Revenge On The Scumbags

Chapter 53


Her head whipped to the direction of the noise and she found herself walking to the place. Her eyes widended in shock when she saw the scene.

She screamed and crouched next to her unconscious grandma who was covered in a pool of her own blood.

She placed Grandma Patricia’s head on her lap and tried to check if she’s still breathing but she wasn’t.

“No no no no. Grandma please wake up. Don’t die on me please. I beg you to please wake up.” She cried like she had never done.

“Rosalie what’s….. Jesus christ.” Tyler exclaimed when he saw Rosalie covered in Grandma Patricia’s blood.

He crouched near Rosalie and checked Grandma Patricia’s pulse but he didn’t feel any beat.

His mother and Carl came to see what was going on while Jasmine stayed behind with Carl and Mr. Humphrey.

Carl gasped in shock when he saw the woman that just greeted him lying unconscious on the floor in a pool of her own blood. The scene was so gruesome to him so he left there immediately.

“Tyler, I don’t know what’s wrong. She’s not moving anymore. Please help me.” Her tears flowed like river on her face. Her eyes were already red.

This is the first time Tyler was seeing her cry and he felt useless because he couldn’t do anything to remedy it.

“Rosalie…” He called but paused when he didn’t know what to say.

“Please wake up Grandma. I’m begging you please.” Rosalie wrapped Grandma Patricia’s boddy head around her and cried loudly.

The festive mood had already changed to a sorrowful and moody one.

“Let’s take her to the hospital.” Rosalie said attempting to stand up.

“She’s already gone Rosalie.” Tyler answered.

“We can’t be too sure. We have to take her to the hospital first.” Said Rosalie. She was starting to become really hysterical now.

“Rosalie… calm down”

“Don’t fucking tell me to calm down. My Grandma is lying here unconscious and you don’t want to do anything about it.” Rosalie cut Mrs. Humphrey off angrily.

Mrs. Humphrey didn’t expect her outburst but she couldn’t blame her either. She just lost someone closest to her on the day that was supposed to be one of the happiest moments in her life.

Her body and dress was covered with thick blood and that made her seem like a crazy lady.

“Help me take her to the hospital or I’ll do so myself.” She ordered.

Tyler had no choice but to listen to her. He lifted Grandma Patricia up with the help of other servants and they left for the hospital.

After they had left, Robert, Rose and Sofia energed from the mansion breathlessly.

“Where’s my mother??” Robert asked.

“She was taken to the hospital.” Someone standing close to him answered.

“Which hospital.” He barked holding that person by the collar.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you follow their car. They just left.” The person said as he removed Robert’s tight grip from his collar.

“Let’s go Robert. They may have not gone far.” Sofia whispered to him.

Robert answered and left with Sofia and Rose with Jackson trailing behind them.


Rosalie sat down impatiently as they waited for the doctors to be through with the operation. She kept taping her feet impatiently on the floor.

“Lord, please. I haven’t asked you for anything before in my life but now I am. Please, don’t let grandma die. I beg of you. I can’t loose her too.” Rosalie prayed inwardly as tears streamed diwn her face.

“Calm down Rosalie. Everything will be alright.” Mrs. Humphrey said.

“I’m calm…. I’m calm.” Rosalie muttered but she couldn’t stop being nervous.

“Why the hell is it taking so long??” She asked herself.

“Where’s my mother??” Rosalie heard and turned to see Robert, Rose, Sofia and Jackson walking towards them.

“Where is she???” Robert asked again but this time, more louder than the first.

“Lower your voice Robert. Were in a hospital.”

“Don’t tell me that. My mother is fighting for he life and you’re telling me to lower my voice???” He asked Sofia.

His loud voice was slowly drawing attention towards them.

“I just….”NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“I don’t need you to tell me anything. Just keep quiet.” He ordered and turned to face Rosalie.

“It’s all your fault.” He said to her.

Rosalie looked at him in surprise;

“How is it my fault? Am I the one who one who pushed her from the balcony??” She asked.

“What do you mean by that??” Robert asked in surprise.

“Spare me that act because I won’t fall for it. You are obviously aware that her accudent was no accident and someone pushed her but you dare come here to blame me?” She asked.

“Who else would he blame?? If you didn’t come back to J city and hosted this stupid party of yours, your so called grandma wouldn’t be lying here right now.” Rose butted in.

“Because you guys would have killed her a long time ago.” Rosalie said making everyone go quiet in shock.

“I won’t watch you slander her like this….”

“Or what? If there’s anyone to blame here, it’s you Robert. If you didn’t bring in this whore and her prostitute daughter into our family, none of these would be happening. Everything that’s happening now is your fault. You caused this.” Rosalie screamed at him angrily.

“You can’t address him that way. He’s still your father.” Mrs. Humphrey said.

“He has never been my father nor will he start now. So why should I address him as such??” Rosalie asked.

“Rosalie calm down.” Tyler said and he tried to touch her but she moved away from him.

“Please don’t tell me to calm down. I’m just so tired of hearing that word already. Someone needs to tell him that his life decisions is what made our life like this. If he doesn’t want to accept it, that’s fine. But if anything happens to grandma, you all will pay.” Shock and a little bit of fear flashed through their faces but they decided not to show it.

“Are you trying to threaten us?” Rose asked.

“I am threatening you.”


Rosalie watched with red eyes as they lowered her coffin into the grave. Tears filled the entire graveyard but not a single teardrop was seen in her eyes. She had already cried enough.

She looked up to see the whores shedding crocodile tears. Anyone could tell they were faking it because they were acting overly dramatic. She sneered angrily at their direction.

She had almost forgot the main reason she came to J city and that costed her Grandma Patricia’s life but now, she won’t allow them succeed whatever they were planning.

They took her mother away from her and now her Grandma so she’s going to make them pay tenfold.

They will regret ever messing with her family. They think they’ve won and are jubilating now but next time, they shall shed tears of blood and scream in agony. They will all regret coming into this family.


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