Pregnant For The Royal Prince


SELENA was to her utmost surprise seeing her daughter lying on the bed and sobbing, she was taken aback. Like what was she doing here? Like this?

“What are you doing here Rina?”, she asked again and began walking up to the bed.

On seeing her mother, her sobbing increased again. What she gonna tell her mom? That she was fired by the queen? And why? Gosh! She wasn’t ready for this.

“Don’t keep me waiting daughter, what are you doing here? What is it?”, she sat down beside her on the bed.

Rina turned to face her, still lying on the bed.

“I was fired mom”, she dropped the bombshell.

“What!”, she got up. “For what? What did you do?”, she asked, her eyes were widened in shock.

“Please sit mom, I did nothing”, she said amidst tears.

“How can you do nothing and get fired?”, she sat down.

Rina sighed, then cleaned her eyes de miwith the back of her palm and sat up.

“Hear me out first before you conclude”, she sniffed.

“Alright, fine. I’m all ears”, she folded her arms.

Rina sighed again, then went ahead to tell everything to her, beginning, excluding none. From when she was asked to go clean up the throne room, to when she saw the stranger in the room and then shouted for help, and down to the Guru paying a visit, and then finally, she getting fired because she spoke up.

The only part she had avoided talking, was that of she and the prince, she didn’t want her to know they were in love, like, she doesn’t want to bug her with such matter yet. According to her, it’s still too early for that.

Selena heaved heavily, this really wasn’t a little thing. Her daughter had really gone through a lot.

“Hold on, have you been given the allow to enter the throne room?”, she asked.

“No, some maids made me do that, I just had to comply”, she replied.

“Comply? Did you just say comply?”, Selena asked.

She nodded.

“Why that? Wait, are the maids in charge?”.

“Nope, you see mom they are just jealous or something, I don’t know”, she shrugged.

“You sure you didn’t get into their way?”.

“No mother no, that was one thing I tried avoiding throughout my stay there”.

She sighed.

“Anyways, I can’t put blames on you, you were trying to save us; to save the kingdom, and you spoke the truth. I’m not against that”.

She forced a smile.

“Thank you mom, thank you for believing in me, thank you so much”, and she held her in a tight embrace.

“I will always do Rina”, they unlocked from the hug.


“You shouldn’t be crying anyways, you shouldn’t, I mean why should you?”, her mom asked.

Rina hissed silently, how was she gonna tell her she was crying for her love, her first love and not because she was fired? Ahh, she just can’t, she gave up.

“You have made some money already, you can use that to start up something”, she counselled.

She looked intently at her.

“You are right mom, I’ll just have to sit down and think what I’m gonna do, or perhaps I’ll call Zaina to help me out”, she said even before she could stop herself.

Her mom’s face lit up.

“Good thing you spoke about her, have you called her?”, she asked.

Gosh! She hasn’t, and she wasn’t ready to. She glanced at her phone which laid on the bed and looked away.

“No mom, I haven’t”, she replied.

“You should Rina, she should know”.

“Yeah, I will”, she said.

Well, as far as she was concerned, Zaina was somewhere in Kuru kingdom having a great time with her prince, and she also wasn’t ready to tell her mom about it.

“You should. So, you just have to stop crying, get into the bathroom and freshen up then come down for a super dinner, I’m gonna treat you so great”, she touched her cheeks.

Rina smiled.

“Thank you mother, I…”, the lighting up of her phone which laid on the bed interrupted her, and they both turned to it.

The phone wasn’t ringing out as she had earlier put it on silent, so it was just the way it had come up, flashing light that had interrupted them.

Selena who sat closer the phone looked into it and freezed, jeez, the name. She looked up at her daughter for enquiry.

Rina instantly knew what was amiss, she looked away at the instant her mom turned to her, avoiding her gaze. Holy crap! What she’s been avoiding.

Damn you Raghav, damn you, she cussed within her.

It rang and stopped, and then began ringing again.

“Pick up your call”, she said to her.

She shook her head.

“No mom, I don’t want to”, she said and snatched the phone, then tossed it away.

“Why?”, she demanded.

“Nothing mom, I just don’t want to”.

