PHB 49

“Sir, why is your smile so unclear like that? You’re not sick, are you?”

In a different place, thousands of kilometers away from where Deasy lived, there was Lucas, who was currently in one of the hotel rooms in Singapore.

The man was actually finishing some work but had to postpone it for a while because he had an obligation to keep his promise to contact Deasy whenever he had the opportunity. Moreover, Lucas also had to make sure that Deasy went to bed on time, just as he did when he was with her.

Felix, who had been in Lucas’s room all this time, looked puzzled. From the beginning, he had been observing Lucas who was engrossed in a phone conversation, and his boss seemed so happy and delighted. Was talking to someone on the other end such a mood booster for him?

This also made Felix wonder. Who was the person Lucas was talking to on the phone and chatting with?

“Mr. Lucas?” Felix asked again when his boss didn’t respond.


“Is it true, Mr. Lucas, that you’re under a spell or something?”

Lucas was taken aback. His focus had shifted to his assistant sitting right in front of him.

“What? Under a spell? Come on! I’m perfectly fine,” Lucas said emphatically. He couldn’t believe that he was being mistaken for something like that when he was perfectly healthy and normal.

Why couldn’t Felix just let him enjoy his happiness for a moment? Why did he have to be interrogated and asked all these questions?

“Well, Mr. Lucas, you’ve been smiling unclearly all this time. I even called you, and your response was slow, unlike your usual self. I’m just worried that something might be wrong,” Felix explained.

Lucas sighed and rolled his eyes. Handsome as he was, there was no way he could be possessed or anything like that. “It’s probably just your imagination. I’m really just fine,” Lucas replied, trying to dismiss Felix’s concerns. He then went back to his work.

However, since Felix was already curious, he decided to ask anyway. After all, it was the first time he had been so curious like this.

“I’m sorry if this sounds impolite, Mr. Lucas, but may I know why you keep smiling so strangely? It’s not like you, Mr. Lucas, and that’s why I’m concerned.”

Lucas turned to look at Felix and chuckled. Seeing how curious his assistant was, he decided to share. After all, whenever something happened, he always vented to Felix.

“I just called Deasy. And for some reason, it just made me really happy.”

Felix was startled for a moment. He didn’t hear it wrong, did he?

Lucas said he was happy?

But Felix remembered very well that in the early stages when they were assigned to investigate together, Lucas seemed so reluctant because he had to deal with the stubborn and annoying woman like Deasy.

Then, just a month later, why does Lucas seem to have changed his mind and behavior? Could it be that Felix’s concerns have come true? Has Lucas fallen in love with Deasy due to frequent interactions?

It’s not what you think. Felix had lost count of how many times Lucas had smiled. Even after the phone call had ended some time ago, Lucas continued to smile to himself, like a madman. This made Felix worried that something might be wrong with Lucas.

“So… what’s next?”

“I don’t know why, but I’m just happy with her response. Imagine, Deasy, who used to be so curt, often disgusted, and seemed to really hate Lucas Orion, has suddenly changed 180 degrees. Far… very far from before.”

“Power Rangers, is it, sir? Did you transform?”

“Felix!” Lucas said in annoyance. He was serious, but his assistant made an offhand comment. But if you thought about it, Felix was not that different from himself.

“Sorry… Sir… Sorry. I slipped up. Go on. Why do you think Deasy suddenly changed like that? Has she repented?”

Lucas laughed. Could Deasy be so guilty that she needed to repent and redeem herself in this way? Seriously, looking at it, Felix was just as random as he was.

“Maybe the spell I cast on her is starting to work. That’s why Deasy seems so happy to be close to Lucas Orion now.”

“A spell?” Felix repeated, full of questions. Seriously, did his boss use a spell or something? “Mr. Lucas, did you give a spell to Miss Deasy?”

Lucas nodded.

“Scrambled eggs, omelet eggs. Deasy didn’t even realize that I cast a spell on her.”

“But where did you go, sir? Why didn’t I know?”

Laughter erupted from Lucas’s lips. Especially when he saw Felix’s face, which had been relaxed before but was now tense. He was just joking. Why was it taken so seriously?

“Just kidding, maybe. Besides, why would I need to use a spell?”

“But, as far as I remember, Miss Deasy used to really hate Lucas Orion. When she found out she slept with Lucas Orion twice, she was really stressed. That’s why I’m surprised to hear Mr. Lucas say that Miss Deasy has changed so much.”

Lucas shrugged his shoulders. He never expected Deasy to change as she has now.

“Do you know, she even did that? Let alone that, when I disappeared for a few days because I had to be Lucas Morales, it turns out Deasy was looking for me every day and waiting for my arrival. Her reason was that she wanted to remind me of my promise to take care of her for the next nine months.”

“Oh, really?”

Lucas nodded again.

“At first, she was too embarrassed to admit it. But as time went on, Deasy finally confessed that she was upset for a few days without seeing me and not getting attention from me.”

“Miss Deasy said that? She confessed directly to Mr. Lucas?”

“Yes. I was surprised too,” Lucas said, shifting his body position. His current demeanor was exactly like the neighborhood ladies who were busy gossiping about their neighbors. “And…” he continued. “The important thing you should know is that Deasy finally agreed to marry me.”

