Pregnant For The Royal Prince


THE remote control made a loud noise as it crashlanded on the tiled floor at the far end, making Ava, the maid rush out of the kitchen into the living room.

She was stunned as she saw Vidya sitted on the floor and bent over the couch, if she was whimpering or crying, she didn’t know.

Ava looked around the sitting room and gasped, everywhere was messy. Huh? What has Vidya done?

The center table had already been turned upside down, the flowers which were neatly arranged on it were all strewn all over the floor, the pillows on the couches were all scattered, not to talk of the remote control which she had tossed away.

Ava gasped again, she hadn’t the courage to scream out else, she would be among the items scattered all over the living room within a twinkle of an eye.

?: It was nice having you on the studio Miss Bella Minner.

The television was on, and the presenter of the show going on announced, making Ava turn towards it.

There on the screen was a slim beautiful lady, Ava looked well and oh! It was Bellarmine, the latest model in vogue.

?: Thanks so much for hosting me, I so much appreciate.

It was the model who spoke as she shook hands with the show presenter, then instantly, an ad came in.

Ava turned to the lady on the floor, without a second thought, she turned and stealthily left the room, hoping not to have disturbed her.

“Ahhhhh!”, Vidya finally let out a shout and got up, searched for her phone and picked it up from where she had left it, then walked out the living room, outside into the garden.

She immediately rang Roshni and asked her to come over instantly. Then she sat down on one of the plastic chairs in the garden and waited impatiently for her, her emotions already cracked.

My gee, so this was why Raghav hasn’t much as steal a glance at her at the dinner party, or even say ‘hi’? This? Because of Bellarmine? Goodness!

Besides, he had also told her she never levels up to the kinda ladies that enthralls and grabs his attention right? Well, cool, this was the kinda ladies, celebrities?

Crap! She just couldn’t wait for Roshni to arrive, so they could put their heads together and reason this out, she just couldn’t fathom losing Raghav to that idiot from New York, she can’t.

Thirty minutes after placing a call to her, she arrived.

The garden was in no hiding place, so she was fast to spot Vidya sitted there. She walked up to her.

“Hi Vidya, what’s up?”, she asked and collapsed into the other plastic seat opposite her.

“What? Bad luck”, she blurted.

Roshni furrowed her brows.

“Huh? What do you mean?”.

“What do I do Roshni? Just found out the bitch stealing Raghav from me, what do I do?”, she cried.

Roshni swallowed hard.

“Okay, okay. Calm down, and let’s work this out with clear heads”, she nudged her.

“Jeez! My head can only be cleared when this whole thing is settled”, she shouted, startling Roshni.

“Ugh, fine… fine. Settle it yourself with an unclear head”, she said shoving her seat back.

Vidya instantly went weak, and calmed down.

“Okay, fine. Let’s do this”, she said.

Roshni sighed.

“First, how do you know she’s the one? And who’s this lady?”, she asked.

“Bellarmine, the latest model from New York”, she blurted.

“What! How did you get to know?”, she asked with her eyes widely opened.

“On the media Roshni, on the media. Celebrities’ Deals Live Interview interviewed her just few minutes ago, she said they are in love, goodness! Reference made to her update on her social media handle”, she explained.

Huh? Roshni was more than surprised, she was astonished and all she could do was just stare at Vidya with eyes and mouth wide opened.

“Aren’t you saying anything?”, Vidya snapped her out of her thoughts.

“Oh, oh. Sorry I was… thinking. Like how?”, she asked.

“I don’t know, and that’s why I’ve called you here to help me out”.

“Hmmm”, she heaved a sigh. “Simple, she’s a celebrity…”, she paused.

“Yes, and so?”, Vidya asked.

“Recall that the prince had told you about the kinda ladies that enthralls him and something like that, right?”.

“Yeah”, she nodded.

“It’s obvious then, he’s interested in celebrities”.

“So, what next? I’m talking about how to get her out of the way, not about the kinda ladies that enthralls him”, she complained.

“Then, go for it”.


“Get yourself together, think of what to do, and join in the celebrity world. Come on, you get to be that boss lady he wants, with guards and maids hovering around you, this gonna get the prince’s attention “, she winked.

Vidya kept mute for a while, staring at her and assimilating what she had just said.

It really did made sense anyway, yes, she could possibly get on there, mix up in the celebrity world and become noticed, famous, popular, just like every other celebrity. Wow!

She shouted out, clapping her hands and grinning from ear to ear.

“Bravo! Great talk, for once you’ve been useful”, she gushed even before she could stop herself.

Roshni’s countenance fell, what kinda thing was that for her to say?

“Vidya, what was that?”, she asked.

That was when Vidya noticed she wasn’t happy because of what she said, then tried to make amends.

“It was my bad, I always say silly things whenever I’m over excited, don’t mind me”.

Roshni scoffed.

“I’m serious, infact what I said actually meant you are useful, like you said something reasonable”, she laughed.


