Royalty Gone Bad

Chapter 76: 76. Heated Up -2

Chapter 76: 76. Heated Up -2


Writer’s POV:

It was going to be a very heavy day. Noure could hardly concentrate as he drove through Zagreh in

direction of the palace. He we so angry. He’d felt that something wasn’t right about how Asahd

suddenly cared a lot for Saïda, the way when she spoke about him, her voice softened and she

seemed dreamy. Even on the other side of the phone, Noure realised it. But he’d trusted his Saïda

wholeheartedly and now it was a different story.

He blamed it on Asahd. Damned Asahd. The Prince had always had a filthy reputation when it came to

women and everyone knew it. Though he’d ‘changed’, he remain a a great seducer and could get

almost every woman he wanted. Noure felt like he was going to grow mad. Why did Asahd have to fall

on Saïda?? Amongst all the women?? He had to fall on the only girl he’d once despised to the core? A

girl that he knew was already betrothed?

Noure wouldn’t have been this worried under normal circumstances but he was. He was afraid now

because he’d seen it in Saïda’s eyes. He’d seen how serious she was when she’d admitted she loved

Asahd. He saw it in her eyes and it scared him.

’She’s deeply in love with that bastard. Oh my Saïda, look what he’s done!′

Noure became doubtful. He was doubting his own self. He doubted if Saïda loved him more than

Asahd and he really didn’t want to imagine that it was the other way round.


Noure pulled into the royal property. The guards knew him perfectly well and so he had no problem

driving in.

He got out of his car, still furious and stormed into the palace. It was a peaceful day without issues.

Asahd’s POV:

I was walking down that long corridor that had several exits leading into the fields and giving anyone

who passed there, a perfect view on the gardens. I was looking for Saïda but it seemed she wasn’t


As I strolled casually, I suddenly spotted Noure at the other far end of the corridor. I frowned, knowing

he was probably in search of Saïda. However, my thoughts changed when I noticed the ugly scowl he

had on and the way he stormed towards me real fast. I halted, a little confused. He got closer and I

realised that the dude was furious as hell. Before I could realise what was happening, he got closer and

punched me so hard on the nose that I stepped back immediately and groaned in pain, covering my

nose that had started to bleed.

“Aarghh!!” I groaned and looked at him. The three guards around immediately rushed to grab him but I

stopped them. “Leave him. Go!” I ordered and they stared in confusion. “I said, go! And don’t let

anyone come this way.”

They obeyed and left immediately.

I took my hankie out and wiped my bleeding nose.

“You shameless, fool!” he growled furiously and I stood straight, looking down at him.

I smiled knowingly and it seemed to surprise him.

“I see, Saïda’s probably spoken to you,” I wiped my nose in amusement.

“You’ll regret it!” he said angrily and raised another fist to hit me. I was ready this time.

I caught his wrist and literally twisted it, paralysing him. He shouted in pain and tried to get out of my

grip but I wasn’t going to let him get away so easily after he’d hit me. I raised my other hand and curled

it into a fist. I punched him real hard on the face and he fell pathetically.

“Son of a bitch,” I muttered, angry now. I’d busted his lip and watched the blood ooze out. “Don’t you

dare spit on my floor, dumbass or I’ll break you. You think that cuz I’m a Prince, I’m a weakling?”

He groaned in pain and I squatted close to him.

“Chose. Either you still try to fight me and I break all your weak ass bones, or we try to talk things

through,” I said with a low chuckle. “Stand up, idiot.”

I stood straight, folding my white sleeves and getting ready to beat him to a pulp if he tried something

stupid again.

He frowned, furious but helpless. He knew he couldn’t fight me. Dumbass. I watched him slowly get on

his knees and then on his feet. He wiped his bloody mouth.

“You’re a bastard. A shameless human being,” he growled, lowly. His anger was so evident but I didn’t

give a damned fuck. It amused me instead. I didn’t give a damn about him.

Writer’s POV:

“Why?? Because I love Saïda?” Asahd laughed casually and Noure stared at him like eyes could kill.

“How dare you?! Look what you’ve done to her! Don’t you have a bit of self-respect?! What type of

person are you?! You–”

Asahd raised his hand, cutting a furious and extremely angry Noure.

“Hey!” Asahd frowned. “You don’t come to my palace and raise your pathetic little boy’s voice at me.

