Damien paced to and fro . If things didn’t go the way he planned, his father was going to be very angry.

He hit his head. Why was he so confident when he was telling his father to wait and see?

Rosco stepped forward and bowed his head “My lord. Do you really think Faren would come for the angel? Was that your plan?”Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I don’t know anymore. I have to go meet him ”

Rosco looked abruptly”My lord!!!”

“I have no other choice. If he wouldn’t come to me, I’ll have to go to him. We need to put an end to this once and for all ” Damien walked away but Rosco grabbed his hand.

“As your loyal servant and trusted friend, please don’t go ”

Damien looked at Rosco and put his hand over his “It will be fine. nothing will happen “Damien smirked “If they don’t attack me first, that is”

Alexa, Karina and Josty made their way to the vampire realm through the forest.

When they got Infront of the gate , they took in deep breaths.

Alexa swinged the bat over her shoulders”Let’s go ”

She opened the gate and they walked in .

Faren who was seated on his throne smiled at the two ladies on either side of the chair arm.

“You two are beautiful” he said and the two ladies giggled.

This made Faren angry. What he wanted was for people to fear him, more than they did with Damien but here these two ladies had the audacity to giggle at him .

Where on earth was that angel he’d sent to spy on Damien???

His door was broken down and he was startled seeing three angels walked in.

“What is this??!!!” He shouted.

“Where’s Celine? I will only be nice enough to ask thrice “Alexa said.

“Who is that ?”

“Aish “Alexa swung her bat at a vase and it shattered

“What are you doing!!!!??” Faren shouted” It took me a century to get that vase ”

Alexa smirked “And it took a bat to bring it down. Oops. I’ll ask the second time , where is -”

A crash was heard. Startled, Alexa turned to where the noise came from and saw that Josty had broken another vase.

“You brought a bat too?” Alexa asked smiling.

Josty smiled “Was interested in smashing some heads too ”

“You all are crazy!!!”Faren shouted” who is Celine ?”

“The angel you sent to spy on the demon lord “Karina who had been shivering in fear spoke up.

“Oh, her ?”

“‘Oh, her ???’do you want the next one going to your head ??”Alexa threatened walking up to Faren with her bat in hand.

“Hold on” Faren said backing away “I’ll tell you everything”

“Get talking. where is she ?”Alexa asked.

“I sent her to spy on the demon lord for me . She should be back soon if she hasn’t been caught”

Alexa’s eyes widened “You sent an angel after a demon??”


Alexa brought up her bat to hit Faren but Josty stopped him “We don’t have time to waste here, we need to start going ”

The three girls ran out of the realm and as they ran , Alexa accidentally bumped into someone and slipped on slippery substance on the ground and fell but he caught her.

Damien stared at the girl in his arms. He’d never seen someone so beautiful. Someone so –

“YOU PERVERT!!!!” Alexa screamed as she raised up her bat and thwacked Damien with it.

Damien tried to block himself but it was to no avail .

“You pervert and I thought you were trying to save me !!” Alexa shouted as she kept on thwacking him .

Josty held Alexa back ” Hey, leave him. We have to go find Celine ”

Alexa stopped hitting him “You are right. Let’s go ”

Damien grabbed Alexa’s wrist. He was angry. He gritted his teeth “Hey, do you have any idea who I am ? How dare you hit me? !!”

Alexa thwacked his head “I don’t care who you are but I caught you , you pervert.” She released her grip from his hand and turned to leave but stopped when Damien spoke up.

“Make sure we don’t meet again because if we do ” Damien smirked “I will make your life hell “And headed inside.

“Who is that ? He’s so scary ” Karina whimpered.

“You don’t know him too ? Josty , how about you ? you know almost everyone.”

Josty shook her head “It’s my first time seeing him too. What do we do now ?”

“Tell me about it. If Celine is really in the demon realm, we can’t go there. We’ll die “Karina whimpered”Shouldn’t we tell the head angel now ?”

“No, I have a much better idea. Follow me ” Alexa said and they left.

When Damien got in, he was surprised to see the door of Faren’s chamber already broken down .

When he walked in, he saw broken vase everywhere. An army of vampires came out and snared.

“What’s going on? Are those girls-” Faren spoke as he walked in but on seeing Damien he screamed “Ah, you scared me. Do you know something? Your face is not exactly the best thing to see in the morning ”

Damien smiled and looked around.

He walked towards where he saw a sword, picked it up and in a matter of seconds , he was Infront of Faren with the sword at his neck .

“HOW DARE YOU !!!” Damien roared “An angel ? Was that the best you could do ?”

Faren smiled although he was shivering in fear with the sword at his neck”Seems like you caught her. Is she dead ?”

Damien smirked”Do you care ?”

” No, it’s just that some of her friends were here a while ago. They are looking for her. You must have seen them on your way in”

Damien’s mind wandered to the three girls he’d seen .

He smiled. So they were angels ?

“They are probably on their way to your realm. Are you sure you want to be here? Don’t you hate it when angels step into your realm?” Faren rambled.

Damien smirked”You must be really scared with the way you are rambling on, that is . you must be in a haste to watch me leave” he stopped smiling ” but what to do? I promised to surprise father . I guess it’s not your lucky day afterall”

Damien slightly sliced Faren’s cheeks. Faren winced in Pain and put his hand on his cheeks.

“I’ll take your piece of flesh and leave now ”

Damien strode out and smiled . If that girl was truly her friend, he might just keep her alive for a little while .

It’s been long since he’s had this much fun.

He whistled as he headed back for his realm .


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