“Seriously, sir? Is it true that Miss Deasy wants to marry Lucas Orion? Not Lucas Morales?”

Lucas smiled broadly, confirming what Felix had asked. Even his assistant couldn’t believe that Deasy finally agreed to get married, after previously refusing and clinging to her pride as high as a mountain.

“As you said before, Lucas Orion must be capable of winning the heart of the beautiful and famously arrogant Deasy Winterborne. And now, that prediction has truly come true.”

Felix nodded. As a more experienced man, he certainly knew the habits, both good and bad, when it came to women. He also knew many tactics and strategies to win the hearts of women out there.

“Women can be summed up in three factors, sir.”

Lucas was immediately intrigued. He wondered what Felix was about to tell him. Perhaps this could be a lesson for him to deal with women in the future.

“Oh, really? And what are they?”

“Attention, time, and money.”

“Oh, really? And doesn’t appearance factor into the equation? Isn’t the first thing women notice usually someone’s visual appearance? Especially if they’re good-looking and have a healthy bank account. Well, the rest can follow.”

Felix shook his head repeatedly. He refuted the argument Lucas had just presented. Although most people, whether women or men, usually base their first impressions on someone’s appearance, there are still other factors that can change someone’s mind, especially women.

“No, sir. Looks don’t actually factor into the equation.”

“Seriously?” Lucas seemed skeptical. There was something bothering him. “Take Deasy, for example. She didn’t like Lucas Orion because he looked old-school or uncool. But deep down, I’ve been good-looking from birth. No matter how much she tried to belittle me, there’s still a handsome side to me. But she kept insulting Lucas Orion.”

Lucas was bragging, even though it wasn’t really relevant, but he was proud of it.

“But in the end, Miss Deasy changed her mind and accepted Mr. Lucas, right?”

Lucas nodded, just like a bird being fed.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“It was Mr. Lucas himself who said that Miss Deasy admitted that she had been upset for a few days without seeing you and not getting your usual attention.”

Lucas nodded again.

“Yes, maybe because she got used to my attention, like when it came to food, taking medicine, vitamins, and I often massaged her before bedtime, whether she was tired or not. So, she got used to it. And when I disappeared for a few days, Deasy felt like she was missing something.”

“Exactly!” Felix snapped his fingers in the air. “All of that is a form of attention. Because of this, Miss Deasy feels comfortable being with Mr. Lucas.”

“That’s true,” Lucas agreed.

“And the second factor is about time. Women fall for men who dedicate special time to them. Basically, men who can make extra time amidst their busy schedules are more valued in the eyes of women. Plus, being generous and not stingy with money. Well, this makes a man’s value go from 100 to 1000. There’s no competition.”

Lucas nodded in agreement once again. Finally, he had some enlightenment from Felix. Now that he knew this, he knew how to act.

“I agree with this analogy. Even as a man, I wouldn’t want someone who’s indifferent, always acting busy, and stingy. I’d rather go for someone else.”

“That’s why, sir. Looks are lower on the list. In the end, they’ll be outshone by a guy who can give attention, more time, and of course, be generous with money. I’m sure these three things made Miss Deasy comfortable and willing to accept Lucas Orion. Despite everything, if she knew Mr. Lucas is good-looking, it would be a huge jackpot. It’s like hitting the jackpot. Imagine this, Mr. Lucas, you’re already good-looking, well-off, well-built, attentive, and kind.”

“Oh God, how could I have been created by God so perfectly?”

Lucas then burst into laughter. He was even smiling to himself, admiring himself. Typical narcissist!Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

“Oh, come on, you. I’ll give you a raise, Felix!”

“But, sir…” Felix continued. His face, which had been cheerful before, now turned more serious. It was as if something was bothering him deep inside. “What if Miss Deasy actually finds out that Mr. Lucas is Lucas Morales?”

Lucas took a deep breath. Long before Felix asked, he had thought about this many times. He realized that anyone would be angry if they were lied to, no matter how small the lie was.

However, Lucas argued that if he explained things properly, Deasy would surely understand. After all, his disguise was necessary for urgent matters and the company’s interests. It wasn’t intentional or meant for deception.

“Well, I’ve thought about that too. But I’m confident that if I explain it properly, Deasy will understand. And to be honest, instead of worrying about how Deasy will react, I’m more concerned about how to cancel my engagement and wedding plans with Devina. If I don’t handle it soon, it will only get more complicated.”

Felix agreed, especially since he knew that his boss’s wedding plans were scheduled for the next few months. If not handled promptly, it could become even more troublesome.

“Mr. Lucas, try talking to Mr. Andreas and Ms. Devina gently. Tell them that you have chosen another woman who is even carrying your child right now.”

Lucas remained silent for a moment, considering Felix’s suggestion carefully.

“Should I try talking to my father this afternoon after the meeting? Since he’s here.”

Felix appeared to weigh the options and possibilities. After thinking it through, he nodded.

“You can give it a try, sir. If it doesn’t work, you can try again later. I’m sure that if you’re sincere, there will be a way. Mr. Andreas can be tough, but if we talk and provide evidence, he’ll eventually agree. I’m 100% sure.”

This time, Lucas nodded, hoping that everything would go according to plan. After all, he was starting to feel comfortable with Deasy.


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