Pregnant For The Royal Prince



“COME on man, my sister is still in their custody, and we are yet to do something”, Amaya shouted, slightly angry.

He was standing and facing the wall while Priest and Sikes sat on the couch, sipping wine.

The duo sitting on the couch glanced at themselves and back to him.

“Alright, your sister is still in their custody. Amaya, you have been saying that for days now, if you think it’s that easy and possible, why not go this yourself?”, Sikes asked.

Amaya slowly turned to look at him. Was he really saying that?

“Look man, it’s really a difficult thing to do. Raghav is not an ordinary person to just launch an attack on him like that, he is fortified”, Priest said trying to calm the situation.

“And so?”, Amaya thundered.

Priest became totally dumbfounded, Sikes glanced at them and sarcastically laughed out.

“Seems you are still not getting this Amaya, we have to settle down and think of some best way to do this”, Priest said.

“Then let’s go on with the thinking now, let’s go on”, he said, clapping his hands.

The door opened and the rest of the gang entered, Spider and Dylan. They walked up to the couch and sat.

“Welcome man”, Priest and Sikes said in unison.

They smiled.

“Thanks bro”, Dylan said taking out a packet of cigarette from his trousers.

Spider glanced at Amaya who stood facing the wall, and obviously peeved. Then he turned to the other two.

“What’s wrong with him?”, he asked.

“Still angry we haven’t done anything yet concerning his request”, Sikes said.

“Oh!”, Spider exclaimed and smiled.

“Come off it Amaya, don’t think we are doing nothing, we are actually planning something”, he said and Amaya slowly turned to him.

“Really?”, he asked.

“Yeah, don’t get yourself worked up over that”, it was Dylan who spoke this time.

“Alright man, we have a plan”, he said.

Amaya’s eyes beamed with joy, really?

“Come on bro, cheer up. We have always got your back you know, I told you”, Priest said and took one of the empty glasses on the table and filled it with wine.

“Come have a drink”, he said to him.

Amaya sighed and walked to them, accepted the glass and sat down.

“I’m so grateful to you all, so grateful”, he said.

“Looking out for each other is our priority”, Dylan said and they bursted into laughter.


Zaina sighed as she gave up calling Rina one more time, she had hung up because she was now squealing on the phone, chattering over their night, come on, she had just wanted Rina to spill it.

She sighed and sat up on bed, anyway, it seems Rina wasn’t obviously ready to talk about it, she gave up.

She was about jumping down the bed when the phone rang out, making her jerk backwards, thinking it was her.

She picked up the phone and to her disappointment, it wasn’t Rina, it was Zashil. She rolled her eyes and answered the call.

“Hi, morning”, she muttered.

Zashil exhaled deeply.

“Come on baby, don’t tell me you are still angry with me because of that pest”, he said.

“I obviously am Zashil, anything bad can happen to me, if she ever have the chance to”, she said.

“You are right anyway, but come on, you should know me by now”.

She laughed.

“Unfortunately I don’t”, she rolled her eyes.

“Oh come off it baby, come off it”, he said.

“Go to Naavya, she’s your baby, not me”, she shouted into the phone.

“Babe?”, he called.

“Don’t babe me please. I’m Zaina, not babe, I’m a grown woman”, she hissed.

“My gee! Babe stop this, stop please”, he winced.

She rolled her eyes and exhaled deeply, folding her arms.

“Okay fine, what do you want?”, she asked.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

She heard him sighed.

“I want us back together again, back to the normal way we have always been, please”, he pleaded.

“Us? Was there ever an ‘us’? There is no us”, she said, pulling up a surprise face.

He winced.

“Oh come on Zaina stop this. I’m not joking, I want us back together just as before”.

“Christ!”, she lowly exclaimed and stiffened a laugh.

“Are you sure Maharana?”, she asked.

“Holy Moses! The hell I am, damn serious baby, come on”.

She snorted.

“Fine, to have us back, I need you to do one thing”, she licked her lips.

He exhaled into the phone.

“Alright fine, one thing. What’s that?”, he asked.

“All I need you do is to tell her off, tell her to stop pestering us. Naavya was your past and should remain so. The present is me, me, Zaina”, she stressed.

“Alright, great, good. I will”, he said.

Her face broke into a little smile, then it deepened, with each passing minute.

“Okay, till then”, she made to hang up.

“Oh no, not too fast”, he halted her.

“Ohhh crap! What again?”.

“Don’t be too fast baby. Well, resend me the text she had sent, and the record of the call you both had together, just send them to me now”, he said.

Huh? She sat up.

“I should what? What do you need them for?”.

