PHB 67

“Here are all the documents Mr. Lucas requested.”

As planned, after finishing organizing important items in his office, Lucas decided to return to Deasy’s apartment in the afternoon.

While waiting to pick up Deasy, Lucas chose to occupy himself by completing some work with Felix. He did this intentionally so that when he eventually left the company, he wouldn’t have any outstanding work or responsibilities to worry about.

Fortunately, Felix was a big help, allowing them to finish the piled-up work faster than usual.

“You handle the ones I’ve marked. Later, I’ll read through and evaluate them,” Lucas instructed while reading a stack of papers in his hand.

“Understood, Mr. Lucas,” Felix replied promptly. “By the way, regarding your resignation, Mr. Lucas, is it final? If you leave Quantum Tech, what will happen to me?”

While still reading the documents, Lucas smiled. He understood the concerns Felix had.

For years of dedication, Felix was the person who knew Lucas the best and understood his needs. Lucas even considered his assistant as a brother.

“Don’t worry. Even if I leave Quantum Tech, I won’t be jobless, right? I’ll still need your help, Felix. It’s up to you. You can either stay with me or pursue your own career out there. I give you the freedom to choose.”

“I’d rather stay with you, Mr. Lucas. It doesn’t matter if I’m not paid. Besides, I owe your family a lot.”

Lucas smiled. He acknowledged that Felix was exceptionally loyal. That’s why he felt reluctant to part with his assistant.

“So, is it definite that Mr. Lucas will marry Ms. Deasy, even if Mr. Andreas strongly disagrees?”

Lucas nodded confidently.

“Yes, my decision is final. Whether my father gets angry or not, I will still marry Deasy soon. Besides, her belly is getting bigger with time. It’s not fair if she becomes the subject of public ridicule.”

“Then, what about Miss Devina, Mr. Lucas?”

Lucas sighed. Mentioning his fiancée made him remember the crazy idea Devina had presented to him at the office that morning.

“Let’s just leave it, Felix. As you know, I never wanted to marry her from the start. She even said she didn’t want to marry me because she didn’t love me. It was strange that she suddenly didn’t want to cancel the wedding. What’s even more bizarre is that she met me at the office this morning.”

Felix looked surprised. He had no idea about Devina’s visit to the office that morning and was curious.

“What did Miss Devina want with Mr. Lucas?”

“Just so you know, she asked me to have a fake wedding to make my father happy.”

“What? A fake wedding?”

“Yes,” Lucas nodded repeatedly.

“And did Mr. Lucas agree?”

“No, of course not. Whether it’s real or fake, I don’t want it. Why would I secretly marry Deasy? It would restrict us in so many ways. Besides, I don’t want to be a part of the Morales family again. What’s important is that I can marry Deasy soon and start a life with her.”

Felix nodded in agreement. If he were in Lucas’s shoes, he would think the same way. It didn’t matter how much wealth he acquired; living with someone he didn’t love was pointless. Pretending to marry or secretly marrying wasn’t the right solution either.

“All the documents are finished, Mr. Lucas. They’re all sorted. Where would you like me to keep them?”

Felix, having completed his tasks, handed over the laptop he had been using and asked Lucas to check it first.

“Since everything’s done, you can save it on an external hard drive. Tomorrow, bring it to the office and print it for the legal department.”

Felix nodded, then reached for his work bag, where he had intended to find the requested hard drive. Unfortunately, he realized that he had forgotten this crucial item.

“Oh, I forgot to bring it, Mr. Lucas. Can I use yours?”

Lucas rolled his eyes, trying to remember where he had placed the item.

“You wait for a moment. Let me find it first.”

Lucas then went into the bedroom. Ten minutes later, he returned holding something in his hand.

“It seems like mine is in the office drawer. Here, you can use Deasy’s for now.”

Felix nodded and took the item Lucas handed him. He immediately connected the data cable from the hard drive to the laptop to begin transferring the completed work.

“This hard drive has a password, Mr. Lucas,” Felix complained when he received a password prompt on the laptop screen.

“Wait a moment… let me try to remember. I think the password is the same as Deasy’s laptop from the other day.”

“Do you remember it, Mr. Lucas?”

Lucas tried to recall. He took over the laptop Felix was holding and began entering a series of numbers that he remembered from when he was caught trying to access Deasy’s laptop.

“Ah, there it is. It worked,” Lucas said when he successfully entered the password.

Felix then proceeded to transfer all the data. Once he had finished, he didn’t immediately leave. Instead, he brought up something that piqued Lucas’s interest.

“Mr. Lucas…”

“Yes, what’s up? Is there a problem?” Lucas replied casually.

“This is Ms. Deasy’s hard drive, right? Don’t you want to check its contents? There might be something important that we’ve been looking for all this time. Deasy isn’t here right now, so it’s a good opportunity.”

Lucas remembered the task his father had given him. He thought that what Felix had suggested had some merit. While there was an opportunity, why not check it out? Perhaps there were some important data that Lucas had been searching for, and Deasy had kept it.