Selena kept quiet for a while regarding her, making Rina uncomfortable and keeping her in suspense.

Rina on her own part was feeling uneasy as her mom stared at her non stop, she was anxious, she should just spill out whatever it is in her mind, she was ready to face it now.

“Why is Prince Raghav calling you?”, she finally asked.

She began scratching the back of her head, searching for the right thing to say.

“Um mom… I…I really don’t know. I guess maybe he’s trying to call me back to the palace, like he must have returned and found out… or something like that”, she stuttered.

Selena was just staring at her, like what the hell? Does she take her for a fool or what?

“The prince shouldn’t be calling you, let alone having your contact”, she said.

Rina rolled her eyes.

“Oh well, but now he has it”, and she looked away.

She sighed.

“What’s is going on between you and Prince Raghav?”, she asked.

Rina swallowed hard, almost jumping out of her skin, huh? How come she had suspected?

“Going on? Like, I don’t understand mom”, her eyelids flickered.

“Gosh Rina, don’t take me for a fool, I see things and I discern, what is going on?”, she shouted.

Rina flinched.

“Alright mother… alright, we; Prince Raghav and I, we are in love”, she let it out.

“What!”, as expected, she exclaimed out as she cupped her hand on her mouth, her eyes so wide in shock and surprise.

“Yeah, we love each other”, she replied looking away.

“Goodness, how could you let that happen Rina?”, she asked.

“It’s not my fault mom, I didn’t force him to fall in love with me”, she spread out her arms.

“You could have avoided it”.

“I couldn’t”, they continued arguing.

Selena finally sighed.

“I don’t want this to bring troubles for us, these are royals we are talking about”, she said and got up.

“I don’t think this would”, she said even against her wish, definitely she knew it would.

“I sent you to the palace to go work, not to go fall in love”, she snapped.

“Freshen up and come down to the sitting room, we need to talk”, and she walked away.

Rina sighed, this was the exact reason she didn’t wanted to tell her mom about Raghav, she knew she wouldn’t want to hear of it.

She glanced at her phone, then picked it up. The call came in again and that was when she saw a text which he had also sent.

She shrugged it off and tossed the phone aside, then dashed into the bathroom.




Raghav sighed as the phone wasn’t picked up again for the upteenth time, crap! He tossed the phone away.

Why wasn’t she picking up? Was it his fault? Was he really not there for her? Or was he not really protecting her as he should?

God, he sighed and splayed his hands on his face.

He gave up calling and decided to track her, but then he decided against that, he was gonna visit Kuru, yeah, that was the sure thing to do now.

Since Zashil had called, it meant he knew something so he was gonna go up there to get some more information.

Although this wasn’t the time for him to be there, considering the fact that he had stopped all communications with them long time ago, though reluctantly and just because his mother had asked to, but now, he was gonna damn all consequences and face the reality.

Zashil had called, meaning he could help him out, with this, he got up and walked to his closet and began changing into a more befitting casual wear.

That done, he picked up his phone and sent a text to the contact Zashil has used in calling.

Now, all done, without informing Prisha, with the guards on the lookout for the culprits, he dashed out the room and left for Kuru.

? Kuru Kingdom ?


Two maids and a guard directed Raghav as they took the stairs, towards the balcony on the third floor of the palace.

He had arrived The Bahwan Palace few minutes ago, these maids and the guard showing him the way, were the ones who had come to welcome him and also to show him the way.

They walked until they got to the balcony and the guard opened the door to the balcony, while the maids bowed and left.

Raghav entered and about five pairs of eyes rested on him, jeez, he almost freaked out.

There was his most precious aunt, Lady Aarti, her husband, the heir to the throne of Kuru kingdom, Prince Rudra, his brother, Prince Zashil, the one whom had called, little Alisha, his favourite, and lastly, a young lady, he doesn’t know her.

They were all sitted on a round table eating fruits, chatting and laughing. The chatterings and laughs all ended at the instant he stepped in.

“Uncle Raghav”, little Alisha shouted and jumped off her seat, then rushed up to him, her arms spread out for a hug.

His face splitted into a big smile

“Ohh baby Ali”, he spread out his arms as well ready to catch her.