“My gee, don’t tell me you weren’t listening to me the very last time we spoke. I asked you never to delete them, didn’t I?”, he asked.

“Oh yes, you did. Well, I will send them right away”, she said.

“Ugh… ba…”.

“I said I’m gonna send them right now”, she interrupted and hung up.

He called back but she ignored it and got down the bed, then dashed into the bathroom.


“Come on mom, I said I’m doing great. I’m just fine”, Rina said into the phone as she shrugged her shoulders.

She was standing at the balcony, leaning on the rails as she spoke into the phone, with her mother.

“I know why I am asking this Rin, it’s been like two days now since you left the hospital for the palace, and I haven’t really spoken with you, or even seen you”, Selena complained over the phone.

Rina sighed and bent over the rails, placing her both elbows on it. For like thirty minutes now, she had been trying how best to tell her mom that she was okay, but trust mothers, she just wouldn’t rest until she sees her.

“Mother, I am fine, perfectly alright now. Come on, I’m good”, she bit her lower lips.

“Alright, if you are good, when am I getting to see my baby then?”, Selena asked.

“Ugh…”, she paused and laughed so hard into the phone, getting her mother stupefied.

“What’s funny?”, she asked.

“Nothing, absolutely nothing”, she replied, shaking her head sideways and still laughing.


“Once I leave here mother, trust me you would be the first person to see me”, she said.

Selena sighed so deeply. Well, she gave up. Rina said she was definitely gonna see her right, so it’s up to her now.

“Where is Maharana by the way?”, she asked.

“Ugh…”, Selena cut her short.

“I need to speak with him, and get to know the reason why he took my daughter away from me for days, without letting me set my eyes on her. I need to know why the hell he abducted you”, she talked non stop.

Rina bursted into laughter, laughing so hard.

“Mom?”, she called.

“Yes daughter, he abducted you”, she said.

“No he didn’t, he only took care of me”, she said and stopped laughing.

“Okay then, if you say so. So where is he?”.

“Ahhh, he is not yet back from the office”, she splayed her free hand on her forehead.

“Hmm, ok then. I will be expecting to see you soon”.

“Sure”, she replied, nodding her head like her mom could see her.

She hung up. Rina sighed and stood straight, looking into the phone. She heaved a sigh and made to turn, when the phone rang out again, startling her.

She looked into it, it was Prisha.

“Oh! Everyone calling huh”, she smiled and placed the phone on her right ear, answering the call.

“Greetings Your Grace”, she said, looking down the balcony.

“Hi Rina, namaste. How are you doing? Sorry I’m just getting to talk with you since the attack, I’ve been busy with school work”, Prisha’s tiny voice spoke.

Rina’s smile deepened.

“I’m very much better now my princess, I’m fine. The prince really took care of me”, she shrugged her shoulders.

“Oh, really? Well he ought to, because if he doesn’t, we might end up fighting”, she said.

“Huh?”, she mouthed and bursted into laughter. Prisha. Prisha most times talk like an adult.

“Well Princess Prisha, I think there is no need for that. He is actually taking care of me”, she said, trying to suppress the laugh.

“Okay. So I heard everything like I said, and I’m so sorry it’s coming from the prince’s betrothed, so sorry. Don’t take it personal please”, she pleaded.

Huh? Rina was taken aback. Was the princess really pleading? She was damn sure her cheeks were actually turning red, she knew.

“Aww Princess Prisha, it’s okay, it’s fine”, she said mildly.

“Promise you won’t take it personal”, she said.

Ugh… she rolled her eyes. Why would she take it personal? Vidya of all people, is that one someone? Besides, she doesn’t even know how to fight for a man, she heaved a sigh.

“My Princess, I am not taking it personal, okay?”.

“Alright”, she heard her chuckled.

“Um, so how is school?”.

“Very much fine, though it’s stressful just as expected, but it isn’t weighing me down. I’m fine”, she assured.

Rina shrugged and leaned back on the rails with her elbows.

“Okay my Princess, it’s all good”.

“Take care of Maharana for me, I love you Aunt Rina”.

“What!”, Rina gasped, removing the phone from her ears to prevent Prisha from hearing her.

The Princess just called her aunt? Yes, she did. And did she just say she loves her? God! She took a breathe in, and then exhaled deeply.

“Are you there Rina?”, Prisha jolted her back to reality.

She rolled her eyes.

“Ugh… yeah. Yes My Princess, I’m here. Thanks”, she gushed.

Prisha chuckled.

“Thanks? For what?”.

“For the love, for loving me”, she said and swallowed hard.

