REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 128 DNA result

Victoria’s POV

I opened my eyes and met eyes with Eric. I could clearly see the fear and shock in his eyes, but he quickly wiped it off.

Awkwardly, I moved my gaze away from him and sat on the bed as I stared around, searching for nurse Agnes, but she was nowhere in the room.

I stood up from the bed, walked into the bathroom, relieved myself and stood in front of the mirror.

I knew I had a dream, but I just couldn’t remember what it was. It felt like the dream was some part of my lost memory, but I couldn’t remember a thing about it.

Sighing heavily, I washed my face in the sink, brushed my hair and went back to the room.

I made eyes with Eric but quickly looked away, the anger I had a few hours ago was all gone, but I knew I was still angry with him, but I didn’t know the reason for it.

I sat on the bed while he sat on the chair beside me, and none of us said a word to each other until he spoke up. “I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did, I was just jealous and protective.” he spoke with so much sincerity in his voice.

I heard him, but couldn’t say a word to him. I knew I overreacted, I shouldn’t have asked him to leave like that, but I couldn’t form words out of my lips.

We sat there in an awkward silence until he spoke up again. “I’m sorry.” He apologized again.

I stared at him and noticed he wasn’t used to apologizing to people, so all this was new to him. “I promise it will never happen again.” he said those words sincerely, stood on his feet, walked up to me and gave me a tight hug with my head on his chest.

I exclaimed in relief at the warmth coming from his body. I felt so comfortable with his warmth that I wish we stayed this way for a long time, which we did.

He ran his fingers through my hair for a while before he cupped both my cheeks with his two hands and placed a soft, tender kiss on my lips.

“I love you.” he muttered those words in-between the kiss.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

I felt my heartbeat increase the moment I heard those words from him, and I did not know what to say to him.

He broke the kiss and placed kisses on my cheek, face, and forehead before moving away. I stared at him and noticed the color of his eyes was getting darker, but he quickly moved his gaze away from me and made an animal-like sound that was really strange.

“Are you okay.” I asked, curious. He nodded his head with his eyes away from me.

“I need to use the restroom.” he did not let those words leave his mouth before he hurried into the bathroom and closed the door.

I stared at the bathroom door and wondered what was actually wrong with him and how on earth could he make such a sound.

Alpha Eric’s POV

I scrambled into the bathroom, and stared into the mirror.

The color of my eyes was darker, and I knew Victoria saw it.

Sighing heavily, I closed my eyes and tried to keep my wolf at bay, but he kept whimpering in discomfort because of the touch of his mate, which made me groan and opened my eyes.

“Stay calm.” I ordered, but he ignored me and kept whimpering for his mate.

I groaned in frustration, closed my eyes back and did everything possible to keep him at bay, and this time I was successful.

I sucked a deep breath, opened my eyes and realized the color of my eyes was back to its normal color of green shades.

Quickly, I washed my face and made sure everything was okay before I left the bathroom. I got back to the room and noticed Victoria’s curious eyes on me.” Are you okay.” she asked while holding gaze with me.

“Yeah.” I flashed her a half smile, which she did not return. I stood at a corner in the room and rested my back on the wall while staring at her.

She made eyes with me and quickly looked away. I chuckled at her childish behavior before speaking up, “Let’s go out,”

She smiled at me and quickly stood up from the bed, “I thought you wouldn’t ask.” she frowned playfully at me and hurriedly put on her shoes.

She grabbed her jacket and stood before me with a big smile on her face. “I’m ready.” she giggled happily.

I chuckled at her behavior and walked to the door. When I got to the door, I opened it, and she walked out of the room before I followed her out.

We entered my car, I put on the engine and drove out. “Where are we going?” she asked.

“I have no idea. Where do you want to go,” I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, “I can’t remember any place here, so just take me anywhere” she suggested.


I know the city of Australia a little, since I am always here for business meetings and deals.