“Come on Roshni, come on. Let’s continue please”, she digressed.

Roshni sighed.

“So, what exactly are you interested in doing?”, she asked.

Vidya adjusted on her seat.

“Well, I love dancing you know, I…”.

“Dancing?”, Roshni laughed out, interrupting.

Vidya looked at her inquiringly.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, but you know aren’t good at it”, she was still laughing.

“Oh please, it’s what I want, not you. I’m going for dancing and that’s final”, she said making a face.

“Alright, final. So, how you gonna do about it?”.

“I will have to inform mom, then also the queen, so she could help out in whenever she’s needed”.

“Wait, I hope you aren’t telling her you are doing it because of her son, I mean the queen?”.

“Oops, am I a dunce? I’m not telling her, I only need her help. Getting into one of those dancing schools requires a lot process, the queen can help me make it faster, and also to get to limelight within weeks”, she clicked her fingers.

Roshni laughed.

“Weeks? Not even months?”.

“Come on, I really need to be famous, a famous dancer, how do you see that?”, she asked laughing.

Roshni laughed too, nodding her head.

“Good”, she replied reluctantly, even though she knew how bad she was in dancing.

“Woah, minutes ago I was so peeved, now I’m happy. Thanks so much Roshni, you are really a friend”, she said.

She nodded smiling.

“You are welcome, it’s my pleasure helping you out on these things”.

She laughed.

“Crap! I can’t wait for mom to be back, so I can tell her my new plans”.

“Yeah, that’s true. You didn’t offer me anything”, she complained, spreading out her arms.

“Oh, my bad. When I was busy fuming and ranting”, she got up.

“Why won’t you? Let’s just go in”, she shoved her seat backwards.

“Uh, no”.

“What?”.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don’t bother, the house is presently in a mess, I had done that in my state of anger, just sit here while I get Ava”, she said.

“Okay, fine”, she sat back.




Amaya rushed into the old house with all the speed he could muster, kicking on the old door to let him in.

“Davida… Davida”, he shouted as he ran into the rooms searching for her, he couldn’t find her.

He came out again to the living room and began pacing about. Crap! Let it not be true. Someone has just told him he saw his sister leaving, like she was going back to the house as she had said she would.

“Crap!”, he shouted as he splayed his right hand on his face.

Hold on, how sure was he first? He began another search, this time around not for Davida, but for any paper or letter which she must have left behind.

He scattered all over the house, but he saw nothing. Jeez, let this not be true.

Suddenly he remembered his phone and tried calling her, it wasn’t picked. It was at the third ring that it was picked and it wasn’t her voice he heard, he instantly cut the call and turned off the phone.

With a rush, he ran into the room and within few minutes, he was out, dressed in a black hoodie and carrying with him a suitcase.

He took a last look around the house, shook his head and rushed out.




Raghav sat in the garden behind the palace building working on his laptop, he was working from home.

He had already returned from New York few hours later, after giving a stern warning to the desperate lady. Well, he had tried talking to his Rina, but she just wouldn’t calm down to hear him out, so he decided to let her be, hoping she would come around.

The whole thing was a stress to him. His dad, the King hasn’t yet fully recovered, his mom still pestering him over that rude bitch, his sister still not believing he was never dating Bella, the culprits still yet to be caught, and finally, Rina, who should be the one lending him a shoulder to lean on, wasn’t ready to talk to him.

Goodness! How was he gonna get out these mess? It was too much for him alone.

Suddenly his mind drifted towards his family in Kuru, yeah, they might be of great help, he thought.

He picked up the phone from where it laid on the table and Prisha walked into the garden.

“Maharana”, she bowed.

“Have you come to accuse me again little princess?”, his cold voice asked, his eyes fixed on his phone.

Prisha sighed, then took the seat opposite him.

“But big bro, you don’t expect me to believe you outright after that stunt pulled, besides, you guys are friends so anything can happen”, she spread out her arms.

“Were”, he corrected.


“We were friends Prisha”, he finally looked up at her, “we aren’t friends anymore”, he said.

Prisha sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Fine, so about Rina?”.

“She doesn’t want to listen to me”, he shortly replied.

“Goodness! I expect that anyway. You know what? I’ll talk to her”, she said.

He looked at her.

“Really?”, he asked.

“Yeah”, she nodded, smiling.

Just then, a maid rushed into the garden towards them, panting heavily.

“My prince… my princess… the…”, she trailed off, still panting and pointing towards the palace.

Raghav sat up, dropping his laptop on the table, Prisha got up, trying to calm the maid down.

“Calm down… yes, just calm down, relax, now talk”, she said.

“His highness, Maharajah…”, she paused again. How could she say what just happened, how?

Raghav got up this time.

“What happened to him?”, his cold voice asked.

“He… he just passed out few seconds ago”, she finally let out the bombshell.

“What!” Prisha exclaimed.

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