Prisha laughed.

“Oh, you deserve it Rina. You really deserve it. So, I beg to take my leave, I need to get back to the hostel”.

“Alright, thanks for calling”.

“You are highly welcome”, she replied and hung up.

“Hmmmm”, Rina heaved and stood straight, smiling and looking into the phone.

“Hi babes”, a voice from the door startled her and she abruptly looked up. It was Raghav, her smile deepened.

“My Prince”, she squealed and ran up to him, wrapping her arms around him and they hugged.

“Baby? Missed me?”, he asked and pecked her on the forehead.

“Ugh… ugh”, she said and shook her head in the negation.

He laughed.

“Come on, you did, I know you did”, he said and kissed her and they walked up to the round table at the far end of the balcony and sat.

She chuckled.

“How was your day?”, she asked and hugged him again.

“Good, missed you though”, he winked.

“You are sweating, why not go in and take off the office wear”, she said.

“Ugh…”, he growled and she nodded, pouting.

“Just do it now, wouldn’t take up to four minutes baby, come on”, she nudged him and he heaved.

“Okay”, he said and got up, heading for the door when his business phone which he had dropped on the table, rang out, dragging him back.

He sighed and picked up the phone, peeking into it. It was May, his secretary from the hospital at New York. What does she wants now?

He answered the call, placing the phone on his ear and walking into the room. Rina watched him, her face full of smiles.

“Yes?”, she heard him speak as he entered.

She heaved a sigh and turned to her phone, surfing the net when a maid strolled in from the only entrance, the door leading to the room.

She carried with her a tray filled with fruits, and a smaller plate of cutleries.

“Good evening ma’am”, the maid genuflected, greeting as she placed the tray on the table.

Rina watched her.

“Who sent you?”, she asked.

“His Grace ma’am”, she replied.

“Oh, you may go”, she said and she quietly walked away.

Rina turned to the fruits and exhaled, well, she thinks she needs it anyway. She dropped her phone and picked up a an apple and a knife.

She was still cutting it in two when Raghav walked in, now wearing casuals. She looked up at him and noticed a frown on his face. Jeez! Who must have called?

She waited for him to sit down, then she spoke up.

“Who was that babe?”, she asked.


“The person who called. You are frowning”, she said and he subconsciously adjusted his face, trying to look calm.

“Well, it’s really nothing to worry about”, he said and dropped the phone.

She dropped the contents in her hands and turned to him fully.

“Are you keeping something away from me?”, she asked, her eyes glistening.

Raghav looked straight into her eyes and didn’t realize when he melted away.

“Well Rina, it’s just a patient who wants no other doctor except me to attend to him, and I’m fully not in the mood for that”, he said.

“Huh? What’s there if you attend to him?”, she asked and he looked at her, gobsmacked.

“It’s not here Rina, at New York. Gosh! If he doesn’t want any other doctor to attend to him, then I think he gonna rot away”, he muttered.

“Babe?”, she called, shouting. Her eyes were widened in shock.

Raghav on his own part flinched, he wasn’t expecting this drama from her. Why is she so kind up to the detriment of herself huh? Doesn’t she realize he had planned on spending the rest of the week with her? Going to New York or any other far place wasn’t in his agenda at all for now, he had just wanted to spend time with his lady.

“Come on babe, do this, for me”, she pleaded and took his hands in hers.

He withdrew his hands.

“Why are you sounding like this? This is going to bring an abrupt end to our supposed vacation”, he said.

“I don’t care”, she blurted.

His eyes widened.

“What! Rina! Okay fine”, he sighed deeply, “you are hurting me now”, he said.

“Huh? Hurt you how?”.

“Choosing the patient over me, it’s hurting”.

She snorted.

“Come on Raghav, don’t talk like this. This is life we are talking about here. You might not know why the patient has said he wanted only you to attend to him”, she pouted her lips.

He scoffed, saying nothing and looking straight into her eyes. Well, as far as he was concerned, Rina was an angel, an angel to all.

“Alright fine, I will do it”.

She lit up, as her face broke into smiles.

“Oh really? You will?”, she took his hands again and kissed the back of his palms.

He chuckled as he watched her, then he wrapped his arms around her.

“Anything that would make you happy babe”.

“God bless you Raghav”.

“I will be leaving tomorrow morning, let me put a call to them straight away, because I have already told them I never would come”, he said.

“And you gonna drop me off at the house as you leave, you don’t expect me locked in here till you return, besides I need to resume my new school soon you know?”, she winked.

He laughed and smooched his lips on hers.

“I know”, he said and turned to pick up his phone.

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