Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 41


Fog enveloped us as we looked around. We could only see vague shadows of trees looming all around us. "How the hell are we supposed to find where we are going?" Greyson groans.

I open the book, and it etches a map into the yellowed page, "I guess we'll just follow the book."

"Naomi, we can't see anything," Grey complains.

The fog parts and reveals a path, and I look at Phoebe, who shrugs, "What do we have to lose?" She asks. "Our lives," Greyson huffs.

I link arms with Phoebe, and we start down the path, "Come on, Grey," I look back. "Fine," Greyson concedes and follows us.

The path winds through a quiet forest; eventually, the fog dissipates, and I recognize the forest. It is yellowed with death and smells like decay. We pass by some falling buildings. After what feels like hours, we stop at a massive gnarled tree with no leaves on it. "Is this it?" Greyson snorts.

To answer his question, the tree shudders, a door opens in its trunk, and a cloaked person walks out with several others behind them. The person stops in front of us and lowers his hood. A pale man with string yellow hair stares at us with strange green eyes. "My book," His voice speaks. "Hand it over," He stretches out a veiny pale hand.

"I want my mate and the others first," I demand.

The man scratches his chin, "Yeah, I changed my hand about that," He responds and snaps his fingers.

Magnus, my father, and the others appear in front of the tree. They are all dirty and look tired. Magnus smiles faintly at me while my brother, father, and Chance look at me with concern.

"Run, Naomi," Bryant yells.

"Silence!" The cloaked man barks. "Give me the book, and I won't kill them."

"I want them released," I counter. "That was the deal, wasn't it?"

"I told you to bring the book, and I wouldn't kill them. I never said anything about releasing them," The man argues.

"All I want is my family," I plead.

He looks at me directly, "Tell you what," He steps toward me. "I'll release them, but you have to marry me."

"What?" I spat. "I have a mate," I point at Magnus, who is sitting on the ground looking confused.

"I know that, but you don't belong with him. I sense power in you, Naomi Monroe," He grins, and I shudder. "He is my mate," I snarl. "My fated goddess given mate."

"But you are more than just a werewolf. Stay with me, and I'll release them unharmed," The man grins. "No!" I screech. "I am carrying his children."

"I am aware," The man huffs. "Your mate can keep the boy you carry. You and your daughter are what I want. Those are the terms. Otherwise, I'll kill everyone here and keep you locked up until your children are born. I'll sell the boy and keep the girl." I cover my belly. "No!"

"You leave me no choice then," He raises his hands that start to glow. The ground shakes as fissures rip open the earth and lava erupts out of them. He gathers the lava in a ball and flicks his wrist, and we brace ourselves as the lava launches toward us. The book glows, and the lava hits an invisible wall and dissipates.

"What the hell?" The man yells.

"The book is protecting us," Phoebe says to me.

"No, it's protecting her unborn daughter," The man argues. He looks at my father. "You said your mate's family line was dormant."

"I thought it was," Dad shrugs. "That's all Maureen knew about her family's magic side."

"Idiot," The man curses. "Useless wolves. I will have the book." He grabs Magnus, who tries to struggle, but the man punches my mate, and he is still. It pains me to see Magnus so weak.

"What have you done to him?" I yell.

"Oh, just a little bit of wolfsbane in his system," He lets go of Magnus and puts a knife from his cloak. "Give me the book, or your mate will die."

Magnus looks silently at me, and I hate how dull his green eyes are. He seems mildly confused and then finally seems to recognize me. "Naomi?" He whimpers.

"He's drugged," Bryant yells.

"Enough out of you," The man hisses and flicks his wrist. I watch my brother fly a few feet away and hit the ground with a loud thud.

"Hey!" I scream. "Why would I want to marry such a cruel man? And what do you want with my daughter?"

"You don't get it, Naomi. Your mother's side of your family is powerful or was. Their power lies dormant except for your daughter. I recognized her potential the first time I saw you," He explains. "The Abraxas line crossed with the powerful Blythe line," he pauses and licks his lips.

"So, you are Abraxas?" I ask as I step toward him.

"Naomi," Greyson grabs for me.

"Bram Abraxas," He responds.

"That's what Cedric Mercutio said," I shrug.

"Oh, that asshole," Bram shakes his head.

"Yeah," I am not right in front of Bram. "So, I will give you the book, and you will release my family members, and we will go back to our realm."

Bram sighs, "You are staying," He smirks at me.

"Fine, I will stay."

"Naomi!" My father shouts.

Bram reaches for the book, and I hand it over to him, but the book catches fire. Bram screeches, and the book flies out of his hands and back into mine. "What the fuck? It's chosen you!"

"I wasn't aware that was an option," I chuckle.

"Stupid bitch!" Bram shouts and aims his power at Magnus and my family.

