Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 4


'Out. We must go out,' Ruby howled in my head. She has been acting up for an hour trying to get me to go outside.

'Not now, Ruby,' I pushed her back with great effort. I was trying to get some work done. However, all I usually do is work. Last year Elder Murray stepped down as the Keeper of the Archive, and it's now my position. I spent a great deal of time buried in work. Alpha Darryl would need me to research something. Or pack members wanted me to look up their family trees. I also taught various classes at the pack schools on our history. I took it all very seriously.

I spent very little time with my family and friends. Ever since Josh rejected me, I have isolated myself from the world. I feel no one truly understands me. Occasionally, I hang out with my two best friends, but they have lives now. Phoebe just started teaching at the elementary school. Greyson met his mate and has been busy with him. He is also training to become the next gamma as his father steps down in a few days.

If I am not working, I am reading or researching. The archive building sets away from the rest of the pack. I have my own apartment on the top floor, which is small but adequate. I am finishing up a lesson plan for the high schoolers. It's extensive with a slide show and tests and all of that. I want to get it done before I do anything else.

Phoebe came in earlier talking about her older brother returning to the pack for Max's alpha ceremony. "Can I borrow your white sundress?" She asks.

"Sure," I replied absentmindedly.

"I am so excited to see Magnus." She said, and for some reason, his name made Ruby crazy.

I wasn't crazy about his return. I was in the old packhouse reading in the library when he caused it to burn down. I became trapped and almost died, but my father and Alpha Darryl got me out. It's been nearly ten years since I saw Magnus. What I remember was him constantly getting in trouble with my brother. He annoyed me with his arrogance and attitude.

"Are you coming to greet him?" Phoebe pulled me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head. "I have work to do," I mumbled.

She huffed. "You are always working, Naomi. It's okay to take a break."

I brushed her off, and she left in a huff.

I sipped some tea as I stared at the endless words in front of me. Ruby started pushing me to go outside again. 'Will you settle down?' I snarl at her.

'I will settle down if you go outside,' My wolf demands.

I get up from my desk with an annoyed sigh and reach for my hoodie and slip it on. I walk outside and sit on a bench in front of the archive. I watch pack members walking by, mostly ignoring me. I like it that way. I see Jessica Smith walk by with her mate. Not Joshua. A few months after Joshua Rogers rejected me for her, she found her fated mate. So she left Joshua. I find it funny myself. I sometimes catch Joshua staring at me from a distance. I hope he feels crushing guilt for rejecting me. Not that I care. I don't need a mate to screw up my life.

I hear a motorcycle rumbling in the distance. The sound grows louder, and Ruby gets more excited. The motorcycle gets closer, and I can't stand my wolf acting up, so I walk back into the building. Ruby howls with frustration as the motorcycle passes by. I go back to my office and sit at my desk. My wolf pouts in the back of my mind, and I turn on some soft music to drown out her whimpers.

Another hour passes, and someone knocks on the door. I jump and look up at Phoebe and Greyson. "Hey Naomi," Greyson steps into the office with Phoebe. "We came to check on you." "Why?" I mumble.

"Your parents were wondering why you didn't come to greet Magnus," Phoebe mentions her brother, and my wolf stirs happily. And for some reason, his name makes my heart race. "I have work to do," I told her.

Phoebe huffed and stood in front of the desk with her arms folded. The scent of spaghetti wafted from her, and I narrowed my eyes at her. "You can't work your life away, Naomi." "Did you spill spaghetti on my dress?" I ask as I lean forward and sniff the air.

My friend snorts. "Why is everyone sniffing me? First, my brother sniffs me, saying I smell like syrup, and now you say I smell like spaghetti." "But you do," I respond.

Greyson walks over and sniffs Phoebe. "I don't smell spaghetti."

"Okay, is everyone done sniffing me?" Phoebe protests. "Anyways, do you want to come to Magnus's welcome home dinner?" She asks.

