Chapter 15

Narrator’s POV

“Where is she going to this time?” Mr. White asked himself as he watched the silhouette of a woman entering a building that looked abandoned, he couldn’t grasp what she was wearing and her purpose in coming to this place.

It was Sunday and she didn’t attend mass like she would do on this day so he wondered what was up and wanted to know what she was up to he needed to report to the old man about her whereabouts and her wellbeing.

He got out of his car and followed her to the building that she entered. He placed his hand on the gun holder that held his gun inside his coat and then hid behind a shredded dirt-stained wall, he looked around to check if anyone was coming and when he didn’t hear or see anything, he made his way further into the building then hid behind the shadows.

He got to a dirty brown-looking door that looked like it would give up with just touching it and he hissed under his breath at how loud the creaking was as he opened the door slowly ‘Creaky thing!’ he thought and proceed further inside the building.

The inside was quite dark and there was a little the late afternoon sun was doing to illuminate the large room he just entered. He saw a staircase and walked towards it as the wooden floor made squeaking noises with each step he takes. He set a foot on the bottom stairs and the second on the step above and it squeaked too.

“This wouldn’t last long” he muttered then continued walking up the stairs slowly and quietly as he can, he wondered what was there that she was looking for if it was him or someone else, there should be some people downstairs keeping watch or something.

He met with another room that was poorly lit by a bulb dangling on the ceiling, he looked around to be sure that no one was there before leaving the staircase area and walking in the narrow hallway by the right. He heard hushed voices coming from a room and walked towards there to hear what is being said.

The door was left slightly ajar and he tried to peep at who was in the room, he couldn’t really see anyone so he moved away from the door and tried to listen, he could hear voices of men and a woman talking in hushed tones and he tried to listen to what they were saying.

“Look, no… I can’t, please” he heard her plead.

“You have to or else… you’re very much aware of how things went on the last time? It will be worse this time” the man threatened and he heard the woman sob.

“Please don’t hurt them, I will do whatever you want, just leave them alone” she pleaded.

“I won’t, just do as you are told to do and there will be no issues,” he said and Mr. White frowned at that.

What exactly are they talking about? What is she being asked to do? These were questions that bombarded his head and while still in the thought of what was going on, he mistakenly leaned on the door and it closed then the people inside stopped talking.

“Did you hear that?” he heard a faint male voice say and he knew it was time to go so he immediately left that hallway and quickly made his way down the stairs trying to be as quiet as he could then he rushed out of the building and ran to a small building that was just in front of the one he entered there he hid as he tried to catch his breath and listen to anyone coming for him.

He held the gun and waited for some minutes.

“Were you followed?” he heard a man ask.

“No, I made sure of that” the woman replied.

“Whatever, just leave and don’t come here. We will reach out to you when we need to, I don’t want any problems with the police” the man said and he tried to peep to see who the man was but the man and some other men were already headed back to the building while the woman looked around before going in the opposite direction.

He put his gun back and placed his hand on his chest then closed his eyes and waited for some more minutes before checking if anyone was around and running to his car.

When he was inside his car, he started the engine and looked at the map to show him the street he was in then he marked it and began his way out of that vicinity.

“What in the world is she doing there and who were those men?” he asked himself as he drove towards the old’s man house to report his findings today.

Morgan Smith

Service was great… okay though, but yeah. The pastor whose name is Dan preached about giving and another related thing. Probably because of the program they have after the close of service. I looked around the slightly crowded church and saw how intently most people were listening to the pastor.

A few were talking at the back, some on their phones, and others dozing. I shook my head and faced the pastor to listen to the preaching. I will need to ask Ann about all these.

Soon, the service ended and the pastor asked for those who wanted to give their life to CHRIST to get on their feet, I frowned at that and wondered why he needed to do that if everyone who comes to the church were Christian. Guess I have to ask Ann about that one too.

Most members came outside to greet fellow members and also prepare for the program coming right up.

“GOD bless you child” I heard someone say behind me so I turned and saw Pastor Dan smiling genuinely at me, I returned it and looked around for Ann “How are you doing dear?” he asked.

He looked to be in his thirties, early forties most. Not much grey hair going up on his hair and stubbles. He looked okay.

“I am very well sir,” I said “Nice preaching Pastor… giving and all that stuff, you know,” I said when nothing came to my mind to say and I still couldn’t catch sight of Ann of Ricardo.

I should call them but I don’t want to be disrespectful to him so I just smiled and looked around again. I don’t have any bad or negative feelings towards him being around me but I fear that all these preachings Ann tells me might come from him since he is a pastor, you know.

