Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


“Calm down Adia, nothing is happening, get a grip of yourself” he tried pacifying her, hoping she’ll calm down.

“Get off me, please don’t do this, are you seriously gonna destroy an innocent girl’s life, please just let me go..” Adia incessantly cried, and that night was filled with nothing but pain, she cried and pleaded but it all fell on deaf ears, it was filled with pain, everything she felt was pain.

“Adia..” he whispered her name softly, coaxing people was never his thing.

“Get out …” she mumbled with shuddering breaths.

” Listen to me…”

“No, let me go..” she insisted, still breathing hard.

“Adia!!!” Sebastian yelled with a very loud voice, as everywhere suddenly went silent, the only sound heard was rain droplets, and even Ace and Arion paused. It was as if time had stopped counting for all of them.

“Calm the fuck down, nothing is fucking happening to you..” he added, he didn’t mean to scream or lose his patience at her but it worked as Adia finally calmed down.

“Seb…” Adia called with pain filled voice, as she placed her hands on both sides of his face, not caring if she was staining it with mud,

“You’re here,” she uttered with a shaky voice, her hands still on his face.

“Please don’t let me go..” she said amidst sobs, with tear-filled eyes.

“I’m not letting you go..” he assured her,

“Promise me…”

” I promise you Adia, I’ll never let you go..” he promised as Adia forced out a smile.

” I love you..” she confessed, crashing her lips on his as she kissed him, savoring his delicious lips.

” Adia, people are watching,” he said to her pulling away.

“I don’t care..” she stated capturing his lips again.

“Neither do I, but we need to get you out of the rain, not to forget you are covered with mud, same with me, so we have to go inside,” he said to her picking her up from the floor as Mickelson rushed to them holding an umbrella as he spoke as he covered them both with the umbrella.

” Sir…”

“No need..” Sebastian said as he jumped up landing on his window, with Adia still in his arms.




“Hope you’re feeling better Adia?” Ace asked sincerely immediately as Adia came downstairs, he’s been so worried about her.

“I guess..” Adia responded with a smile alighting the stairs, she just freshened up and decided to come downstairs against Sebastian’s wish as he insisted she had a good rest.

“So Seb, what are you going to do about her?” Arion questioned pointing at Adia.

“Yes Seb, you know this is never going to end until you find Beau,” Ace chimed in.

“Who’s Beau?” Adia asked because he might be the solution to her problem, seeing that they needed to find him.

“Someone you’ve already met” Arion responded as Adia’s eyes squinted.

“I don’t get you…”.

“Beau is a vampire Adia, a vampire who creates illusions on people’s heads based on their biggest fears, and he can only do that to a person by meeting with that person, so you’ve met him before, in fact, you’ve spoken to him, probably shook hands with him, because that’s the only way he could have gotten into your head, and planted, God knows what, there” Arion explained to her, she just has to remember where she met anyone like him, as far as he’s concerned they’ve recently met, because Beau recently left Britaris.

“I don’t remember ever meeting up with someone like that..” Adia spoke out, trying to remember the name Beau.

” Yes you have Adia, there’s no way he could have compelled you, compulsion doesn’t work on you, so try and remember where you met with him, maybe we can track him with that, he’s one tricky vampire..” Arion added,

” I…. I… don’t know but..” Adia stammered trying to get the name Beau.

” Dark skinned, extremely handsome, and smiles a lot, trust me, a smile never falls from his face, and it’s the most annoying smile ever..” Arion described scornfully, and Adia could guess, he and the so-called Beau are not on good terms.

” Dark…. skinned.. smiles.. at the party!!” Adia exclaimed as she finally remembered where they met.

“At the party, he just approached me claiming to be a friend, he had this annoying smile on his face, though he was wearing a mask and….”

” You shook hands with him..” Arion completed as Adia shot a glare at him.

” How did you…?”

“Because that’s the only way he must have gotten into your head, through direct skin contact..” Arion stated it seemed as if Adia had already become every vampire’s target.

” He seemed nice…” Adia shrugged her shoulders, she had no idea he was a vampire, and he looked as if he wouldn’t hurt a fly, the only flaw he had was his annoying smile, which never ceased to stop.

“That’s where you’re wrong..” Ace chimed in.

“No vampire is nice, we’re all vile creatures..” he added,

“I had no idea he was one..”

“But what business do I have with him, for him to do something like this to me?” Adia asked no one in particular, Beau is the only one who has the answer to this.

” Because he was just pulling your legs..” Sebastian spoke for the first time as Adia shot a glare at him.

” Pulling my legs’ ‘ she repeated in sarcasm.

“Yes” came Sebastian’s curt reply.

“Why, how is this pulling one’s legs?”

“Beau will never hurt you,” Ace answered, smiling widely.

“And how did you know about that?”

“Why do you think Sebastian hasn’t gone wild trying to find Beau, so he can undo whatever he did?” Ace asked, as realization dawned on Adia, Sebastian was strangely calm about all this, they all looked calm, he’s supposed to be ransacking the city trying to find Beau, but he was not.

” That’s because, Beau will knock on this door by himself, the idiot loves making unforgettable appearances, he’s just as annoying as our lovely Sebastian over here..” Ace said pointing at Sebastian.

” And why is that so?” Adia asked, seeing no reason, why getting into her head is making an appearance to somebody.

“Because Beau is like Sebastian’s old buddy back in Britaris, they were like close friends..” Ace informed, emphasizing on the word close.

“They basically did all sorts of evil together, they were Britaris worst nightmares, you get, they both killed people without no remorse..”

“Arion..” Sebastian growled in a dangerous tone.

“What it’s not as if I’m lying…Beau is harmless at least not to Adia, he’s technically your best friend, this is just how he loves joking about, gosh I hate his smiles…” Arion rolled his eyes walking away.

” So you’re saying my life is not in danger here?” Adia asked, surprised that Sebastian has a friend aside from Rowan, she thought Rowan was his only friend aside from his brothers, but whoever that Beau, he’ll pay for doing this, she’ll make him pay in her own way.

” Hopefully…” Ace said still unsure, maybe Beau has made a change of plans.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“That’s enough, Adia…” Sebastian called walking to Adia as he held her hand.

“Enough of all the questions, go to your room, I’ll take you there…” he volunteered, leading her up the stairs, as he took her to his room.

” Call me when you need anything..” he said to her, tucking her into bed, as he turned to leave, but was held back by Adia.

” Is there anything you need?” He asked,

“Yes,” she replied,

” What’s that?”

” I need you to tell me everything I need to know about vampires, Britaris stuff, and whatever..” Adia demanded sitting up on the bed.

” Adia..”

” I insist” she interrupted, holding her gaze with his, as she locked her eyes in his beautiful gray eyes.

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