Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 18


My whole body hurts as I walk towards the elevator. I should follow my mate's advice and be lying down. I am not fully healed from my wounds and need to rest rather than discipline my men. Dulce could handle it, but I needed Matthew Cyrus to understand what happens when he touches my mate. Dulce is standing in front of the elevator door as it opens. She looks me up and down as I hobble out. "Shouldn't you be resting?" She asks.

"Yes," I mumble as we walk towards the office.

"Mr. Cyrus is in the office. Brutus is keeping an eye on him," She tells me. "Mag, I can handle him. Seriously."

"I know you can, Dulce," I say to her. "But Mr. Cyrus and the others need to learn what happens when they frighten my mate."

"You aren't going to kill him, are you?" Dulce sounds concerned. "He's a good soldier, usually."

"It depends on his answers," I reply to her. I walk into my office, and Matthew Cyrus is sitting with Brutus just behind him. "Thank you, Brutus," I say to my friend. Matthew is looking at his hands. I hobble to my chair and sit down with a groan. There is a moment of silence in the office as I look at Mr. Cyrus. "Mr. Cyrus," I say in a cold tone. "Look at me," I order him.

He looks up and starts blubbering. "I'm so sorry Major. I-I" He stutters. "It was my wolf. He saw a pretty lady and-"

"Stop!" I bark at him. "Are you saying that a soldier as highly trained as you can't control his wolf?" I ask calmly.

"N-n-no," Matthew struggles to say. "I mean, sometimes I can't. Your mate is stunning, and I am-" He pauses and presses his lips together.

"And you are what?" I ask with a head tilt. "Horny? Desperate?"

"No, sir. I just lost control, I guess."

"You guess?" I snort. "You followed my mate all over the building after you touched her without permission. That is not acceptable behavior for a member of the Elite Squad."

"I know, sir. It won't happen again." Matthew squirms in his seat.

"You are right. It won't happen again." I tell him. "You are being demoted from the squad. I will speak with the king on the best place for you to go, but you are no longer a member of this squad."

"Major!" Matthew yells and stands up. "I worked my a*s off to make it to the squad. I sacrificed being the beta of my pack!"

"Then you should have thought about that when you touched my mate and then proceeded to stalk her," I reply calmly.

"That was a mistake. I don't have a mate. So I may have followed your mate because she smells really good and she has huge knockers-"

A vicious growl boils out of my throat. "You best choose your words better. I would hate for Kairos to rip out your throat."

"This is so unfair! You get everything!" Matthew screeches as Brutus grabs him. "Let me go!"

I slowly get to my feet. "I worked just as hard to get here, Mr. Cyrus. I am also working hard to win my mate, and I don't need some dumb f**k like you to mess it up." I look at Brutus. "Put him in the stockade until I figure out where to send him." "Yes, Major," Brutus replies to me and proceeds to drag the struggling soldier out of my office.

I press my hands on my desk as pain radiates through my body. I tremble as I let out a pained groan.

"Magnus," Dulce touches my arm. "Mag!" She shouts. "Are you okay?"

I shake my head. "I think I overdid it today."

"Duh," She snorts. "Do you need me to go get your wheelchair or help you up the stairs? Tell me. I'm here for you."

I lean on her. "Just help me get upstairs," I tell her.

"Okay, I got you." She says as we slowly make our way out of the office.

I wish I had marked Naomi so I could mind link her to come help. Her presence would relieve the pain. We amble down the hall.

"Major," one of my men shouts. "Do you need help, lieutenant?" He asks.

"Yeah, Jones," Dulce replies to him.

One of my best trackers, John Jones, helps Dulce get me up the stairs to my apartment. We walk in, and Naomi is watching TV. She shoots up and runs over. "Magnus, oh my goddess. What happened?"

"He overdid it," Dulce replies.

"Oh gods," Naomi cries. "I'm so sorry."

"Baby, it's not your fault," I say to her. "Take me to my room," I tell Jones and Dulce. They get me to my room and help me sit on the bed. "Thank you for the help, John."

"Do you need me to get a doctor, Major?" Jones asks.

"No, I'll be okay. You can go back to what you were doing." I tell him. John Jones salutes me and leaves the room. I look at Dulce. "You can go too, Dulce."

"Do you want me to call the doctor?" She asks.

"No, I just need to lie down," I reply and notice that Naomi isn't in the room. She enters a second later with a glass of water in her hand. She hands me the glass and some of my pain pills. "Thank you, baby." I quickly down the pills and the water. "Are you sure you don't need a doctor?" Naomi asks.

"I'm fine. I just need you," I smile at her.

Naomi blushes slightly. "Okay."

"Hey, it's alright if we don't hang out tonight. Magnus needs his rest," Dulce tells her.

"We'll try tomorrow night maybe," Naomi suggests. "Phoebe should be back by then."

"That sounds like a plan," Dulce responds. "Please take care of yourself, Magnus. I need you to get better so I'm not stuck doing your damn job."

I laugh. "I love you too," I smile at Dulce.

"Take good care of him," Dulce says to Naomi before leaving the room.

"What do you need me to do?" Naomi asks.

"I need some skin-to-skin contact," I smirk at her.

She nods, takes off my shirt and shoes, and then helps me into bed. She takes off her own clothes and climbs into the bed with me. The moment her skin touches me, the pain ceases, and only the tingles from our bond are felt. "Oh my god, you are better than drugs," I chuckle.

"Do you feel better?" She asks.

"You have no idea," I rub her arms.