Are you crazy??”

“I shout because I want to!” Noure was literally shaking now from all the anger.

Asahd laughed sarcastically and clapped, unaffected by him.

“What exactly did you come here to do?” Asahd mused, eying Noure in the most disrespectful manner.

“Stay away from Saïda, Asahd! I swear! You don’t know me!”

“Are you threatening me??” Asahd’s eyes widened. “What the hell can you do?? I’m not staying away

from Saïda. Who do you take me for?” Asahd scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“You are a perverted fool! Shameless and disgusting! How dared you kiss a betrothed lady?? You

kissed her twice!”

Asahd froze but in amusement. He almost laughed but withheld himself from doing so.

“Wait, what?” Asahd mused. “That’s what she told you? That we kissed twice? Oh okay,” he ended up

laughing and clapping again. “Fine, Noure. If it can make you feel better to believe that, then so be it.”

Noure froze, understanding from Asahd’s sarcastic sentence that there was more to it and that he and

Saïda had probably shared more than two kisses.

Noure grew crazy, losing control.

“What do you mean?! What do you mean!!” he tried to launch at Asahd again but the Prince grabbed

him by the neck with a hand, almost immediately.

He pushed Noure and pinned him to the wall, a hand still wrapped around his neck. Noure struggled to

free himself by hitting Asahd’s arm and trying to pull it away from his neck. He honestly had close to no

chance against Asahd but his anger had blinded him.

Asahd was furious now and held the young man in place. Noure still struggled to free himself.

“Now you listen carefully to me,” Asahd hissed, the anger evident in his voice now.

He looked at Noure straight in the eyes and the young man flinched, still angry but helpless.

“I don’t know what made you think that you could come here and threaten me. You don’t know me,

Noure. Be careful.”

Noure continuously tried to free himself, finding it hard to breathe.

“I love Saïda, do hear me? And there’s nothing you can do about it. Absolutely nothing. She’s mine,

Noure. And I’ll see to it that you don’t marry her,” Asahd growled and immediately let go.

Noure fell on his knees and coughed, struggling to breathe well.

“I will marry her. No matter what,” Noure wheezed, slowly getting on his feet.

His eyes were already red and he stared at the unaffected Prince in front of him.

“You’ve already lost, Noure. You lost her to me,” Asahd provoked with a little laugh. “A long time ago.”

“That’s what you think. You’re not the one she is marrying. She loves me,” Noure growled lowly,

rubbing his neck.

“You don’t seem sure of it, yourself,” Asahd replied casually. “If you’re a man, ask her yourself. You’ll

see that she’s over your boring ass.”

Noure’s fists tightened and he stared at Asahd with mixed feelings of anger, frustration and wonder. He

wondered on how indifferent and unaffected the Prince was about his situation. Asahd was cold and

showed no remorse, shocking some part of Noure. He didn’t even try to deny it or appease Noure. All

he did was provoke the already heartbroken young man.

“Take it or leave it, Noure,” Asahd smiled a little. But that smiled hid anger.

That smile meant that if he, Noure, tried to do something stupid again, Asahd would not spare him this


“I haven’t sent you away with missing teeth yet because we’re still in this palace and I don’t want a

scandal in Saïda’s name. I care for her reputation and wellbeing. Unlike you.” NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“You don’t love her! You’re just trying to use her!”

“Nope. I’m in love with your so-called future wife. Wife you will not be marrying,” he stepped closer to

Noure. “Because I will. Mark my words.”

“How could you be so shameless?! She’s betrothed to me! Her hand was promised to me from her


“So?! So bloody what?!” Asahd growled. “You think I give a shit?? No! I love her. Get that in! More than

you probably do!”

“You’re are an asshole, Asahd. You are crazy.”

“Over your girlfriend, yes!” Asahd retorted with a hysterical laugh. “Understand that you’ve lost, Noure

and get out of her life! She doesn’t want you!” Asahd exclaimed with his eyes wide, shocking Noure.

“Get that in! She’s with you because she pities you! Let her be!”

Asahd was now unable to control the words that left his mouth. Though he seemed amused by the

situation, he wasn’t! It was chewing him up on the inside and his jealousy and anger were taking over.

