Scarred Alphas

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

“How many have arrived?” I


“Three so far but by the looks of it, it seems as if it will be more.” Victor replies.

“How did this happen?!”

“I have no idea. No one that I

know of has mailed

invitations on our behalf.” He

holds an invitation card out

for me to see.

I take it and examine it. It

looks like a legit invitation

telling them that they are

invited to a feast in our pack

with the pretense of a

neutral council after and it

even has the seal of


“This look…legit.”

“It does and so we have to

treat it as is.” Victor says.

“What do we do?” Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The seal of neutrality and a neutral council…it means

that all fire is ceased and no

one is allowed to make an

advantageous move. It would

be treason to do so to all

other packs.

“We can’t turn them away.”

Garret says. “If they find out

that this was a hoax made by our enemy, they will start thinking that we are weak.”

I nod. “Okay, so we do the opposite and use this to our advantage. We show them how strong we are. We show

them how it would not be a

good idea for them to join Ezra and go against us.”

“I agree but also, we need to be very careful. This is

obviously a plan from Ezra.”

Colt says.

“What in the world is he

trying to do?”

“I am sure we will know soon

enough.” Garrets says.

“And the Alphas? Do they know what is going on?” I


Victor shakes his head. “No, they assume they are here exactly for what the

invitation says. We’ve never

hosted an Alpha feast or

council so most of them–I

am sure–didn’t think it

would be a good idea to


“Poppy and Lotus are having

rooms prepared as we speak

and our cooks started

working overtime today.”

Garret ads

“This is all a bad idea.” Beck


“We can’t just throw them out. Many of them could be

offended.” Victor tells him.

“Since when have we cared

what they think.”

“Since we heard that Ezra

was looking for an alliance.” Archie replies. “Sometimes

things have to be done

differently. Now Alpha, you

need to go greet them. We

have deviated those that

have already arrived to the

parlor where we are

distracting them with


“Having a murderer on the loose also spells trouble on top of all of this.” Beck


I nod to them all. “Alright, everyone stay sharp. Keep me informed.”

As they start to leave, I start

panicking. I am supposed to

stand in front of these

Alphas and speak to them?

“Cass, act strong.” Colt says.

“Like the ruthless cutthroat

your father is. These men

will not see you as their

equal just for being a

woman. So you must show

them that you are not


“I will try but it is easier said

than done.”

“You can always show them your power.” Beck says with a

sly smile walking nearby.

He’s such a troublemaker.

“Colt, will you come with


“Of course. I won’t take over

but I will help you if you

need it.”

“Okay. Thank you.

Putting on a brave face, I

head downstairs to the

parlor. The house is up in an uproar trying to get things done. A feast is something you prepare days before the actual day. There is just so much that goes into it

especially when you have so

many guests.

I pause and take a deep

breath before I enter the

parlor. Serge and Colt stand

with me.

As I go in, three imposing

men stare at me. Two of

them with wrinkles that can

rival a cracked desert and the

other is as young as a child who just entered his puberty phase.

“You…must be…the woman

Alpha.” One of the old men says. His tone is

condescending and he does

not hide it.

“Just Alpha and yes, I am a woman.” I reply. “I am

Casseopea, and you all are?”

They all look at Colt.

“Alpha Turner.” The quiet

older one says.

The vocal old Alpha speaks

1. up. “Alpha Holmes.”

“Alpha Duke.” The young

one says.

“Then it is nice to make your

acquaintance.” I say.

“I am sure it is for you, to be in the presence of real

Alphas. We’ve all heard the

stories of your dysfunctional family.”

“Then we are all

dysfunctional here. Two old

men who are nearly at

death’s door but too

stubborn to pass down the baton and a young man who most likely was just recently weaned from breastfeeding.”

They all stare at me with


“I will not stand here and be

insulted by a she–wolf who believed she is on my level.” Holmes says.

“I am not on your level, I am way above it! And if you wish to test my position, then you will all fall short for I possess

a skill that none of you do.

You don’t have to like me but

you are all here for a reason

and I demand your respect

just as I give you mine. Or

did you just come here to throw insults at me?”

One of the old men sits and

props his leg on his knee looking amused. “Why have

you asked us to come here?”

He looks at Colt.

Shit. I didn’t think that far


“Rest. We’ll have a feast and

after we can talk.” I tell him.

This is how Father would

handle it…I hope.

“You did not answer our

question, Alpha Colt.‘

I narrow my eyes. The f**kers are purposely

ignoring me. “And I told you that we will discuss all of this


“Shush, girl. The Alphas are



“So Alpha Colt, what say you?”

“I am not Alpha of this pack.” Colt says. “And I’d mind what

I say if I were you.”


“If you wish to test me like

this, then fine!”

He laughs, sounding


I look at Holmes wanting to rip him apart. “Jump on one foot you sack of shit!”