"I'm sorry that-"

"Naomi, for the last time, you have nothing to be sorry for. You are not responsible for what Matthew Cyrus did. Okay? And it is my job to discipline my men. I know Dulce could have done it. Trust me. Visit Job to read the complete chapters for free.She is more than capable. But I needed to personally show him what happens when he scares my mate," I explain to her.

"Well, you need to take it easy, buster." She snorts. "We need you to get better."

"Yes, ma'am." I kiss the top of her head. "It's hard for me to just sit idle, Naomi."

She runs her fingers over my muscles. The sensation from it makes goosebumps rise all over my body. I shudder and moan lightly. "You have to try. I want my mate to be well."

"Do you still wish for me to mark you?" I smirk as her brown eyes gaze up at me.

"Of course," she replies. "But not tonight."

I frown and push out my lip. "But-" I protest playfully. "I think I'll be fine in a couple of hours."

She lightly smacks my chest. "No, bad Magnus. No s*x for you tonight."

"Naomi," I drawl out with a smile. I lean forward to kiss her. "We don't need to have s*x to mark each other."

She laughs. "That doesn't sound like much fun."

I let out a laugh. "Oh, does my quiet little Naomi like s*x?"

"Uh yeah," she huffs. "Especially when her mate has a giant-" She trails off and giggles.

I lift an eyebrow. "A giant what?"

"Oh, you know," She giggles again.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

"No, I don't know. I need you to say it," I nudge her. "Say it, Naomi. Tell me what I have a giant of."

She buries her face in my chest whole giggling. "A dick." She whispers.

"I didn't hear that, Miss Naomi. Speak up," I laugh.

She looks up at me with a playful expression. "Dick. You have a big dick." She buries her face and giggles like a little girl.

I can't help but laugh myself. "That's what every man likes to hear, sweetheart."

She plants her lips on mine, and we hold the kiss for what feels like forever. I like seeing this looser side of my mate. She strokes my cheek as we deepen the kiss.

'Mark her. I'll give you the strength.' Kairos pipes up.

"Kairos wants me to mark you now," I say to Naomi. "He'll give me the strength."

Naomi grabs the sides of my head and looks me in the eyes. "Do you promise, Kairos? I want my Magnus to get better."

"I promise, my mate," Kairos replies to her.

She kisses me again. "Okay."

I feel a surge of strength and wrap my arms around Naomi as we begin to kiss each other fiercely. I flip us over, so I am on top. I push my pants and boxers down, and my c**k springs out. Naomi eyes it with a lick of her lip. "He was pleased to hear how big you think he is." She rolls her eyes. "Dork," She touches the tip and then runs her hand up and down the shaft.

I let out a satisfied moan. I kiss up and down her neck while she strokes me. I lick the spot I intend to mark her. "This will be where you bear my mark," I whisper to her.

"Do it," She demands with a twinkle in her eyes.

I position myself between her legs and rub her c**t. "Mmm, you are wet for me already," I say and slide into her. She lets out a little moan as I begin to slowly thrust into her. Kairos lends his strength so my earlier pain does not affect me. She wraps her legs around my hips as I pump faster into her. She cries out as I kiss her neck.


"That's my name, baby." I grazed the skin of her neck with my teeth. I thrust harder into her and started to feel some pain, but I ignore it. I am determined to mark my mate and keep the unmated males at bay. "You are mine!" I growl as my fangs extend, and I bite into her neck.

She screams out and grips my arms with her claws. Her scream soon turns into a pleasured moan.

My mark forms on her neck as I shoot my seed into her. I pull my teeth from her flesh and lick the wound. I then collapse beside her and pant heavily.

She stares up at the ceiling for a moment. I can't tell if she is alright or not.

"Naomi?" I touch the tender mark on her neck. It has formed into a full moon with our wolves intertwined. A mischievous smile spreads onto her face, and the next thing I know, I am pinned to the bed, and she is on top. "I didn't realize that you were so strong." "I come from a strong line of warriors," She kisses me. "I am stronger than I look."

"And then some," I huff. "Feel free to flip me anytime, sweetheart."

"Did I hurt you?" She asks with concern on her face.

"No," I shake my head. "Kairos is still lending strength to me. I'll just need to sleep after this."

"I'll make sure you get all the sleep you need," she purrs and kisses me fiercely. "Right after I place my mark on you."

Within minutes she is riding me hard while moaning loudly. "That's my girl," I say as I grip her hips. She leans forward and takes kisses me hard.

"Are you ready?" She says while kissing up and down my neck.

"I was born ready." I laugh.

I moan when I feel her teeth grazing my skin. Goosebumps raise all over my body as she penetrates the soft skin. Pain and pleasure spread through me at the same time. We both cry out as we both orgasm. She pulls her teeth from my flesh, licks the wound clean, and then collapses on my chest. We both pant for a moment. She slides off of me and lays beside me. We relish the contact as Kairos retreats to the back of my mind.

'I am tired now,' He tells me. 'We both need a few days of rest.'

'Thank you, buddy,' I say to my wolf. "You wore Kairos out."

She laughs. "Ruby is going to help him recover while I help you." She strokes her hand up and down my chest. "Rest now," She smiles at me. "I will take care of everything, okay?"

"You don't have to, " I start to say, but she puts her finger to my lips.

"I will take care of you, Magnus," She looks into my eyes. "Now, sleep." She keeps stroking my chest, and I feel my eyes grow heavy. Within minutes I am out cold.

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