Romeo The Mafia Casanova


Dominic walked into the Macleans’ home and was instantly bombarded with girls. Alastair’s woman was with them, and if she tried to step back, one of his sisters would yank her back into the group. He thought the look of frustration on Beth’s face was funny and would have to ask someone what was going on later.

“Oh, my God, I didn’t believe him,” Hope said.

“Who?” Dominic asked.

“Blake, my husband. He said you were living here for the time being.”

He grinned. “It’s the truth.”

Angelica bounced and clapped. “I’m so glad. Duncan said you finally got your head out of your ass.”

Dominic sputtered and then laughed. “Yeah.”

“Why were you so mean at Mama’s?” Faith asked.

“Can we go somewhere besides the foyer to talk?” he asked.

The four girls led him into a sitting room, and Faith closed the door behind them.

“Listen, girls, it was a shock to know Father was gone. Or maybe I should say a nice surprise.”

All four girls nodded.

“At the same time, I found out my mother did want me and that our bastard father lied to me for over twenty years.”

“He lied to all of us,” Hope said.

Dominic nodded. “The biggest surprise was finding out that I had three sisters.”

“Four,” Faith said.


“Yes, Beth is our sister. Mama adopted her,” Angelica said. “The fact we’re all married to brothers makes it even more so.”

Dominic smiled at the blush on the woman’s face. “Okay, I have four. Hell, I’m so outnumbered it’s almost scary.”

The girls laughed.

“When are you going to see Mama?” Hope asked.

“Soon. I need to figure out this situation with Rebeka.”

“When can we meet her?” Beth asked.

“In a day or so. The situation is really hard for her to handle right now, so I want to give her some time to get used to me.”

“Alastair did that with me,” Beth said.

“Did you resent it?” Dominic asked.

Beth shook her head. “Not after I got to know him. I do think it will help to get to know us. She won’t feel so alone.”

“I thought that. Give me another day, and I’ll see how she’s doing.”

The girls nodded.

“I’m going to check on her. We won’t be down for dinner, but I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

Angelica grabbed his sleeve. “I’m glad we have you.” She hugged him.

The rest of the girls laughed and piled in until he was surrounded. He tried to hug them all until someone cleared their throat by the door. They all turned that way, and he stiffened when he saw Alastair. The man’s piercing eyes were glued to him.

“What’s going on?” Alastair asked.

“We’re just getting to know our brother,” Beth told him.

One of Alastair’s eyebrows rose. “All right. Are you about done?”

They all nodded.

“Good. I need my wife.” He held out his hand to Beth.

She went right to him. Seeing this intimidating guy soften when he had his wife in his arms was amazing.

Alastair looked at him. “I’d like to have a meeting with you tomorrow.”

Dominic nodded. “That’s fine. I wasn’t planning on going anywhere tomorrow, so any time would work.”

“I’ll have someone get a hold of you in the morning.”

“All right.”

The man turned and led Beth out of the office. He was glad to see his sisters didn’t seem intimidated by the man, and he hoped someday he’d be able to say that.

“I should get up to Rebeka.”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Go, we’ll talk to you tomorrow. Call if you need anything,” Faith said.

“I will. Thanks, girls.”

Dominic went to the room, unlocked the bedroom door, and went in. He saw the TV was on, and Rebeka was asleep on the sofa.

He stood over her for a long time and stared down at her. Fuck, she was so fucking gorgeous. He prided himself on his control, but with her, he had none. His body was hard, and he was desperate to be inside of her sweet cunt, but he knew it was too early to make a move. The last thing he wanted was to scare her more than she already was.

He had to get her used to him first.

“Hey, baby, wake up.” He brushed the hair from her face.

She stirred, opened her eyes, and looked up at him.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi. What time is it?”

He looked at the clock on the DVD player. “It’s about five o’clock.”

“You were gone a long time,” she said.

“You look more rested than before I left. I think it was good that I gave you some time.”

She struggled to sit up and then pulled the blanket up to her chest.

He walked over to the tray on the table. “It doesn’t look like you ate, baby.”

“I wasn’t hungry.”

“We’ll have dinner in the next hour, but I’m going to nibble on the fruit. I didn’t eat lunch.” He sat down beside her with the bowl in his lap. He could tell she was startled when he pressed a piece of cantaloupe to her lips. “Open up.”

She did and chewed on the fruit. He went back and forth until the bowl was gone.

After setting the bowl down, he leaned back, rested his arm on the back of the sofa, and stretched his legs out. “What are you watching?” he asked.

“I have no idea. I started watching a movie and then fell asleep.”

“We’ll pick something to watch together after we eat dinner.”

She nodded and then turned to watch the TV.

The last thing he wanted to do was frighten her more than she already was, but she needed to know what the situation was.

“Hey, baby, I had a visitor today.”

Rebeka turned to face him. “Who?”


She stiffened and felt her stomach tighten with anxiety. “Wh-what did he want?”


“What did you say to him?” She didn’t know if she should feel better that he was so relaxed or not.

“I told him that you were mine, and there was no way I’d let you go.”

God, that terrified her but also made her desire grow. Her heartbeat picked up, and pressure felt like it twisted her cervix at the thought of having this man touch her.

“What did he say?” she asked.