Holmes starts doing exactly

what I told him to do. “What

in the blazes!” He has a lot of

difficulty and I can swear I

heard a bone crack.

I know that if I use my

powers on any of them, that could cause much more

problems, these men’s egos

are unmatched but I don’t

give a damn.

“You…” I look at Turner and

look at his guards next to

him. I look deep into the

eyes of one of them before I

ask him my question. “Why

has your Alpha agreed to

come here?”

Turner starts to complain.

“These are my men and you


“No one has ever stepped

foot in the Dark Fang Pack,

this is a good way to scope

the enemy. His words.” The guard says.

The old man gasps while Holmes continues to jump.

I now look at the young Alpha. “Should I make you cry like a little girl?”

He steps back and shakes his head holding his hands up. “No, please.”

“Stop!” I shout at Holmes. He finally stops jumping and stands looking so frazzled.

“I am my father’s daughter.

So no, I am not the most

stable of people but I am

rational. If you wish to f**k with me, then expect to

receive the same from me. I

am trying to be cordial here, but I will NOT be played

with! So show. Some.

Respect! Because next time I might not be so benign.”

I storm out feeling angry and satisfied at the same


I walk up to the front door

but turn to Colt.

“Shit…did I f**k up?”

“No…maybe…I mean, you

gave them a peace of your mind for sure and they were

being assholes. Your father would have probably killed

one of them in your position so I think you did good.”

That is actually the same thing I wanted to do. I

wanted to kill them for

trying to make a fool out of

1. me.

I can see more Alphas

arriving outside.

I sigh. How am I supposed to keep myself from actually doing as Father would do

and killing one of them?

“I am not talking to any of them again until the feast.” I


“Alright, I’ll let Lotus and Poppy know to greet them.”

I head upstairs to go see


“You bastard could not get healthy fast enough to deal

with all of this?”

That makes him laugh.

“You don’t need me.”

“Maybe I do.”

“You will do fine. Don’t let

them intimidate you.”

“Oh, I don’t. I’m not afraid of

them, I am afraid of what I

will do. When I get angry, I

just can’t think.”

“Well then do like me, stop

trying to control the anger.”

“Then I’ll end up like you.

Killing everything I don’t


“Exactly. It gets rid of the problem.”

I roll my eyes. “Seriously though, I am not ready at all. I know this. But I will step up and do my best.”

“Good and don’t take shit

from anyone. If you have to

kill someone to make a

point, do it.”


“Just an idea.”


He sighs.

“Once this is all over and

things have calmed down, I’ll

make it official.”

“Make what official?”

“You will be officially Alpha

of the Dark Fang Pack.”

“What? That’s too soon!”

“Not soon enough. Look, I

will not be able to be the

man I was before. I am not fit

to be Alpha anymore.”

“Have you seen those old

sacks of dust that came here

as Alpha of their packs? If they can be Alphas, then so

can you.”

“They are idiots. I good

Alpha knows when to step

down. Such fools.”

“Warrick, I am not sure I am

ready to be Alpha.”

“How about you call me dad

already, and no one is ready

to step into the position of Alpha. But you won’t be alone, you will have Colt at

your side.” He narrows his

eyes. “I am sure you

intended to rule with him as


I smile and nod.

“Yeah, I thought so.” He says.

“And you don’t care?”

“He has proven to be loyal to you and that is all that

matters. He is a good man too and a good Alpha. As

much as I dislike the idea, I

still can’t complain. Look,

we’ll talk about this later. Just

go and do what you need to


“Alright.” I say as I get up. “I am posting more guards here with you.

“Why?” He asks.

“To keep you safe. You are still the Alpha and you’d be

much of a target as I am.”

“Fine, fine.” He mutters.

He is definitely looking much better lately and that

makes me happy. To think

that I would ever care for

such a man. A few months

ago I would have been

cursing at myself for even

thinking that.

When evening comes, Colt and I get ready. I have to look presentable so Poppy dresses me. She puts me in a navy blue dress. It has an empire waist that is laced with shiny beads. It is fitted

and hugs my b*dy until it starts flowing at the knee area down to my feet.

Colt loves it and I can tell

that he already wants to take

it off of me.

Leaving those thoughts for

later, we go outside. It is where the feast is being held

since we don’t have a room

in the house big enough to house everyone.

The place has been

decorated beautifully. I am impressed that our pack did

this so suddenly.

There are laced wooden

fences decorated with

sprinkled lights and flowers.

There are also a few Arbor

arches decorated the same

way. Even the garden has fairy lights all over making it

look enchanting. It looks

great especially done on

such short notice.

There are five tables to sit all

the Alphas and some even

are still arriving. The feast

has not started yet so

everyone walks around talking and mingling.

Now here I stand, looking at

all of them and I am

supposed to give a damn

speech soon…shit.

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