Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 44


My dreams were ordinary scenes of the future with Magnus and me playing with our pups. The flowers in the meadow swayed in a cool breeze as the pups giggled and jogged around us. It was paradise. The dream stopped suddenly as pain roused me from my sleep. I let out a small groan as I clutched my belly. Instincts took over, and I managed to get out of bed and stumble into the bathroom. I leaned against the sink basin as liquid trickled down my legs. Then more pain made me fall to my knees as I cried out. 'They are coming,' Ruby tells me.

"Magnus!" I shout as I wait for the contraction to subside.

"Naomi?" I hear him call from the bedroom. Moments later, my bleary-eyed mate rushes into the bathroom. "Naomi?" He repeats and walks over to me.

"The pups are coming," I tell him as he kneels beside me. I grab his hand and squeeze as the contraction subsides, and I pant heavily.

"Are you sure?" Magnus asks. "Are you sure they are coming?"

I glare at him, "Yes," I snarl. "My water broke."

He takes a deep breath and stands up. "Let's get you off the floor," He helps me to my feet, and I lean against him, letting his scent soothe me. "When did it start?" "Just now," I respond.

"Can you walk, or should I call the medics?" He asks calmly.

"I think I can walk," I respond to him. "My bag is in the closet by the front door.

He kisses my cheek, "Okay, baby."

I let Magnus lead me out of the bathroom. I sit on the bed while he throws on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He then helps me put on a t-shirt dress. We stroll out of our bedroom and the suite to the elevators. I breathe in and out as we ride down in the elevator. The palace is mostly dark and quiet as we walk towards the door.

"I called a car for us," Magnus states.

I nod as we walk outside; a sedan is waiting for us. Another contraction hits me, and I cry out in pain.

"Naomi," Magnus takes me into his arms, and I bury my face in his chest as he rubs my back. His scent keeps the pain from overwhelming, but I still tear up and let out pained moans.

"It's okay, baby," Magnus whispers. "She's in labor," I hear him tell someone I assume to be one of the guards.

It feels like forever before the contraction goes away, and I can get into the car. It takes a couple of minutes to get to the hospital. A nurse is waiting out front with a wheelchair.

"Hello, Gamma Bowie," she greets Magnus as he helps me out of the car.

Magnus helps me into the wheelchair and insists on pushing me into the hospital. The nurse directs us to the maternity ward.

"I like your tattoos," The young nurse coos at him, and I let out a growl.

I sneer at the nurse who is staring at my mate, "Can you see I am about to give birth to his pups," I snarl, and the nurse hangs her head.

"Naomi," Magnus drawls. He glances at the nurse, "I can take it from here, thank you."

She nods and rushes away from us.

We get to the maternity ward and are directed to a room. A female doctor walks into the room. "Naomi Monroe, right?" She says, and I nod. "I am Dr. Rachel Torres. Your regular doctor, Dr. Foster, is out for the week." "Oh, great," I grumble.

"It will be okay," Magnus says and looks at the young woman.

"I may be young, but I have an excellent record," Dr. Torres explains. "I am going to examine you now."

I let her do the exam, and she helps me through another contraction.

"It's going to be a while," She smiles.

"Oh, wonderful," I snarl.

She laughs and hangs my chart on the end of the bed. "I'll be back in a while to check on you."

Magnus sits on a chair beside the bed, "I called Kerry and Moira."

"Cool," I sigh and close my eyes to settle into the uncomfortable bed.

A few hours later, Magnus is helping me walk up and down the hallway as it seems my pups are taking their time.

"Magnus," Phoebe calls from down the hall. She has her newborn daughter in her arms while Brutus walks behind her. "Hey, Naomi," She smiles at me. To access the complete chapters for free, visit Jo b ni b,c o m. Magnus gently hugs his sister and touches his niece's cheek. “She looks more and more like you, sis," He kisses Phoebe's cheek.

"I can't wait to meet my niece and nephew," She smiles at me. "How is it going?"

I glance at little Edie, dressed in a cute little pink onesie with baby llamas. "It's going."

Phoebe gave birth to her and Brutus's daughter, Edie Marie Julian, two weeks ago.

A contraction begins, and I let out a gasp of pain. Phoebe passes her daughter to Brutus and stands beside me. She rubs my arm, and I lean into her. I had helped her through her labor, so I welcomed her support.

"Breath," Phoebe says.

Magnus and Brutus stand quietly nearby while Edie coos in her father's arms. Brutus gently rocks the tiny pup. I close my eyes and breathe.

"Gee, Mag," Brutus huffs. "She is barely making any sounds."

I remember all the screaming that Phoebe had done giving birth to Edie. I wanted to scream but just closed my eyes and endured the pain.

"Just wait till the pushing," Phoebe snickers, and Brutus sighs.

"Try not to break his hand, Naomi," Brutus says, and I nod at him.