“He’s not going to give up. I even told him both the Moretti and Macleans were involved, but he has always hated losing to me. He’ll keep going until he has you, or I kill him.”

The thought of that revolting man touching her made bile rise in her throat. She’d rather be dead.

“What are we going to do?”

“I have a meeting with the Macleans tomorrow morning, and we’ll come up with a plan. If you feel up to it, I’d like you to meet my sisters afterward.”

“I’d like that.” She hated being alone, and the thought of making friends would help her situation and make her feel less lonely.

“Can you tell me how long I’ll be with you?” she asked.

“Baby, I already told you, forever.”

Her mouth dropped open. “You can’t mean that. You don’t even know me.”

“We’ll get to know one another as time goes on.”

“Why can’t I just stay with you until the problem is taken care of?” She felt her scalp tingle when he started to play with her hair.

“Because you’ll never be safe, baby. Even if I get rid of Victor, who’s to say one of his men or a family member of his won’t come for you?”

She sighed. “What if you find you don’t like me?”

He cupped her chin in his hand. “Listen. Mafia families are known for marrying their kids off, usually to someone the women and men have never met.”

“Th-that’s like something that would happen two hundred years ago,” she sputtered.

“The mafia has always been this way. My sisters were married to men they’d just met.”

“All of them?”


“None of them got to choose?”

“I think if they had been disgusted by the men they married, they would have fought it, but from what I’ve heard, they all were attracted to each other.” He smiled. “Like we are.”

She wanted to snort and deny it, but he was right. She’d been attracted to him from the start, but she wasn’t going to admit it yet.

“Mafia families are also known to marry their daughters off at sixteen.”

“God, that’s so young,” she said.

“It’s all we know.”

Rebeka looked away from him, afraid he might notice something in her eyes that she didn’t want him to see yet.

He chuckled. “I’m going to shower. They’ll knock and leave the cart out in the hallway. I’ll get it. Don’t open the door.”

She nodded and watched him walk away, then turned back to the TV but did not see anything.

What in the hell was she going to do? Could she give herself to this man and live the rest of her life with him? He murdered someone in front of her, and she guessed he’d done it in the past and would probably in the future. That was what mafia men did, right?

Someone knocked on the door. She waited for them to say something, but they never did, so she stayed there.

Another thought she kept having was that these people were beyond rich. She was from the wrong side of the tracks and usually had to struggle to pay bills for some months. She didn’t know how to handle maids and butlers. She vaguely knew what fork to use at dinner because she worked as a waitress, but there wasn’t much more than that.

Her cousin, Troy, came to her mind, and a spear of anger and disappointment filled her until she wanted to scream, and tears burned her eyes.

God, the things she’d done for that man, and he’d betrayed her in the worst way possible.

“What are you thinking about? You’ve got a dark look on your face.”

Her head jerked around to find Dominic in silky pants and nothing else. Her gaze slid over him. He was a ruggedly handsome man with dark hair and eyes, and his skin was a few shades darker than hers. He had very little hair on his chest but a little below his belly button, which sank past the top of the pants.

“I’m warning you, baby, if you keep looking at me like that, I’ll have you stripped and under me within seconds.”

Rebeka inhaled and looked away. She concentrated on settling her heart and slowing her breathing down because she didn’t want him to see his effect on her.

The bedroom door opened and closed, and then she heard the lock.

“Come here and eat, Rebeka.”

She drew in a shaky breath before she stood and walked over to the table. He put the trays on it and sat in one of the chairs.

“Would you like some wine?” he asked.

“Yes, please.”

They had a pleasant meal together and then watched a movie before going to bed.

“What are you doing?” she asked when she felt him curl his body around her from behind.

“I’m holding my woman.”

“You can’t say that, Dominic. I haven’t decided anything.”

He grunted, and then she felt his nose in her hair. “You’ll get used to the idea eventually, baby.”

“Not if I decide I want something else,” she said.

He flipped her to her back and stared down at her.

“Your life is with me now. Don’t push me on this.” His hand pressed against her stomach as he studied her expression. The heat from his body, hand, and gaze warmed and softened her body, and she could feel her pussy cream start to coat her inner thighs. Her nipples rubbed against the nightgown.

“We can talk about this later,” she said.

He cupped her face and squeezed when she tried to pull away. “How about I show you?”

“Wait. What?”

His head lowered, and his lips took hers in a kiss so blatantly sexual it would have taken very little to send her over. His tongue dived past her lips and tangled with hers. Rebeka heard a moan and was vaguely aware it came from her.

He lifted his head. “Do you see? I’ll treat you like a princess and make you feel so fucking good. You’ll never have to worry about anything.”

“What do you get out of this?” she asked.

“You. I’ll get everything that has to do with you. Your body and heart and soon your soul. I’ll need to control most things in your life, and you’ll never deny me.”

She sucked in a breath. His comment should have terrified her, but instead, it made her even hotter.

“How about we go to sleep, baby? We’ll deal with your reservations tomorrow.”

She wanted to snort but decided it might push him, and things would get out of hand.

He turned her on her side with her back against his chest.

“Good night.”

She relaxed into the mattress and against him. She struggled to remain still when he wrapped himself around her. After all, she wasn’t used to it but was too tired to fight.

“Good night,” she murmured.

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