Royal shuffle: Vampire’s mate

Chapter Fourteen


I went back to the room, and fell on the bed with my face buried in the pillow, tears flowing from my eyes, and the pillow acting as an absorber for my tears. Hearing my parents, and myself, being described like that opened up a fresh wound. One that wasn’t even halfway healed to begin with. I heard the door open, and gently shut.


“Leave me alone.”

He sighed. “You know I can’t do that.”

I felt him sit on the bed.

“I’m sorry you had to witness that. When did you wake up?” He asked.

“A few minutes ago,” I replied.

I got up, and sat on the bed, beside him.

“Come, you need to eat.”

“I’m not hungry.”

Just then, my body decided to betray me and my stomach growled so loud. Leo laughed, and stood up, holding his hand out to me.

“Come with me. We’ll get you started with fresh fruits,” he said.

I took his hand, and walked with him to the kitchen. He sat me at the dining, and I watched him as he moved deftly around the kitchen, cutting up different fruits into a bowl.

“Here,” He said, dropping the plate in front of me.

He poured me a glass of milk, and then began making me a sandwich.

Several thoughts were flowing through my head. Mostly, I wanted to know more about the conversation he had with his father.

“What are you thinking about?” Leo asked.

I opened my mouth to speak, and then shut it again, shaking my head.

“Come on,” he urged.

“It’s nothing,” I replied, not entirely ready to divulge my thoughts.

He sighed, and leaned back in his chair. I was very aware of his gaze on me, trying to pierce my skull and see what I was thinking.


“Fine. I want to know what your father was talking about? What does he mean by war?”

“I don’t think you should know about that now…”

“Now sounds like the perfect time to me.” I countered.

Leo sighed, and set both elbows on the dining table. “The wolves might declare war soon. We’re expecting their declaration anytime soon.”

“What?!” My eyes widened in shock, and I immediately lost all appetite.

“Yes, and I got reports today that they were mobilizing manpower and weapons,” he continued.

Tears came to my eyes again.

“Don’t worry about it, we’re very capable to respond to any threat from them.”

“But there would be casualties,” I said.

He shrugged lightly.

“I mean, it is going to be a war. In a wars, casualties are minimized as much as possible. But some…well, collateral damage.”

“This is my fault…”


“Yes!!!” My breath was coming in short, shaky pants. “I can’t believe this is happening to me…I should have just gone with them.”


“I mean, what’s the worse that would have happened? My mother would still be alive. My sisters and I wouldn’t be hiding in a strange land, surrounded by people that don’t want us.”

“I want you here!!!”

“Then mark me!!!”

He went silent.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

I stabbed the fruits in my plate and angrily shoved them into my mouth.

“I can’t do that now.”

“And why not? Is there some fancy girl who’s the daughter of a powerful man waiting to marry you?” I asked sarcastically, I didn’t expect the nervous look on his face as a response.


“My goddess…you’re engaged?!!!” My voice rose to a fever high pitch.

“Andrea, it’s not like that…”

My heart felt like it was going to explode. My breaths were short, hanging.

“I can’t believe this…”

“Love, please calm down…”

“I’m not your love!!!”

I picked the plate, and threw it across the kitchen. It hit the wall with a satisfying sound.

“Wow. You went on and got yourself a vixen.”

We both turned to the sound of the voice, and saw a man standing there. He looked like a younger version of Leo. I looked at Leo and back at him.

“Andrea, this is Leopold,” Leo said.

“Leo for short.”

His father must have a thing for naming his children Leo. It was in that moment that I realized I didn’t know anything about this man. About my mate.

“So, you’re the one about to cause a war between two kingdoms? I can’t blame my brother here. I definitely see the appeal,” Leopold said, wiggling his brows.

“Now is not the time, Leopold. Wait for me in my office,” Leonidas said.

“Okay.” Leopold raised his hands in mock surrender, and left the kitchen.

“Andrea, please sit,” Leo implored.

I kept standing.

“When were you planning to tell me that you already have…that you…”

“I’m working on having it dissolved. That’s why I haven’t marked you. Know that there’s nothing more I would love to do, my darling.”

“When did you get engaged?” I asked.

“Since I was 16. Our parents made the agreement, drew the contract. It helped that we were really good friends, so they felt it was a perfect match.”

“Well, since you were 16, no one can hold you for that, right?”

“That’s now how it works here.”

“How is she taking the news?”

“I haven’t reached out to her yet.”

“Who is she?”

“The vampire princess of Australia. The plan was to unite our families and make us the most powerful vampire family in the world.”

“So, it’s all about power to daddy dearest, huh?” I asked, not surprised by that discovery.

Leo shrugged. “Andrea. I’m really sorry about all of this.”

“I think that I should leave,” I said matter-of-factly.


“Stop, think about it. What if I go somewhere like Morocco, or Madagascar, or Seychelles. I’ve always wanted to go to Seychelles. And I just disappear for good. There won’t be a war, you can go on with your marriage. And we’ll move on…”

“I won’t ever be able to move on. I can’t love anyone else.”

I scoffed. “You don’t even love me.”

I turned and began leaving the kitchen.

“Andrea…” Leo called out to me with a tired voice.

“Oh, and please I would like to see my sisters. As soon as I can please.”

“You need to eat more, and take your drugs,” he said.

I went over to the fridge, and took a bottle of water, and went back to my room. Before this whole drama, I had always felt like my future was bleak. Now, I don’t even know if I’ll have a future by the time all this is over.

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