Magnus's name again evokes a strange feeling in me. Ruby howls happily, and I am stuck for a moment. Phoebe clears her throat. "I have to-"

"I swear to the Goddess, Naomi Monroe. If you tell me you have work to do, I will kick your ass. Get your sorry ass out of this office and spend time with your friends and family. Okay? I know Joshua Rogers rejecting you hurt but come on, it's been two years. Besides, my brother was asking about you."


She laughs. "No, Magnus."

I snort. "Why would Magnus ask about me?"

Phoebe shrugs. "I don't know. Just come to dinner tonight. Please?"

I sigh. "Fine."

"And dress in something other than your ratty pants and hoodie," She tells me and then leaves my office with Greyson.

I sigh with annoyance and look at the clock. I have at least another hour I can work before I need to get ready. That hour passed quickly, and reluctantly I got up because Phoebe and Greyson were relentlessly texting me. I walk upstairs to my apartment and take a brief shower and then put on a pair of nice jeans and a blouse with flowers on it. I brush my curly hair and then leave. I lock up the archive building and stroll towards the packhouse. The closer I get, the more worked up Ruby gets. 'What is your damn problem today?' I ask her. As I am walking, I spot Joshua with some other warriors. He is staring right at me. I give him a small smile, and he returns it. As I get closer to the packhouse, I spot my sister with her mate. "Naomi!" Elena squeals. "You emerged from your cave," She says while touching her large belly. She is due to give birth to her first pup in a few weeks. It will be a boy that she and Chance plan on naming Arlo. "Yeah, Phoebe insisted," I tell her.

"Hey, little sis," I hear Bryant call to me. He is with his mate Krista and their son Marco. I wave to him. "Where have you been?"

"Nowhere," I tell him. "I have been working away in the archives like always."

Bryant wraps an arm around my shoulder while his mate glares at him. "You need to get out more. We miss seeing you."

Krista growls lowly, and Bryant lets go of me. I roll my eyes at her but say nothing. Krista is alright, but she is too jealous of any woman touching Bryant, including his sisters. "Sorry, Naomi. It was my wolf. She doesn't like any other females touching her man." "Yeah, because his sisters are totally going to screw him," I mumble and walk away. I see Phoebe with Greyson and his mate. I like Greyson's mate Frederick. He is a nerd like me. He is in school to become a doctor and enjoys history. "Hey Fred," I greet him. "What about me?" Greyson whines.

Fred laughs. "Don't mind my cranky Gamma."

"I never do," I smirk at Greyson.

"I hate both of you," Greyson throws up his hands.

I laugh. "No, you don't," I say to him.

"I am so happy you made it," Phoebe chimed in. "And you put on clean clothes. Score two points for Naomi," She declares.

"Yeah, good for me." I snort.

We walk to where the party is being held. Pack members are chatting and drinking. I see Phoebe's brother Max. He is about to become alpha of the pack in a few days. I have been helping him write a speech. His mate I like. Charlotte is an omega, so many pack members were hesitant about her being Luna, but she has proven herself worthy of the position. I wave to Max and Charlotte.

I walk with Phoebe and the guys to the bar. I don't drink much, but I want something strong to shut my wolf up. She is driving me nuts. I order a rum and coke and chug it down.

"What the hell, Naomi?" Greyson says to me.

"I'm thirsty," I tell him and order another. I start to chug it, and Greyson stops me.

"Why are you chugging the rum and cokes?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Aren't I allowed to chug booze?"

"Well, yeah, but what's wrong?" He asks.

I walk away from my friends to sit down. My friends join me, and we make small talk. Phoebe's mother, Luna Janice, walks over. "Phoebe, your father wants you to join us." Phoebe huffs. "Mom, I am with my friends," She complains.

"I know, sweetie. You can see them later. Just come with me," She smiles at me. "You look nice tonight, Naomi."

"Thank you," I say to her.

Phoebe gets up and reluctantly follows her mother. About ten minutes later, Alpha Darryl walks out of the packhouse with his family. He has Luna Janice on his arm. Following Alpha Darryl is Maximus and his mate Charlotte. Then Phoebe is behind them. The alpha walks up to the stage and stands in front of a podium. The music stops, and everyone turns to listen to their alpha.

