REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 87 Right for him

Eric’s POV

“Enough.” I spoke, furious.

For the past few minutes, I had been trying my best to endure what was going on, but I couldn’t anymore. I felt anger rush through my blood as I kept listening to all Jessica was saying to Victoria and how those words might have hurt her.

“Enough, no more questions.” I declared those words firmly while staring at Jessica, who stared at me with stunned eyes before looking away.

“I must apologize for her behavior and attitude towards you, you know she is just a little kid.” Aunt apologized to Victoria with guilt. “I’m not a kid, mum.” Jessica murmured with a frown.

“Keep quiet, young lady. One more word from you and I will make sure you go upstairs.” aunt muttered as a threat, and I knew she was serious about it.

“But mum…”

“Jessica, I said enough.” Aunt and Jessica kept exchanging words, but I wasn’t bothered about them. My worries were on Victoria as I noticed she was lost in thought, probably from all the things Jessica said, and it saddened me to see her this way.

“We will be back, aunt, let’s go for a walk.” I muttered those words and gave Victoria a stare which tells her she should get up. She stood up and flashed aunt a weak smile before leaving with me.

We left the house and walked side by side with each other, and none of us said a word for a while until I decided to speak. “You shouldn’t take to heart whatever Jessica said back there. She’s just a spoiled kid who has everything she wants in life and thinks everyone should be like her.” I said with a soft sigh and believed she heard me, but she kept silent and didn’t say a word to me, which I hated.

“Victoria”. I called out her name, but she ignored me and kept walking while she rubbed her hands on her arms, indicating she was cold.

I took off my jacket and gave it to her, but she stared at it and looked away.

She kept strolling while she shivered in cold, which made me groan angrily and frustrated as I watched her walk away from me.

I wandered after her with no direction in mind until she stopped and turned to me with no expression on her face. “Where are we heading to?” she asked with folded arms.

I stared at her but didn’t say a word.

She stared at me for a while before speaking, ”I had a really rough day today and I would appreciate it if you take me back to your aunt’s house, or take me back home.” She muttered out angrily.

Those words from her made me realize she was talking about what occurred earlier in my club.

Not getting a response from me, she gave me a look filled with anger and walked away.

I followed her, and we made our way back to aunt’s place.

When we entered the house, I noticed all eyes were on us, but Victoria flickered aunt a weak smile before taking her seat.

“We are so sorry, she will apologize immediately.” Aunt said, while staring at Jessica with looks that could kill.

Jessica swallowed nervously and stood before us with a different look on her face, and I wondered what they must have said to her.

Victoria’s POV

“I’m sorry if my words might have hurt you.” She apologized sincerely. Seeing the sincerity in her, all the anger and hurt I felt vanished away.

“It’s okay, you were just being a curious cat.” I smiled at her before looking away.

“Dinner is already served, please come join us.” Eric’s aunt smiled at me and led me to the table. I followed her to the dining table and took a seat, while Eric took the seat opposite me.

I stared at the table and saw different types of appetizing dishes displayed on the table, which made me wonder if we could eat them all.

“Please eat.” Eric’s dad spoke up.

I smiled and nodded my head at him before picking up the spoon. I put a small quantity of food on my plate and slowly ate with the others.

We ate in silence as no one said a word for a while before Jessica spoke up. “It’s my birthday next week, I hope you can come.” She directed those words to Eric, who smiled at her but didn’t say a word.

“Say something, hope you are coming.” She murmured like a child. “Of course I will be there, where are you celebrating it.” Eric asked while taking a spoon of food into his mouth and chewed slowly.

I stared at him chewing and realized he was a well-trained and disciplined man.

“I want to use the Loki hotel hall.” she whispered nervously while staring at Eric who had no expression on his face. “Can I use it?” she asked almost like a plead while staring at Eric with a pitiful look and I could swear she was different from the girl who was throwing words at me.

“You know there is nothing you ask for that I won’t give you.”’ Eric muttered those words firmly. “Thank you, you are the best.” She giggled happily, stood up from her chair, and hugged Eric slightly from the shoulder.

She smiled at everyone and even me before taking her seat.

“You spoil this girl too much.” His aunt grumbled with a big frown on her face, Which made Jessica scoff and say, “Please, mother, let me enjoy him now that he isn’t married and has no child.” she mumbled while rolling her eyes at her mother.

“Married or not, I will always see to your needs.” He declared those words as an assurance to her and went back to his food.

“Loki hotel.” I whispered to myself.

That name sounds familiar, and I knew I must have heard that name from somewhere.

“If you are not hungry, then you should stop eating, instead of playing with the food.” Eric’s voice took me out from my thoughts. I looked down at my plate and realized I was actually playing with the food on my plate. ”Apologies.” I mumbled and started eating. Eric stared at me for a while and went back to his food.

We ate for a bit until we were all through. “Thanks for the meal.” I thanked, standing up to my feet. “It’s okay, my dear, I should be the one thanking you for accepting our invitation.” She smiled warmly at me, and I wondered where Eric must have gotten his cold-blooded spirit from.

We left the dining table and all sat on the couch in the sitting room. “I think we should start leaving.” Eric said, while standing to his feet,

“Give me a minute with Victoria.” his aunt spoke up, but Eric nervously declined, “It’s late aunt, you guys could talk some other time.” He suggested, and I wondered why he was nervous. “Let’s go, my dear.” His aunt ignored him and I followed her upstairs.

“Please come in.” She opened a door and we both went in. When I stepped into the room, I exclaimed in awe because it was bigger than my flat, beautifully designed and all the furniture was in the right places. “Please sit.” His aunt muttered those words again when she noticed I was still standing by the door.

