Pregnant For The Royal Prince


“THIS baby is Raghav’s, it is”, she said looking into the baby’s face and a hush fell on them.

“Queen Arya of all people? Sacrilege!” Rudra shouted and the maids shook. Fear gripped everyone.

Aarti turned to them.

“How did you guys find him?” She asked.

“We were actually passing by the gate and heading for our rooms when we heard a loud bang at the gate, and typical of us, we went out only to behold this baby, in a basket and wrapped in clothes”, one of them said.

Aarti exclaimed.

“Oh my God! This is so serious. Thank you, you may go”, she said to them and they bowed and left.

“I still can’t fathom the Queen, who is supposed to be protecting her kingdom, is tearing it down with her hands”, Rudra said.

“My gee! And it’s actually a boy”, she said and kissed his little mouth.

“Can you imagine? Killing her own grandson, who does that? This is sacrilege”, Rudra spat out.

Lady Aarti didn’t even know when the tears in her eyes welled and began to flow down her cheeks, she whimpered as she rocked the baby.

“Oh my! I can’t believe Rina was pregnant, and the Queen knew all this while, she knew where she was but kept insisting that she didn’t, she…”, the shrill cry of the baby interrupted her and she rocked the baby all the more.

“Are you sure it isn’t hunger that is making that baby cry?” Rudra asked and Aarti turned to him, “it might be, let’s call in Ali’s nanny”, he said and then rang for her.

“Oh my God! If it’s hunger, what are we going to give to him then? His mother isn’t here to breastfeed”, Aarti complained.

“Just chill, let Nanny come in first, you know she has been Ali’s nanny since birth, she would know all these things”, Rudra said as he looked down at the boy, admiring him. Indeed, it was Raghav’s son, the facial resemblance was so visible and obvious.

Soon the nanny came in and they explained everything to her.

“Simple, it’s just to get a formula milk My Lady”, she said.

“Oh! Can we get it? This baby really needs to feed”, she said.

The nanny nodded.

“Sure, let me go get it”, she said and left the room.

“So, does this mean Arya knew where Rina was all this while? And she chose to ignore us and let us search for her like mad people? Oh God!” Aarti exclaimed and then went to sit on the bed, the baby still in her arms.

She still couldn’t believe that Raghav had a baby, with Rina, and no one was aware. Now all these was making sense to her. Arya must have found out when she got pregnant and immediately swung into action in order to prevent Raghav especially, from knowing. She still doesn’t know why she hated her (Rina).

“We really need to inform Raghav, he needs to return home. So, we can look for Rina, this baby needs to feed on breast milk, it’s a new born for crying out loud”, Rudra said.

Aarti turned to him.

“Inform Raghav? Like now? Would he return? You know how stubborn he is”, she said.

“Why not? Tell him it’s something urgent and he would return”, Rudra said and just then, the nanny entered carrying with her a big basket.

She walked up to the center table and dropped the basket, then began taking out tins of formula milk for new borns, a plate and spoon, a water flask, and then a small sterile syringe.

After doing that, she prepared the baby food in the plate with the spoon and hot water from the flask. Then using the spoon, she took a little and put into the sterile syringe, then asked for the baby.

All the while, husband and wife watched her do this in awe.

“Can I have him My Lady?” She asked.

“Sure”, she got up and went to the sofa where she was sitting and handed the baby over to her, then she sat beside her and watched.

After positioning the baby on her hands, she took the sterile syringe and gently placed it in the baby’s mouth.

“Wow!” Both husband and wife exclaimed, the nanny smiled.

Having done that, she took out the syringe, filled it with the milk again and as she did the first time, inserted the milk into the baby’s mouth.

And that was how the baby fed that night. The nanny packed the things she had come with, and left the room. But before leaving, Aarti asked her to bring in the cradle that Alisha used while she was a baby.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

That night, Rudra ordered for new baby clothes, caps, socks, bibs, pacifier, towel, everything a new baby needs. They all arrived that night, within the twinkle of an eye.

“Thank you so much honey, what would I have done without you?” Aarti said as soon as they arrived.

Rudra smiled.

“Not accepted, you know what I want, give it to me as a proper way of saying thank you”, he winked.

Aarti laughed.

“I will”, she said.

The nanny was checking out the baby things that just arrived to see if any was missing, she nodded satisfactorily.

“They are complete My Prince, nothing is missing”, she said.

He nodded.

“Alright prepare the bath, he needs to bath”, Aarti said looking at the baby and smiling, he was now calmly sleeping.

The nanny went into the bathroom and prepared the bath, suitable for the baby. She came out few minutes later and took him from Aarti then went into the bathroom, Aarti followed.

She entered the bathtub filled with warm water and baby soap and sat, took off the baby’s clothes and then placed him on her laps, he was still sleeping.

There was a basin beside the tub, with hot water and a face towel in it. She took out the towel and wrung it, then began pressing it on the baby.

He immediately cried out, waking from sleep. Nanny kept dipping towel into the water and massaging his body, not minding his cries.

She massaged all parts of the body one after the other and cleaned him so well. Then after the bath, she prepared him to sleep, applied his lotion, cream and powder on his body, oil on his head, and then put on his clothes.

Now, baby was ready for bed and Aarti took him from her, and peacefully laid him on the cradle.

The nanny cleaned and cleared up the bathroom and came out, ready to leave. Aarti halted her, she was standing by the cradle which was next to the bed, Rudra just sat surfing on his phone.

“Thank you so much Nanny Ralia, you have really done well tonight”, she thanked her immensely, smiling.

Ralia smiled.

“It’s my pleasure My Lady”, she replied.

“Um, can you get me a nanny by tomorrow, a very competent one as you? I don’t want this work to be much on you”, she said.

“I am not complaining My Lady, but if you insist anyway, I would get”, she assured.

“Yeah”, Rudra spoke, his eyes still on the phone, “he needs to have a new nanny, we don’t wanna stress you”, he said.

Ralia smiled, this couple? Who said she was being stressed huh? Anyways, she was gonna get them a nanny, since that’s what they want.

“Alright My Prince, I will get one tomorrow”, she said.

“I know Ali Baby must have gone to bed right?” Aarti asked.

“About an hour ago”, she said.

“Okay, thank you”.

“You are welcome My Lady”, and she bowed and left the room.

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