I step in between them, and his power is redirected at his people. They catch fire and run around screaming.


There is a burst of lightning, and Cedric suddenly appears. "Hello cousin," He hisses at Bram. Cedric eyes the book in my hands. "I see it has chosen a new master."

I shake my head, "No," I shudder.

Cedric says nothing and turns his attention to Bram. The two wizard raise their hands, and a storm forms over us. "Get out of here," Cedric yells at me. "I'll take care of Bram."

"Come on," I say to my family. Magnus is on the ground looking around like a child. I grab him and try picking him off the ground. Bryant and Chance help him up, and we walk over to Phoebe and Greyson. "Magnus," Phoebe snaps her fingers at her brother.

"He's drugged," Chance mentions.

"We have to get out of here," I say as the wizards start launching lightning and other nasty things at each other. Chance and Bryant do their best to keep Magnus on his feet. Greyson joins them to help, and we all run back down the path. Thunder rumble behind us as we try to get to the portal we came from.

We have to take a few breathers but eventually, find ourselves back at the place we entered. "So what now?" Greyson throws up his hands.

I look at the book, and an idea pops into my head. "Open the portal," I say out loud, and there is a shimmer then a portal opens. "Neat," Phoebe laughs.

We run through the portal, and it is broad daylight in Death Valley. We all stop to catch our breath. I feel thirsty and wish we had more water. I look over at Magnus, who is leaning against Bryant. I put my hand on his face, and his eyes light up. "Naomi?"

I lean in to take in his scent, and Ruby finally wakes up. "Hello, sweetheart," I whisper to him.

"Naomi?" Magnus repeats. "You are here. It's a dream, but you are here," He mumbles.

I kiss his forehead, "No, Magnus, I am here for real."

"We have to get back to the Tahoe," Greyson sighs. "We don't have water here and need to beat the heat."

We practically jog down the path back to Greyson's Tahoe. The sun is already hot as we finally reach the SUV. Greyson opens the back and hands everyone water which we all chug. Magnus is now standing on his own. His green eyes are on me the whole time. "Naomi," He whispers as water drips down his face. He reaches out and touches my face. The tingles from the touch make me shudder with pleasure and happiness. Ruby whimpers in my head. "It's really you."

"It's really me," I repeat and lean into him. He places his lips on mine, and I wrap my arms around him.

He presses me against the Tahoe as he lets out a low growl and devours my lips. "Oh, my Naomi."

"Magnus," My father speaks up. "Can you not mate with my daughter in front of me?"

"Seriously, dude," Bryant groans.

Magnus pulls back and looks at them. "Sorry, Allen."

"Let's get the hell out of here," Chance sighs. "I miss Elena and Arlo."

"I miss my mate too," Bryant nods.

We all squeeze into the SUV. I sit on Magnus's lap, and he presses his hand to my swollen belly. "How are my pups?" He asks, and I feel a kick. His eyes brighten. "Was that a-" He trails off, and I nod.

"I have been feeling them kick for a few days now," I say with tears in my eyes. "I am so thankful that you get to feel them." I kiss his lips, and he holds me tight.

"I never thought I would see you again," Magnus says against my cheek.

We drive out of the park and stay a night in a hotel before heading back to Ghost River. It takes only a day of straight driving to get home. We all sigh with relief when the guard gate comes into view. The guard lets us in without hesitation.

"I believe the Alpha is waiting for you, Gamma," Harry grins at us. "Welcome, home, Delta, Beta," He nods at Bryant and Chance.

We arrive at the packhouse, and the royal limo is sitting in front. "What is Kerry doing here?" Magnus mumbles.

"Oh shit, Brutus is here too," Phoebe points to her giant mate.

The car stops, and we all drag ourselves out. Mom and Elena run forward to embrace their mates. Max steps forward to glare at me. Then he turns his attention to Magnus. "Thank the goddess. You are all back."This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"I thank her too," King Kerry walks up from behind with Cedric beside him. The wizard has a few bruises on his face and arms but looks unscathed.

Cedric steps towards us, "Bram Abraxas will no longer be a problem."

"You killed him?" I ask.

"He will no longer be a problem," Cedric repeats and looks at Max. "I will send you a bill for my trouble." He regards King Kerry and then disappears. "Is he serious?" Max asks.

"The palace will help you pay the bill, Alpha," Kerry laughs.

I look at my mother and father, "Mom, tell me about your family and why Bram Abraxas wanted my daughter."

"What?" Mom huffs.

"Maureen," Dad looks at her. "It's time we tell them."

Mom sighs, "I knew it would come to light eventually. Why do you still have that book?" Mom eyes the book in my arms.

"It chose me," I respond.

"Oh, dear. I was afraid of that," Mom mumbles, and we all follow her into the packhouse.

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