She ran into his arms and he caught her, then carried her up.

“Woah Ali baby, you are now a big girl”, he said, though wondering within him how she was still able to recognize him, even after all those years.

She smiled and pouted.

“Yes uncle, I’m so glad you are here, my mom told me you will be coming”, she said and glanced at her mom.

Lady Aarti and the others just sat watching them, surprise and shock on their faces.

“Oh really?”, he asked and began walking towards them, still carrying her.

“Yeah and I’ve been itching to meet you”, her little voice chattered.

“Oh…”, he left his words hanging as soon as he got to the table and lowered her down, then he turned to them.

Well, Zashil had seen the text he had sent and informed the others, they had quickly prepared and waited his arrival, even Prince Rudra who wasn’t in town, had to make it and returned.

Zaina on her part who was already awake seemed happy to hear he was on his way, like, she really hadn’t met the prince of Shimla kingdom, now, she was going to.

“Namaste”, he put his palms together, “permit me to join this great gathering”, he said.

“Teddy”, Lady Aarti shouted out and he turned to her, instantly, memories of all the years came flooding back and he regretted listening to his mother, and staying away from this lovely family.

He walked up to her and fell down at her feet, his head bowed downwards.

“I’m sorry Aunt Aarti, I’m really sorry”, he said in a whisper.

Lady Aarti couldn’t control her emotions, and she let the tears flow, then she got up.

“Stand up Raghav, I hold nothing against you”, she said between sobs and he obeyed, they were now facing each other.

“It’s not your bidding, you were forced to, I’m not angry with you, but thank God, you remembered family”, and they embraced so tightly.

The atmosphere at the moment was so tensed, everyone present felt the impulse, even little Alisha could be seen cleaning off the little tears dropping from her eyes.

For good three minutes, both aunt and nephew were still locked in an embrace, whimpering.

Alisha got fed up, this was taking longer than she expected.

“Alright, will you two get over with that now?”, she asked and Zaina sharply turned to her, she pouted.

“It’s a good thing to have you here Teddy”, she said and they unlocked from the embrace.

Raghav smiled, Teddy, that was her pet name for him, and he loved it.

“It’s my honour and pleasure that you granted my request to visit, even though it was urgent and looked rather too unofficial”, he said looking from the others to her.

Lady Aarti smiled.

“Come on, we are family”, she said and turned to the others.

“Come on, meet my family”, she said.

Raghav laughed out.

“Aunt, I know them huh”.

“No, you don’t”, she shook her head in negation.

Then she sat down and placed her right hand on her husband, who sat next to her.

“This is Prince Rudra, my lovely husband and heir to the throne of Kuru kingdom”, she explained.

Raghav laughed out, he actually knew them except for the lady, anyways, he allowed her do her thing.

“All hail Maharana”, he bowed before Rudra.

Rudra who had been sitting in silence and watching, smiled as he got up.

“Your grace”, he bowed as well then they shook hands and greeted as princes do.

“We pray our kingdoms never go extinct…”, Rudra said.

“… and our fathers who has once existed long before us, never ignore us when we call upon them”, Raghav replied.

“Tathaastu… Amen”, everyone present replied putting their palms together.

“Been a long time bro”, Rudra said and gave him a hug, then patted him on his back.

“Absolutely man”, he replied and they all bursted into laughter.

Although Lady Aarti was his aunt, she was still young as her parents had birthed her so late, giving she and her brother, which is his father, King Neel, a very big gap.

And so, it looked as if Lady Aarti was his elder sister even, and not his aunt. Therefore, Rudra, her husband sees Raghav as a brother, and not even as his wife’s nephew.

Rudra finally sat, and Lady Aarti continued. She pointed towards Zashil who sat opposite her, at the other side of the table.

“That’s Prince Zashil, my brother in-law and the second great prince of Kuru kingdom”, she introduced.

Zashil smiled and got up, and the same way Raghav and Rudra had greeted, they greeted too.

“Been a real long time my prince”, Zashil said.

Raghav nodded laughing.

“You are not far from the truth bro, we have a lot of catch-ups to do”, he said and everyone laughed out, he sat down.

