Scarred Alphas

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Colt’s POV.


Julia goes flying across the

room when Cass gets her

hands on her. Julia hits a

table and breaks it in the



Cass screams. “I’LL KILL


Before I can move, Cass is

already on Julia.

Julia–screaming— puts her hands up trying to shield

herself as Cass slashes at her

with her full claws out.

“Shit!” Dash screams.

I ignore what is happening

inside of me and both Dash

and I run towards the girls. I immediately pick up Cass

from her waist, or at least I

try. She uses so much force that I can’t get her away from Julia. Dash takes Julia by the hands and pulls her from

under Cass.

Julia cries and holds her

hands out with her arms

slashed and bleeding.

Cass is not having it. She

tries to get away from my grasp and almost does, getting close to Julia again.


YOU! DIIIIIE!” It is a screech.

“Cass!” I shout. “Cass stop!” I try my best to pull her back

but she has lost it.

I wrap my arms tight around her and constrict her

thrashing movements.

“Julia!” Dash shouts.

I look up and see him

placing her on the floor. She

is unresponsive.

“She’s not breathing!”


Dash puts his head on Julia’s chest. “There is no pulse! I think Cass used her power on her! Someone call the

pack doctor!”

Some pack members rush

out while he starts chest



I continue to hold Cass. She

is not listening or thinking of

what is happening. She has

gone feral and is not going to be able to stop herself.

I hate what I have to do but I

force myself. I put Cass in a

headlock until she loses

consciousness but the girl

gives me a fight. My arms are


When Cass is out, I carefully

lie her on the floor. “Watch

her!” I yell at Miles who is shocked and Bryn who is franticly panicking, then run to help Dash.

I take over the compresses as Dash goes to give


“Shit! This is bad!”

“Breath!” Dash shouts at

Julia’s motionless b*dy.

After what seems like an

eternity, the doctor finally


“Move! What happened!”

The pack doctor rushes in

with his medic, bags in hand.

“She’s not breathing and doesn’t have a pulse!” We tell

him and move aside for

them to assess the situation.

“Give space!” The medical

helper demands, moving

people aside.

The doctor and medic start

doing exactly what we have

been doing. Then they stop

and check for her vitals.

Everyone in the room holds their breath waiting.

“Nothing! Carter, give me a

dose of adrenaline!”

The medic–named

Carter–immediately starts rummaging through his bag.

As this is happening, I kneel down and take a moment to

breathe. I am confused as to

what is happening to me. My chest tightens with pain but

it is not unbearable.

I look up and see the doctor

stab a syringe directly into Julia’s chest.

Julia suddenly gasps and opens her eyes. She lifts up, looks around, and then

suddenly her eyes close and she collapses again but the

doctor holds her before she

hits the ground. He puts an ear to her face and then

nods. “She still breathes.”

“She’s alive!”

“For now. Take her to the

infirmary! We need to

stabilize her.” A few

members pick Julia up and

take her away.

The doctor suddenly spots Cass on the floor and he

panics. “What has happened to the Alpha!”

Dash and I immediately explain. He quickly checks

on her and determines that

she will be okay, then rushes out to attend to Julia.

I pick up Cass and turn to Dash. “Go tell Alpha Warrick what has happened.”

He immediately rushes out. I carry Cass to her room and

as I do, I can feel it. The

mate bond that was created

has vanished. When Cass

created the bond, when she

marked me, since I didn’t

mark her back it was weak

and could be undone at any moment. That is what Julia did. When Julia bit me, she undid my bond with Cass and for a split second, I felt a bond with Julai, but not anymore. And I am sure I know why. Julia died. the moment she died, that bond that she had just created, disappeared which I am

relieved about — but I do

not wish for her to die.

I lay Cass on her bed and

watch her. Her face is

peaceful. No anger in sight.

Even if our bond broke, It does not change how I feel

about her. I loved her even

before the mate bond was

created. So that has nothing

to do with how I feel about

her. I love this woman beyond belief.

“Explain to me what

happened!” Warrick dashes

1. in.

It takes me by surprise but I immediately do as he says.

“Mh…Julia needs to be dealt


“Dealt with?”

“She can no longer stay here without Casseopea wanting

to kill her.”

“So Cass will not be

punished?” I ask feeling just a

bit relieved.

“Of course, she will NOT be

punished for doing what is instinct to her. And she is my daughter next in line to be Alpha. As I can kill whoever I

want in my pack, so can she.”

