confusion.

I point at Oliver and Ezra. “I

am pretty sure that those two are the ones who invited you

all here.”

Oliver and Ezra look a bit

shocked. I am sure they did

not think I’d just be telling

the truth.

“I don’t know what the

agenda behind this was if

that is what you want to ask but they are here. Ask them yourself.”

All the Alphas look at Ezra

and Oliver’s direction.

“No idea what you are

talking about. We received

the same invitation as all the

others did.”

“I don’t buy it.” I say.

“Maybe it was someone else here. Maybe one of the people you took in I mean, you take so many strays. My siblings, rogues…the witch.”

“Witch? So you have a spy in our pack.” I sit defiantly.

“Oh no, not at all.”

“Then how do you know

this? No one knows about


“I just remember her.” Ezra


Remember her?…from


I look at Honora who shrugs. “I’ve never met him before.”

“What a horrible little liar.”

Ezra whispers.

I look between them. Ezra

has a smirk and Honora

looks unfazed.

I leave it alone for now but I

don’t like it. It bothers me.

“How are you holding up?”

Colt whispers in my ear.

“Not good. I don’t understand why are we indulging these men.”

“So that we don’t make more enemies.” He responds.

“I am tired of playing good, Colt. They play nasty so why do we have to play by the This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.


“Like I said Cass,


“Damn the concequences!”

I have been raising my voice

and now notice that almost

everyone is watching me.

“Someone is a bit agitated.”

Ezra mutters.

“Agitated? Agitated?! You are lucky I don’t skin you alive right now you f**ker!”

“Ah, is that why you brought

us here? To threaten me?”

I really should. I really should just kill him right


“You killed Lauren! All

because you didn’t get your way. You might call yourself an Alpha but you are just a pathetic piece of meat

plaster on this earth to be a


he looks serious now. “She

begged. She begged me to let her live. Even played the pregnancy card on me but I cut her down like a f**king pig-” He gargles his last

words as his mouth and

throat fill with blood.


James stands behind Ezra with a knife plunged into

Ezra’s n*ck. He takes it out

and thrusts it in his n*ck

again and then starts

stabbing Ezra over and over

on his back.

People start panicking but I

smile as Ezra stares at me, a look of fear in his eyes.

Look at me, you bastard. Let my joyous smile over your death be the last thing you


I wish it was me doing it but James deserves his


I watch as Ezra breathes his

last breath and soon his eyes

become void of life. He is finally dead.

Guards immediately

apprehend James.

“Let him go!” I rush over and

command them. They

immediately release him.

“What is this?!” An Alpha


“You can’t just let him go!”

“I can and I will.”

“This is unacceptable! He killed an Alpha in a neutral festivity! He must die!”

“Try it and see what happens!” I warn them.

“We can’t stand for this!”

They all start getting riled

1. up.

“Yet you will do nothing to


I can see the concern on

Victor’s face, Garret’s, and

even Colt’s. But I have no

intention of letting these men hurt James.

“He is under my protection and if you want to get to

him, you have to go through


“So you want war?”

“If war is what you wish to

have for a man who deserved

this death, then so be it.”

I look at Oliver who seems

amused and unfazed by all

this, in fact, he wasn’t even surprised when James killed


“War? No need.” James says. “You shouldn’t be punished for my actions. I’ve done what I wished. Avenged my beloved and my child and kept you safe. I can leave and

be with them now.”

“James, that is not going to hap-” While I am saying this, I watch as he brings the knife

to his n*ck and slices it.

“JAMES!” I scream and rush

to him. “NO!”

Unable to say anything, he

just smiles and closes his



I cry, merging my forehead

with his.

Silence befalls the festivity. For a few seconds, there is

not a single sound.

When the space of silence passes, Victor speaks. “It is

settled!” He shouts at the

Alphas. “You wanted blood!

You have it! The matter is

now settled!”

Suddenly, Oliver starts

clapping and laughing. “This

turned out to be a better

show than I had expected.”

“Show? SHOW!” I shout.

“Yes, show. It baffles me how

good I am. Everything went as planned. Pure perfection.”

“It was you pulling the strings on James.” Warrick suddenly speaks.

“Yes and very wise for you to


“Wait…what?” I look at


“James was the one behind

the killings.” Warrick reveals.


“It is true. I had a plan. And it involved James killing Ezra.

He did well I think.”

“How! And why did James

kill those three pack


“To protect you.” Oliver

smiles. “See, before I…took

you that day, I might have told James that these three

particular people were

planning to assassinate you.

But since I was leaving, I had

no way to protect you. The

man was so out of touch with reality that he didn’t notice that you were gone from the pack and still was plotting his

killings. All in the name to protect you. I also spoke to

him about his mate and how

she was killed. How I

couldn’t stop it but told him of every single detail and made sure that he knew it

was all Ezra’s doing. It was a trigger for sure. Of course, I

never witnessed his mate’s

murder but he still believed

1. it. It was fuel to the fire for

when I managed to bring

Ezra here. Wasn’t sure how I

was going to do that at the moment but I am very good

at improvising as you can see.”

I am shocked. I think we all

are. This man was much

more dangerous than we all thought.

“And…all for what?” I ask.

He leans back with a big

smile. “All to gain a pack and


“You…you can’t just take over his pack.”

“I can when they have no more Alpha family running

things and all they have seen is me. Plus, mixed with them

are the mercenary rogues I bought. So…who will there be left to stop me?”

“All of us.” One of the Alphas


I am glad that they don’t agree with this ludicrous


Oliver lifts a hand up with a

phone in it. “If only. Your

mistake was that you had

your full attention on Ezra when we got here.” As he says

this, I notice that it is not a phone in his hand. He

presses a button on the

device and suddenly I am on the floor with my ears ringing and there is smoke


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