I drove for a while until I got to the park. Luckily, not many people were there.

“I love places like this.” she giggled happily like a kid and jumped out of the car.

I smiled at her behavior, walked her up to the gate and paid for our tickets. We got into the pack and walked around while Victoria kept giggling happily like a kid.

I brought two cups of ice cream, although I don’t lick ice cream, but I have to lick with her, so she won’t trouble me with questions.

We sat in a quiet spot under the tree and watched children playing on the merry-go-round with other toys.

I noticed Victoria fixed her gaze at the kids with so much smile on her face, but suddenly, I saw a teardrop on her cheek and she didn’t bother to wipe it off.

“Are you okay?” I asked, concerned.

She took a deep breath and nodded her head at me, still staring at the children on the field.

Victoria’s POV

I couldn’t stop the tears from falling down on my cheeks as I watched the kids having a great time with their parents.

Watching them, I wished my childhood was like this, I wish dad were the caring father I wanted him to be. I wish he was the perfect father and husband to I and Mom.

“Hey, you are crying.” I felt Eric’s warm fingertips on my cheek. He cupped my face with his two hands and made me stare directly into his eyes, “What’s wrong, he asked, worried.

I sniffled and took a deep breath to compose myself. “Nothing, I just wish my childhood was like this.” I murmured to myself.

He moved closer to me and made me rest my head on his shoulder. “Do you wanna talk about it?” he asked,

hearing those words from him, I realized I hadn’t told him about my childhood and I marveled why. ”I never told you about my childhood?” I asked,

He was quiet for a while before he spoke up, “You never did, but you can tell me now.” hearing those words from him, I found it really strange. How could I have a boyfriend and I did not tell him about my painful childhood memories? It was strange, really strange.

“It’s okay if you don’t wanna talk about it.” He assured me.

“No, let’s talk about it.” I took a deep breath and thought of how to begin my story. “Dad became an alcoholic after losing his job, mom was the one taking care of the bills, we had little food to eat on the table while dad kept taking loans and spent it on drinks and drugs.” I murmured and held back the tears that threatened to fall on my cheek.

“At the age of twelve, dad died, leaving mom with all his debt to pay. Mom later found out he used the house as a collateral for his loans, which she never knew about.” I mumbled and closed my eyes as those painful memories flashed in my head.

“Mom became sick three years later due to high blood pressure and stress, and she couldn’t make it, so she died, leaving the debt for me to pay.” I gulped in pain and wiped the tears from my eyes.

“It’s okay.” he whispered into my ears.

“I went to stay with my aunt and took up many jobs, so I could pay up the debt, but I don’t think I was able to meet the deadline because I can’t remember what happened.” I murmured, took a deep breath and shook off the pain I was feeling in my heart.

After saying all I had to say, he raised my head and made me stare directly into his eyes.

“It’s okay. I’m here now, I’ll give you all the things you never had, all you just have to do is to mention them to me, and they will be all yours.” he muttered those words as a vow and gave me a tight hug.

“I’m sorry for what you went through, I can’t wipe off those painful memories, but I promise to imprint new memories on you, memories that will never make you cry, and that’s a promise from me to you.” he mumbled those words to my hearing as a promise.

Alpha Eric’s POV

I pulled her to myself and placed kisses on her neck and lay her head on my shoulder.

Hearing those tragic words from her, my heart clenched in pain and I wanted to do everything that would make her happy and forget this painful past.

I wished to take the suffering and sorrow from her and give her nothing but real joy.

We sat in that position for a long time, both in deep thoughts, until she finally spoke up, “Tell me what your childhood was like.” she asked, curious and eager to know more about me.

Her question made me suck a deep breath as I worried about what I should say or not say to her. My childhood wasn’t like hers, but it was tiring like hell.

My childhood and teenage life were filled with training and training. Since I was going to be an alpha at the age of eighteen, dad did not give me much time for myself. Not that I even wanted it.