The contraction ends, and I start ambling down the hallway. Another hour passes, and I am in the room, sitting on the edge of the bed, riding out another contraction. The doctor says that we are close and that everything is progressing normally. Phoebe is sitting in a nearby chair nursing Edie while Brutus and Magnus are watching TV.

I hold my belly and breath deeply until the contraction passes.

"They are getting closer together," Magnus remarks.

"Yeah," I mumble.

Dr. Torres breezes into the room, "Okay, let's check you out," She smiles at me.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

I lay on the bed and let her examine me. "The contractions are getting closer together," I tell the doctor.

"Good, just a little longer," Dr. Torres looks up at me.

"How much longer?" I whine. "This is taking forever."

"You and Elena took forever," My mother's voice comes from the doorway.

"Mom?" I say as she walks in with my father and Magnus's parents on her heels.

"I'm here, sweetie," She walks over and touches my cheek.

Janice walks to the other side of the bed and grabs my free hand. "We got here as soon as we could."

"Thanks, guys," Magnus says.

"How is it going, son?" Darryl asks Magnus.

I cry out as I am hit with another contraction. My father goes pale as I scream through the pain. "Gods, this hurts," I cry out, and Magnus rushes to my side, nudging his mother out of the way.

"It's supposed to hurt," Janice laughs.

I close my eyes and breathe heavily until the contraction ends. "I need them out of me," I snarl at Magnus. "Get these things out of me," I growl.

"They are coming, baby," Magnus laughs.

I grab the collar of his shirt and yank his face close to mine, "Are you laughing?"

Magnus gulps and looks helplessly at his mother. "Mom," He whines.

"Oh, no, Magnus, I am not getting involved," Janice throws up her hands.

"It's best not to laugh, son," Darryl says from the other side of the room.

I release my mate and close my eyes. The contractions start coming closer together. Our fathers and Brutus leave the room to wait in the waiting room. My mother holds one hand while Magnus sits beside me. "It's time to push, " Dr. Torres tells me. The nurses prepare the room for the delivery.

"I can't do this," I cry.

Magnus strokes my sweaty forehead, "Of course you can. You are the strongest woman I know," he whispers. "Our children are so lucky to have you as their mom."

Tears well up in my eyes as another contraction begins, and I scream. "Push, Naomi," Dr. Torres says.

I bear down as the pain is almost too much, and I let out a pained scream.

"That's it, Naomi," Phoebe says from beside my mother. "Scream. Let Magnus know what he did to you."

Magnus narrows his eyes at her while I push, "You can do this."

I push through a few more contractions before any progress is made. "I see a head," Dr. Torres says. I push again, and one of my pups emerges from my body and lets out a cry.

"Hello, son," Magnus says as the doctor holds up our wailing son.

"He's so beautiful," I say.

"He looks like Magnus," Janice proclaims.

There is little time to celebrate before the next contraction hits me. I scream and cry while pushing out my daughter. Her cry soon joins her brother's as she is held up for us to see.

"Oh, Naomi," My mom cries. "She is beautiful."

I lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling while listening to the cries of my children. Moments later, a nurse brings a pink bundle over to me and places my daughter in my arms. I look up to see Magnus with our son in his arms. I look down at the tiny pup. "Look at you," I whisper to her.

Magnus glances at her and then at our son. "They are perfect," He smiles at me. "Two perfect pups."

"They are lovely," Janice says to us.

"Oh, my gosh, my niece and nephew are beautiful," Phoebe cries.

"Let's give them a few moments," My mom says to Janice and Phoebe.

Magnus and I exchange pups, and I am now holding my son. "Hi," I say to him. "You are the strong kicker that left bruises on my ribs." I kiss his forehead.

We spend about an hour alone with our twins before our families enter the room. "So, what are you naming them?" My mother asks.

I look at Magnus, and he smiles while holding our sleeping daughter. "Our daughter's name is Nova Delaney Bowie." He looks at me.

"And our son is Axel Darryl Bowie," I announce.

Darryl grins big, "You named your son after me?"

"Nova and Axel," Phoebe claps. "Those are awesome names."

"They are," My dad smiles at me. "I am so proud of you, Naomi."

"Thanks, Dad."

My pups are passed around to their grandparents and aunt, and uncle. I watch my parents cooing at their new grandpups and couldn't be happier. Though in the back of my mind, I worry about our daughter's future. I hate that she will always be hunted for being a Blythe wolf. After everyone leaves, I nurse them for the first time and relish the quiet with Magnus. Magnus puts the twins in a crib together so I can get some sleep.

I dream of playing in the meadow with my son and daughter. It's a happy scene, and then I hear a whine.

'Wake up, Ruby insists, and I open my eyes and feel groggy.

Magnus is beside me, snoring loudly, and Axel is crying. I slowly rise to my feet and feel dizzy as I stumble toward my pups. I reach the crib, and my heart sinks. "Nova?" I cry. "Nova!" I pick up Axel and hold him against my chest as Magnus wakes up. "What's going on?" He mumbles.

"Nova is gone!"

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