Scarred Alphas

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Back to Cass’s POV

“Every twenty minutes, the guard makes a round. That is our opening.” One of my

men tells me.

I nod as I stare at Oliver’s

pack house from a good distance. After taking over that god–awful town, we headed straight here. I want

to make Oliver pay for what

he did. I might not have that

mask on now, but I can still

feel it on me. I have the

ghost sensation that it is still

over my eyes and I hate it, not to mention the pain of it being drilled into my skull is still fresh in my memory.

My group is not big, so the element of surprise is a must. We need to get in there and take out as many

as we can before anyone


Leading a team is new to me

but I did not want to wait. To

go back to my pack, I would have had to come near Oliver anyway. But I decided

to do this because I knew for

sure that if I went back to the

pack first, Garret and Victor

would suggest waiting on attacking Oliver. They

always have a reason to

hesitate and I hate it.

“There. He’s moving.” Kanda


I nod. “Now. Keep low and quiet. Take down anyone you come across–with the exception of children–and don’t let anyone ring any alarms.”

We rush in through the

shadows until we are behind

the pack house in a dark


“Split up. Four teams. Two

teams out here taking out guards one by one. Don’t kill them. They can be useful once Alpha Oliver is dealt with. The other two teams go inside doing the same until

we make it to Alpha Oliver.

Now HE…he is mine.”

They all nod.

My team and Kanda open a

window and go inside the

pack house. The room is dark and empty of people. It is late so I doubt any pack

members–who are not

guards–are awake.

We come across the first

guard. Kanda knocks him

out in a flash. He doesn’t

even make a thud as Kanda slowly puts him down. We carefully head through a hall and find another guard. Just like the other one, we take

him down and continue. I carefully open the doors trying to find the main office

where I assume Oliver could

1. be. If we can’t find him in his

office, then we’ll search for

his room.

We come to a door where I

can see light coming from

the bottom threshold of the

door and we can hear

muffled voices.

“This is it?” Kanda asks.

I nod. “I think so.”

Everyone gets ready. I slowly

hold the doorknob to not

make any noise. After taking a deep breath, I open it.

There are four people in

here and we rush them.

Kanda kicks one man behind

his knees and makes him

kneel. Then, she puts her

arms around his n*ck,

constricting him. Two of the other men start fighting two of my own men while I rush

the last one. The man I

approach is sitting down. He

turns to me when he is aware

of what is happening and I immediately stop in my


As I stay in shock, he immediately gets up and

faces me.



I immediately clash into his

arms. He holds me and I

almost feel like I can’t

breathe because of how tight

his arms wrap around me.

He pushes away and looks me over again, then pulls me in again into a hug but this one is now gentle.

“I’ve missed you. I’ve missed

you so much!” He says.

My hands cling to his shirt and they shake… I shake. The

emotions I feel towards this

man are incomparable to any emotions I have ever felt in my entire life. I love this

man with my whole being.

“I found you.” I whisper. “I found you.”

“Uhm…help…” I hear Victor’s


I reluctantly pull away from

Colt and stare at Victor who

is held by Kanda with her

arms around his n*ck.

“Oh! Let him go. It’s okay,

Kanda.” I look at my other

two men. “It’s okay. They are my pack.”

Victor gets up, patting his

clothes, and then stands next

to Colt but not before he

gives Kanda a look of


“What happened? How…why

are you guys here?”

“Most likely, for the same

reason you are here. To take

Oliver out. But the f**ker

was gone already.” Victor


“What?!–” Before I can say anything else, Colt cups my face. “What happened to you!?”

He traces his fingers down my temples where I am sure there is still dry blood. We came straight here, all I had time was to put clothes on.

“It’s…a long story.”

“We’ll have time for it. We

have taken control of Oliver’s


I look around at them and

will myself to ask the

question to which I am

scared to hear the answer.


“He…is not well.” Victor


“Not well…he is alive?”

“Yes. But he is not healing as

he should. He was stabbed in

the chest and it grazed his

heart. But now the pack

doctor has noticed wolfbane

in his bloodstream. Most

likely the blade was coated with it and it is preventing him from healing. The doctor says he will make a

recovery once the wolfbane is flushed from his system

but that might take weeks or

even months. In the

meantime…” Victor stares directly at me. “You are the Alpha. He made clear of that.”


I shouldn’t be shocked. This

is what father had told me.

That I am to be Alpha but

now it is real. Now it is

hitting me hard. I have led

these few men from the Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

arena but a whole pack and

one as big as the one we

have…that is completely


“What do you wish to do?”

