Chapter 26

Annabelle Dennis

It’s morning already and I was feeling so tired from yesterday’s activities. I stretched then something went through my mind.

‘Did I forget to apply ointment on Morgan’s back?’ I asked myself and hoped that I did because I am too tired to remember anything.

When I was sure that my body didn’t feel too cramped up, I sat up and took my bible from my bedside table, I went on my knees and thanked GOD for waking me up early before opening the book of Proverbs to read the chapter that represents today’s date.

I have a daily routine for each day and when I finished reading the book of Proverbs, I opened to 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 3 which read ‘Praise be to the GOD and Father of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the Father of compassion and the GOD of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from GOD’

When I read it, I closed my eyes and prayed.

“Father, help me so that I can help those in need, guide me so that I can guide those who are lost, provide for me so that I can be a blessing to others” I prayed.

“Please, protect your daughter Morgan, she has started to see you in your glory, please guide her in every step she takes and her boyfriend Ricardo, guide him also. There are things that he can’t tell no one but you know GOD because you are the one who searches the deepest part of a man’s heart” I paused for a while before continuing.

“Please protect him, teach him what he should do, and let your name be magnified in our lives. Be with his little brother Richard and their friends Amelia and George, guide those that don’t know what to do, provide for those that don’t know what to eat the next minute, protect those that are scared, and show them that you’re their strong tower.” I continued praying for a few more minutes before ending it with ‘Amen’.

When I was done praying, I went into my bathroom to freshen up. The strange man I saw yesterday night still makes me think and I suspect him to be that Mr. John that came here earlier.

I decided to brush it off and not think too much about it and focus on my day and get prepared to head for the Hall. I am just hoping the guys that are working on the bathroom get it done quickly so that I can tick that off my list.

I finished my bath and went inside my room to get dressed. I guess Morgan should be up by now, she has an early exam today and I don’t want her to be all grumpy this morning.

“Morg-oh there you are,” I say and thankfully she was already dressed.

She probably went to her room to take her bath.

“Hi, Ann” she greets me with a smile which I returned.

“Hi to you, how was your night?” I asked and left my room in the kitchen after I was done dressing up.

“it was great, how was yours?” she asked.

“Beautiful, have you had anything to eat yet?” I asked her and she shook her head so I decided on something basic, toast and some milk, I guess.

“Seems someone couldn’t get their hands off the milk yesterday” I took the empty milk carton and disposed of it in the trash can.

“Can’t blame me, can we?” she asks and I just chuckled

Here you go, Morgan” I passed her a plate of toast and then a cup of milk which she accepted.

“Thank you, mama” she thanked with a wink.

“Thank GOD girl” I took a bite from my toast and a sip from my milk “Hope you’re prepared for today’s exam?” I asked after a while and she nods in response.

“Yesterday was okay, today will be better,” she said and I agreed.

“I believe so, your exams will be done before the day of the events, right?” I asked and she nods in response.

“Yeah, sure and I will love to assist with the decorations, Mrs. Addison’s project too”

“The LORD help” she nods and finished her toast before reaching for the last one on my plate “Need a ride?”

“Yup, Ricardo won’t be picking me up today, he doesn’t have any papers till later in the day so that gives him some time to finish a few of his work.

Ricardo White

“So, I need to finish this up before my next paper,” I said to my little brother who sat across from me.

He and Morgan have early morning exams, the reason why I couldn’t take her to school this morning.

“Okay, this is huge for us both. I am so sure dad I looking down at us and is very proud of how far we have come” he said and I smiled.

I did wish dad was here to see all these, all the milestones we are gradually gaining, how grown and responsible we are. He taught us most of the principles we apply in our lives and business too. It has always helped us and he would be the proudest father in the world right now.

“Yeah, I know” was my reply.

“So, I saw mum a couple of days ago,” he said and I stopped what I was doing. I wanted to look at him but I could feel his gaze boring on me and I am not ready for that awkward moment to pass us. It’s been a while since I saw her and the last, I remembered seeing her was when she came over the other day.

“Hmm” was my answer as I continue what I was doing.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“She misses us and I do” he continues and I just nod my head, “She said I should send her greetings to you and we should both take care,” he tells me.

“Aren’t you going to be late for your exams?” I ignored what he said and looked up at him.

He just sighs then stood up and grabbed his bag.

“Yeah, I was about to leave,” he said and I nod my head “Just needed to tell you,” he grabbed his keys and walked towards the door “See you around bro,” he said and left.

I let out a sigh and lean back on the chair I was sitting on. I am very much aware that he isn’t happy with how distant I made myself from mum but I guess he can’t understand where I stand here, he was so little when she left and he craves her love and attention but not me… I had that craving for many years but it was never fulfilled so instead, I detest having that love from her that’s why I don’t want to be moved by whatever act she puts on.

She might want to get in and then leave whenever she can and I will not allow that.

“GOD, I don’t know what to do,” I muttered under my breath then picked up my phone and dialed Morgan’s number. I want to hear her voice, it’s soothing to me and makes me feel okay… good… better.

“Hello boyfriend,” her sweet little voice said cheerily and I grinned.

“Hello girlfriend,” I said in the highest pitch voice I could muster, she giggled at it and it made me happy.

“How was your night?” she asked me and I closed my laptop then shifted it on the table before placing my legs on the spot it occupied seconds ago.

“It was great, how was yours?” I asked

“Fine, fine. Ann is taking me to school, are you already at work?”

“I am so sorry that I couldn’t come to take you to school and no, I am not yet at work, still at home. I was waiting for Ricardo to get going before I leave” I explained.

I stood up then put my phone on loudspeaker, and placed it on the table as I began packing my laptop, some of the papers I was working on, some books, and other things I needed for work.

“It’s fine, just concentrate on work and please for the love of GOD, eat something, I am serious right now,” she said and I chuckled.

I could imagine her putting one of her hands on her waist and the other pointing at me as she gives me a stern look.

“Sure mamacita” I said.

“I am not joking Ricardo White, please eat something”

“You called my full name, so I am sure you aren’t joking,” I tell her “I will, you don’t have to worry,” I say to her and heard her sigh.

“Okay then, bye handsome and have a great day”

“Take care too beautiful and tell Ann I said hi”

“Ann, Ricardo is saying hi” I heard her say to Ann then a faint voice followed before she got back to me. “She said I should say hi too”

“Okay then, see you in school”

“You too”

I hung up and put my bag on the couch when I was done with arranging what I needed. I head for the kitchen to get something to eat, I settled on some toast and scrambled eggs.

When I was done, I went to take my bag and my keys before walking to the front door, I opened it and went outside then locked my door and went to my car.

“LORD, help me today” I prayed when I was inside my car before starting the car and going to my office.

I hope today will be good.

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