I smiled at her and sat on the couch, while she smiled and sat beside me.

“You must be wondering why I called you here.” She said, while I just nodded my head as a response.

She smiled at me before speaking , “When I heard Eric had finally found his mate I was delighted to meet you, and had so many expectations from you, and I’m glad you match up to my expectations. Meeting you, I knew the moon goddess selected you perfectly for my Eric.” She smiled warmly at me and continued. ”Ever since Eric turned eighteen, it has been my prayer that he find his mate. It took long, but seeing you I knew the wait was worth it.” she moved closer to me, took my two hands in her hand and said, “I beg you, Victoria…” I did not let her finish her words before cutting in.

“What are you doing, aunt.” I asked, surprised. “Allow me to finish.” She pleaded with a warm smile.

“Please, Victoria, stay with him.” she begged. “I know he might not be treating you in a way he should, but I promise you that he will definitely come around because I already see his love for you in his eyes.” She spoke firmly.

“Love for me?” I asked in doubt.

Eric could never love me. Whatever his aunt saw in his eyes was the desire to have my body and nothing else.

“Yes, I know you won’t believe it now, but I took care of Eric, I raised him up, he is my son and a mother knows her child more than anyone else.” she expressed those words like she was so sure of it.

I shook my head in disbelief, but did not say a word.

“Just be patient with him, please?”, she pleaded. “Give him sometime, and he will come around, I beg you.”

I stared at her and wondered why she was saying all this. Eric and I are completely different people and I know things will never work between us, and besides, I love someone else.

“Promise me you will give him some time”. She asked almost like a plead,

I stared at her and saw the sincerity in her and had no option than to nod my head at her in agreement.

“Thank you.” She flashed me a big smile and hugged me slightly.

“You are a nice girl Victoria, Eric’s dad was right when he told me you reminded him of his late wife, my sister.” She smiled warmly at me before getting up to her feet.

“Let’s go, I believe Eric must be in anxiety by now, wondering what we might be discussing.” She said, while we both chuckled and left the room.

We got downstairs and I felt Eric’s curious eyes on me, and it really made me uncomfortable. “Hope to see you again.” Jessica said with a smile on her face and gave me a tight hug. “Once again, I apologize for what I said earlier.” she whispered in my left ear and moved away from me.

“See you some other time.” Eric’s father smiled at me before walking away.

“Let’s go.” Eric growled and walked away while I walked behind him. Sensing the mood, I knew he had a fight with his father because I could notice he was angry and in a different mood.

We got into the car, and he drove off at full speed. With panic, I put on my seat belt and calmed myself down, but it wasn’t helping. He was driving at a very high speed and out of control.

“Slow down.” I pleaded, But he ignored me and increased the speed. “Slow down.” I yelled and tried controlling my breath while I practiced all the doctors had told me to do whenever I’m in such an attack or panic.

He ignored me and kept driving at high speed, and luckily for me, the distance wasn’t a far one. Within a few minutes, we were in front of my apartment.

With my heart panting with fear, I closed my eyes and sucked a deep breath to calm myself when I heard his voice. “You can leave, we are in your house.” He said with a groan, totally ignoring my uneasiness. Those words from him made anger run through my blood and increased my hatred for him. He gave me a panic attack and almost killed me, and acted like nothing was wrong.

“Are you deaf, I said, leave…” I did not let him finish his words when I lifted my hand and slapped him hard on the cheek.

He stared at me with anger and I noticed the colors of his eyes were darker, but I did not care.

“What did you just do?” he asked, while gritting his teeth.

“Never in my life.” I yelled in anger and sucked in a deep breath. “I don’t want to ever see you in my life.” I uttered those words in anger and hurried out of the car.

I went to my flat, opened the door and quickly went inside.

I scrambled to my drawer, took out my drugs and took out two tablets of the medicine and drank it with water.

Panting heavily, I lay on my bed with my back and tried to calm down my nerves. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before opening them.

I touched my chest and noticed I was breathing normally again. “Fuck you Eric”. I yelled in anger. I almost had a panic attack because of him, and he wasn’t bothered about it, not even a bit.

Few minutes later, I tried to get some sleep, but just then I noticed my phone was ringing. I checked the caller and noticed it was Kelvin calling. I smiled and picked up the call,

“Are you back ?”. I asked,

“Yes, how are you ?” he asked with so much care in his voice that I wondered why I wasn’t fortunate to be his mate. “I’m fine.” I murmured.

“You don’t sound fine to me, is everything okay?” He inquired with so much curiosity in his voice.

“Yes I’m fine.” I assured him, but then a thought came to my head. Kelvin and DOM Tim knew each other, so he must definitely know something about DOM Tim. “Can I ask you something?” I asked.

“What is it, is there a problem.” He asked. “No, everything is fine, I just want to get a little information about DOM Tim from you.”

“DOM Tim?” He asked,

“Yes, at least can you tell me his name.”? I pleaded.

He kept silent for a while before speaking, “Why do you want to know about him.” He asked, “Just tell me Kelvin, it’s really important.” I pleaded.

He did not say a word for a while before he spoke up, “I’ll be going to a friend’s birthday party tomorrow. Come with me. We can talk about it over there.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

I thought for a while and agreed to go with him because I will be working on the morning shift tomorrow.

“So I’ll come pick you up by 7pm.” “Alright, that will be fine by me.” I responded.

“Alright, have a good night rest.”

“You too.” I replied and ended the call,

I kept the phone back beside me and giggled happily at myself because I can’t wait for tomorrow to come.

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