Even though I am relieved, I

don’t really know how to feel

about that.

I look at her. “She needs to

train that power of hers. It is dangerous.”

“With that…I agree.” He says.

He then stands in silence

staring at Cass. For a few seconds, he just observes her and then he finally speaks.

“Would you give your life for hers?”

“Yes.” No hesitation in my

voice but I am curious as to

why he asks this question.

“I loved her mother in such a

way. I never thought she would leave me but I

supposed I drove her to it.

My vices…are more than

even I can handle


Tomorrow get ready. We will be announcing our official attack on your brother.”

“What….what will happen to

my pack?” I ask.

“That will be determined

after Ezra is removed. If they decide to follow you, their true Alpha…” He looks back

at me but he stands there

thinking. “After mine, your

pack is the biggest.” He mutters. “My one thought

has always been to decimate

your pack but…if I think clearly here…I realize how much more valuable you are as my daughter’s mate. Mated…you could join the packs. We would have an empire.” His eyes glimmer

with such a shine. “I will

announce this to Alpha Oliver. The part of the deal with him that regards my daughter is off. You are to be

her mate.”

He immediately walks out

after saying this.

This is what I wanted but I

feel uneasy by this. My pack will merge with the Dark Fang Pack. The Blood River Pack will disappear…my father’s legacy. Am I truly willing to do this?

My mind analyzes this but there is no doubt in my heart that I would give up my very own life to be with this woman. To be with my


I lie next to her and this is

when she opens her eyes.

She looks at me and smiles

then her expression changes. She looks surprised. “What happened?! The last thing I remember was…Julia talking to you and then she…”

“Stop,” I tell her before she

goes on a rampage trying to find Julia. “Let me explain what happened.” I caress her cheek and start explaining.

“So she did not die?”

“Yes, she did but was brought


I can see conflicting feelings

in her.

“And our bond is gone?”

I slowly nod. “But that can be easily remedied.”

“I know. But it pisses me off.

Who the hell does she think

she is?!”

I can see her getting agitated again so I immediately try to

distract her.

“Your father is telling Alpha Oliver right now that you

and I are to be mated.”

She gasps. “He is?!”

My head moves up and

down with vigor. “Yes. This

all will end and all we have to

deal with is Ezra.”

sentimental man.”

“It is not sentiment…just


A lie. The moment I saw my daughter for the first time, she looked just like her mother and I started feeling things. I haven’t felt anything in a long time. I tried to bury those feelings, feelings I do

not even share with my own

sons who I have seen grow and become men. I am a

horrible father, I know this.

But Cass…my

Dahlia’s… Cassiopeia’s daughter…that was her real

name. My Casseopea. Cass, instinctively, took her

mother’s name and it suited

her just fine. I want my daughter to be happy, despite everything that I

stand for.

“So what you are saying is

that an Alliance with me is

not important to you?” Oliver speaks.

“Not at all what I am saying. There are other ways to keep an alliance-”

He puts a hand up,

interrupting me.

“I am not to be taken for a

fool, Alpha Warrick. I am getting the raw end of the stick as you Americans say.

“Bottom line is, you either become our ally or our enemy. Do you really wish to be our enemy?” I point out of my window towards the reforming camp. “Look out there. That is where your

pack will end up. You do not have the manpower to go against us. Choose wisely.”

“Even the mightiest have fallen from their high horse

one way or another.” Alpha

Oliver’s expression changes

to a smiling one. “But it would be suicide to go

against you. Very well, our

alliance stands.”

The way he just changed his

mind It’s like a switch turned

on which I am a bit unsettled


“I will retire. We’ll discuss

more in the early morning

as you have instructed.” He


I nod. “Yes. Our plans.”

He immediately leaves and I follow suit, making my way

to my room thinking about


stop in front of Dahlia’s painting as I do every night.

“Soon…my dear. I will join you soon. I can feel it.” I whisper.

I have taken to talking to this painting since Cass got here. Usually, I speak about Cass NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

herself. How I wish she could

see what a willful woman our

daughter has become. But tonight it feels different. I

feel tired. Tired of a life

without the love of my life. I

do love both Lotus and

Poppy but the bond that I

shared with Dahlia, that was

different. She was my one

true love and always will be.

I stare at my beloved for a few more minutes and then

make my way to my room.

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