He smiled “Child, it wasn’t me that was preaching back there on the altar, it was the HOLY SPIRIT pouring out his words and blessing every soul that listens,” he said and I nod my head “You are new here?” he asked.

“Err… no sir, I err… came one time with Ann and…” I trailed off because even I couldn’t remember when that was and I somewhat felt ashamed that I didn’t come to church. I am pretty sure he thinks the worst of me.

I mentally slapped my forehead. I would have just said simply that I was new and did not get to feel this way.

“Child, don’t feel that way. I can see how your demeanor changed, you shouldn’t feel that way because it has been a while since you came into the house of GOD. Don’t feel guilty because of that because that feeling might make you shy away from coming next time. GOD is not a man that recounts your faults and slaps them on your face without care. He is a great GOD” he said.

Wow, that’s nice to know though. I wanted to say but he continued.

“The church is for everybody and it’s opened to those who truly want to be in his presence and worship him” he states and I smiled. “GOD wants his people to be safe and sound, he doesn’t discriminate your status or use your physical appearance to judge you. Your heart and conscience are what he uses to judge you”

“That’s good to know,” I said to him.

“If you are willing to give GOD your all and accept him to be your LORD and savior, he would accept you with open arms and welcome you into the kingdom of light where eternal rest and peace is assured”

I am pretty impressed with all he is telling me about his GOD, the GOD Ann tells me about, he is good no doubt about that. I just want to know why my parents had to be taken away from me, why all those things happened to me… I just need answers to them and maybe… I don’t know.

“Yeah” I replied with a smile and looked behind me if I can get a glimpse of her or Ricardo.

I feel at ease with him but with what he just said, it’s like he knows me or knows what I am battling with. Maybe Ann told him something, it could be that but I doubt Ann could do something like that. I know her to be a very reserved person and she isn’t one to go about what she shouldn’t, that’s why I trust her to tell her stuff.

Maybe I could place that he says that to new members. I looked around again and saw Ricardo talking with an elderly woman close to the church entrance, he flashed me a smile and turned his attention to the woman before I could gesture for him to come to get me out of there.

“Am I making you uncomfortable?” he asked and I looked at him and felt bad that he thought that way. He probably saw that I was looking around like I was seeking someone “I am really sorry if that’s the case” he apologized and I shook my head.

“Oh no sir, please don’t think that way, you aren’t making me feel uncomfortable,” I said and he smiled.

“It’s okay, you’re new, please pardon me but I don’t know why I was led to come up to you and say all that I said earlier,” he said and I looked at him.

Probably his HOLY SPIRIT friend told him to come to me so if that’s it, then HOLY SPIRIT knows us without us introducing ourselves to him or anything.

“HOLY SPIRIT, right? Ann told me about him… says he is kind” I told him and he smiled.

“He is GOD too, the second in the trinity,” he said and I nod my head.

I think Ann mentions something like that to me but anyways, I know he is a good being.

“Okay then” I smiled and he nods. “He speaks to you too?” I asked curiously.

“Yeah, the HOLY SPIRIT speaks to his people and guide them in all aspect of their life, I do pray that the HOLY SPIRIT protect and guide you to make the right choices in all areas of your life” he prayed “Ann was like you when I saw her for the first time but now, she is better and healthier in the LORD and in her being than ever”

Did I frown at that, like me? Ann was like me? What did he mean by that? Was she also a victim of circumstance like I was?

“She felt that there was no hope for her, just kept mute as she came to church at night and mostly at midnight, she’ll just stare out of space and get lost in her thoughts not minding what was around her but I bless the LORD that he filled her with a new beginning and life and you can see how full of life she looks now”Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I was still surprised by what he said because Ann is the last person I can imagine being in my shoes. Ann handles situations well, so well that I feel like she’s just perfect, even though she tells me that she isn’t.

“I am just happy that she let go of her misery and let GOD in,” he said and I wanted to ask what when he looked behind me and waved at someone “Look, Ann is here” he announced.

“Pastor Dan” Ann greets and hugged him.

“The LORD bless you, child, how are you?” he asked when they leaned away from the hug.

“Very good pastor, I thank GOD, how about you sir?”

“I am healthy, thank the LORD” he laughed.

She turned to me and said “I was going to introduce you but it seems like that has been done already” I nodded.

“Yeah, we had a little chat though,” he said and I nodded to that too.

“That’s good, wel-” Ann was interrupted by the voice of a lady in a white floral print dress and her jet-black hair in a low bun.

“Let’s get going people of GOD, it’s almost two”

“Okay,” we all said and went to where the bus that would be transporting us was parked.

When we were all inside, the bus began to move and I thought about what the pastor told me.

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