He asks me.

I sigh. “Rest. I am tired.”

I am tired of all of it but I

know that this is just the beginning.

“Then do that. We will

reconvene in the morning.”

“Not before you address the security in this place. We

slipped through easily.” I say.

“And I still have some men running around that

obviously have not been


“You do?”

Kanda starts laughing. “Too


I smile. “Go get them,


“And who is this?” Victor

asks, looking at Kanda.

“A friend and an amazing

fighter. She is a werecat and part of our pack now.”

“A…were…cat?” He asks

unsure of what he is saying.

“Yeah, they are real.”

Kanda chuckles and leaves

the room accompanied by some of the pack members

so that she is not mistaken

for an enemy.

I immediately again hug Colt, melting into his arms and feeling the safety that he always makes me feel. I close my eyes as his arms engulf me and I almost fall asleep right there.

“This is not a dream, right?” I


“No. It better not be. I’ll be

pissed.” He says.

His voice is like a sweet

baritone melody.

“Go rest, Cass. I’ll have rooms

ready for everyone so they can also rest. Let’s meet up

tomorrow morning.”

I say nothing but just nod as Colt whisks me away.

“I am never leaving your side again. Do you hear me?” He


I nod as he carries me up

some stairs. When we get to one of the rooms, he takes

me directly to the bathroom

where he starts a shower. He

helps me get out of my clothes looking carefully at my body.

“New scars?”

I nod. “I’ll tell you

everything…but not now. I just want you right now.”

It is not even s**ual for me. I

just need his presence, his warmth, his love. We get in

the shower and as the warm

water hits us, we hug.

“I missed you. I can’t be without you.” He says.

“My one goal was always to get to you. And I finally did.”

He kisses my head. “I looked for you everywhere. I didn’t

know what he had done to


We drop into a silence. I move my che*ks on his chest as I slowly look up at him. He cups my face, our noses

just inches away.

“Look at me.” He whispers.

I look into his green eyes. “I

love you. You are…my

everything. Mate bond or not, you are my life, you are my mate.” He hugs me tightly, hiding his head in between my shoulder and


He goes quiet but that is when I feel him bite my n*ck. I hold on to him,

pulling him closer and

sinking my own fangs into

his n*ck.

This is it. No more waiting.

We are now officially mates. When we pull back, we look into each other’s eyes and

kiss like we have never kissed

before. The feeling is

something like no other. The

mate bond is created and it

feels incredible. His touch

feels warm and it gives me

chills. Never have I

experienced this, not even

when I had marked him. It

can’t compare.

“Love me.” I moan.

“Mh…” He grunts. “You are

mine now. You are all mine.”

“Then take me.”

He picks me up, holding my thighs up around his waist,

and then walks out of the

shower and into the

bedroom. He lies me on the

bed with him over me, our

bodies wet and dripping on

the bed.

He kisses me and his hand slides down to my opening

that throbs with the need of

his contact. He caresses and

then his finger slips in. It makes me moan and yearn

for more. He moves his finger around and then

another finger slides in. My

mouth has to leave his

mouth so that I can breathe

and moan.

“More!” I moan out. My core

burns for him.

His hand leaves me and then

I feel his member massaging my slit, already hard. Immediately, he slithers inside easily and starts moving fast and hard.

One hand on my n*ck, softly holding me down and the other on my hips. His grip is

one of control as if I was

going to try and get away. Dominant, just how I like


The feeling of our skin against each other is pure

pleasure. It was always good but now that we are mates, it

is so much better. I don’t

think I have ever moaned so loudly before.

He suddenly raises my legs

and rests them on his

shoulders but he stops. His

hands hold his cock. He

looks at me and slowly

enters me until he can’t go any further.

It makes me shiver.

He slides out and again, slowly goes in, looking into

my eyes as we both moan.

“Do you like that?” He asks

and I nod.

I can feel my ch*eks burn, my whole body burns, and my skin prickles. Slowly, he starts to pick up pace until soon he is pummeling into

me again.

His arms wrap around my

legs and his hands hold the

back of my n*ck, lifting me

closer to him as he continues

his thrusting. We are not

able to kiss because I can’t

bend that far but we are so

close that we can feel our

breaths on each other’s faces.

We both moan in tune, his

low voice and my high voice mix forming an acapelic melody that I could happily hear for the rest of my life. When we come, I loudly

moan and he grunts, it is the peak of the performance.

That night, we sleep more

than we have ever had

before. For the first time, we

feel the most rested we have

ever felt.

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