Since he had been so focused on his relationship with Deasy, he hadn’t shared much about the investigation he was conducting with her. Lucas was confident that, after becoming a couple, Deasy would willingly help him complete this task.

Now, with the chance at hand, Lucas felt it was okay to find out on his own. If he did come across the answers he had been seeking, he could then approach Deasy for clarification and explanations.

“Go ahead and check it. There might be something there,” Lucas said.

Felix nodded and obeyed Lucas’s instructions. He opened the hard drive and began examining the documents stored there one by one.

After almost ten minutes of going through the folders, Felix grew suspicious of one unnamed folder. He decided to open it to check its contents.

“Mr. Lucas…” Felix called softly. “I found something.”

Lucas immediately leaned in, his face close to the screen, reading the contents of the folder that Felix had opened. What he saw surprised him.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Deasy sat with Veronica at a coffee shop. She sipped on her vanilla milkshake while sharing a long conversation with her friend.

“So, are you really going to marry Lucas?” Veronica asked, seeking confirmation. Despite Deasy’s determined expression, Veronica couldn’t help but be curious.

“Yes. Why do you ask?”

Veronica chuckled. There was something amusing to her that caused her laughter.

“Lucas… Lucas Orion Morales. The son of Andreas Morales, the owner of the Daxton Group? Are you sure, Des?”

Deasy nodded repeatedly, ensuring there was no doubt in her mind.

“Yes, Veronica Ashborne. I’m going to marry Lucas Orion Morales.”

“I swear, I can’t believe it when you told me about Lucas Morales, who turned out to be Lucas Orion.”

“Yes, they are the same person, Ve.”

“But what shocks me even more is that you’re marrying the son of Mr. Andreas Morales, the person you’ve wanted to bring down for so long. The man you’ve considered responsible for your father’s death.”

Deasy fell silent. Every time her father was mentioned, it hurt her deeply. Until now, she still felt the loss and couldn’t come to terms with her father’s sudden departure.

“Oh, come on, Ve. I really don’t want to dwell on the past.”

“I’m not trying to bring up the past,” Veronica quickly replied. “I’m just having trouble believing your decision. I’m still skeptical if you’re genuinely marrying out of love or if there’s some ulterior motive for revenge. I know your thought process, Deasy Winterborne. I know you inside out.”

Deasy took several deep breaths. She didn’t blame Veronica for thinking this way. However, before she could respond, her friend continued to speak at length, as if unable to stop herself from voicing her thoughts.

“I remember vividly how angry and vengeful you were when Uncle Anton passed away. You even abruptly left the Caribbean just to join a small company like Quantum Tech. I thought you didn’t want to take over your father’s business because you didn’t want to drown in sorrow. And it turns out, I was wrong.”


“Hold on a second,” Veronica quickly interrupted. “I’m not finished, Des. I thought you joined Quantum Tech because you were genuinely serious about working. But it turns out there was a hidden agenda.”

“Yes,” Deasy nodded repeatedly. Taking a deep breath, she continued the conversation, addressing Veronica’s earlier interruption. There was a sense of pain in her voice as she recalled anything related to her past. “I joined Quantum Tech because I did want revenge. I deliberately chose Quantum Tech because it was the company that led to my father’s downfall, Ve. Do you know how it feels to see everything crumble?”


“Yes, I know what you’re going to say, Veronica. I didn’t accept it, and I will never accept what happened to my late father. I even swore not to stop until I saw Andreas Morales ruined. I tried to do whatever it took, Ve. Regardless of whether my actions were right or wrong. Until I found out that Andreas had a son, a man who was meant to be the leader of Quantum Tech. I’m sure when Lucas Morales appeared, and I tried to get close to him, you realized my intentions and goals from the beginning, right?”NôvelDrama.Org content.

Veronica nodded. From the beginning, she had understood that. She could tell that Deasy was trying to get close to Lucas Morales for a purpose other than genuine love or attraction.

“Yes, originally, you wanted to get close not because you were smitten by his looks, but because you wanted to use him, and, of course, for revenge, right?”

Deasy nodded. She didn’t deny any of that.

“I admit it, that was my plan. But, I swear to God, I never knew about Lucas Morales disguising himself as Lucas Orion. I only found out a while ago.”

“And after you found out who Lucas really was, are you still thinking about revenge?”

“Yes,” Deasy nodded repeatedly. “Just so you know, at first, I considered using Lucas to destroy Andreas. Especially since Lucas seemed so serious and committed. He was even willing to let go of what he had just to follow my request and prove his sincerity, Ve. If I wanted, I could have made Lucas a weapon to bring Andreas to his knees. However…”

“However what, Deasy?”

It wasn’t Veronica who asked, but another voice that interjected and posed the question. A deep and very familiar voice that Deasy knew all too well.

Turning abruptly, Deasy was startled. At that moment, she found Lucas standing behind her, wearing an expression of profound disappointment.

“So… you’ve been using me all along?”

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