“Alright… alright”, Lady Aarti said clapping her hands, trying to get their attention. Then she pointed towards Zaina who sat next to Zashil.

“Permit me to introduce to you…”, she cleared her throat, Raghav watched her impatiently, he couldn’t wait to know who she was.

“The new princess of the house…”, she continued, “the new queen, the new baby…”.

“Awwwn”, little Alisha interrupted and everyone laughed, Zaina couldn’t help it, she was grinning from ear to ear, and blushing hardly.

“… the jewel, the honey bunch and the sweetheart of his grace, Prince Zashil, in the person of Sachin Zaina, come on guys”, she concluded and everyone began clapping.

Zaina bowed and got up, then turned to Raghav, her face full of smiles.

“I’m honoured your grace, to be standing right before you this wonderful evening”, she said and bowed before the prince.

The clapping increased, little Alisha even blew her a kiss.

Raghav smiled.

“And it’s also my pleasure, to meet our new princess”, he extended his hand for a handshake.

Huh? Zaina was taken aback, she wasn’t expecting it, and she turned to the others, she could see them nodding their heads in approval.

“Come on Aunt Z”, Alisha said in her tiny voice.

She then turned to him and took his hand and they shook.

“My pleasure too”, she said.

Raghav nodded and Zaina sat down. Wow, she never believed, even in her wildest dreams that she would much as shake hands with Prince Raghav, goodness, everyone must hear this.

“That was awesome”, Lady Aarti said then turned to her little daughter, who also sat next to her, on her left.

“Finally, meet my joy, my happiness, the reason I smile everyday…”.

“Huh?”, Rudra interrupted with his brows furrowed, and everyone turned to him, then laughed out. Alisha was busy swinging herself from side to side.

“My womb opener…”, she continued, “in the person of Alisha, aka Ali baby”.

The cheerings and laughter which followed this could not be overemphasized, it was indeed a moment of family’s joy and happiness.

Alisha got down her seat and put her palms together.

“Namaste”, she said.

“No Ali baby, the right way”, Rudra corrected, and she obeyed instantly.

“Your grace”, she bowed and everyone clapped.

Raghav smiled and carried her up.

“You have grown so big Ali baby”, he said.

“You have said that before”, and he laughed, then dropped her down.

“Sit beside me uncle”, she gestured and he smiled, then sat beside her.

At the instant he sat down, his phone rang out and he took it out from his trouser pocket. He looked into it, it was the boss, that was what he was called.

He took excuse and then answered the call. The others continued with their chats.

“What’s up?”, he asked.

“Your grace”, he greeted, “we have actually searched everywhere my prince, but yet we couldn’t find them”, the boss said.

Raghav scoffed.

“Every nooks and crannies?”, he asked.

“Every, all”, he replied.

“And beyond?”.

“Yes your grace”.

“They are somewhere in this planet earth or have they gone to another planet? Search for them”, he shouted into the phone, forgetting he had people around.

“Your wish is our command your grace”, came the reply.

“The house, get men to guard it, they might come around some day, you never can tell”, he said.

“Taken Maharana, taken”, he said.

Raghav hissed and ended the call, then dropped the phone on the table and turned towards the others.

“What exactly is going on Raghav?”, Rudra asked.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

He sighed.

“A lot man, a whole lot”, he replied.

“I hope my brother is safe? And Prisha?”, Lady Aarti asked.

He nodded.

“Very much fine. It’s just… my God”, he paused, he just couldn’t voice it out. How could he tell them what his mother had done? Someone who was supposed to protect them?

“I understand bro, it’s fine”, Rudra came to his rescue.

He turned to Zashil.

“Zashil, why did you call?”, he asked.

Zashil sighed and turned towards Zaina.

“Here, she helped me to”.

Raghav was confused.

“How?”, he asked.

“Actually she is from Shimla kingdom, your kingdom…”.

“Really?”, he interrupted and turned to her.

“Yeah. She came for a date, actually today is our first day of meeting each other…”, and then he went on to explain to him.

“Ahhhh”, he splayed his right hand on his forehead, then he turned to Zaina.

“You are Rina’s best friend?”, he asked.