"Good evening, Ghost River Pack. Such a lovely night, wouldn't you all agree?" He banters. "As you know, in three days, I will be stepping down as your alpha, and my son Maximus will become your next Alpha with his Luna, Charlotte, at his side." The pack clapped at that. Alpha Darryl raised his hands. "And as you know, my other son, Max's twin, was sent away a long time ago to military school. We won't mention why," He chuckled dryly. "But tonight, it is my great pleasure to announce that my son Magnus Bowie has come home."

My heart began to race, and Ruby was pacing so much I became dizzy. I sucked down my drink and reached for Greyson's, and chugged that one down.

"Magnus has risen through the ranks of King Kerry's army to become the commander of the Royal Elite Force." Alpha Darryl sounded so proud of his son. "If you'll please welcome Magnus Bowie back to Ghost River," He gestures, and I saw a flash as Magnus jogged onto the stage.

My heart skipped a beat as I looked him over. A handsome man has replaced the boy who nearly got me killed. The scent of spaghetti filled my senses as I stared at Magnus. He was wearing black pants with a leather jacket and a black shirt. His long black hair hung to his shoulders, and I could see tattoos on his neck and hands. Ruby was howling happily as I stared at him. The rest of the world had gone quiet.

Magnus was scanning the crowd, and his green eyes landed on me. Then the reason Ruby had been frantic all day became loud and clear. 'MATE!' She shouted in my head. Magnus's eyes darkened for a second as his wolf must have declared the same thing. My mouth went dry as I sat in shock. Magnus was staring back while the pack waited for him to speak.

"Magnus?" His father touched his shoulder. "Are you going to say something?"

Magnus turned to his father, and my trance broke. 'No, no, no,' I said to myself. I took Magnus's momentary distraction to get up from the table and run from the party.

Tears formed in my eyes as I ran. Ruby was frantically trying to get me to go back. I ran blindly, not looking where I was going until I ran into something solid. I almost fell backward but was caught by a strong arm. The scent of spaghetti filled my senses, and I knew it was Magnus. I tried to get away from him, but he wrapped his other arm around me, causing sparks and tingles to run through my body.

"Naomi," His husky voice spoke my name, and I had to resist the urge to look at him. He touched my cheek. "Why are you running?" He sounded upset.

"Let me go," I protested while clawing at his arms. "Please."

"Not until you tell me why you are running from me," Magnus replies.

I shook my head. "N-no. This isn't happening." I say as the tears fall down my cheeks. "You almost k-killed me. I can't be your mate."

"What?" His voice is becoming more pained.

"I-I was in the packhouse when you set it on fire. I-I got trapped and nearly died." I tell him.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

He sighs heavily and lets me go. I try to run again, but he easily catches me. "I'm sorry about that, Naomi. I really am. I am sorry about a lot of things in my life."

"Good. Now just get it over with." I tell him.

He chuckles dryly. "Get what over with?"

"Rejecting me. I am not your type of woman. I don't drink or smoke or sleep around. So just do it quick," I tell him.

"How do you know what type of woman I prefer? Maybe you are my type of woman," He leans towards me, and his scent overwhelms me.

I push him away. "Fine. I'll do it." Ruby howls angrily in my head.

'Do not reject him. He is our second chance, mate. We will not get a third.' She growls.

I ignore her and look Magnus in the eyes. He looks at me with a strange expression, and I nearly melt. He is so damn handsome. I shake my head. 'No! I have to do this. I take a deep breath. "I, Naomi Kathleen Monroe, reject-"

Magnus stops me with his hand on my mouth. "No, you are not rejecting me until we talk about this. I am not the monster you think I am."

I look away from him. "There is nothing to talk about," I tell him. "Please just let me go."

"No," he reaches out and moves a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Magnus?" Alpha Darryl calls out. He walks over to us. "There you are. What is going on?"

Magnus looks at his father, and I take that opportunity to run away from him. I can sense his frustration, but I don't care. I am not going to be Magnus Bowie's mate. Ruby is angry at me and throwing a fit. I get back to the archive building and rush inside. I run up the stairs to my apartment and turn on the light as spaghetti hits my senses.

Magnus is sitting on my couch. "Hello, Mate."

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