He poured them out on Noure by saying things that would hurt the young man to the core. He remained

unaffected because it was the only way he could fight this guy without having to use his fists again and

probably causing a scandal that would get Saïda into trouble.

He was so frustrated that he couldn’t beat the hell out of Noure and so decided to hurt his feelings

without a care in the world! He didn’t care about morals or whatsoever! He was speaking for himself

and his love for Saïda. Noure wasn’t his friend and Asahd was definitely not going to spare him, if not

physically, then orally.

“You don’t know what you are saying. You are a sick bastard,” Noure shook his head, trying hard to

control his fiery temper.

He wanted to hit Asahd so bad but he knew he wasn’t strong enough.

“Let her make a choice and you’ll see! You’ll see!” Asahd exclaimed. “I’m not sorry Noure. The fuck do

you want me to do?? I need her in my life! Wasn’t my fault that I fell deeply in love with her and want

her away from you!”

“Shut up!” Noure growled angrily. “Asahd, you know she will never leave me. That’s what’s driving you

crazy! She loves me and always has! She’s using you for fun and you know it! You probably give your

all to her but she doesn’t to you! You’re just a mistake she should’ve never committed! And it’s killing

you because deep down you know it! Proof, she’s still marrying me no matter what! You’ve been a

simple distraction and nothing else. That’s why I have forgiven her! That’s why she confessed it to me!

She was away from me back in New York and saw you as nothing but a mere distraction!” Noure

ended angrily.

There was a sharp sting in Asahd’s chest but that wasn’t going to stop him.

“I was her distraction?? That just proves how unsatisfied she is with you! I don’t care if she’s using me,”

Asahd laughed. “As long as she desires me more, which is a fact! You can never be like me and she

knows it and that’s why she comes back to me every single time! I give her what you can’t, Noure!

Even if you get married to her, I will still have her. All that will link you both is a damned ring and a tight

knot! But her heart is in the palm of my hand,” Asahd’s voice was low and deep. “It’s closer to me than

it has ever been to you in twenty good years,” the Prince literally mocked.

The lump in Noure’s throat grew bigger and he was getting to the edge. Asahd still didn’t stop.

“Yes she’ll be at your side every night when she returns home to you,” he muttered, stepping closer to

Noure until their faces were inches apart. “But I’ll make sure that before she does so, she’s moaned my

name at least five good times while being wrapped up in my sheets and her fragile, smooth body

against mine as I make love to her in a way you will never, Noure. Give up now and avoid the future

humiliation,” he ended with a provocative smirk.

Noure was shaking with anger but so was Asahd who hid it better. Asahd had gone to the extreme of

saying all those things because Noure had not only threatened him, Noure had made it seem like

Saïda was only using him, which had hurt Asahd deep. Yet, Asahd had not shown his hurt.

He was hurt because he’d doubted and believed some part of it. He’d thought of all the times he’d

pleased Saïda and on his side, was left in frustration and need. He thought of how extremely patient he

was with her and how she didn’t really seem to notice or show some care.

Those had never crossed Asahd’s mind until Noure’s words. For the first time ever, he’d actually felt

used in a way and it had touched him deep. He was furious at Noure for making him doubt Saïda’s

feelings for him, for the first time.

“We haven’t done anything yet,” the Prince continued, referring to the fact that Saïda was still a virgin.

“But I promise you Noure, that we will. You might be lucky enough to be her first, after marrying her, but

I will be her ′frequent‘. Her ’often’. Her addiction. Because, even she knows that compared to me, you

are not good enough. Do you understand that?” Asahd ended with a frown, the vein at his temple

swollen and pulsing.

Noure was breathing just as hard and his face was red with anger.

“Y– you will regret this,” he growled lowly. “She will never be with you. Get it in.”

Asahd scoffed a little and hissed:

“Get the fuck out of my palace before I lose it, Noure.”

Noure didn’t move, challenging him and looking straight at the Prince.

“I said, get out!” Asahd growled and lost control, pushing Noure hard till he stumbled backwards.

“You’ll never have her!” was all Noure could say before turning and leaving, frustrated and very affected

by Asahd’s words.

Once he was out of sight, Asahd angrily punched the wall, hurting his knuckles.

“I’ll have her. You’ll see. I hope I come across you somewhere else and I promise, I’ll beat you up. This

isn’t over.”


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