When I lost my mom, I shut everything down in me and decided to focus on my training and nothing else.

“I’m waiting.” her voice took me back from my thoughts. I kissed her forehead before speaking, “There is nothing fun about my childhood.” I murmured, “Although my dad was a caring father who was there whenever I needed him, I did not go out to play in the pack or play games like most kids.” I announced with a weak smile.

She took off her head from my shoulder and stared directly into my eyes, which made my wolf whimper in satisfaction.

“Why did you not go out and play like the other kids,” she asked

I took a deep breath, and wondered how I was going to tell her that I was involved with training sessions that wouldn’t let me go out. “I lost my mom at a tender age, so I decided to stay away from people.”

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered with care. I chuckled and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “I’m fine,” I assured her.

She nodded her head and lay back on my shoulder. We stayed for a while until I decided it was time I took her back to the hospital.

We stood up, walked back to my car with my hand in hers.

We got into the car and I drove back to the hospital.

“So you don’t have siblings” she asked curiously, “No, I don’t have siblings, but I have a beautiful cousin who is like a younger sister to me.”

“Lucky you.” she smiled at me and looked out the window.

We drove in silence until we got to the hospital. I took her back to her room, where nurse Agnes was already waiting for us.

“I’ll be back, give me a minute.” I kissed her cheek and left the room for the doctor’s office.

I went to the doctor’s office, sat on the visitor’s chair and waited for him to finish reading through her file. “She can be discharged tomorrow.” he announced.

Hearing those words from him, a sigh of relief escaped my lips.

He took out another file from his drawer and handed it over to me, “That’s the result of the DNA test.”

I stared at the result in his hand and was having double thought of taking it.

For strange reasons, I was finding it hard to know what was inside the file, it felt like I already knew the outcome of the result.

“What does it say?” I asked without taking the results from the doctor.

“Why don’t you check it out yourself.” He suggested, but I shook my head, “Just tell me what’s inside.” I demanded, scared.

The doctor stared at me for a while before he spoke up, “The child is yours.” He announced. I wasn’t shocked or surprised by his words, it felt like I was expecting such answers from him.

“Have it.” he handed the result to me, which I took.

“Thank you.” I murmured, stood to my feet and left.

I was supposed to go back to Victoria’s room, but I couldn’t go back, not when I was in such a mood.

I went back to my car, dropped the result on the back seat and stood beside my car with so many thoughts in my head.

Having a child with Sophie was a big mistake because I knew Sophie and she was never a mother figure.

Frustrated, I ran my fingers through my hair and thought of what to do. I was in a big mess, a really big mess.

How do I tell this to dad, or how do I explain to Victoria that I was sleeping with another woman? She hasn’t gotten her memory back, so it would be hard to explain things to her.

Sighing heavily, I took my phone from my pocket and dialed a number, which was picked up after a few beeps.

“Any updates?” I asked.

“Yes alpha.”

” Tell me.” I pleaded,

“She has someone who supplies hard drugs to her. I think she is on drugs,” he announced.

“Shit.” I sighed heavily and ran my fingers through my hair.

I knew Sophie was a wild girl, which was also one of the reasons I was attracted to her, but I never imagined she could get herself involved with drugs.

“Keep your eyes on her and tell me if she visits any place or if anyone comes visiting her. I muttered and ended the call.

Sophie being involved in drugs was something I didn’t imagine. She was a mother and our baby was just a year and a few months old, yet she was taking hard drugs.

I shook my head in anger and worried why Sophie decided to show herself now, why didn’t she show herself when she was pregnant or why didn’t she show herself when she had just given birth to the baby, but rather she decided to show up when the baby had passed a year old.

I know Sophie, and I know her revealing this news to me was a plan. She had a plan, and I wondered what it was.

I knew I needed to find this child and take him away from her. At least now, I have a good reason to take the child away from her. She was on drugs and I could easily beat her in court, but where do I find this baby.

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