“Yes my prince”, she nodded.

“Goodness, the bond between you two, is too strong”, he said. “Unfortunately right now, she isn’t picking up my calls, I been calling”, he said, frustrated.

They all kept mute, now they have seen and understood why Zaina has said they should call Raghav, something was going on between the two of them, although they kept silent.

Zaina on her own part wasn’t surprised at the behavior of Rina, she knew her best friend and what she could do, she turned to Raghav.

“I expected that from her. Just give her time my prince, she gonna come around. I think the best thing to this, is to begin woo her again”, she said.

“I don’t understand”, he replied.

“I mean, try to win her heart over again”, she explained.

“What? Like from the beginning?”, he asked.

“Yes. I’m gonna give you her address, but don’t pay her a visit until you make a little progress at least”, she said.

He sighed then looked away, his gaze met with that of his aunt and the look he saw on her face was awkward, he looked away.

They spent the rest of the moment having more fun, and soon night fell.

“Are you going back home today?”, Lady Aarti asked as soon as they began retiring for their rooms. Alisha had already fallen asleep, and her nanny had come in for her.

“I’m not planning to”, he said watching the nanny carry sleeping Alisha away.

“Good, you will be leaving tomorrow morning then”, she said.


“You will go freshen up and come down for dinner, but before that, I need to see you in my study”, she said and walked away.

Raghav watched her leave the balcony, his aunty wasn’t aging as far as he was concerned, she still looked young.

He turned in time to see Zashil pecking Zaina on the cheeks, then he walked out. Rudra had already left.

He smiled and went to sit close to her, he was gonna get more things he needed to know about Rina from her.

? Minutes Later ?

Raghav entered her study just right in time, dinner was an hour away. The door was always open and so he entered. She was sitting on her seat and facing the door, looking into a book on her desk.

“Your grace”, he bowed and took the seat opposite her.

“You are welcome”, she said and closed the book, then looked at him.

“You wanted to see me”, he said.

“Yes. Firstly, I want to really appreciate you for making this move, coming back to my family”.

He smiled.

“Come on Aunt Aarti, I didn’t leave your family”, he said.

“Well, it’s over now, we are together. It really calls for a celebration, but then with the full house”, she demonstrated.

“Oh that reminds me, what about his royal majesty, the king?”.

“Oh, in his chambers. He’s always there, you know he is weak and his days to the grave are coming close”, she said.

He nodded.

“His wife’s death might have also contributed to it”.

“You are right. Well, you would see him at dinner, he never misses that, dinner and breakfast”, she pointed out.

“It’s good. So what’s the matter?”.

She sighed, thinking of how best to bring up the issue.

“Bring it up anyway”, he snapped her.

“Do you love her?”, she asked.

Her question took him unawares.

“Who? Rina? Well yes, I so much do”, he said.

“Really?”, she asked.

“Of course aunt, why you asking?”.

She sighed again.

“Well, there’s this lady I wanted you to meet. Like I have been keeping her for you”, she said.

Oh not again, another recommendation? Now from his most precious aunt, Lady Aarti? God!

“Seriously Aunt Aarti, I don’t mean to disrespect you this time, I’m seriously in a relationship and I’m not ready for any other”, he said.

Lady Aarti smiled, she understood it. Her nephew was badly in love, and she feels none can stop him, his mind has already been made up.

“Sure, made up”, he broke into her thoughts.

“So, what about Vidya? Your betrothed? What you gonna do about her?”.

His face changed.

“Well, she isn’t my betrothed”, he said sarcastically.

She looked at him for a while, then opened her drawer under the desk.

“I have something to show you”, she said and brought out a brown envelope, then placed it on the table. He watched her anxiously.

“I’m not really keened on you marrying this lady though, I can reward her some other way, but I just want you to check this out”, she said and brought out some pictures from the envelope, then handed them to him.

Filled with anxiety, he accepted the pictures and began checking them out. Suddenly, he freezed, the first picture he saw freaked him out.

“Huh?”, he mouthed and Aarti looked at him.

“What’s the matter?”.

He turned the first picture to her.

“She’s the same lady I love”, he said.

“Wait… what!”, she exclaimed.

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